
2 Reviews
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More déja vu than amnesia flick - must try harder!
24 July 2002
I 'm really not sure about this one - I had the nagging feeling I'd seen something like it before. Then I'd get it mixed up with a completely different film and that was the constant problem from about 20 minutes into the film. Yes, we've been there, seen that and bought the DVD. Nicely done, but what's the point of an amnesia flick with no surprises? An action movie with second hand action, a thriller with old... well you get my point. "Long Kiss Goodnight" was more fun, "Ronin" more thrilling and "Mission Impossible" more accomplished.

Matt Damon makes a fair stab at the bewildered action hero but could do better at the puzzlement he should convey when he starts to meet the other operatives and tries to put together a life that makes sense. The rest of the cast just do their jobs (Brian Cox really must be bored by now - give that man a fresh role somebody). More déja vu than amnesia flick - must try harder to stand out and have an original angle. Very average.
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Cardiac Arrest (1994–1996)
Could be nostalgia, but I still think it's almost perfect...
24 March 2002
Outstanding stuff! This is clearly one of the classic dark comedies. Why it's not more highly thought of is a mystery. It could be nostalgia, but I still think it's almost perfect...

There is a lot of great stuff in this. It is perfectly written - harsh but with enough edge to the humour to keep things in balance. I can't fault the casting either; Helen Baxendale hasn't had a better role since and the whole ensemble plays with panache. It sounds simple but so few people get it right - especially in the UK. You can make a darkly hued comic drama work, if you write it properly and cast it well.

Where is it's successor? Come to think of it (especially given it's current relevance) where's the DVD?
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