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I didn't know, but I believed...
27 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While IMO Reloaded and Revolutions are not that bad, at least they had some great action sequences.

First I'd like to tell you how I thought Trinity/Neo would be back. I thought that since Neo "injected" Trinity with his code to bring her back to life in Revolutions, somehow she would still exist in the matrix. And Neo being the one would still exist in the Matrix as some sort of "Smith's replacement"

Back to our regular programming...

Resurrections is a huge MESS, at first I thought that eventually everything would fall in line and somehow make sense. Short story NO.

The opening scene is probably the best thing on the movie and NEO isn't even in it. That tells you a lot.

The movie fails to explain the hows and whys of every character. Young Morpheus is hinted as being programed by Neo but that's not clear. Neo himself is brought back to life but the scene shows Neo's body with major wounds like a fractured skull with exposed brain tissue and a missing eye. That never happened in Revolutions.

The "I know Kung-fu" scene with Neo and Morpheus is badly done.

There are also hints that everthing in the Matrix is a loop and there are alternate characters "a la multiverse" that replace Trinity/Neo on the loops, but then that gets discarded.

Yet another storyline goes on Neo/Trinity being a fundamental part of the Matrix, like it can't exist without them, but again, guess what... I'll let you figure it out.

You would be led to believe that Smith is the main villain again... and for the most part of the movie it appears so, but then that also went to the trash, and that's really really bad as the main villain is ridiculous. You tought the Architect was bad? Think again.

The worst part of the movie is that there is no real threat. Xion (or whatever its called now, I forgot.) is in no danger. Apparently the machines kept at least part of the bargain by not attacking humans albeit apparently not letting pods free. Even Neo and Trinity aren't in any danger. But for some reason (Love) Neo "must" selfishly rescue trinity in spite of potentially putting everyone in danger, again for some reason.

To think they are already considering a sequel...
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Nobody (I) (2021)
John Wick 9, the golden years.
27 June 2021
If you ever wondered how would John Wick do after forced retirement, there it is.

The story is nothing you haven't seen before with Keanu Reeves, Denzel Washington or Liam Neeson, but this is not about originality. Its about action, and it does deliver,

Its actionpacked and quite funny actually. I enjoyedit quite a bit. I liked Christofer Lloyd role, at first I thought it was more a cameo, but he kicks ass too. The rest of the cast is good too, from the family to the main villain.

Not suprisingly the ending is open for a sequel.

Grab your popcorn, this one is recommended.
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Boss Level (2020)
Surprisingly good
28 May 2021
If you watched the trailer then you pretty much get to know everything about this movies So no surprises

It has a pretty good cast actually.

Things must be going slow for Naomi Watts to star in a film like this, but she's ok.

Mel Gibson pretty much only appears now in this kind of movies but still he delivers.

Michelle Yeoh is wasted, I wish her character was more involved.

Frank Grillo carries the wight of the film and he does a pretty good job. He's no Jason Statham, Keanu Reeves nor Liam Neeson, but he's makes a pretty good action anti-hero.

The action is nonstop an very well done. The cgi blood looks pretty bad, but its a no issue really. I think the worst part is the sword training and sword fight. Grillo really needed more training there.

Its also pretty funny too, not quite action comedy I guess, but I've seen worse.

Overall I was pleasently surprised. You can't go wrong with it.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Promising, but so many missed oportunities.
27 April 2021
If you watch the 7 min preview of the film, then you watched the best part of it.

It was promising. But then it became bland (even with the fatalities)

The premise apparently was a feud between Scorpion and Sub-Zero, with Scorpion actually being the "good guy", which I actually liked for a change, but but then out of nowhere it becomes a mess.

It turns out a completely unnecesary new lead character Cole Young (MK has what like 40+ characters I lost count), I understand you don't want Johnny Cage to lead, but its not like you don't have anyone else to choose from.

The guy is like a great great great great great grandson of some other character and he is chosen for Mortal Kombat. From this point on, there's no story

I thought it might have been so much better if the movie was just about Sub-Zero and Scorpion, because the rest of the characters don't really add much to the movie. The roster is too short anyway, lots of missing characters.

The fights vary in quality, some are pretty good, but others lack quality.

Fatalities are nowher near MK11 gore level. But at least there are a couple of them.

Shang Tsung and Raiden are pretty much talk and no action.

There really doesn't feel like the earth realm is in danger.

Overall its ok if you are a fan. At least its better than SF: The movie.
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You can see the zipper on the custumes :P
2 April 2021
Might as well done the movie without any human characters, they ad ZERO to the movie.

Seriously the whole cast sucks big time. The characters and their actions make absolutely ZERO sense.

