
72 Reviews
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Shame (2011)
Pretty Boring and Erotic...
21 February 2012
Shame is not something you will regret after watching (offcourse the hot sex :p) but its neither anything which you will enjoy. Its just mediocre. The best part is the acting by Michael and Carrey, they both made their characters pretty interesting. And their relationship could make you think about their past and their unusual (messed up) lives.

The original score of the movie is another good point. and I was not really able to find anything else that I could praise. Every thing is pretty average. The maximum I would rate this movie would be 6/10, 5.5 would be better. and I am disappointed. but you might like it better. Its not good or bad , its just DULL because there is no story and at the end you have to come up with your own story.
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An Intelligent Comedy
3 February 2012
Woody Allen sure is one of my favorite directors, Midnight In Paris is another addition to his beautiful work. The Direction, script and Art direction of the movie is marvelous. The story is very light but it is EXTREMELY interesting. I loved the movie and a few scenes had exceptional humor in them. Performances are fine and the length of the movie is just perfect so that you a entertained all the way.

I'd love to give it a 8.5/10.

Nominated for 4 Oscars, the movie deserves the accolades!!! Thumbs Up. Recommended for most of viewers (Mild sexual references, smoking and alcohol)
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Melancholia (2011)
The earth comes to it end...... but Classically.
16 November 2011
The earth comes to it end......Sounds haunting? yes it sure does. They have made films like this before how the earth will end. Different religions have different beliefs but they have the doomsday in common.

Films have been made before and some of them were pretty decent, Melancholia 2011 is just like them with some added slow motion prolonged scenes and beautiful visuals.

Melancholia's best part is its direction. Even the story told is not very good, the way its translated on screen is neat. The length of the movie is more than 2 hours in which at least 30 minutes of the movie are EXCESSIVE. Performances are decent and the plot looks interesting and haunting. I am neither disappointed by it by any means nor impressed. But the whole impact of the movie is positive.

8/10. Classic!
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Once (I) (2007)
Beautiful Movie..... Wonderful Soundtracks
12 November 2011
First of all I'd say ... The ending of the movie is one of the best movie endings EVER. Its is very simple movie .. I won't say ordinary but it left me with an impact. Plus the soundtracks of the movie are awesome.... Falling slowly, When your mind, if you want me...... excellent soundtracks.

I always have been a musical fan and I liked this movie.... its simple and still powerful.... deals with music and emotions.

Just a story of a girl and a boy .... Probably a love story or just friendship but whatever you take it as .... its beautiful.

The performances are decent and movie is made alright. considering its budget I won't criticize it still remember the movie in Top 250 and it still is rated pretty good 8.0.. with a 8.3 arithmetic average.

8.5/10. Recommended.
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A Separation (2011)
A Good One
12 November 2011
A Separation is a pretty decent movie, Very well made! The performances are brilliant by the entire cast. The story is not very focused on the TOPIC but its done on purpose, to get the attention of the audience. "ugly truth,sweet lies".....

The story is pretty interesting and the script is also written wisely.The movie has a limited budget but it is exceptional business all over the world.... No doubt it will be getting attention in the award season and I hope it gets better recognition.

The best part of the movie is its end. Its painful and heartbreaking ...... and that is where I got the idea of the movie when I thought of every thing as a child and I was glad they ended it this way...

7.5 by me .... very good movie.
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Extremely Powerful and Depressing Drama.............
6 November 2011
I was not expecting it to be a wonderful movie because I didn't like The Wrestler much, Black Swan was pretty good but not great. I just watched it because I was free and I had the DVD.

The movie surprisingly is original. It has potential... because of its powerful story, it was strong. I was curious and was thinking about the characters how they would have been feeling and that must be pretty bad.

I watched the director's cut which is the most graphic version. (still not that explicit) and I did find the movie extremely depressing. The last 15-20 minutes are the best part of the movie (One of the best sequences I have ever seen)..... The movie starts normal and the intensity of emotions and story starts increasing and the ending become extremely potent and hard to watch.

The performances by the entire cast are WONDERFUL. The direction and screenplay are solid. The Original score is awesome.

Overall Requiem for a Dream (2000) is unforgettable........ not only because its disturbing but its very well made in all aspects.

