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Doctor Who: 73 Yards (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
This is definitely getting better
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The more I watch of this season of Doctor Who, the more I'm thoroughly impressed and excited with where we are heading. It feels like old season of the revived show, I'm thinking Bad Wolf and Turn Left; we keep getting the most perfect little clues to who (or what) Rudy truly is.

In this episode, we got to see a phenomenal performance from Millie Gibson, as well as, some more of Russell's fantastic ability to write something completely captivating.

We have tense and spooky moments, that are brilliantly executed with flashes of the light humor typically depicted in the show. The Doctor is seen incredibly sparingly in this episode, with Millie Gibson essentially carrying the episode as a young woman whom, quite quickly, ends up being alone.

Ruby and The Doctor find themselves in Wales on quite a bright day but Ruby's good mood soon turns sour when after they stood upon an unassuming circle of delicate string The Doctor mysteriously disappears. And Ruby is left alone in the harsh weather of Wales, locked out of the Tardis and no one in sight... with the exception of a woman stood at a distance away from her. However, no matter how hard Ruby tries to reach her she finds she cannot. She is always stood far away from her.

Anyway, as we see throughout the episode, anytime someone approaches this mysterious person they are told something and then run away in utter fright. We, as the audience, don't know what is being said, and with Russell T Davis at the helm of this show, I doubt we'll find out anytime soon.

In a completely heartbreaking moment we see Ruby's own mum approach this woman, and her reaction goes the same as all the others; she runs away from Ruby, she runs away from her own daughter, and she is left devastated. We do get a further glimpse at Carla's reaction to see that it is a prolonged period of time and that the effects of this woman don't just disappear over time. No, our Ruby spends the next year all alone. Even Kate and the great minds of UNIT disassociate from Ruby also, and they're used to the effects of aliens abilities.

Ruby tries to move on with her life, she tries dating, but each time we check in with her, she struggles with the living of a typical life. All her relationships end the dance way, with them feeling like there is someone else in this relationship. They're not wrong. That woman is always there. So, I guess, she's never really been alone all this time. She remains at a distance of 73 yards away from Ruby. It's the distance in which you can see a person but you cannot make out any of their features because you'd think that Ruby might be able to make out her own features ... oh, SPOILERS.

Ruby does manage to do the world some good through this woman by getting rid a man who would've brought misery onto Earth through his careless actions, and it's not the first time that we've seen terrible decisions coming from the prime minister (cough, Harriet Jones, cough).

He takes to her and even he does, just like all the others before, he runs away of fear and resigns from prime minister effective immediately and thankfully before he is able to cause any destruction to the world.

The next we are off Ruby, she's an old woman, and she's going back to Wales to visit the Tardis, which has remained untouched for 65 years. She recalls The Doctor as an "old friend", and this is where the episode is finally coming to conclusion. We see Ruby in her bed presumably at a nursing home, and when the lights go out, we hear the ghoulish happenings of something, and that something is the woman only this time she is much closer than 73 yards. And then, we find out that this old woman is actually ... RUBY.

It's some kind of time loop, and the old Ruby is able to stop it by warning her younger self from a far to not allow the Doctor to step on the fairy circle, meaning she was able to break her OWN time loop which started because they broke an ancient law, possibly even older than The Doctor. The Doctor or the Whoineverse has never really been that welcoming of magic (I'm thinking Shakespeare's Code and Torchwood's Small Worlds), and yet he totally understands its power and tells Ruby to let the fairy circle rest in peace. And so they do, and they walk away, and the older Ruby is freed from the imposed, obligatory loop which most likely played, and would've continued to play until it was broken.

I do believe that this was a fantastically performed and written episode of Doctor Who, and I think we learnt a great deal about Ruby Sunday in this episode, possibly even more than we have in any other episode this far, and I cannot wait to see the finale to see all these strings pulled together to form the final image and I know when we see it, it will be so obvious, we won't even believe we didn't see it before.
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Doctor Who: Boom (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Another step in the right direction
18 May 2024
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With everything new, there is always gonna be room for improvement and while I don't personally think that this rebooted version of Doctor Who anywhere near touches the sides of the 2005 run, I do believe that they have begun a promising journey that will hopefully get better over time. You just need to have the faith...

Steven Moffat wrote this episode "Boom" and he hasn't been seen without the Whoiverse since the end of his run as the boss in 2017, and here he has managed to write a tense and thrilling story with the Doctor having to think his way out while being stuck on an overly-sensitive land mind. Quite a feat for our new Doctor, but I think Ncuti does a fantastic job at maintaining the intense emotionality, but also keeping the light heartedness alive (especially where the young child is concerned.)

