
2 Reviews
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Unfulfilled and left ambiguous in the worst ways
1 July 2023
Overall, visuals and audio wise. Stunning and magnificent. Genndy never misses when it comes to his style of animation and the people he chooses to produce the music and audio.

Story wise however, I can follow the plot easily, but it feels like there's just way too many skips inbetween that it's hard to realize why this thing is important, or this thing is not. The main antagonist only appears for about a few episodes, and then vanishes as something else entirely, and it's not even known if that even is the same main antagonist because it isn't said or implied. But I'm just assuming it is because why wouldn't it be, ya know? Overall, the story is alright, but just pacing wise and context wise, it's mish mashed about 50% of the time.

Characters are fun, they look interesting and appealing. Though, unfortunately, like I said with the pacing and context, it just is difficult to make a connection to who/what they are. The main characters mainly, we're just forced into them after them only having like a minute of backstory. I wish they established more of a ground with them rather than just shoving them right in our faces like, "These are the main heroes." And some characters are completely pointless. There were a couple of situations where we're introduced to one person, only for them to never be shown again.

In the end, the show has potential, but the fact that this show was 20 years in the making makes it feel like they were stuck in a specific mindset like it was 20 years ago. In all honesty, the show leaves little to be desired since it leaves on such a weird cliffhanger that makes the finale seem like it wasn't even a finale. Though, I will give it props of making it seem appealing and interesting despite all of these negatives, though when you compare it to other works by Genndy, the show fails hard.

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The most unnecessary episode yet
6 June 2023
When this show first began, I could tell by it's debut that it was a slow paced show. Now, there's nothing wrong with slow pacing, but in this kind of series that needs to be waited on weekly for new additions, it doesn't work at all.

The episodes should not, I repeat, should NOT be 22 minutes long. Nothing gets done.

We're literally about 6 episodes in and yet each episode feels the same, and ends the same.

Especially this episode.

To recap the episode. It mainly is just the heroes waiting for their robotic companion to be repaired. That is it, that is the entire episode. Enjoying watching the characters sit and wait. Cause that is exactly what I was doing, sitting and waiting for something to happen.

I had high hopes for this show, but so far, as the episodes go on, it just is really not boding well with my attentiveness.

This episode really derailed my passion for wanting to keep giving this a chance, since each episode ever since the first two, have been really underwhelming.

It's unfortunate, really, but it happens. I just hope with how far we are already in the episode, that the pace, or the story actually starts to pick up. Because if this annoying slow paced cartoon continues as is, it will fall off, if it hasn't already.
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