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Lake Placid 2 (2007 TV Movie)
Very poor indeed, in fact pretty awful
20 November 2008
The only good thing about this film is that it is a candidate for worst sequel ever.

Bad plot, bad acting, bad cinematography, hideously bad special effects, this has it all.

It looks like something that was knocked up as a college or university project, and got a 'D'

It is almost as bad as 'The evil beneath Loch Ness' but not quite.

Films this bad should encourage those who acted in them to go back to taxi driving, or hairdressing, whatever they normally do, as it does absolutely nothing for their acting career.

Please take my advice, and don't waste your money on the rental, and if it's on TV, watch the commercials instead, you'll find them much more rewarding.
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Long Way Round (2004–2010)
27 August 2005
Brilliant, excellent, gritty, realistic, inspiring, And those are the bad bits.

This is a fabulous piece of television , and I would recommend that you watch it.

If you like bikes, or even if you don't, it won't matter, this is a class apart.

The whole premise is so real, with a warts and all approach, you feel at one with the two guys, at times I was helping them, and sharing their laughs and their problems.

I can't recommend it highly enough
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Troy (2004)
Little more than OK.
12 October 2004
This was an OK sort of film, loosely based on the writings of Homer, the Greek guy, not Simpson.

It did have a few tedious parts, but on the whole was worth watching.

However, for me it was ruined by the godawful wailing that someone seems to think is music. It was like spending a night with Sinead O'Connor.

The music director should invest in a dictionary, and look up the words Music, and Noise, I believe there is a difference between the two, he, as yet does not.
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The Sign of Four (2001 TV Movie)
Conan Doyle will be spinning in his grave
10 October 2004
This was the worst Holmes film I have ever seen, and I see there are more of the same to come.

The Main players, with the exception of Thaddeus Sholto were badly miscast, Frewer, who I quite like, and who was excellent as the Trash Cam Man in The Stand, borough a silly zany quality to Holmes that just shouldn't be there.

Watson, who is about the same age as Holmes, appeared old enough to be his father.

THe accents were somewhere between poor and awful, especially inspector Athenly Jones, he seemed to be a cross between English/Scottish/Welsh/Irish Jewish and Red Indian, it was awful.

In all, a wasted Exercise, and down there with 'The evil beneath Loch Ness' in the really crappy film stakes.
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I am surprised
23 December 2003
I have commented on this film before, and am shocked that it is number 125 on the top 250.

It is in my top 5, and giving leeway for different tastes is least 100 places too low in the chart.

I am starting to wonder if the voters on this site have been watching too much talentless pre-packaged pop music, like the way drinking cheap wine destroys your pallette.

This film is a modern classic,I could hardly fault it, in fact, it is one of the few films I have ever seen that brought a lump to my throat.

Watch it, buy it, live it and love it, it is a great film.

Lets give it the recognition that it deserves.

For me, an easy 10/10
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First Blood (1982)
Gets better with age
23 December 2003
I saw this film soon after it hit the video market, and have seen it a few times since, and like a good wine and a good woman, it gets better with age.

I have recently added it to my collection, along with it's two sequels,(thanks Santa) and must admit, it is one of Stallone's better efforts.

This is an excellent effort, in no small part because of Brian Dennehey, who, in my humble opinion, is a very underrated actor, as he plays his part perfectly, in fact, I know cops just like his part!

This is Stallone at his best, and I am a fan of his, gritty, dirty, aggressive, and not too many lines to learn.

It's not Casablanca. or the Green Mile, but it is very good entertainment, and that is exactly what it is supposed to be.

It is on the nail, well worth watching, and is part of my collection

At most times it is about 6 1/2 out of ten, but if you are in the frame of mind for a film like this, it is a solid 8.
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No Good Deed (2002)
A different side to Samuel L Jackson
29 August 2003
Samuel L Jackson makes this film.

He shows, me anyway, that he is an accomplished and versatile actor, and Stellan Skarsgard again proves that he is the most under rated actor in Hollywood.

This is a gem of a film, made by the actors.

The plot, was in truth a bit on the thin side, but the quality of the actors shone through, and made it what it is.

I have been a fan of Jackson for years, and this film has proved to me that he is an actor of rare quality, and it shows through here big-time.