Unfortunately, I do feel that the ending was quite abrupt. It just ended quite quickly, and everything goes straight back to normal. I would've like there to have been a more hands-on moment for Ruby but she was KOed around halfway through, and was lying in the floor for the rest of the episode.

Once again, I think some work needs to be done to the pacing of the episodes and while this episode of Steven Moffat doesn't particularly match up to any of the others, I cannot wait to see what else his mind had in story for our musician duo. This is wholly another step in the right direction for this new season of Doctor Who.
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Something quite different for Disney
17 May 2024
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A film buried deep in the history of Disney and something so utterly different from anything devised by them before. A much darker story with real threat and some truly frightening images; particularly anything pertaining to the undead army of the Horned King. Extraordinary hand drawn animation and some actual threats befalls out young hero, that makes him bleed, as he ventures through his mythical world in search for the infamous Black Cauldron before it falls into the evil imagining of the Horned King. A commercial failure and it unfortunately frightened Walt Disney off from doing anything other than the classic musical pieces that they are so known for; The Black Cauldron will prove to be both brave and beautiful, and a perfect fit for courageous children who want to be immersed in a new world, and it's also inspired by a collection of fantasy books for a child that loves to read.
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Doctor Who: The Devil's Chord (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
A continuation in the right direction
11 May 2024
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This is the second episode of the reimagined series 'Doctor Who' and it's definitely heading in the right direction.

I feel that Ncuti and Millie had truly embraced their roles in this vast universe and the chemistry that they share on screen cannot by missed; it feels utterly real. Like we are watching two old friends talk to other. We once again get another phenomenal outfit from The Doctor as he remerges from the TARDIS in true 1960s style, and Ruby too, with her ensemble perfectly matching the Doctor's. I can't wait to see what we have in store for us next week.

I am thoroughly looking forward to what else is ahead for the new season, but, I do have to say that I was quite disappointed to find that an episode about with the Beatles, they weren't really in it at all really. The ending defeat of Maestro felt anti climatic, and the effects of the alive music notes was a little laughable. All this aside I am once him looking forward to the next episode.
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Silent House (2011)
Mid range horror film
9 May 2024
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I don't think this was a great horror film; I can see where the directors were trying to take it, but, it was the ending where this film fell short for me personally. I don't think the grand twist that it was actually Sarah who was the masked intruder in the house and causing all the problems was that great for what it was meant to be. I, typically, am a fan of found footage films but this was felt too loose for me, the fact that it was meant to be seen as one continuous take was an inventive plot and if it had been employed in a more modern way, I possibly could've looked passed the constant darkness and the shaky camera footage, which always failed to show too less for a horror film with this kind of style and twist.
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The Proposal (I) (2009)
Good romantic comedy and I don't hate Ryan Reynolds here
22 April 2024
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I'll admit that I've never really been the biggest fan of Ryan Reynolds, he just feels like a giant douche bag in every film I've seen him in thus far, but maybe this film has turned me on to him as an actor. Perhaps I've been a little less dismissive of his talent, because he is a very talented actor and him working opposite Sandra Bullock seems to me like a match made in proverbial acting heaven. This film works on both an overly comedic level what with the chargers and the situations, but also on an emotional level; the realisation of just how lonely Margaret has been for her entire adulthood is the beginning of the film's change of direction to one of a sincere note.