Why is Millie there? Or Eiza Glz? Or the rest of the cast for that matter.

They don't even fit in the story which btw is just godzilla fights kong for some reason and then there's a plot twist and that's it. Simple yes, but it actually works for the monsters. Its human subplot that just doesn't work. They all seem out of place, I wish Godzilla killed all of them in the first scenes.

Still, the actions is great and almost non-stop, it takes a large portion of the movie. Sure the ending is as predictable as it can be which is obviously open for a sequel.

All things said, its worth watching for the fights alone. Just don't expect anything resembling a plot.

At least it didn't have a "Save Martha" moment...
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No one cheered, no one clapped.
19 December 2019
That was the reaction of the audience during the movie and at the end.

Seeing how people went nuts with the final battle in End Game and no reaction on this one tells you pretty much what you need to know.

It's not that the movie is bad. It could have been so much better.

I actually liked the characters so much better than in TLJ, I no longer hate Finn, Poe or Kylo. Actually I liked Kylo the best this time.

The scenes with Leia are pretty well done, actually they look very natural.

The space battle scenes look like they could be awsome, yet they end up being meh!!

The lightsaber battles are very good for the most part. At times Kylo looks so much more powerful than Rey.

The cameos SUCK, except for one surprise return.

JJ tries to fix many things that went wrong with TLJ but some of them make no sense. They completely change the backstory of a beloved character. Had that been in TFA or TLJ it would made sense, but here its just bizarre.

We get the Luke Skywalker that should have been in TLJ, but he gets very little screen time. Its much more like you would have expected, but its kind of too little too late.

There are several new characters that contribute nothing to the story, why they get any screen time is beyond me.

Palpatine ROCKS. I think is on e of the best things on the movie.

There are some touching scenes and some ooohs and aaahhhs. Maybe shed a tear or too (but most probably my allergy)

Lando steals the movie. He's as cool as ever. 3PO handles the comedy as great as always (why did we ever need Jar Jar?)

In the end I'm somewhat dissapointed, not because of what it is, but of what it could have been.
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Child's Play (2019)
So there can be great reboots after all.
22 June 2019
I'll start by saying that I think the trailer doesn't do justice to the film. I didn't like it so my expectations for the movie were really low.

I also really didn't like how the doll looked. It was too creepy to begin with. (Not to say that the original chucky was any cuter, but still...) I think it would have been better to give it a more amiable look and then give it the creepier look when it goes berzerk.

But once the killing begins you forget about how it looked and boy are there good killings.

Most of the acting is passable at best, but Mark Hamill is excelent. The guy knows his voice acting business and it shows.

The kid is also good, but the rest of the cast... lets say its not memorable.

But this is a slasher and it that regard, it delivers. So go watch it.
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Aladdin (2019)
Will Smith is no Robin Williams
25 May 2019
But that's fine.

Will is the best part of the movie, he doesn't even pretend to emulate Robin at all, instead he brings up a touch of fresh prince (pun intended) which give a nice spin on the Genie.

Jazmine (Nahomi Scott) is also great. She's a strong, tempered woman that pushes to lead her people while having her feet swiped by Prince.

Mena Massoud is the weakest of the main cast, but still gives a nice performance.

I loved Nasim Pedrad. She brought and extra dose of comedy which was very well done.

What's really dissapointing is Marwan Kenzari as Jafar. At no point does he seem powerful or even menacing. More like a spoiled brat.

Still, the movie delivers. The costumes are great, the photography, the singing, the music, the setting. Only the CGI genie falls short, but its still fine. (BTW Will Smith said in an interview that every scene where he's shown as blue, its CGI, so there's that)

Do I like it better than the original? Though call, I'd probably give this one the edge, but I might change my mind if I watch the original again.
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The Hustle (I) (2019)
Remember Ghostbusters genderswap? Yup, its that bad
13 May 2019
I think Rebel Wilson is the WORST "comedic" actress. If you have seen any of her films, she is the same on all of them. It was not funny before, its not funny now, it won't be funny ever.

Anyway this is a genderswap of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, played by Anne Hathaway in the role played by Michael Cane and Rebel Wilson playing the role of Steve Martin.

That in itself is no easy task, but I think Tina Fey/Amy Pohler would have been a much better choice, or maybe Sandra Bullock/Melissa Macarthy.

But there is absolutely ZERO chemestry between Anne and Rebel, no connection, no nada. Yes they are supposed to be very different characters but should find a way to bond. That never happens.

I actually liked Hathaway who does the "semi serious" part of the movie, playing the well educated, classy and seductive scammer. But Rebel is supposed to carry the comedic part and she fails miserably. She is NOT CONVINCING AT ALL as a con artist.