Skarsgard was good, as always, as was Milla Jovovich, and Joss Ackland was also excellent.

A very good film, a bit of a twist in the tale, though not a big a twist as 'No Way Out' for example, But it keeps you guessing.

Well worth seeing, and I highly recommend it.

A solid 8/10,
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A gem of a film
29 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I found this a gem of a film.

I bought it, when it was released on DVD pretty much on spec. and was very impressed.

It does contain 2 of my favourite actors, namely Jackson, and Spacey, and also David Morse, whom I rate very highly.

All the plots and spoilers will be in these pages, but suffice to say this is an excellent film, which has not received the plaudits it fully deserves.

It's in my collection and should be in yours, very highly recommended.

8 and a bit out of 10.
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Skyjacked (1972)
A lot better than you might think
29 August 2003
I was really surprised by this film, one, I had never actually seen it, and two, it was well worth seeing.

I did, however, find it very frustrating. Not through the plot or the acting or anything like that, but it was full of actors and actresses, whose faces were familiar to me, I spent about half the film wondering who had been in what, I couldnt wait to get on here and find out.

Charlton Heston was his always accomplished self, no more and no less, and he is always very good. James Brolin played a military section 8 well indeed, or at least I assume that is a way in which a section 8 would be, not like Klinger in M*A*S*H!

All together a very good film, well worth watching, and in truth probably suffered unfairly against the films of the day, The Godfather and The French Connection to name but two.

Not necessarily one for the collection, but worth seeing all the same.
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An all time classic
29 August 2003
As it says above, an all time classic.

If you haven't seen this film, where have you been?

To be honest, I don't know where to start with this one, great novel, great screenplay, great actors, great performances, and well put together by the techie staff.

That says it all, a great film, from a great premise.

The only sad note is that a few of the participants are no longer with us, although others still are, and are still making films.

This is in my all time top twenty, maybe even my top ten.

A very strong 9/10
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Space Cowboys (2000)
Pretty damn good for a lot of old guys
13 August 2003
Loved it, I am a huge Eastwood fan, and partial to Tommy Lee Jones and Donald Sutherland, and reasonably fond of James Garner and James Cromwell.

This was a great show, funny, and easy to watch.

Its not deep, nor is it spacially authentic, it is not Citizen Kane or The Robe, but it is a good film. It is not Clint Eastwood's best film,(High Plains Drifter) nor is it the best film by any of the other Actors, but is well worth watching.

Tommy Lee Jones saying, 'America would be the first country to launch 4 dead bodies into space' is worth the price alone.

Funny, Entertaining, and very watchable.

Give it a go.
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13 August 2003
I bought this film on DVD, as I had heard it was really good, and I am a fan of Kevin Spacey.

What a waste of money, this is total drivel from start to finish, Kevin Spacey is totally wasted in this excuse for a film.

This is so awful, it is down there in the bowels of bad films , along with Blair Witch and the Evil beneath Loch Ness.

The money I spent on the disc would have been better invested on a donkey at the Kentucky Derby.

Absolute Crap, avoid it like SARS
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Eastwood's Masterpiece
13 August 2003
This is his masterpiece, the totally and utterly definitive Eastwood.

Consider 'Unforgiven', but ignore the rest, this is the ultimate Clint Eastwood film.

Ten out of Ten in every way.
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The Data and Picard show
12 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
My one line summary sums it up.

Data and Picard have always been my favourite Next Generation characters, and I was well pleased that they rightly took most of the airtime in what is billed as the last Next Generation film.

They are the characters that have held Next Gen(ST:TNG) together for most of the series.

Yes, there where cameo roles for Guinan( Whoopie Goldberg), Janeway(Kate Mulgrew) and the insufferable Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton), and fairly minor roles for the rest of the ST:TNG main crew, but this film revolved around the main, and most important characters in the series.

All the bits, bobs and spoilers will be somewhere in these pages, so I don't see much point in repeating them here, suffice to say , I loved it.

It is a good film, it is also a good Star Trek film.

Whats more, it is the sort of film a non Trekkie could watch and enjoy.