But Betty White is the comedic genius she always is and manages to successfully fake a heart attack and play it off brilliantly as the season professional that she truly was.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
Gorgeous film
22 April 2024
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Disney once again stuns with the animation, the underwater scenes were incredible as they blended the animation of the environment and the characters to the water. And quite the realistic looking CGI shark attack to be honest as far as sharks in films go, I've seen my fair few of poorly animated sharks that just make the scene funny, but I think, for children, it's perfect way to give them a fright before they are immersed further into the oceanic works and perils that Ariel faces. It proves the youngster daughter to perhaps be more resourceful and brave than her father gives credit for. Halle Bailey stuns with her voice every time she sings. We are treated to the beautiful voice of Halle Berry, her voice melodic and smooth as she serenades the audience with classic songs from our childhood.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Unfortunately disappointing
22 April 2024
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I definitely expected more from the revival of what is one of the most loved slasher horror franchises in cinema history and the fact that they bought Jamie Lee Curtis back and she hasn't been seen in a Halloween film since 2002 (and let's face it, Halloween: Resurrection wasn't the golden egg of Halloween). No here, she is playing a semi-canon Laurie Strode, this film occurs right after the first film from 1978 there foregoing all the Cult of Thorn, her two wayward children, obviously her death and the fact that Michael was apparently her brother. No, Michael was simply a psycho who chose Laurie and her friends for no apparent reason and just murdered them on Halloween night, and such a crime would shock a sleepy town like Haddonfield but after a few years it would die down into just being a cautionary tale or a campfire story, but they never gave a reason to why he did it, which I always thought did the best. And now she had been living in utter fear for years, meticulously preparing for that inevitable Halloween where he shall indeed come home. This film was made extremely well, and that does make sense since film making techniques have only advanced since the 70s, and I do think that Michael Myers here looks frightening, something that has very much been lacking in the OG franchise of films but something that Rob Zombie gave back to Tyler Mane's Michael in the remakes. However, I think that the scares were all too predictable.
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Not bad
22 April 2024
Overall this isn't bad film by any means, I can definitely note that the makers took some inspiration from Sherlock Holmes what with the illustrations and the writing that appears on the screen around the characters as they theorise. It's like we were watching their inner thoughts transcript as they thought of them. However, considering this film is called Victor Frankenstein I didn't think that the titular character should've taken such a backseat in his own story but James McAvoy did an utterly fantastic job in portraying a disturbed and emotional madness that Frankenstein displayed in the novel. Daniel Radcliffe once again also proves himself as a formidable actor outside of this career defining work as our favourite young wizard, Harry Potter.
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Pumpkinhead (1988)
Classic in-the-grind 80s horror
21 April 2024
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This is a good folk horror film about a cautionary tale.

Lance Hendrickson portrays Ed Harley who lives alone with his young son Billy. When tragedy strikes him in the form of his only son's death he is overcome with a powerful grief and vows for revenge against the city teenagers whom mowed down his boy. He uses the being of Pumpkinhead, an entity which once resurrected is hellbent on killing all those it needs to. No one can escape it.

This film is definitely a slow burn but as soon as the Pumpkinhead comes to life all the action starts and it doesn't really stop. As always Stan Winston does an excellent job at bringing the being to life in an all encompassing manner filled with fright. The design of the creature was seamless and disconcerting, especially that creepy smirk it does whenever it has gotten one of its unfortunate victims. It's just some quick and slick 80s horror film fun. A great flick for a horror marathon.
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Abigail (2024)
19 April 2024
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Intriguing and enticing premise; a group profession criminals are looking to make a quick but huge buck when they kidnap the daughter of a powerful figure. Things take a disastrous turn when they group are enlightened to the fact that have taken the vampire daughter of the biggest crime bosses to rule the world. The group are slowly picked off one by one by the tutu wearing Abigail (Weir) as she giggles, pirouettes and jetas her way through the isolated mansion.

Radio Silence have already proved themselves to be two insightful young filmmakers who truly have their fingers in the pulse of the horror genre (Ready or Not, V/H/S and the rebooted Scream films which also see Melissa Barrera as the lead). They have taken the motif of vampires and created a fresh new perspective that remains in keeping with all previous iterations that we have seen in the past.

A terrific blend of satirically comedy that is perfectly placed and the gore that has both purpose and substance through which I can't help but be reminded of Wes Craven, this film takes its audience on a fantastically gruesome ride. The beginning is a little slow, with the characters all being established to allow for the audience to care for them when they finally do bite it, but as soon as the action sequences begin they don't really stop. It's really just one turn after the other.

I highly recommend this horror film for people to see, and even though the fact that Abigail is a vampire is given away in the trailers, I really don't think it's detracts from the overall enjoyment of the film.
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Imaginary (2024)
Could've have been a lot better
18 April 2024
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The premise here was good; eerie and unique but unfortunately the direction lacked promise and cohesiveness - very few good scares. I thought the choice to have the primary colour to be an electric blue to different and alluring, and a colour palette that isn't too often seen in horror movies. The performance of the youngest child did feel at times a little wooden, and perhaps a bit awkward. The film itself doesn't have many frightening moments, this film is much more of a slow burn with the overall tone just remaining the same throughout, and even when the group move into the world of Chauncey, does the film have barely kick up another notch. The actual imagery of the bear creature was unsettling but unfortunately it didn't do any more than slowly creeping towards our protagonist.