I keep thinking of plenty of female comedians that would have done a better job. Kristen Wig Kate Mkcinnon Leslie Jones Sarah Silverman

The list goes on...
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Shazam! (2019)
So they can make AWESOME DC movies.
6 April 2019
I have to say this is the most fun and exciting DC movie.

Everything just fits. The acting, the story, the villain, the jokes, the cameos are top notch.

I had little faith in Zachary Levy, but man does he deliver. He is perfect for the role, its like Tom Hanks with superpowers in BIG.

The only downside is that I don't think it will make as much money as other DC much less Marvel movies, as its stuck between Captain Marvel and End Game.

I only wish WB resurrects the idea of Justice Leage.
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Better than the first? Not quite, but close enough.
18 May 2018
I still love the highway sequence on the first and I gotta say DP2 doesn't top that.

But still its a great movie.

Its over the top, nonsense, illogical and downright ridiculous at times, but its DeadPoll so it kind of makes sense somehow.

The action is top notch, the references are great, and most of the jokes are good, some nice Cameos too.

The only thing I didn't like much is how the X-force is pretty much wasted. Specially with Terry Crews. The guy always take a piece of the pie in pretty much every film he is in, but here, he's mostly a Cameo and not really a good one.

Domino is AWESOME. She steals the show, she is in most of the best scenes (which is what I expected from Terry Crews)

Of the X-men that appear, only Collosus has significant screen time/action. I'll let it pass since its a DP movie and not another x-men/x-force movie.

There are a few jokes that I liked better on the trailers and a couple of scenes I wanted to see that didn't make the final cut.

BTW I don't think it deserves an R rating. There's very little sexual content and the violence is mostly funny. I don't see why a 10yo couldn't see this (acompanied by an adult of course)
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Black Panther (2018)
Best Marvel Fils??? Really???
26 February 2018
IMO about half of Marvel Films are better than this one.

What about IronMan, Avengers, Civil War, Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, Spideman Homecoming..,?

My 10yo is a huge Marvel Fan and just after the end the told me it was ok, he liked Ragnarok better and I tend to agree.

I think its ok that BP doesn't need any other Avenger characters to appear. But at times I missed Tony Stark, I mean he would kill to have access to Wakanda's technology, and what about Captain America pledging for Buckys fate?

The worst thing IMO is that this one doesn't fit at all with other Marvel movies. It may be an average solo film, but nothing else, very much like Wonder Woman.

Even with all the action, there's really no sense of danger, its supposedly going worldwide but the threat never leaves wakanda. Its like no one ever knew they were in danger. Ragnarok went over the top on comedy, but here, its non existant, I think I only giggled with Stan Lee's cameo. The plot twists a la GoT don't have any impact. Also the villains were dissapointing. Ulysses Klaue was promising and I expected him to have a bigger part but it ends too soon. Killmonger is just a kid in a tantrum.

Heck even the post credit scenes sucked.
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Better than I expected.
18 November 2017
After all the problems with the director swap and re-shoots I was expecting a pretty mediocre film, but I'm pleasantly surprised.

I don't think the Wonder Woman film is a good as critics say but never the less, Gal Gadot is great in both films. She carries the weight of the movie for the most part, but also shares it with Ben Affleck. Both take turns in being the leader in the film.

Flash is a welcome comic relief, very much like he is in the animated series, but not on the TV series. Its a different take which I actually like better. (And I'm a big fan of the Flash TV series)

Cyborg was also a nice surprise. They cleaned up the CGI so it doesn't look as fake as it did on the trailer. I think he should have a little bit more of a back story, buy then again the movie would have been much longer.

Superman is played exactly in the way I expected. He seems even stronger than when he fought doomsday. Its like he could have taken over Steppenwolf by himself, no problem. But there's more than just fighting the bad guy.

Steppenwolf is the weakest point here, bad CGI, bad lipsync, and he just doesn't look that menacing even though he can single handedly beat almost all of the JL.

As its pretty much given nowadays, the trailer shows several scenes that didn't make the cut. There's one that created several fan theories. Well that's not in the final film and it becomes clear why its left out.

There are a couple of post credit scenes. The last one sets the path for the next film, but I'm not really sure if its for the next batman or JL2. From looking at it, I wouldn't be surprised is there is a JL3.
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Easily ranks on the top 3 of the series, but that's not saying much...
16 May 2017
First. If you think you'll have all your prometheus questions answered. Well be prepared to be not only disappointed but even more confused.

The main problem with the movie is the story. Its a mess, most of the characters are downright stupid. You really have to ask why no one has a little bit of common sense.

