
4 Reviews
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As a stand alone movie - kinda sucks
27 October 2009
After watching this movie I came running to IMDb to see just what this terrible moving was rated and was shocked to see a rating of 7!! After reading other reviews I came to the conclusion that if you are a Battlestar Galactica fan and had a clue about the story then it really wasn't all that terrible of a movie.

I feel this movie could have done much more to make it stand on it's own a little better. I spent most of the time utterly confused about what was going on. Towards the end, I finally started figuring out to some extent who everyone was - not identifying with them or really knowing them or anything, just who they were - and then it was over. There is definitely not enough character development on anyone to have this movie watchable without having any prior knowledge of the series.

I do have to say I was pretty disappointed :(
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This one is going to stick with me for a very long time
15 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm trying to avoid spoilers here but am not sure if I can give my opinion on this movie without giving away a little more than I'm comfortable with.

Keeping the end of the movie out of it for the time being, I found the story told in this movie to be a bit of a different perspective than most.

It was centered on quite a normal family. The dad, personally, was quite pleasant, likable guy and appeared to have a very good relationship with his family. A supportive guy with a sucky job. As the movie progressed he lost some of his appeal and became not quite as likable but I feel it was believable that this was due to the stress of his job and escalating estrangement from his family.

Watching how the sister had no problem being brainwashed to the cause gave me a bit of a better understanding of how so many could be swayed to support the Nazi cause believing they were really in the right.

Now to my reaction of the ending ...... after sitting in stunned silence when it was all over, I proceeded to throw up! I can't even say whether with the ending as it was I can overall say I enjoyed the movie or not - I am still absolutely reeling! Is it the type of ending that provokes deep emotions - definitely. Is it the type of ending that will stick with you for a long long time - for sure. Do I wish it ended differently - absolutely. I don't think I could honestly say whether I liked the ending without stewing on it for a couple weeks.

Definitely worth the watch!
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I just couldn't get into it
2 February 2009
This movie was way to slow for me.

I had to watch it twice to get through it.

I can't blame the acting - I feel all of the cast did a good job with what they had. The cinematography was impressive - all the narrow, tall alley shots made me feel like I was there. The story to me was just lacking.

I think I understand the message they were trying to get across - a family coming to terms with the accidental death of their mother/wife - a realistic story. But this family was not really much more interesting than my next door neighbor. It was just too common place.

I spent the movie waiting for something to happen - and it never did. Even the inclusion of the supernatural twist of the mother's ghost seemed not to add to the story at all.

The basics of a story that you expect to find in a movie were missing. There was no rising action, every part of the movie was just another day. Some conflict between the characters did occur but was built up so slowly and it hadn't really reached a high enough point by the time the climax happened.

When the climax did happened I was wondering "was that it?". It was somewhat more exciting than the rest of the movie but a far cry from what a climax should be.

The resolution seemed totally missing to me. I suppose we can assume that after the bland climax some of the conflict between the characters was resolved but I really don't think the incident was major enough to have caused that much of an effect on the characters past a day or two. Or perhaps we aren't supposed to assume anything was really resolved and that we just saw a short period of time of this very dull family and it will continue on the same once we're finished watching.

Overall, not a terrible movie but one they could have done much more with.
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Taken (I) (2008)
Edge of my seat the whole movie
1 February 2009
This movie completely lived up to it's genre. Kept me on the edge of my seat for the whole movie and wasn't predictable.

The characters were developed sufficiently so you empathized and understood what drove them. The action scenes (almost non-stop) were very fresh; the stunts performed were quite original and you never noticed any switches to any "stunt doubles". For an old retiree he sure knew how to handle himself.

You really feel the main character is a complete hero as well as what every dad would want to be in a similar situation - completely in the right although some of his methods could have been defined as unethical (a little revenge mixed with the righteousness of it all).

The relationships between the characters was also quite believable.

Highly recommended.
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