Overall, I thought that this film was fine; it could've easily been better had the filmmakers brought in more use of the puppetry and heighten the feeling of threat to our protagonist by actually witnessing more of the disembodied souls of spoil the stolen children in the imaginary world.
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Eden Lake (2008)
Horrifying reality
30 March 2024
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Jenny and Steve are set to enjoy a picturesque weekend of an idyllic beach and the romantic camping trip should hopefully result in a proposal with Steve finally popping the question to his girlfriend. This is ruined the moment they arrive to what was previously a beautiful beach, as per Steve's description, when they find that the land is now government owned and it set to be transformed into a new block of houses. They decide to proceed with their trip, but their peace doesn't last long when they encounter a boom box wielding gang of ferocious youths herded by a large Rottweiler. Taking the sweet duo out of the imminent danger of the kids paths, they take to a local diner where they are met with a woman who is most likely one of their parents, and of course nothing genuinely dangerous could come from her child, she simply resorts to using the word "...terrorising..." with a playful tone.
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The Village (2004)
Interesting commentary
23 March 2024
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M. Night S started his career with some quite heavy hitters, including warranting an Oscar nomination for best picture, and his films have been a little hit or miss since then, The Village, while quite abstract up until the final twenty-ish minutes, isn't by any means a bad film. He had taken an interesting commentary on grief and societal violence, and the director took a strong leaf out of Steven Spielberg's book with the omitting of the colour red in totality, and only showing said colour in distinctive scenes of ominous threat and danger, such as the colour red reflects. Decently made with great performances and any interesting twist at the end.
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Bait (III) (2012)
Poor, poor shark film
21 March 2024
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Australia is home to some of the most deadly snakes and spiders that this planet doesn't even dare to think about. The country is also synonymous with the creatures that inhabit the ocean; the sharks, namely the more notorious of the underwater beast, a carcaridon carcharias. When a tsunami hits the coast, it ends up flooding the store and thus creating a new home to 2 far flung sharks as they cruise the aisles filled with water. The actors failed to make their performances natural and believable, and instead the majority of them felt woody and fake, which only adds to the gradual failing suspense as the picture continues. The major let down for this film is the CGI of the sharks, but they didn't kill the dog.
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REC (2007)
Intensely frightening
21 March 2024
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REC' was made in 2007 in Spain and it took the world by storm. I found this film as I was taking the internet for Spanish language content as to improve my Spanish speaking for school. I found the entire film Act I soon became obsessed with it. Each and every found footage film has to find a way of giving the audience a plausible reason as to why they have continued to film. In this picture, the reason was that Ángela and Pablo were part of a TV show which informed the public on professionals that worked while they're sleeping. The topic of discussion this time being firemen, and thus then leads our small team to the mundane apartment building which would soon become a haunting place to be trapped within. The spacious living environment will soon have the occupants feeling like the walls were closing in on them. Things soon become more scarier as the elderly woman they were trying to help bites one of the police officers in what appeared to be some kind of fit or frenzy, and she later throws one of the firemen over the balcony of the staircase, but the audible only sees the aftermath of that attack, and it's also when the plot is jolted from strange to downright frightening.
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Voldemort's back
21 March 2024
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Most definitely one of the most iconic and memorable of all the Harry Potter films and one of my personal favourites as we start to delve deeper into the darker tones of the magical world. We also get to see our young actors growing stronger and stronger in their acting abilities.

The material starts to finally take a turn to explore the more complex and complicated worlds and aspects of the wizarding world that up until this point, Harry has majorly only seen the good parts of. Obviously, the boy who lived is no stranger to fighting darkness, as he has in past three films, but in this instalment Harry Potter finally comes face to face with the dark lord and young Daniel Radcliffe manages to show a wide range of emotions as he sees the being who killed his parents.

Our golden trio and everyone else involved around them are growing up; the boys are discovering and exploring their burgeoning romantic feelings for girls, some of them successfully, while the girls are having to contend with all the fallout of this. All of this is witness with the infamous Yule Ball scene, and all the more light hearted ones that lead up to it.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Mean (2004)
Season 5, Episode 17
Everyone will know a mean girl
21 March 2024
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This is most definitely one of my favourite episodes of Special Victims Unit, and the plot here is something that is universal across people; I do believe that the vast majority of people would've experienced the wrath of a mean girl. This is one of the more comedic episodes of SVU in my opinion, the same dark humour that this show is typically filled with.

This episode came out before the hit film "Mean Girls" did, which only further demonstrates the fact that people have a tendency to think back to high school life. Huang pops in sporadically, as he does in many episodes, with small but vitally important pieces of information. The thing that he says regarding the behavioural differences between female amad males, will make complete sense to the audience, as it is, in fact, true.

