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The Northman (2022)
A Shakespearean contemplation on the nature of violence
30 December 2022
I cannot fathom how this movie has such a low rating. I think modern people simply cannot handle a movie like this. The movie is an insanely realistic depiction of what life was like back in these times, not only in its brutality but in how people saw life as one big mystical ritual. You must understand that the stuff that people do in this movie is literally what people were doing back in the day.

However, the real gem in this picture is the journey that the main character takes from the beginning to the end, which reaches Shakespeare´s levels of drama and epicness. It is truly a great drama and a deep dive into the very essence of a person, his motives, feelings, hopes and fears. It is quite rare for a movie to get so into the core of a character and produce such deep tragedy with it.

The movie is also a brilliant contemplation on the nature of violence. People who have not been violently traumatized don´t understand that in real violence there are no heroes. This story is a pitch perfect demonstration of how it would really be, if you were to take on such a path, yet it manages to do it without downgrading or degrading the Viking mythology of Valhalla. Life back then wasn´t perfect, it was violent and insane, but in the end it made sense to them, because it had to. Valhalla was where warriors went, for it is only in Valhalla that one could be the hero nobody could be in real life.

Simply put this is one of the deepest movies of recent years. I think for many people the violence distracts them from an objective philosophical analysis of the story and what it truly offers. Or they have lost their capacity for the depths.
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Tokyo Vice (2022– )
A solid TV Series, for once.
14 May 2022
Most of the TV shows nowadays are just plain bad. Tokyo vice is the exception. It´s just plain good. I have really nothing bad to say about it. You get easily invested in all the characters and the whole mood of the show grabs you with it. Really like the aesthethic, also love the little plunge into the Japanese culture although I have never been there. Like all the actors, especially love the young Yakuza japanese guy.

While there are no big explosions and the action is limited, if you are searching for a solid drama with a little bit of crime mystery and some political powerplays between warring factions thrown in and if you are interested in the Japanese culture. Definitely worth a watch!
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the Most ridiculous and amateur movie ever made
12 January 2014
We watched this on Netflix with my friends one night and man am I surprised we managed to complete it, it was probably because it made us laugh so hard and in that respect it could be given a few stars, the problem is that it wasn't a comedy. Nope, instead, it was a poor attempt at something which failed miserably.

I have seriously never seen a script that was as ridiculously mediocre, cliché driven, boring and retarded as the one that this movie was based on. The acting was very average and only added to the fact that you simply could not take this movie seriously. Every scene was shot like an amateur would shoot it. Everything that happened was not believable. I mean I didn't find one redeeming factor in this whole film.

This is at the level of old b-grade action movies of the 80's and 90's, except that it was done in the 21st century. I mean usually even if there is a bad action movie now days, it simply does not reach the level of amateur camera work and retarded shots as this one. The script is usually the biggest flaw, maybe some retarded acting, but at least the directing is generally to at least some extent acceptable, but here. Oh man I don't understand how anybody could succeed in doing something so retarded.

The behavior of the people in this script was taken straight from a soap opera, the emotions and expressions were not believable, rather made you laugh. It was all just so stupid that you ended up laughing the whole movie. I'm not gonna even bother going to the details. If you are going to watch this film, prepare to roll on the floor.
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The situational humor somewhat a disappointment
14 October 2012
I am an avid Wes Anderson fan and have loved all of his movies. For me the thing I love about his movies is the quirkiness of the scenes. The seemingly unintended humor, which of course is completely intended by the director. The sheer stupidity of the scenes for me is something I cannot resist. Its resembles watching a normal movie while high, except with Anderson you don't need to be high.

Moonrise Kingdom did have the quirkiness, but I think that here the story and the setting were the major thing. I mean when you have children they are naturally quirky in some ways, you can expect stupid behavior of them. So I think having the main protagonists be children was a bad call. Also I felt that the quirkiness wasn't as quirky as it could've been. I mean in the other movies the quirkiness has been completely uncalled for, but here it fit the story etc. So its power was not as great. I mean there were few scenes where it totally worked, like the romantic scenes between the children but other than that it wasn't as good as it would've been with adults. For the first 30minutes I found myself thinking "is this it?".

