
7 Reviews
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a masterpiece of modern cinema
12 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Have to admit, went into this expecting a decent film but instantly forgettable, stumbled out of the cinema 2 1/2 hours later completely blown away.

This is a film of inspired quality that deserves to be mentioned among greats such as Raging Bull, the Godfather and The Deer Hunhter.

The cinematography is perfect, just as the aforementioned Raging Bull every shot can be taken and framed as a work of art, its just that beautiful.

And the acting is spot on, not one performance is lacking, Casey Affleck in particular deserves praise for his pitch perfect performance as the nervous weaselly Robert Ford also Pitt who excels in playing pshycopaths (Fight Club, 12 Monkeys, Kalifornia) underplays the deeply troubled James perfectly This films needs to be seen by all, for best viewing find the biggest cinema screen you can sit back and enjoy
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Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
27 August 2007
The 1st thing thought of when you hear the story line of this must be "wibble?", the strangest and one of the most original story's I've seen in a film in a long time.

For a film so random i did expect pure cheese on toast, switch brain off and just look at the screen type of o movie, what i got was an alarmingly touching movie about the alienation of the elderly in our society, that just happens to be masquerading as a horror film.

The performances are perfect, Bruce Campbell delivers what is a career best as the elderly Elvis and Ossie Davis (in his last ever screen role) is remarkable as JFK (youl want to view his earlier work after witnessing this) A great great film for horror buffs and fans of drama alike
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ahh nostalgia
27 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, No Retreat, No Surrender, this seems like it was made for people who just love terrible films, its so bad that its actually really good Billed as a Van Damme movie (though hes just a silent bad guy and not in it much), this has all you can desire from a film.

Bad acting, bad dialogue, bad dubbing, suitably cheesy undeniably 80s soundtrack. Want that ? look no further its here.

The only true redeeming thing about this film is the fight scenes are not all that bad, good martial arts by people who know what they are doing, (though let down by the inappropriate THWACK that follows even the lightest of taps) Want a laugh? watch it then
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Fright Night (1985)
welcome to fright night
27 August 2007
Strange one this, went into it expecting to laugh at another poorly made film from the 80s that i enjoyed when young but turns out to be complete rubbish.

So was heartily surprised when it turned out this film is actually really good, surprisingly well made and there are many laughs during the course of this film but they are intended, (apart from one heroically bad special effect) The effects in this film (except for th aforementioned) are remarkably good also, in this age of doing everything cgi films such as fright night are a reminder of how good certain things can look when done handmade rather than just using a computer to do it for you.

Basically watch this film, its a fun couple of hours
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Hillside Cannibals (2006 Video)
wish i could say something good
10 August 2007
right this must act as a warning stay away from this garbage film, I'm already miffed that i got suckered in and actually paid for the DVD. This tedious garbage seems to be utterly devoid of plot, all you get is some kids (of which it is impossible to care about devoid of personality as they are) go to the dessert get eaten by cannonballs who enjoy incest, thats it the plot save you watching this utter utter tripe. The only thing that is mildly decent about this is the effects are OK which hints at either a really good effects team or this film was funded far more money than it deserves. Terrible STAY AWAY. Seriously terrible not even in the so bad its good category
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top work
10 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is the good one the best of the trilogy, which sees ash transported back through time to kick deadite butt in the middle ages. Not as gloopy as the previous Evil Dead instalments largely cause most of the deadites featured are in fact skeletal. Basically rip roaring action with amazing set pieces, and amusing dialogue "Gimmie some sugar baby" well worth spending 90 Min's watching, for the best entertainment id suggest the directors cut version which features more battle scenes which makes the film even better also has the alternate ending of Ash sleeping to long, the first "happy(ish) ending is good but the other far superior
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not at all that bad
9 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
this movie isn't at all bad. granted the effects can be poor as well as the acting but lets face it, its a horror movie so this can be expected. the director didn't do bad considering the obvious low budget. and granted there does seem to be nudity which appears to be added afterwards as an attempt to bump up the ratings to something a lot higher than it really deserves, but for all the bad reviews its been getting no one seems to spot that it was reasonably well made with its tongue firmly in its cheek and some inadvertent comedy sections to it. Basically if you enjoy random horror rent it or buy it its makes for a semi decent night in
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