9/10. Recommended.
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Carriers (2009)
I Will Be Alone....
30 October 2011
Carriers 2009 is an All right movie but while I was watching, I could remember some other Virus flicks. Performances were fine, original score and album was pretty decent. Also there was some good scenery of beautiful Mountain regions of America.( I am not sure but Colorado ... i guess).

The story was not bad and there was little violence, which I consider good because all other movies with such subject are pretty gory. I didn't find the movie boring or dull but it wasn't some thing very good either.

I will give it a 6.5/10. watch it and you won't regret it.
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Atonement (2007)
An Eternal Love Story
29 October 2011
Atonement 2007 sure is one of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen. Joe Wright's sentimental direction ,Gorgeous cinematography, the emotional score and beautiful performances are the factors which make Atonement One of the most special movies to me. It gives a splendid novel the film it deserves.

Atonement is effective at getting under the skin, I cried watching it. It sure is the worst thing that you cannot get what you ACTUALLY want..... It is haunting and Beautifully disturbing.

The best Part is Cinematography, Art Direction and Original Score. (best of the year) And as far as the year goes, I believe Atonement is the best movie of 2007.

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Lust, Caution (2007)
Extremely powerful tale of Passion and Love
2 October 2011
Lust, Caution 2007 indeed is one of the best films of 2007. Director Ang Lee once again delivers a quality movie. Set in WWII-era, the movie is an emotional tale at its best.

There are things about the movie which are simply great. Cinematography is so well that it feels like you are going through the actual movie and it has a huge impact on the movie's interest development. The two and a half hour (I do say its long) of the movie is not boring at any time. The direction is powerful and the screenplay is genuine. Performances by the entire cast are also very well. The love making scenes look very original, must have been hard to film but they are not offensive or unnecessary. (Not for kids)

Original Score by Alexandre Desplat is very nice to hear. and Rodrigo Prieto once again add a strong cinematography for the film. He not getting nominated for Oscar is a shame.

Overall, the movie is very well done and the story told grabs your emotions hard and leave you thinking about LOVE at the end.

And when it comes to Accolades, I think the movie is snubbed by most... there were statements that the movie is not from a single country but considering Slumdog Millionaire being from at least 6 different countries and winning the best Picture Oscar, it should have been nominated for few Oscars but I don't really care about that its still a CLASSIC.

Its another excellent movie by Ang Lee. 9.5/10 Recommended to everyone.
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Memories Haunt,.. Mysterious skin is Dark, Depressing, and Defying.
18 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First of all. I'd say I tried to watch this movie about an year ago with my friends but they all started yelling at its content. It was too disgusting and graphic for them. (I certainly mean graphic as in gay, but they enjoy watching Straight porn). So I had to turn it off.

After about an year I watched it and I was amazed by the quality of the film. Its very well made movie with a dark subject. We all know have memories which we just want to forget but we can't. We keep them with us even if we don't want to.

The movie tells a story of two boys who were abused in their childhood. The story told is exceptionally good. Considering the budget movie, All I can say is that the movie a must watch.

Recommended. DONOT WATCH WITH KIDS. 9/10.
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Sorority Row (2009)
14 August 2011
I watched it with my brother, he said its good. we both agreed! the start was fine and the twist was pretty shocking. But as the movie passed it just became TERRIBLE. The story went worse and it remained the same but the ending got WORST. extremely poor and disappointing ending I was forcing myself to watch it. There was nothing interesting left.

There were some unnecessary scenes including the shower scene. There were some parts which were interesting, the killing were cruel and I liked most of them but honestly overall, the movie sucked.

The best part is its start 10-15 mins.

If you have time and nothing else to do AND you have the DVD, you might wanna watch it. I didn't enjoy it.

My rating 3.5/10
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12 Monkeys (1995)
Incredible!!! MILD SPOILERS
24 July 2011
Terry Gilliam might be a smart director, but after watching Twelve Monkeys I am a little more convinced. Twelve Monkeys is just INCREDIBLE.

Its entertaining, thrilling, interesting and Mind Screwing. But its not like the other Psychological thrillers. The 2 hours are lengthy but the screenplay captures your attention throughout.

The Sci-fi and psychological mixture turns out GREAT and the movie doesn't leaved you confused at the ending.

Brad Pitt played a pretty nice character. Cinematography was pretty genuine. Screenplay was clever and direction was fine. Over All it was really worth a watch.