I went in expecting to see absolute quirkiness, what I got was a lovable story, goofy settings and some quirkiness. So if you like Andersons movies because of the funny setting and the cute story this is your movie. But if you want the humor and nothing but the humor this is not his best.
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Okay, but major holes in the execution
21 July 2012
Let me start by saying, that I am an avid Nolan admirer. Up until now I haven't seen a bad Nolan film. All of his movies would be in my top movies list if I had one, I consider him a genius. After seeing the final act of his Batman I have started to reconsider.

The movie was filled with moments where I found myself thinking "This is not believable" and after the first hour I asked myself "Is this it?". Gladly after the first hour things did become more meaningful. The "fall" of the dark knight was awesome, Bane was a tough guy and the Batman did suffer. It was great. Even Anne Hathaway came trough crushing all my negative preconceptions. Other than that, the movie certainly didn't deliver.

In the end they ruined Banes character. Batman's training in this film was far from believable. There were lot of little stories and story structures going on, which didn't work when added together. I mean they worked but comparing to the previous films of Nolan they certainly did not deliver. In many scenes I thought "This is something that just could not happen", the things in this film just didn't work. And I don't mean Batman doing his stunts, of course they are unrealistic, I mean all the little things that left me bothered.

On the other hand when it comes to Batman's stunts there were little, the end conclusion left me thinking "was this the great finale of BATMAN?". Isn't Batman supposed to do something cooler than fly a plane or ride a motorcycle? Isn't Batman supposed to be an acrobat who beats everyone in a cool, cunning and mysterious ways? Here he was the operator of an army plane. In the previous films he was Batman, in this film he doesn't really come off as Batman. His only a random commando wearing a Batman suit. This is something I could not forgive Nolan for.

If the scenes we're actually believable I would've propably considered forgiving him this error, but these two errors together are just too much for me to say this is an impressive movie. You might be able to go as far to say this is good, but it is not impressive. This is a shame, because the guy who did this has done nothing but impressive movies. For some other director this movie could be a good stepping stone for something better, an acceptable movie that did have its moments, but for Nolan it is an utter failure. There we're times in this movie when he got me and I was impressed. The movie did in certain scenes raise my emotion and hit me where it should've, but as a whole taking into account all the bad things it cannot be regarded as a movie above others.

I was let down with this movie. With all of his previous movies that I have seen in the theathre I have gone in with enormous expectations, like the kind of hyped mind you should never walk in with and every single time I have walked out with my expectations blown away by the grandness of what I have just seen. This time I walked in with the same expectations and came out disappointed. The only question in my mind being "How was he able to not see these flaws in this movie, I thought he was a genius who could not fail".
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An unexpected delight
8 June 2012
I had read some positive reviews about this movie and seen the rating, which pointed to the direction that there might be something different about it. It took me a long time until I finally got myself around acquiring this movie, I was lazy, didn't mean enough to me, didn't care.

When I started watching it, despite the good reviews I thought that it wouldn't probably be a mind-blowing movie and it wasn't. But it was still unexpectedly good. The script was so funny and the movie was filled with moments of "didnt see that coming". I mean its not a complicated script or anything but the delivery is so spot on and fresh that it manages to surprise you nonetheless. You might see the plot coming, but you cannot foresee the funny moments that hit you right in the face.

There are many unusual elements to this film, like the relationship with the main guy and this little dude, all I can say is that it is not in anyway typical. There are a lot of untypical elements in this movie and they hit you with them right from the beginning.

Gibson gives a very nice performance, its "payback" all over again. I just love his character and how he really doesn't care for anything, does crazy things without hesitation and pulls them off ridiculously. Yet is always on the nerve of things. Its just pure awesomeness.

I really recommend seeing this movie, its not a masterpiece, not Oscar worthy, but a really enjoyable and fun action piece that will surprise you.
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Iron Sky (2012)
Absolute sincerity of the campy masters
13 April 2012
Okay guys lets face some facts for once. This movie was made to be total crap. These guys knew right from the beginning that what they were making was complete and utter ridiculousness, but you know what? They did it anyways.

If you go see this movie don't expect anything, okay? There's nothing for you to see. The script makes absolutely no sense, the characters are even worse than most guys in b-rated movies. There is not a sensible atom in this movie. All of the nonsense thrown at your face has an icing of camp all over it.

The only good part about this movie are the unrelenting one-liners that make the US and Nazis look like the people that they truly are, not forgetting North Korea. Lets face the facts here for once. There is a lot of wrong doing within the government of the United States of America. Lets face another fact, the Nazis were not sane. And for your information the leader of North Korea DOES have a highly unrealistic image of himself. Where this movie is filled with total and absolute stupidity, in these merciless moments this movie is in fact totally correct, as sad as it is.

