
6 Reviews
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Evilenko (2003)
fascinating true story turned into a piece of crap
4 February 2006
A few years ago, I saw "Citizen X". I vaguely remembered this great film and the horrifying story it was about when my attention was drawn to "Evilenko, the real citizen X" in the videostore. It turned out to be a big disappointment. The description on the DVD-cover is more exciting than the film itself. The story jumps randomly forward in time, leaving a lot of questions unanswered, never really grabbing one's attention. The murderer gets a lot of screen time in the first 20 minutes, so you feel like seeing events from his perspective. Clearly, he's a freak, but more in a pathetic than a horrifying manner. His ability to "hypnotise" his victims comes out of the blue near the end of the film and made no sense to me. A lot of could-be-interesting supporting characters don't get enough time to evolve beyond flat-characters.

Watch Citizen X instead of Evilenko.
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Crash (I) (2004)
socialist propaganda
17 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie yesterday. It's quite worthless. The storyline is absurd, besides being a rip-off from Magnolia, the dialog is crappy, the behavior of the characters is unrealistic. Acting was fine, though. The only character that I was a little interested in, was the racist policeman. He's the only one with enough screen time to actually create a non-flat person.

What annoyed me most was the message of this film. Haggis assumes: -I think that I know who I am but I am wrong. -- What is that supposed to mean. I know perfectly well who I am. Haggis doesn't know me. -Every little issue is related to race.-- Not in The Netherlands it isn't! And, though I've never been to LA, I don't think that's the case anywhere. -Everyone is somewhat of a racist. -- Big deal. I never treat an individual different because of the color of his skin. Few people do. -We should all feel guilty for what a few white people do to a few colored people. -- Well I don't feel like it. Let everyone take their own responsibility.

Of course there's nothing wrong with a message that I don't agree with. But the same point is made over and over again every 5 minutes. Combined with the terrible string music and the commonplaces and the final "love and peace because it is snowing"-crap it made me want to leave the theater. But hey, I'm a Dutchman and I payed for it, so I endured it.

Everyone who likes to be annoyed should see this movie.

I'm tending towards giving this movie a 1/10, just to compensate for all those who give it 10/10 and call it "the best movie ever!". What is wrong with you people, didn't you ever see another movie? Were you on drugs while watching this? But to be honest I'll give it a 4/10, because of the strong acting and nice cinematographics.
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Black Knight (2001)
Black Page
22 April 2002
All I can say is that after 30 minutes I fell asleep out of complete boredom while watching this movie. It isn't funny, it has got no plot, and the concept has been used many times before, and better. The only positive thing about it is that one appreciates a good film even more after watching this one.
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The ultimate film
22 April 2002
I think this is a film like a film should be: There's almost no dialogue (needed), everything is told with pictures and sound/music. Also the subject is one of the best ever used: The wall people build and the mask they wear to protect themselves from being hurt by the the dangers of social contact. I like the story being so complex that it can be interpreted in many ways, especially the part were Pink is behaving like a dictator. I think this part is still happening in his head only, that he's being a dictator to his feelings, his longing to have contact with the outside world again. For suppressing his feelings and thus neglecting the people who try to love him, he's being judged in the end. Anyway, that's just an opinion, there's lots more to this film. Like with Pink Floyd CD's, I feel like experiencing this film over and over again.
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Memento (2000)
Great movie!!
9 April 2002
I've seen Memento three times now, and all three times it kept me thinking for days after I'd seen it. A great job is done by making you feel like Leonard himself, except for knowing already what the end will be. But the end is not the exciting part; it's the beginning that contains a great plot twist! I never experienced something like this before. A must-see!!! (9/10)
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Snatch (2000)
28 February 2002
What an amazing movie!! It's an almost perfect combination of strong dialogues and cool one-liners, good plot, brilliant acting (Brad Pitt again proves that he is one of the best actors of his generation), an outstanding soundtrack, and lots of British humour! However I don't understand people comparing it with Tarantino's movies. I don't think one can really compare movies from such different era's. Pulp Fiction was ingenious in the early 90s; Snatch was ingenious in 2000. People change a lot in such a timespan, especially in sense of humour and dealing with violence.
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