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Splice (2009)
Interesting movie!
22 July 2011
Splice 2010,

Director: Vincenzo Natali Writer: Vincenzo Natali, Starring Adrien Brody & Sarah Polley


As the Sci-fi genre meets horror, there are many horrible movies we all have seen, including movies from All over the world from many countries. Splice falls in the same genre but unlike them its pretty neat movie NOT TOO MUCH FOCUSED on only SCI-FI genre. It also contains some dramatic and emotion sequences which are also fine. The screenplay, direction, performance, cinematography might not be the best but they are nothing to criticize on.

I enjoyed the movie and in my opinion the current rating of 6.1 on IMDb is a little low. Even it was pretty fine with critics. metacritic 66/100 and rotten tomatoes 77% fresh!

I'd recommend this movie to any adult. Its not a perfect movie but not a movie that you'd regret after watching either!
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I'd Kiss Guillermo del Toro.....
7 June 2011
WOW. I am a huge fan of Guillermo del Toro..... Why Shouldn't I be? Because I am sane. :D The Devil's Backbone might not be the Guillermo del Toro strongest or best movie. but Its another beautiful haunting tale which bonds you with his FANTASY world. The cinematography , Direction, Screenplay are excellent. The story is very entertaining and genuine. All the spirit and ghost themes makes you believe. The story is not the strongest part of the movie and it could have been better (IMO) but I won't criticize because the screenplay is written wisely.

The Performance by the entire cast is fine and the violence sequence are pretty genuine. Special effects (though there are few) are realistic. Plus the score is also very fine.

Overall, The Devil's Backbone is a pretty amazing movie and compelling not only for adults but children. (Caution: Some themes, violence and Sex)
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Super 8 (2011)
3 June 2011
Super 8 is nice movie with awesome cinematography and superb editing and a very interesting story which centers group of children in 1979 who are filming and something very unexpected happens. Super 8 might be the best summer movie of 2011 but who knows there are many other titles coming which of course I have not seen. JJ Abrams sure is a nice director. The suspense of the movie is extreme at some points and the sound effects make it even intense.

Performance by the entire cast is OK and the script/dialogue/story is pretty genuine and the movie looks like very REAL and you are compelled to believe it.

Cinematography is another very positive point of the movie and the scenes really take you 30 years back.Original Score is nice too.

IMO the movie will enjoy excellent critic/public/award response this year. and business will be good as well.

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Funny People (2009)
17 May 2011
Funny People was funny a few times but most of the times it was dull, poorly scripted and acted. Performance by Adam Sandler was as usual fake but I was really disappointed by Eric Bana, very poor performance. Direction by Judd Aptow is OK. But overall verdict of the movie would be POOR.

4/10 is my generous rating for the movie. It has nothing, nothing at all and its not even funny. The jokes are mostly sexual in a disgusting way but I admit some of them make you laugh. But again , Its a poor movie.

Worst Part: Story, Screenplay, Eric Bana ..... there's nothing interesting in the story.

Best Part: Seth Rogan.

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Easy A (2010)
Yup... Very Easy A. :)
30 April 2011
Easy A, starring Emma stone is a surprisingly good entertaining movie. Which weird and cool performance by Emma, funny theme and a light story line, Easy A easily earns a lot of audience (not only girls).

Every thing in the movie is very fine that is why its loved by both critics and audience. I believe this is the best movie of Emma Stone's career, She totally deserved the Golden Globe Nomination for her role.

Now take a look on Whats not so good in the movie. Repeating, the movie has tons of entertainment its well made and well paced and the screenplay is funny. I think the Ending of the movie is COMMON. It could have been better or different. We have seen movies end like this. Other than that Easy A is really Easy A IMO.
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The Facebook's Movie is F***ing awesome.....
27 February 2011
In my opinion The Social Network is a best surprise of 2010. It just blew me away. I could never guess what this was all about. The writing, direction, acting, editing, original score, editing and cinematography were brilliant.

Fincher has proved his versatility. Every time new genre, but awesome stuff I deeply respect him. He is one of the few directors who have made all of their movies up to the mark. All of the content in the movie are compelling.. the story being true isn't the strongest (which certainly is OK considering reality) but the way story has been told is mind blowing.

I can see why all the critics are raving about it. I personally liked it very much and didn't see any negative point. I'd rather say its near perfect considering all the situations that its recent, its true and its not what every one would like to hear about. But when seen as a movie The Social Network is probably the best picture of 2010.

