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Angie (1979–1980)
Married characters shorten the series
18 July 2023
This is very sad that once the characters get married it is a recipe for the series to end. If you notice shows for example that have lasted a good number or years are the followings. Dr Quinn medicine woman, The Nanny,, I dream of Jeannie, who is the boss, mad about you, Alice. It could also mean the luck of the show because the following shows have had a number of years and the partners are married from the beginning which are I Love Lucy, The Brady bunch, The Munsters, the jeffersons, the waltons,.

So if Angie and her boyfriend would have at least been engaged for 2 years we probably could have the series lasted longer so that's probably why the show ended, they married them too soon. I guess long engagements is like a mystery that looks very attractive and enjoy the suspense.
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Sad but Happy Thanksgiving
12 June 2023
This is what real story is made of. Hate that Bray had to see another heartache. It' should have a good ending for Marjorie and Bray that they should have called the Reverend to do a last minute wedding ceremony that way they can both come to heaven and be very bride an groom. At least Marjorie would have done the marriage ceremony just as a last gift for Bray before she passes on. Glad Sally did not have to spend the Thanksgiving holidays alone in the cold cave. Dr Quinn's other sister should have hooked up with Horace. Maybe it was good that Sully was hiding out that way he could have probably avoided diphtheria himself.
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Who's the Boss?: Savor the Veal: Part 3 (1992)
Season 8, Episode 24
They could have had another successful 9
1 June 2023
The cast could have asked for a lot of money and they could have just asked for a few episodes just work half the season and end it till Christmas or New years. First of all they could have have had probably shows about Jonathan senior year and his father would come to the graduation. Tony would probably accept a job as a substitute teacher as he finds an opening for a regular teacher then Samantha is expecting her first child. And then there's of course the wedding that everybody has waited of Tony snd Angels. Then Angela surprises everybody because she's finally having a second child by Tony. Hank going to go ahead and go to medical school but he's doing the puppet profession to pay for his tuition.. Toi bad they could not extend it.
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The Waltons: The Move (1981)
Season 9, Episode 8
Strike 3 and this series is out because main stars gone.
1 June 2023
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The Waltons is not the same without John Boy Richard Thomas, ma and now pa.

How can you have a family show with all the parents not there at all. In that case this show ought to be called party of seven.

Thankfully they all came back for the TV movies. But everything happens for a reason. But I feel like those three should of work something out since the series was almost ending.

Luckily there was no sudden cancellation or that the Walton kids hang in there.

I'm glad that they allowed called say goodbye everybody had their moment to say goodbye.

There could have been cameo scenes of course the phone calls and letters.
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A Walton Easter (1997 TV Movie)
Should have been open about Walton Spouses and Kids.
29 May 2023
Mary Ellen should have said the kids were from artificial insemination. She is a medical professional knowing her own pregnancy would be lethal.

Still no Jonesey and John Curtis. If he was gone he left because of serving his country.

Why is Paul left Erin. Erin should have found someone.

Elizabeth needs to have another boyfriend to move on from Curtis. She would have been unhappy as an untraveled house wife.

So sorry Jim Bob had no girlfriend or wife.

Baldwin Sisters should have turned their home into a retirement and nursing home center. That way they were never lonely. Ashley turned up as a patient, he never died he was mistaken as dead.
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There is a. Blind School. In Iowa.
8 May 2023
There should have been a part 3 because there was a lot going on in the college where Mary was going Google Iowa blind school and you will see more of information about Mary's experiencing the college

Mary graduated at the age of twenty-four, in June, 1889. She was one of eight in her graduating class which consisted of five females and three males. At the commencement exercises, she recited a Robert Burns essay entitled "Bide a Wee and Dinna Weary." After graduation, Mary spent most of her remaining life living in the family home in DeSmet, South Dakota. Mary and her mother were highly active in the church, and Mary taught Sunday School class.
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The Waltons: The Song (1975)
Season 3, Episode 22
Joannie loves Jason and Ben.
7 May 2023
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Bubba and Luann get back in the house. Sally Ann's little brother and sister are so cute sticking out their tongue at Jason.

Another guest star from Happy Days is guest starring in The Waltons and she can sing too. Sally Ann and Ben make a wonderful music together it's a shame that they don't end up together. This is the only time that Erin will appear in The Waltonsok

What do you mean Jason's a senior and he can kiss all the girls? I really hate it to see Jason and Ben fighting over Sally Ann who is played Erin Murphy.

So did you know Elvira is actress Mary Jo Catlett is The Voice of Mrs Puff of SpongeBob.
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I wish there was a memory of the best of Albert
6 May 2023
Every time I see this episode sometimes I wish they had included a memory of all the scenes that were the best of Albert.

They could have had like the ones the little house years where it's a three-part episode when Laura talks about the memories.