Yes, you will see critisim from obvious Trekkies, but, like the expert on football, either American(GO Raiders!) or real, or, I assume, like Baseball, which I know nothing about, sometimes we look too deeply into the subject. Sometimes you have to just sit back and enjoy the moment.

This is (supposedly)a last hurrah for an exceptional combination of cast members, an extension of an idea by the great Gene Roddenberry,although somewhat fiddled with by Rick Berman, that worked well for a long time and is well worth seeing.

If You're a Trekkie, go and see it, no doubt, you will add it to your collection.

If you are not, go and see it, and then sort out your life and become a Trekkie!!
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Not bad, but not a classic
6 January 2003
My summary sums it up.

Its not a bad film, but its not a great film either.

I read the books years ago, and when the three (or four) films are complete, and I watch them consecutively, it might be a classic series, like James Clavells SHOGUN, but not yet.

All the info about the plot has been covered within these pages, and I don't need to cover it again.

It is worth watching, and you will enjoy it, a strong seven out of ten.
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Das Boot (1981)
watch, smell, taste, and enjoy
6 January 2003
Everything that needs to be said about this film has been said.

Buy it, rent it, borrow it, whatever, just watch it.

It is so real, you can smell the sweat and the diesel.

Don't worry about it being pro war, anti war or any of that crap, just watch it.

It is one of the best war movies ever.

It's in my top 10, along with the Godfather, The Green Mile, The Usual Suspects, The Quiet Man and others.

It is scarily good.
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Driven (2001)
Driven?, Drivel would be closer to the truth
18 November 2002
I was really looking forward to this film. I know that Stallone, who I am a big fan of by the way, spent a lot of time around the Formula 1 paddock, doing the background. But I have to say it was a real let down.

The acting was wooden, the story was thin, and there were a lot of very obvious CG animated scenes.

I saw it as little more than a Formula one/ Indy car version of Days of Thunder, transposed over the Old hero/relic coming back to the fray for one last stand routine.

There was a section where there was a street race, in the race cars, which was a bit different, and that helped, although, with the cars needing a seperate starter to get going, I do wonder how they get started for the street race.

I do like Stallone, his films are always watchable, not masterpieces of cinematography, or intellectually challenging opuses, but they do entertain.

This one, I'm sorry to say, was pretty grim, and just scrapes to 4 out of 10.

One final point, to all producers, writers and directors, if you want to make a film about motor racing in Europe, a Ferrari or two wouldn't hurt, they were strangely missing from this one, though Mercedes (McClaren) were very evident
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Red Dragon (2002)
Excellent, one for your collection
9 November 2002
It was with a degree of trepidation that I went to the cinema to see Red Dragon.

I have read the books, and was impressed with Manhunter, and wondered what RD would be like.

I had gone to the same cinema to see Hannibal, and had come away badly disappointed, although Hannibal did get better on subsequent viewings.

At the end of the film, I was delighted. This is an excellent adaption of Harris's novel, and the script keeps very closely indeed to the course of the novel.

I don't need to go through the plot here, as I am sure you will find it within these pages, but suffice to say it is a cracker of a film.

I could only fault a few minor things, and they would be simply a matter of personal preference, eg, Harvey Kietel is a good Jack Crawford, but I liked Scott Glenn better in the role, only because Glenn comes across like a manager, Keitel strikes me as a worker, he will roll his sleeves up and get stuck in.

Again, Edward Norton was very good as Will Graham, but I had imagined him as older, personal preference again.

Joseph Fiennes was outstanding in my view, he played Francis Dolarhyde perfectly, and Anthony Hopkins was as he always is, he IS Hannibal Lecter.

This film does not have the dark side that Manhunter does, and I know that some people are a bit unhappy that Manhunter did not get the credit that it richly deserved, and that Red Dragon looked like it was cashing in on the success of the previous Lecter films, but it is my opinion that both films can stand apart, on their own merits, they are two different views of the same thing, and as such can complement each other well.

All in all, this is an excellent film, well worth watching, highly enjoyable, and will certainly be added to my collection when it is released on DVD.

Very highly recommended.
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Guardian (2001)
Watchable, but thin
20 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers

This could have been a very good film.

It is the kind of film where somebody came up with a fairly good plot, and a decent cast, then the accountants got at it, and ripped the guts out of it.

