
8 Reviews
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1670 (2023– )
Could watch it everyday
6 January 2024
Had no expectations except just pure excitement about another production based on our culture. I got so hyped up after trailer was released and couldn't wait until the premiere. One of the best if not the best polish serie ever made. Full of humor that is not overwhelming and isn't cringe at the same time. It makes you smile, even laugh from time to time and also the photos are really great. I loved how aesthetic this serie was. Each episode has its spark and you can definitely see that the crew the same as the actors did everything to bring the soul into that masterpiece. I recommend this to everyone, who's looking for a quick, funny show to spend your free time in a really pleasant way.
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Hannibal (2013–2015)
What is the whole hype about?
5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've heard a lot about this serie and finally, after all these years, decided to watch it. I have never been much into gore series nor movies, but I let it a try and well. It wasn't the thing i expected.

I'm a person who pays a lot of attention to details and here, there was a lot of them. A lot of them, that were actually more like big parts of the story rather than small ones. They were actually creating the whole world. And here we are, with the most nonsense things we could ever see. I'm aware it's a tv show and that not everything will be as in real life, but there are things that you just don't change, otherwise you get a serie named Hannibal. I couldn't understand so many situations, for example where Hannibal just run away to France without being cought nor anything. There's so many things like this, especially in season 3, which is just one big mess.

There are good parts of the serie too, visually it looks really great. I loved most of the crime scenes, mostly those from season 1 and half of the season 2, since that's where everything started to go down. I feel like there was so many screenwriters working on the season, that they couldn't figure out what they actually want to show in the serie and that's why it's such a big chaos. Also, it could be just 2 season of it. Get rid of the most chaotic, messy and useless scenes that don't impact on the main story.
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Green Border (2023)
A movie that everyone should watch
2 October 2023
Even before the premiere of this movie, there was a lot of drama going on already. Everyone was reviewing it even though all they saw was a tiny bit of trailer. Sometimes, not even that. Even polish government started to make their own propaganda to make people believe it was anti-polish movie and all of that just so they could gain more voters before election that will happen soon. In some cities, it's even banned to be played in cinemas. That's how current government's world works and will work if they win again. No free speech, full censorship of anything that may be offensive towards government and many many more. But it's not about it.

Movie itself is build on politics, so it's hard to not talk about them. Though, I don't think that Holland wanted to attack the army itself, as some of the people think she did, but rather the corruption and how government overused their power. How they forced people to act like there was no human rights, like those people on the other side of the fence were nothing. This movie isn't about letting illegal migrants into the country, but about respect and right treating. We're all humans after all, but what was happening on the border was really wrong.

It's not a documentary, but a lot of things that happened in the movie had place in real life. There was a lot of videos, photos and even articles saying about those horrible things happening. And all of it just because of the government, who wants to make their own people scare and be afraid of other nationalities. Movie was also about our own feelings, how we see the world that surrounds us. It's always hard to say about things, that are uncomfortable, but true. But they have to be said and we can't just let those high positioned people get away with it without any consequences. That's not how this world should work.

I was following the news back then and I'm really glad that such movie was made and is showing somehow the reality of what was happening on the border. But the truth is, what media were allowed to show us and what is the real truth of how it really looked like, is two different things and for people, who are open-minded those two things should matter to draw your own conclusions and based on that make your own opinion.
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
Really great show to chill out
30 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I finally got a chance to finish this show and I'm absolutely amazed. I really enjoyed watching this title. I saw a lot of people being disappointed and mad, but honestly? The ending was really unexpected, I doubt anyone paid that much attention to small details showed in the beginning of the serie. Ending the show with battlefield scene would be too obvious. That was something new, showing us a story of a boy who suffered from schizophrenia.

Ragnarok touched upon several 'modern' problems, such as climate change caused by huge industrial companies, problem with the rule of law, but also problem with mental illnesses. It was mainly aimed at younger part of audience, but I think that everyone could pick up something for themsevles from that show.

There were bad moments as in every production, but they weren't that much disturbing or annoying to really make you want to turn it off. I would recommend this show to anyone who's into fantasy, sci-fi or just into norse mythology and doesn't have problem with showing the story in more 'modern' way then it's a really great position for you to watch.
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Worth watching.
20 August 2023
It was really a great movie, full of unexpected moments and emotions. The soundtrack is really well chosen, makes a lot of vibe and tenisie, but also can't skip the fact of really great montage. Guy Ritchie is one in its kind.

It was really good time watching this movie, but also something that should make us think a little about all that propaganda and how USA made a lot of mistakes when it comes to middle east. I'm really glad we got a chance to see such a good movie about such a bad thing as war in Afghanistan and its subsequent effects. I hope this movie will really make some people more aware of wars and other political problems that were and still are happening around the world, especially middle east where it's war over a war.
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14 April 2023
This movie deserves 10/10 stars. I swear, i didn't watch any movie lately, which would make me cry MULTIPLE times, in both happy and sad way. Which would literally make me hold my breath for the whole time. Which would surprise me so many times.

The work they all made, actors, directors, screenwriters, editors, it's literally best thing i have ever seen. Everything was perfect, battle scenes were incredible, they build up a lot of tension which is really rare these times to make such a good battle scenes. I'm even tempted to say that both serie and this movie have better battle scenes than entire Vikings show with Vikings: Valhalla.

I'm really speechless right now and i dont know if writing this review right after finishing the movie is a right thing to do, but all those emotions are still alive and i just can't let it go for now. STREAM THIS MASTERPIECE!!
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Tetris (2023)
Not too bad, but not too good either
12 April 2023
This movie brought back a lot of memories from my childhood and the vibe it has is really, really nostalgic. But i feel like producers wanted to show too much and it came out a bit messed. There is some social-political-business problems and i feel like it's just too much for such a short time to show. Also, editing was Guy Ritchie-ish which made me feel like they wanted to fill all those holes left by adding such movies as freezing a frame etc.

It wasn't the best movie this year but also not the best. But you can definitely have fun while watching this. I really appreciated the soundtrack which was a big part of the success.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
One big mess
12 April 2023
The only reason why most of people, who didn't read books, were watching this show was because of Alina and The Darkling (Jessie and Ben) and their connection between them.

Meanwhile Season 1 wasn't that bad and it was clear who was the main character and who was side character, in season 2 everything got messed up. Main characters, who were supposed to have the most screen time, had the least and all we got was one, huge mess. Show runners decided to speed up Alina's story and cut it down to bare minimum in exchange for more scenes of crows, which is insane since they want to make a spin-off for them.

They wasted such a big potential for a really good fantasy show with really good written protagonist and antagonist. The original story needed just a few correction and it would be a really good show. With such a connection and energy between them (characters, but also actors). It's really rare to see such a big dedication to a role in these times.

It's really unfair to all of the actors from S&B trilogy, because their character's stories deserved much more, especially Alina. Very unprofessional move made by the producers, but also nothing we didn't see already in Netflix's productions.

Also, 5 stars just because of Jessie and Ben. They deserved better, especially Jessie.
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