
5 Reviews
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Red Pill (2021)
It is a horror but for the wrong reasons.
7 September 2023
After seeing all the ten star reviews, I felt obligated to leave an unbiased one. There is no way the high reviews are from anyone but those associated with the movie or the actors in it.

Ok, so I just deleted everything else I wrote. I felt horrible being so honest. I know people work hard and it pains me to critique harshly. I'll say this, it is not a well made movie in any category, from editing to dialogue. You might find entertainment in the good bad movie aspect but I did not. The premise intrigued me and it could have been so much better. Watch Get Out instead if you want social commentary horror.

One positive thing I will write...I read that Ms Perkins is a celebrated stage actress. If this one of her early film directing and acting projects, then she has much room to improve and I wish her well.
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Spoiler tag but really nothing in this to spoil.
28 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After about 10 minutes of watching Drinking Buddies, I said to my husband, "it's like there is no script!". When I came here to IMDb, the first sentence in the trivia section confirmed it. This movie, along with American Hustle, proves the importance of a script. A couple of scenes with Anna Kendrick I was yelling at the screen for her to SPEAK! Lots of "umms" and pauses. Here's a drinking game for ya if you just have to watch this movie: drink every time a character says "um". Two swigs when Kendrick's character says it! Do that and you'll be calling in sick the following day. Or two.

Olivia Wilde's character is unlikable and kind of a loser. Jake Johnson's character is alright but ultimately boring. Well... all four main characters are boring and lacking substance. The improvised conversations reveal nothing and go nowhere. The biggest question of all, and would be a major plot point, is if the two main characters slept together. One of those nowhere conversations seems to imply it but there is no clarification. I guess if they can go without a script, they figure the audience can go without a plot.

To title it Drinking Buddies implies comedy and fun. They did drink, quite a lot. But I'm sorry, there was zero entertainment value. I can't recommend it to anyone. I know making a film is hard work and people pour their hearts into it. But come on, guys, you have to have a script! I kinda feel bad writing all of this negativity. On the other hand, I feel insulted that I was thought stupid enough to enjoy this film in any way. This is when I miss the IMDb message boards.
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Somebody Somewhere (2022– )
Something different and I'm in love with it!
24 February 2022
As I watched the first episode of Somebody Somewhere, I wasn't too thrilled about it. It moved slowly, little humor, and I wasn't sure what was the point. Then I watched the second episode. And then a few days later, I realized I was looking forward to the third. This show slowly hooked me and it's going to be sad for me when it ends. It doesn't really have a plot, it's more of a Kansas day in the life of its main character, Sam, although more recent episodes have branched out to let us learn more about the other characters. I feel like these are people I know (people I want to know) and I'm in there experiencing their life with them.

The acting is fantastic! I think the character of Joel is my favorite but I love them all. Sam is our main character and she has family issues affecting her. She's sarcastic and depressed. A character like that could become depressing in itself but the writers are smart by restraining from writing her as angry and bitter. She's very relatable and even with her personal problems, there's an air of hopefulness about her and she retains her sense of humor.

I can see where it may not be for every viewer but if you're going to watch it, give it at least three episodes before changing the channel. There is humor but it's not one liners and situational's the kind of humor that comes with daily life.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
25 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I Care A Lot could have been a highly entertaining movie. If you are casting a film and need an actress to play a cold hearted b***h? Cast Rosamund Pike. Very few actresses could play a role like this and make it so believable. Just like in Gone Girl, she is captivating, and fun, to watch. She's the reason I added an extra star to my rating. The story was lining up well. I even believed that just maybe *spoilers ahead* she was so sharp she could outplay the expensive mafia lawyer in court. But when the two hits failed and the females survived, I was done. Why wouldn't hitmen, told by their boss to kill, at least make sure their targets were dead? And then, worst of all, the film tries to elicit sympathy for the female lead? No no no. They had shown us zero humanity in Pike's character, there was no sympathy or empathy to be had and that made her fun to hate watch. I enjoyed awaiting her downfall. But the shower scene after the failed hits was even more off target than the hitmen were. I was mostly entertained throughout and watched through the end to see how it all played out but would have given a much higher rating and offered to friends as a recommendation if it weren't for the above plot points. I think a better ending would have been for her to end up a ward. Let her live the rest of her life getting a large dose of her own medicine.
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Contracted (2013)
not the worst I've ever seen but...
8 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not giving a summary because not quite sure how to lay out the plot. So straight to my opinion. Seems most reviewers here have pointed out my main gripes. The fact that not even her mother insists she see a doctor is a point I couldn't get past. She comes home after having a drink at the bar and wow, her mom is perceptive about that but can't see or smell her rotting away?? She even stands in the bathroom while her daughter is vomiting blood and asks if she's pregnant!! And I'm of the same opinion as others who pointed out the friends' non reactions, the inept doc, and the stalker who obviously has no sense of sight or smell as he gets it on with her. The goof section here has covered a couple of errors in logic I was going to point out so no need for that, either. So why am I even writing this? I suppose to air my frustrations but also, I just had to comment on the sunglasses. Can she fidget with them one more time because someone may have missed the first few hundred times! Lol. Ok so this isn't much of a review but since IMDb tossed my beloved message boards, I have no where else to go. Overall, it's not the worst thing I've seen. At least I was never bored. Incredulous but not bored. I will probably watch it again some night even if just to hate-watch. There were ways to fix these problems without having her confined to a hospital. She ran from everyone at least once anyway so why not because they were forcing her to get help? Oh and if your doc ever tells you to stay away from others for at least 24 hours, according to this film, that means you can go see everyone you know and even have maggot sex!! (Please don't go by the logic of this film) Positive points? I liked her transformation. Or rather, degeneration. Unlike the characters, I noticed it!
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