The plot is simple, an archeaologist in Iraq, inadvertantly releases a demon, a soldier who is there to guide a smart bomb onto the dig site gets involved with Sumerian legend without his knowledge, gets shot and we jump 12 years into the future, LA 2003.

I was halfway through the film before I got a grip on it, kept on watching, waiting for the big ending, and it never happened.

There is a slight similarity to Denzil Washingtons Fallen, and this would seem to be an attempt at suspense and betrayal, it works a bit, but is too easily seen through.

It is watchable, but with a bit of work it could have been much better. If you know the way when you eat a big Chinese meal, and you are stuffed full, then two hours later you are hungry again, then you will know what I mean.

It wasn't a bad film, it just seems like it because it falls so short of what it could and should have been. 5/10
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A bit deep, but very good.
6 August 2002
I must admit, I had heard of this film, but never got round to seeing it.

When I did, i just caught the start of it in time, flicking through channels for something to watch.

I was glad I did, as this was a really good film, not the usual hour and a half of rootin' tootin' and shootin' that Hollywood likes to push out from time to time, but a really good film, where the actors were the stars and not the special effects.

Pacino, as always was excellent, I like his sullen and silent roles, and there are few who carry this off better, I also like him when he talks, but in this film there were shades of Michael Corleone, not the menace, but the deepness.

Marthe Keller, the female lead, was ideal to counterpoint Pacino, he was dark, deep and thoughtful, and she was, witty, bright and a little bit off beat.

As for the storyline, a love story would almost cover it, but not quite.

The Motor racing angle is a hook, with a very small cameo from Bernie Ecclestone, Formula Ones supremo, it adds to the film but doesn't overtake it ( please pardon the pun!) but if you want a film with lots of race cars and aggression watch James Garner in Grand Prix instead.

This is well worth seeing, and I would recommend that you do.
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So real you can smell it!
16 July 2002
It is so refreshing to see a film where the actors and not the special effects are the stars.

This is based on an allegedly true story, concerning the duel between Vassily Zaitsev, a Soviet, and Major Koenig, a German sniping expert, Koenig is sometimes referred to in Soviet war documents as Thorwald.

The film focusses on Zaitsev, a shepherd, who has been a hunter in the Urals, and his rise to being not only a very sucessful sniper, but a talisman for the Russian people involved in the battle for Stalingrad.

When he finds himself, and a Political Officer in a bit of bother, surounded by Germans, he manages to shoot all of them and make good an escape. The Political officer realises the value of such a man, and begins to publish a record of his kills, ( I suppose he would be called a spin doctor today)

As Zaitsevs' kill rate and notoriety rises, the Germans dispatch the head of their sniper school to kill him, and the duel ensues.

Watch the film to find out what happens.

The actors in this film had to act. There is not as much dialogue as there would be in other films, and that is no bad thing, and to me it was an excellent way to work a film because of its realism, I don't think there would be much time for meaningless chatter when you are in a situation like this.

The special effects which accompanied the film, rather than overtook it were excellent.

This will go down as one of the great war films of all times, gritty, realistic and harrowing, you feel like you were there.

This is definitely one for the collection, very highly recommended.
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From Hell (2001)
A pretty good effort
13 July 2002
This is a very good effort by all of the cast and crew.

Although the Jack the Ripper story is well known and well trodden, with numerous books and films so far, this one is a little different, it actually names someone as the ripper, many don't.

Not only that, but it names the person who is a lot of experts favourite for the crimes.

The title is a bit of a hook, but some thing like "Another Jack the ripper Film" wouldn't really have worked!

The film does lend a bit of a human touch to the main players, it is easy to be trapped into focussing on what even today would be horrific crimes, From Hell avoids this well.

Johnny Depp gives his usual excellent performance, he has gotten away from the odd ball roles he used to play, and his last few films have been of the highest quality. He really does get better with every film, and is beginning to fall into the class of actor, who, if he is in the film, it will be worth watching, a la Eastwood, Hanks, Ed Harris, Sam Jackson.

Robbie Coltrane is.......Robbie Coltrane, not a classical actor by any means, but well worth watching and the film benefits from his presence.

