
2 Reviews
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Saint Ange (2004)
Not nearly as bad as the IMDb comments suggest
2 December 2007
From the tone of these comments you would think this was the worst film ever made (and a few comments say that literally). It wasn't as good as "The Others" and such, but the worst movie ever made? Please. It was incredibly well shot and the minimalist production design was a welcome break for me from hyper-stylized films like "Silent Hill". The story did take a long time to develop, but the tension built nicely and it had a very Argento feel to me. Not every movie has to be "Transformers", moving at Mach 10 from the first frame. There's a thing called "subtlety" in story telling that is not very prevalent in modern films (especially American movies), and since this film used that to a fault maybe that was why everyone reacted so poorly. It certainly didn't beat you over the head with plot points, and did feel like a key scene or two was left out of the final cut (setting up the kittens for example) but overall was a nice, spooky little film. Everyone's opinion is valid if course, and it's not anywhere near my favorite film, but I had to defend it for some reason. Maybe it's because there are so many TRULY bad films out there that need to be savaged, and I want everyone to save their venom for the movies that truly deserve it.
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Among the funniest films ever made. Seriously.
4 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Not for the faint of heart or those that like their comedy polished and friendly, "Mr. Jolly Lives Next Door" is high energy drunken lunacy caught on film, a comedy that gets funnier every time you watch it. It also makes you want to take a shower after viewing, as Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson (as the "Dreamytime Escorts") leave a trail of slime a foot deep where ever they go. The slime, however, just greases the wheels of some of the funniest bits ever put on film and a surprisingly tightly plotted and well executed story. Wait, did I say Plot?

Yes, there's a plot, a mildly complicated affair of two idiots misinterpreting everything from what men want when they call an escort service, to an intercepted message meant for a mob assassin and the drunken chaos that follows when the boys follow the instructions in the only way they know how; drunk and stupid.

Tough to find on NTSC, but PAL tapes are available on the net. Some American viewers may have trouble with the accents (hard to understand at times as the dialogue descends into hilariously incoherent drunken ravings) and cultural icons (quick cheat sheet: Nicholas Parsons roughly equals Alex Trebek/Regis Philbin; off-license = liquor store; fairy liquid = dish washing soap; the Dorchester = The Four Seasons; fluffy toys = teddy bears; tonic water = well, tonic water). But not to worry if you are accent-challenged; the film is hysterical whether you can understand what is going on or not.

So cue up the Tom Jones records, sharpen your meat cleaver, and hide your fluffy toys and fairy liquid, because Mr. Jolly may be looking to add you to his client list.
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