
7 Reviews
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Maiden Rio
19 October 2002
Iron Maiden are one of the worlds best metal bands and this DVD shows why. The sound is fantastic and the camera work is as well. Recorded live in front of 250,000 screaming fans this is Maiden at their best. In an age when most like shows are nothing more than lip synched dance party (Brittney Spears, n'synch, backstreet boys etc.) B.S. where the actual music is nothing more than an after thought, Maiden show what real musicians can do in a live atmosphere. Playing songs that span their 30+ year career these guys show no signs of slowing down. Bruce sounds great, Dave,Adrian and Janick all play their hearts out and unlike most of the bands that have popped up in the last 10 years Maiden plays quality guitar solos. Steve Harris is without a doubt one of the worlds best songwriter/bassists and as far as drummers go Nicko can't be touched. If you're a Maiden fan or metal fan, this is a must see/hear. Up the Irons!!!
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Frailty (2001)
19 October 2002
Now having seen this and the Mothman movies, I cannot see how anyone could compare the two and keep a straight face. This is a wonderfully twisted movie about good-evil-and the perception of both. The plot twists in all the right places and in general gives the creeps. It's a low budget film and so what! Not everything we see should have a $850,000,000 budget. This movie manages to create a small town creepy feel that stays with it. I've seen this movie several times now and it still gives me the heebie-jebbies. Well worth watching if you're into spiritual spookiness. Bill Paxton does a real good job with the direction of this movie and manages to create some very unsettling moments.
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South Park (1997– )
Why do they find it so funny?
18 October 2002
Because it is. This show especially the first season is side splitting. The voices, the bad animation, the lampooning of pop culture, what's not to laugh at? It's like Monty Python, either you get it or you don't. This show makes me laugh to the point of pain. =)
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Rock Star (2001)
Judas Priest story line with Bon Jovi soundtrack
17 October 2002
This is the movie that is somewhat based on the exit of Rob Halford from British Metal Gods 'Judas Priest' and how the band replaced him with Ripper Owens, who used to front a Priest tribute band. Originally titled Metal God this movie could have been something great. Instead, someone in an office somewhere who knows little to nothing about metal music decided to water it down. From the title change of Metal God to the 'safe' middle of the road 'Rock Star' to the lame soundtrack this movie plays out badly. Having spent most of my life in a professional metal band I was really looking forward to seeing this, I was very let down by several points of the film. The soundtrack is very NOT metal for one, and the ending of the movie is lame as well. The movie does have a few bright spots in the writing and acting but as a whole, it fails in the end because...1)A movie based on a metal band should have a metal soundtrack. 2)There is NOTHING metal about Marky Mark or Jennifer Aniston. If Bon Jovi, Warrant, Def Leppard and Poison are your idea of 'heavy metal' go see this movie. If Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Dio & Black Sabbath are your idea of metal see this movie for a good laugh.
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The Crow (1994)
A spooky farewell to Brandon Lee
17 October 2002
A great movie. Somewhat of the standard 'comic book revenge' plot, but hey folks, it IS a comic book revenge story. After reading lots of reviews on this site it seems that people just cant wait to rag on a movie. This movie has several things that are worth seeing. One is the lack of the colour blue and how that creates a 'black n white' feel to a colour movie. Had Brandon Lee not been killed during the filming, this would have been his breakthrough role. The tech challenges of finishing up a movie in which the lead actor is no longer living is an amazing process in and of itself. While the music in the soundtrack isn't my bad, I do not hate the film because of that. The acting is nicely done and the movie delivers a few fun lines such as villain Top Dollar's "Are we havin' fun or what!?" As a whole this movie works and works well. Seeing Brandon Lee screaming as he claws out of his grave leaves the viewer with a real uneasy feeling and perhaps it should be that way. This is not a movie about happy people going about their happy little lives. If you enjoy dark fantasy movies with a fun sense of humor then check this movie out. =)
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Heavy Metal (1981)
It's my LocNar!
16 October 2002
This movie was great in it's time. I used to see it in the theatre every weekend at the 'midnight movies' we had where I grew up. This movie is fantastic. I watched it last month and it still entertained me. The segment Harry Canyon is IMHO the inspiration for the movie The Fifth Element. The character Bruce Willis plays, the cab he drives and the time period the movie takes place it all scream of Harry. Heavy Metal is not for everyone, and neither is this movie. I loved it. =)
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Nigella Bites (2000– )
I'm not sure about the food, but Nigella looks good!
23 March 2002
Well I'm not a '40+ middle management type needing a Jewish Mommy...' Actually I'm a 33 year old Artist & Heavy Metal musician and I think this woman is beautiful. Not too sure about the stuff she cooks, most of it looks quite scary to me but Nigella has a great voice and is very easy to look at. =)
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