The scenes that I'm talking about they should have put a scene the first time they met Albert, the time when Mr Ingalls ask Albert to live with him , Fagan the time when the Ingalls adopted Albert the lake kezia monster the cheaters, boys will be boys. And the world of Walnut Grove. And of course they could have ended the part where Albert lectures the class not to use drugs. This was such a great show.
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Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: Crossing the Line (1994)
Season 2, Episode 12
Bye Ericka
4 May 2023
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I'm sorry to see Erica go. But there are two sides of the story. Erica was still managed to find other acting jobs.

Luckily her reason didn't hurt her career

Lauren should have kept it to himself where where he found the bones.

This episode was kind of creepy. The tribe disturbing the grave for dinasaur bones was taken away they got to do something else. I thought I was going to see a dinosaur. You really don't miss much so you can do is just watch the beautiful actors that's it. This episode is just going to put you to sleep

Not a favorite episode. Just watching to see Erica one last time.
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The Waltons: The Heritage (1974)
Season 2, Episode 17
Don't Miss This Episode
4 May 2023
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The beginning of the show made me feel a bit embarrassing because it made me feel like I was walking in the bathroom and I caught Grandpa and John Boy taking a bath. That scene sort of wants to make you cover your eyes. It was such a tender moment when you see Grandpa and Grandma viewing the mountains alone together that's what true love is all about. At the almost end of the episode, Ellen Corby and Will Greer have talent that's good enough to be in the Dancing with the Stars show. It was such a cute moment seeing Jim Bob and little Elizabeth asleep without a worry as he tries to to tell his parents that they should not sell the house.
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The Waltons: The Separation (1973)
Season 2, Episode 3
Grandma, Grandpa is not a bed hopper.
1 May 2023
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And neither is your son. The grand boys are curious. I wish I can change places with you because it was still an era where husbands were loyal to their wives. However you know they were still able to do a lot more talking and do a little bit more free handyman wusebut not go to bed. This was really best episode those two really made me laugh during their arguments. Luckily Cora Beth is not in those scenes yet or else she would also be complaining to Grandpa by sleeping in Ike's store. Luckily the grandkids didn't know what was going on , how it feel sorry for Elizabeth you would probably be crying. Grandma never heard what really happened and she never apologized to Grandpa. It only took us dance that brought them back together.
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There should be a Part 3 of Ladies Night
28 April 2023
Thank you so much for talking about Breast Cancer . I'm not suffering from breast cancer but I'm dealing with another medical issue that that is also a struggle. I just pray to God that I won't have to get amputation or also not deal with breast cancer cuz I already have enough medical problems as it is. The reason why I said that there should be a part 3 it's because I want to know how Dorothy deals on her first day without her breast and how she plans to address it to the public as far as is she going to put stockings so that way the figure could be normal. And also I would like to see what happens to Colleen in her classroom the next the following day. I'm so glad that Dorothy has Loren as a friend to deal with her issues and I'm very disappointed with Jake decision about Dorothy but that's how life goes and we deal with it and go on.
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The Waltons: The Minstrel (1972)
Season 1, Episode 14
Dada didn't Preach
27 April 2023
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Oh Mary Ellen. You you just turned 13 and it's the beginning of a whole New world. When Mary Ellen asked John Boy is something wrong with me John Boy should have just said that nothing's wrong with you it's just that you are no longer a child like Elizabeth. I know that Jamie told Mary Ellen that she's still a child. But Jamie should have said that you can't go along with me because you still have some more growing up to do and you should complete your child years and then when you're old enough you can come away with me cause your old enough to decide if this is what you want,. I am alone cause I only want to look only after myself. Thankfully he didn't take advantage of her or she be stuck as a teenage Mom. Luckily John boy said she can come home. I am hungry for an 🍎. Did Mary Ellen got reward to DC for running away? She go alone?
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Little House on the Prairie: Injun Kid (1977)
Season 3, Episode 15
Nobody got punished
24 April 2023
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Willie Olson has been sent to the corner for minor pranks. But Seth and his friends should have been sent to the corner or sent home for a week for what they assaulted Joseph Stokes. However the grandfather forgave them and will not report them so long as they respect his grandson Joseph. In my opinion they deserve to be either the corner or just sent home for a week. I really felt bad seeing all those bruises on Joseph"s face. If it would have been in 20th century those boys would have gone to juvenile detention. The positive side of this story we learn how Joseph prays that doesn't require a church. And he is also able to tame a wild horse by putting him in the lake. I felt very sad when he was trying to impress his grandfather by bringing the horse to him that he did not steal it he just had good intentions of showing him that he is able to tame a horse.
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Gilligan's Island: The Little Dictator (1965)
Season 2, Episode 3
Ay Caramba, Dictador not really a Latin American.
24 April 2023
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"Ahh, chihuahua!"" The actor who was playing the Dictador with a Spanish ascent was born in Jerusalem.

This confirmes no episode of series had no Latin Guest Stars . The episode was excellent. But the role could have been played by Desi Arnaz, Ricky Ricardo of the show I love Lucy.