This episode, will it may be quite predictable in the way that it is leading, towards the supposed best friends of the victim but they did attempt to lead the audience astray with a long term victim of bullying, but of course we eventually land on the charismatic, sociopathic leading of what turned out to be more of a pack than a friendship group.
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Scary but funny
20 March 2024
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This film is a brilliant display of striking practical effects for the werewolf transformation that has captured the attentions of audiences for over thirty years and I have no doubt that this film was the reason we have people in special effects and creature make up designs in this day and age. It is a truly haunting performance from Naughton, also, as he changes from a content and completely sane man to savage, rage-filled beast with an undying blood lust. His cries of excruciating pain are all the audience can focus on as they watch his biology rewrite itself to that of a wolfs.

The comedy shouldn't be overlooked either because I think without it, the audience wouldn't have been as receptive to the scares and the gruesome imagery this film throws at them (specifically the scene in the theatre with all of David's mauled victims coming to see him) ace not to mention Jack's continually decaying form as he visits David again and again. AMAZING FILM!!!
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Better than I thought it would be
20 March 2024
This is actually quite good (better than I expected), but unfortunately this story isn't anything new; we have seen plenty of these types of stories regarding the individuals that broke the crimes of notorious criminals. I will say that these types of media do need to be published more, the names of the victims and the law enforcement should undeniably be more remembered than the killers. There isn't really much that can be done with a real life biopic, since the story is usually one of public record, but perhaps the writers could've drawn the story a little more closely to the emotional and psychological drawbacks of being at the epicentre of such horrendous crimes.
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Now You See Me (I) (2013)
Showmanship in a film
17 March 2024
This is a showman's film, but it lacks something. It's has all the bells and whistles a large, lavish budget offers to a production but it doesn't challenge its viewing audience enough. For a film that specifically focuses on illusions and the slight of hand that these four magicians are experts at, I would have expected a more dynamic plot. The twists were entertaining if not quite unfortunately predictable. The Four Horseman, that's what the magicians are calling themselves, all come across as a completely arrogant individuals, and I guess that's just brilliant acting and characterization to make me hate them all so, so much.
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Strip Search (2004 TV Movie)
9 March 2024
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This film is truly a galvanising production that displays the lengths people have gone to protect their country's freedom in the harshest of light, even if it means encroaching upon another's civil liberties and freedom. I loved how the victims were written; they were both clearly aware of their rights and acted realistically in accordance to those laws. They invoke a deep sense of empathy and also perhaps a little guilt. Horrendous crimes have been perpetrated under the wrongful guise of protection, going back years and completely shocking to think about how many innocent lives that have been ruined by so called "humane torture". This film sheds a harsh light that nothing can escape from and truly gives audience members some things to thoroughly consider when the picture is over.
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Creep (I) (2004)
Well made
7 March 2024
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I thought this was a well made horror film with some brilliant aspects that are commonly seen but well executed in this horror film. I don't anyways think a good horror film has to be completely inventive, because sometimes audience would prefer to watch a well made production rather than an oversaturated concept. I did feel that the ending felt slightly rushed - perhaps they could've tried to sculpt the ending a little more cohesive but the character of Creep was indeed a fascinating individual to watch lumber around his world, and the audience definitely get to see the villain at ease, which is quite different from how other horror villains are displayed.
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United 93 (2006)
Unyielding in every aspect
5 March 2024
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Nothing will compare to the watching experience of this film as the audience takes in the horror of the terrorist hijackings that all occurred on September 11th. The events take place in real time and the audience are shown all the different worlds in which this type of situation goes through; all the different air traffic control centres and the watch posts, and the military station. It's interesting because while they all continue to use their terminologies and vernacular, they still manage to maintain and capture the audience without alienating them. None of the people in this film, the passengers or the flight attendants or the people working control, felt like actors. Even the bigger names on this film felt like an average individual going through a terrifying ordeal.

All the people on each and every one of the plane that were taken over had absolutely no idea on what was going to occur; we begin with the passengers taking quietly with each other, and eating their breakfasts. Talk, which at one point was trivial, but soon meant everything for them. By the end of the picture you're left stunned as the passengers try their, last and only, attempt at survival. People were being thrown around violently as the constant struggle for control continues all the way into the cockpit, people were crying and whispering hushed goodbyes to loved ones. And it all felt so real, it was scary. A true credit to Paul Greengrass and the entire production cast and crew.
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Casey Novak's debut ep - WHOA
5 March 2024
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What a way to enter the turbulent world of Special Victims Unit; with a honey obsessed peodphile. Defiantly throwing her into the deep end there, right counsellor.

But at least she wins the brownie points with the detectives who hate her by rescuing the victims from an icebox. Whenever children are involved the stars are heightened for both the audience and the characters, and the performances of the young stars are always phenomenal.

Casey Novak is probably my favourite of the ADAs to star on Special Victims Unit, she's tough but still vulnerable and it can all accredited to Diane Neal's fantastic performance.
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