
13 Reviews
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Was there even a point to this?
4 October 2022
It's like they gathered some cameras, rounded up a few random people off the street, and just ad-libbed the entire thing. Acting was horrid. I doubt there was even a script. How in the world did anyone think this was even remotely close to a good idea? The attempt at humor seems like it came from a second grade classroom.

If you are ever looking for a way to completely waste away your time then this movie is for you. If you want to know what bad acting looks like then this movie is for you.

But if you would rather keep your sanity and not kill more brain cells, then by all means stay away from this movie.
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Disney fails once again
23 June 2022
Yet again Disney fails to create an actual movie, all in the name of wokeness. This really had potential, but ended up being a weak storyline and wasn't really about doctor strange. This was a Wanda movie with no direction that just happened to have doctor strange in it.
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Creep 2 (2017)
A Continued Waste Of Time
21 June 2022
So the first movie was pretty much the equivalent of soggy toast. Now they've continued along that line. If you thought the blair witch project had bad camera work, you haven't seen bad till you've seen these movies. On top of that add a "story line" with absolutely no point. If it wasn't for a "handheld home video camera" style to the movie, there would be some serious question as to the acting ability of the "actors". If you've never seen these movies your life is better off. They are definitely for a niche movie watcher. The kind of niche where you enjoy poorly made no budget movies.
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Creep (I) (2014)
Absolute waste of time
21 June 2022
This "movie" is a much worse adaptation of the "Blar Witch Project" style of videography, there's very little (if any) actual script it seems like, and there is absolutely no point in the overall story of the movie. It was basically 2 guys with one camera recording something they had absolutely no idea how to make. Don't waste your time.
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Eternals (2021)
An "eternal" flop
23 February 2022
What happens when Marvel, I mean Disney, tries to create a new religion with bland acting, poor writing, plenty of immorality, and a vain attempt at a romance line? You get Eternals.
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The Traffickers (2016– )
Just videos of emotional opinions
8 February 2018
Ever wanted to watch someone pretend to be doing journalism, but only give emotional opinions? Well, you've found the right set of videos. With every episode you get to see mostly just the host in frame giving her emotional opinion about this or that. Putting the story, facts, and information first? That's not for this series. It makes me think of a constant selfie video reminiscent of the usual personal Facebook commentaries you see people post about nothing.
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The Asylum Finally Does It
22 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Asylum finally hit a home run.

Well known for it's crimes against humanity in the field of cinematography, the Asylum has finally produced something worth watching and then watching again.

Good acting and good story line paired with more than decent CG, and you've got a movie from the Asylum you'll actually admit to watching and liking.

They've come a long way and I really hope to see more from the Asylum like this movie.
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Asteroid vs Earth (2014 TV Movie)
A Crime against humanity
19 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so bad that everyone involved should be prosecuted and imprisoned for crimes against humanity.

Just kidding, but it really was that bad.

I thought with some big stars like Tim Russ (Tuvok, Star Trek Voyager) and Robert Davai (Kholia, Stargate Atlantis) then it should be at least bearable. Nope. Nothing even close.

Coming from a career in the military, the military characters and dialogue were horrific. Not the worst I've seen but still really bad.

The Asylum "was" progressing slowly but surely towards better movies, but this was a step back. Even for the Asylum.

Save your time, save your money, and just skip this. Trust me, if you watch this you'll wish you had taken my advice.
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Blackbird (IV) (2014)
You've already seen it before, don't waste your time
6 August 2015
This has got to be one of the most boring films of all time. It's bad enough to beat a dead horse in a movie. But this just beats on three dead horses. Don't waste your time with it. There's really only so many times you can do a movie about a particular subject before it's already been done to death. This movie take three different subjects that we have known about and continues to just over do it. On all accounts. IF you can make it to the end you'll be asking yourself "Really? Another movie about that?" Save your time. Save your insanity. Just go to the local mall and sit there for about an hour. It's cheaper and more entertaining.
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Alien Outpost (2014)
Etertaining, Gripping, and Well Done
3 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was a very well done movie. If you like sci-fi and/or if you like military movies, then this is one for you. Like others have said, it starts out rather slow, but after about 10 minutes or so you're just into it and it gets better and better as it goes on.

After serving in the military I tend to notice little things that get screwed up in movies about the military. Customs used, uniforms, language/terminology, etc. This movie had none of that. Setting the movie in the future and using a military force type that no one knows about probably helped out in that area a bunch.

I cannot think of a single reason to down vote this movie. The acting was good. The script/plot worked out. The alien aspect of it was not over done. Even the special effects were seldom used, but still good.

It is rare that I take the time to write a review about a movie. In fact, I have only done it twice, at most, in the past. But I just had to stop and write one after seeing this movie.

You definitely need to see this. Very good and well done movie.
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Not a bad little movie
9 December 2014
For a low budget movie, they did fairly well.

Definitely not the best of movies, but most definitely not the worst.

The CG could have been done better.

The military tactics could have been improved. But actually quite decent.

The acting was decent, but could have been better.

The story line was fairly decent as well. Not boring, but could have been better.

Given that it's a low budget film, the picture was actually kinda good.

I'm not fluid in Arabic. So not sure if that dialog was accurate or not, but the general concept of the jihadis was portrayed correctly.
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Shooter (I) (2007)
Great, should have been more.
6 October 2007
Awesome movie! 11 out of 10! They really should have included the Walmart scene that was deleted though. That would have been great for the movie. Awesome movie! 11 out of 10! They really should have included the Walmart scene that was deleted though. That would have been great for the movie. Awesome movie! 11 out of 10! They really should have included the Walmart scene that was deleted though. That would have been great for the movie. Awesome movie! 11 out of 10! They really should have included the Walmart scene that was deleted though. That would have been great for the movie. Awesome movie! 11 out of 10! They really should have included the Walmart scene that was deleted though. That would have been great for the movie. Awesome movie! 11 out of 10! They really should have included the Walmart scene that was deleted though. That would have been great for the movie. Awesome movie! 11 out of 10! They really should have included the Walmart scene that was deleted though. That would have been great for the movie.
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Doom (2005)
Unrealistic and Out of Character
9 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was definitely out of context with the story line of the original game. In the movie the creatures come about because of genetic tampering. Something that's been done countless times in movies over the years. Wow, what a surprise. In the game the creatures came about because of opening a gate to hell. So it's really unlike the story line of the game. As a fan of the game itself I found this movie ridiculous as pertains to the game.

The other thing that ruined this movie is the military aspect of the reaction team. The "Sarge" has a tattoo that reads "Semper Fi" across his back which is the US Marine Corps motto. During the movie he refers to himself and his team as "soldiers". Soldier is a term for the Army and not for the Marine Corps. A Marine would never refer to himself or fellow Marines as "soldiers", but rather as "marines". Also, some of the dialect used by the military personnel in the movie is absolutely ridiculous and would never be used by actual military members. This is apparent when you take into account that the military adviser used for this film was not a member of the American military even though the members portrayed in the movie were supposed to be American military. And just for background, I am a United States Marine. The military aspect of this movie just disgusted me.
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