All my life I thought actor Nehemiah Persoff in the title role of Pancho Hernando Gonzales Enriques Rodriguez, El Presidente of the South American Republic of Ecuarico, was believable as a Hispanic. He did wonderful role as a exiled to a life of solitude on Gilligan's island after his regime has been overthrown. He was vile with the use of his pistol as he takes control of the castaways as their new President. They try to get him to empty his gun of bullets. It's appropriate and sexy to see Ginger eliminating all of the President's bullets. It was frightening revealing in the dream sequence that Gilligan is to be nothing but a 'puppet ' complete with strings.

As El Presidente was going back to his country, the boat had three passengers. They had enough room for one more passenger, like professor, so that he is able to contact the authorities to come rescue the castaways in the island. But then it would have ended the series and no more episodes. As Gilligan quoted :Buenas Noches. Good Night.
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Little House on the Prairie: Troublemaker (1976)
Season 2, Episode 17
Response about Ms Beadle home
22 April 2023
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Miss Beadle lives and rents in one of the rooms in the hotel building above the post office. The same building is where Reverend Alden rents whenever he's in Walnut Grove to preach Sundays and Wednesdays.

I think The reason I think they did it is that way is ian affordable housing. Staying at the Hotel is better instead of living with a family like Whisper county and Sweet 16 episodes. Or I think the school board paid Ms Beadle for room and housing In order to have privacy m instead of having to live with a family. But Ms Beadle will have a home of her own once she meets and goes courting and then gets married to Mr. Adam Sims on the episode "here comes the brides."
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Who's the Boss?: Losers and Other Strangers (1986)
Season 2, Episode 19
Revenge revenge is sweet for a little while.
22 April 2023
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This is the side of Angela I really don't like. But then again who isn't guilty of being critical or sore loser. But at least Tony was there that she wouldn't cause drama. But I'm kind of glad at the end that Angela decided to put the air back the air that she let out in the in her competitor's tires. Rita Wilson is the sweetest angel and sort of steals the show and I like the way that she acknowledged Angela for her triumphs. Mona wears a purple dress that would put Barney to shame. I also enjoyed Angela"s dress that has that is backless. In the end I don't know how Jonathan manages to memorize the spelling of long words.
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Who's the Boss?: Jonathan Plays Cupid (1986)
Season 2, Episode 17
Expensive Date
22 April 2023
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Jonathan wanted Tony never to leave because he has been very participant in his activities. So he sets a date with his Mom. With Tony . Which I probably would have done the same thing if that was my mom and I like the housekeeper. Looks like money talks because the restaurant got the credit card information and also gave out the name of who set the reservation. Thank God it wasn't me cuz I would have to go back to the restaurant and tell management that it was a mistake. And and if they could donate some leftovers that will not be used the next day since they had a pretty much of a big bill to pay. I think in this 21st century probably the bill might have been $600 or maybe close to 1,000 depending on what the wine was. The sad part about it is that Tony should have said that he would pay Angela half of the meal or partial. The only good thing about it is that Tony told Jonathan that he will still be his friend even though Angela and Tony separate or is no or if Tony's no longer living in the house.
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Who's the Boss?: Custody: Part 1 (1985)
Season 2, Episode 6
Double Trouble
22 April 2023
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Well Angela thought she was going to get proposed by he EX Mr. Bower. But the surprise was on her because he's going to remarry a Barbie look-alike younger woman The whole gang wants to go to the wedding but they really wanted to go see California instead. Of course everything just turns out all Rosy for Jonathan and his new stepmother. But as soon as the wedding came the new stepmother realizes that it's not a walk in the park to raise Jonathan so no full-time custody. And having Tony at the wedding reception helped ease the pain and make Angela realize that she really doesn't need to be married to be a successful woman that she is doing great on her own otherwise she would have to be stuck as a housewife not doing anything but a secretary or chores.
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The Waltons: The Travelling Man (1980)
Season 8, Episode 21
Good Chemistry
19 April 2023
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Nice story of Rose and Stanley Perkins about their relationship because it looks real. Rose has a great makeover. Rose is right to get the blessing of her grandkids to a future proposal. Stanley could have been continuing traveling and be married to Rose. Jeffrey's new dog who is in the teething stage is never seen again after the episode just like Harold the cat. Jim Bob could have made another ladder to go back to the loft. Lucky for John that Jim Bob didn't leave home. The whole house members has a good Chemistry to keep going and living together. No wedding yet for Rose now but later on there will be one.
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The Waltons: The Waiting (1979)
Season 8, Episode 10
Thomas should have made a special appearance..
19 April 2023
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Richard Thomas should have came back in this episode. The reason because there was not too many lines to memorize. It would have been more believable. Kinda ruined the Thanksgiving cause of the new John boy. Then Michael learned was in her final episode to help the Red Cross. It's a shame because we know that the real mother of the waltons would not leave unless all the children are past 18 years of age. Thankfully they had Rose to boost some morale in the household while the parents were away. And then they forgot to say where grandma was. I think it would have been better if they didn't have a replacement actor or at least find an actor identical to Thomas.
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