The one thing that really stood out was Johnny Depps' Accent. In general, North Americans have a bit of difficulty with British accents, mixing up Scottish and Irish, or Producing a "snobby" upper class English one. Something like the nasal East End of London is a challenge.

Depps, in this case was totally first rate, He sounded like a real East Ender to me, a very good effort.

In all, a good film, well worth the admittance or rental fee, in fact I might just nip out and buy it for my collection.
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Scary Movie (2000)
A frame of mind film
18 May 2002
I didn't really fancy this film much, I do like comedy, and I do like horror, but i'm not that fussed on a combination.

I had seen a few trailers, and it didn't really appeal, but when I did watch it, i prepared myself for something pretty mindless, and I wasn't disappointed.

I think if the film had a top notch comedy actor, a Leslie Neilson type, for example, it would have certainly been better.

However, if you can remember when you thought that letting down all four tyres on someones car was funny, and can put yourself back in that frame of mind, this film will be okay, if you can't it will bore you to tears.

Its up to you, remember, if you don't like it , you can always turn it off!
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A very Watchable Film
18 May 2002
This may rate as one of the classic war films.

A (fairly) true to life film, about Douglas Bader, who it is reported was a fairly arrogant person, though highly driven.

Kenneth More in the lead role, delivers his usual top notch performance, and they rest of the cast just seem to fit together the way they should.

The film covers Baders life, and the loss of his legs in a flying accident that was in truth of his own making, and then how he puts his life back together afterwards.

It shows an amazing spirit and determination, to the extent that he got back into the RAF and became a successful pilot and air tactition.

This film should be watched by other people who have had the misfortune of an amputation, and i don't mean that in a condescending manner, Bader showed what you can do if you put your mind to it, he wouldn't let his disability beat him.

A really good movie, easily watched more than once, and good for more than one reason.
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Shogun (1980 TV Movie)
A Class of its own
11 May 2002
The Shogun, TV Miniseries has to be one of the best pieces of Tv entertainment I have seen.

I have read Clavells books on Many occasions, and it is unputdownable. It is a fabulous piece of literature and when I read it, it transports me to Japan.

The conversion to the small screen, All NINE HOURS! of it is a really good piece of work.

The book is too big to be made into a 2 or 3 hour movie, and would suffer if an attempt to do so were tried.

The mini series stays very close to the book, exploring the country, the characters, and the culture of the time. It does a good job of bringing the characters to life, and when you watch it, having read the book, you get the feeling that you know the characters.

It deals with the Feudal classes in Japan, just over 400 hundred years ago, not long after the Europeans began to trade in Asia, Mostly Spanish and Portugese. The English and Dutch, allies at the time, could not gain a foothold in the lucrative Asian market, and Blackthorne's goal was to find the Japans and initiate trade with them, but as the story unfolds, you find that he met a lot of resistance from the Portugese Priests, who held a lot of power, and were going about their business of converting Japanese to Christian.

The Japanese Empire is in a state of flux, with war looming, The Warlords are quietly aligning themselves, all trying to win, or at least be on the same side as the winner.

Add to that the Portugese and the Jesuit Priests, trying to protect their trade and their church respectfully, and then all of a sudden Blackthorne, who is really a Pirate at heart, comes on the scene.

He is an intelligent , well educated man, and soon realises that to survive, he must fight with his head more than his sword. He is seen by the Portugese as a Protestant Heretic, and they believe he and his crew should be burnt, (This was the time of the inquisition), but as the story pans out, the view realises that he has a friend or two in the ranks of the Jesuits.

The love interest is an advisor to Lord Toranaga, the main Warlord, who is wise enough to see the value of Blackthorne as a Srategic and a Tactical asset, and he throughs them together to allow him to learn the language.

All in all, this is an exceptional movie, with as many plots, sub plots, twists and turns, as a Tom Clancy film.

At 9 hours, it is long, but it does pass quickly, I have watched it over a few nights, and have watched it straight through, both ways are very enjoyable.

The only fault I could point out is the make up. It is very dated now, and I think even then it would have looked a bit odd, the Samurai all have shaven heads with a Queue, a piece of hair sticking up, and it was obvious that a lot of them were wearing rubber headpieces.

It doesn't detract in any way, and this is a great movie
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