And please, pretty please stop making trailers that contain scenes that do not appear in the movie. At some point it feels unfinished. It really looks like something is missing. If you complained about the rogue one missing scenes, it only gets worse.

Still the aliens are as bad ass as ever, the action is top notch and the effects are great.

BTW all the web clips don't really add anything useful if anything it makes it worse.

But hey if you don't care about the story and the numerous plot holes, you might enjoy it.

The saving grace is the ending, while predictable it's still well done.
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Good but could be better
7 April 2017
I wish I had seen the anime movie again, before watching this, I think its OK

First of all, Aramaki is BADASS!! perfectly played by Takeshi Kitano.

When I first saw the trailer, I saw Batou and I wished Ron Perlman was cast, but Pilou Asbæk did a great job, I think he deserved more action scenes though.

To all the people that complain about Scarlett Johansson because she is not Asian, well, Mayor doesn't look Asian at all in the Anime (neither do most of the characters for that matter). I think she did a good job, but Batou and Aramaki were stronger characters.

The weak spot is the story, its predictable and there are a few plot holes that while not important, are not resolved.

Still I enjoyed it and at least it made me want to watch the 2 anime movies again.
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Much better than I expected. (Major spoilers)
10 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I had very little expectations on this film but I really liked it.

Maybe its because it has no lens flare and the shaky cam actually works.

It seems the characters have "aged" well, Kirk seems more mature and Spock seems to genuinely care about Uhura.

Jaydah eclipses Uhura as the female lead, she has much more screen time and action sequences. Bones is so much better than the previous films. He manages to bond both with Kirk and Spock, it doesn't feel fake or forced like in the past 2 films.

I didn't like the "Sulu is Gay" scene. I really doesn't add anything to the story. Why are his partner and daughter in the Starbase in the first place? Besides, it looks like everyone already knew about it. Even George Takei didn't like it.

Krall feels more like Khan (from ST WoK) than John Harrison/Khan (from Into Darkness) . He was stranded on a desert planet, he blames the federation for it and wants revenge. But even so, I think Idris Elba did a good job, its clear Krall has a personal agenda, not just "destroy the federation"

BTW Krall reminded me of Jerry from Enemy mine. Just saying.

The Spock prime scene was touching, but they missed to mention how he died. Again no biggie.

It was kind of weird having Scotty be the ladies man (sort of) and not Kirk, but it kind of worked.

The action scenes are good, no lens flare and a little bit of shaky cam (no where near Bourne levels), a couple of scenes suffer from bad CGI but for the most part it gets the job done.

In the end I think its be best of the trilogy, lets see what the next installment will bring.

I wonder how will they deal with Anton Yelchin's death. Will they kill the character? or replace him?
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One of the Best DC movies so far
28 March 2016
I really didn't know what to expect from BvS, specially after the initial reviews and numerous memes.

Still the trailer showed promise and many of my friends recommended it, so I figured I'd give it a chance.

First the good. Ben Affleck is a pleasant surprise. Both as Bruce Wayne and Batman. Not to hurt anyones feelings but I'd put him on the top 3 right along with Keaton and Bale. Batman/Wayne has this "Vendetta" against superman as he blames him for the events in MoS. And he makes a formidable foe to Superman. I'm sure everyone will figure out how Batman manages to block superman's punch but still I won't spoil.

The so so

I liked Henry Cavill in MoS and he is more of the same here. Superman was awesome in the fights but not so much anywhere else. The why on fighting batman is kind of cheesy but I guess it makes sense.

Gal Gadot does a fine Wonder Woman. I don't think she steals the show as some people claim but she does add to the story. I'd like to see more of her but she's getting her own movie anyway so I guess its fine. (on a side note it seems to me Wonder Woman is pointing to a Captain America ripoff, but we'll see.)

The bad

"Mark Zuckerberg" as Lex Luthor was a bad idea. The best Luthor to date goes to Michael Rosenbaum IMO. He was clearer about his motives and his relation with superman and how he transformed from friend to archenemy. Since that relationship was not done in MoS it was ignored in BvS. There's no connection between him and superman.

Besides, Eisemberg is too young for the part and how he plays it is a bad mix of Tony Stark with the Joker.

The worst. Lois Lane. Why is she even on the movie? She serves only as a distraction. I mean the planet is in danger and innocents are getting killed but hey lets take 5 minutes to go save her.

The Best. Yes I left it for the end. The action scenes with Batman are great. He uses both fighting skills and gadgets (batgets?) and its awesome.

And finally the only reason you'll want to see this. The fight between Batman and Superman is awesome. Batman is no underdog here. Both beat the crap off each other and the outcome may surprise you.

The ending is emotional and I literally saw many people in tears and several kids downright crying.
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