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Rabbit Hole (2010)
Close To my heart...
26 February 2011
The John Cameron Mitchell's feature is extremely moving and strikes direct at heart and emotions. The Direction, Performances, Story, Cinematography, Screenplay and other content of the movie are very fine. Overall movie is genuine and very moving. Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart gave authentic performances.Which make it intense, heartbreaking and numbing.

It is certainly one of the best movies of 2010. under-rated by both critics and IMDb users, given painfully less accolades at Major awards, Rabbit Hole is a drama which will be remembered by many.

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True Grit (2010)
Nice Movie...... Exceptional Content.
18 February 2011
True Grit 2010 is a very good movie although it losses the strong grip in few sequences. The Direction, Acting, Story/Screenplay, Editing and most of the content are praiseworthy but The Cinematography is Outstanding, it makes the movie look very real and takes you in 1800's.

Considering it's a remake, I must say it might be a better version because it creates an even better environment. I was not sure that I'd like the movie (because I didn't like No Country For Old Men much) I was not expecting anything but I was wrong its very good. Also I didn't expect any thing funny but there were thing made me laugh.

I am going to give it a 8.2/10. 10 Oscar nominations are deserved IMO.
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Funny, Emotional and Touching....
13 February 2011
Lars and the Real Girl 2007 is surprisingly a very fine drama with Ryan Gosling's strong performance, good direction, fine screenplay and strange (in a good way) story. A man who falls for a doll. Sounds funny..... yes it does.

The movie is very funny at times and very sad in the second half. The dramatic content are appear more than the funny/romantic ones but in a respective way which not only entertains but bonds with the characters and the movie.

I will give it an 8/10 because I liked it ..... it was kind of good weird story (I like weird thing).And I liked the characters and story of the movie. (but not very much) still 8/10.
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A Strong Modern Drama
26 January 2011
1 million dollar, yes that the budget of the movie. But the quality of the movie is far higher than that. The movie is a love story told from the beginning and the ending randomly and sure is very well told and contains terrific performances.

Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling give exceptional performances..... Ryan sure is snubbed for Oscar Nomination. I liked the movie and it's clever yet simple screenplay brought a high quality drama on screen without spending lot on the production. Thus Blue Valentine is not only a viewer's choice but a critically acclaimed profitable venture.

9/10. Excellent.
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
.....Every Day Above Ground Is A Good One.....
26 January 2011
Six feet Under, is a beautiful portrayal of Life. The pains, joys, sorrows are all part of life and we all know that in the end we DIE. But the memories and time that we spend never dies it exists in some sort of feeling in others and memories.

The Five Seasons were extremely good. And each episode was well made and acted. It was really wonderful to watch the complete series. I'd love to congratulate the cast/crew/directors/writers on the wonderful achievement.

The Drama is Bold and accurate about life and how we live it.Thus is one the few best TV series ever made. I was extremely attached with the series, there was a bond created b/w me and this. I could feel it, I cried, I laughed and I was moved. I will never forget this in my life.

The concept is brilliant and it revolves around death which is depressing but in a good way......

10/10. Must watch.
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All The Bad Things Don't Last Forever... But Continue In Different Forms... OR Rage.
25 January 2011
The purpose of watching this movie was that the critics have praised the movie enough and secondly the Oscars are on the way.

Best part of the movie is the story told in simple way with no formulas or junk twists. Secondly performances, James Frecheville is a fine actor, I really liked his role and his performance. and screenplay are fine. Direction is OK but not very fine because to me the movie wasn't put together very well so there might be uninspiring content in screenplay too.

My Accolades for the movie, Supporting actress, Story (Screenplay), Best Picture of the year. I hope it gets nominated in these 3 categories for Oscars.

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Winter's Bone (2010)
22 January 2011
Winter's Bone 2010, based on a novel from Daniel Woodrell (A crime Writer) and directed by Debra Granik is a BIG SURPRISE. It exceeded my expectations because it was a different but meaningful story with a Sensible direction on a fine screenplay. With Jennifer Lawrence's strong performance its even more interesting and the unclear parts of the movie are mysterious.. reminded me of one of my all time favorite movie "Brokeback Mountain". And the Cinematography of the movie was also praiseworthy, I am hoping it to get an Oscar nomination.

anyways I am giving it a 9/10... A very fine Drama which deserves some accolades. Recommended........
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