It is another question whether the US will ever admit doing anything wrong to anyone or ever having selfish motives behind its behavior. Then again this movie reminds you of the fact that it doesn't matter whether the great nations of this planet will admit their wrongdoings because WE KNOW THE TRUTH. It doesn't matter what they say to us, we see trough them.

So the improper manner of this film is nothing but a proper salute to our great leaders. It is a stupid movie and in being such resembles this world and its governance in a perfect manner. Lets face some facts for once guys, the leaders of our countries don't take us very seriously now do they? They feed us lies after lies and expect us to show them respect just because they're the "big guys".

We don't have to listen to their fairy tales and this movie is that kind of a statement.

Its not a masterpiece but deserves a good rating for its honesty.
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a superb action flick
15 June 2008
I had the pleasant opportunity to see this movie last night in the theater. If you need a quick answer this is it: It is a movie of quality. It contains superb acting, top notch CGI, good plot (although differing a little from the original comic book version) and it is nicely directed.

I know most of you will like/like the Ironman more. I personally liked this more because in the ironman there wasn't enough "superhero" action. There was action etc but it just didn't go much on the superhero side of action in ironman. In Hulk there's an appropriate amount of action and it is cooler than in Ironman. In Ironman he didn't use his superpowers much. If you compare for example the final battle's of these movies you will know the difference.

There is something in this movie that makes it a quality movie. I could say that it has "that" something. Much like Ironman did. I tried to figure out what it was. I've heard that the first Hulk movie starring Eric Bana had the same budget as this movie, but the first one ended up being totally mediocre. I can't point any single thing that makes these movies great, they just simply appear to be made of quality. Guess in the end you have to give creds to the director and the actors. Give any script to a good director and he will turn it into something much greater, give a good script to a bad director and it ends up being cr*p.

All I can say is that this movie is made of quality in every aspect. It absorbs you in from the moment it starts. It's fast paced. You feel for the main character. There's a sip of humor in it that works. The actors do a great job, especially Edward Norton and Liv Tyler(I would marry her anyday, she is so cute when she speaks or is sad, she looks like she really cares). Edward Norton is basically the best actor on this planet for this role. He is skinny, nerdy, intelligent, but not ugly, his voice is cool. He is the perfect Bruce Banner. In fact everything about the main character is cool and is presented as cool, from the mind control stuff to the fighting and from the fighting to him being the intelligent professor.

There are some arguments that Tim Roth is miscast as "Emil Blonsky" in this movie. I disagree. I think its great that this veteran army dude who is the toughest soldier on the planet is not some athletic guy but looks more ordinary than my dad. Because in this movie his toughness doesn't come from him being the new he-man only with bigger abs but it comes from his experience on the field and the fact that he considers himself as a "fighter" despite his age etc. I think its way cooler seeing some ordinary guy in swat gear doing things in a calm way, moving like they do etc. Thats why I liked the Bourne trilogy as well. Cuz Bourne doesn't necessarily do anything flashy, he just walks calmly but knows exactly what he is doing. Although when it comes to big muscles and crazy fight scenes this movie delivers more than well. The other thing is that I really admire Tim Roths characters will to fight. He does it because he likes it and because Tim Roth isn't the athletic dude from the gym it makes it much cooler and more admirable, being just an ordinary guy but still wanting to fight because of the sheer fun of fighting.

This movie does its job more than well. It is an action flick of quality. If you are hesitating whether you should see it or not, don't. Go see it, now.
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The Happening (2008)
a very awkward film
13 June 2008
I just came from the theater. All I can say is that I wasn't quite sure what the director was up to for the most part of the film. I mean many of the scenes seemed like some weird black humor to me and I couldn't stop laughing in those scenes, but I noticed that I was the only one who was. I just couldn't take seriously what was happening on the scene, it seemed like some B-quality movie, but since it got me to laugh I actually liked the movie.

There are two sides in this movie. On the other hand its very serious dealing with some deadly serious things which ain't funny at all and in a very convincing manner, but on the other hand there's a story about two lovers and a child and they act like in a comedy and the things that happen to them are also very funny. But the serious part of the movie really convinced me. It comes straight to your face and it is not nice to watch. I couldn't stop thinking that this movie has b*lls. I mean no movie is so cruel and ruthless.

I do think this movie is sort of an argument for the climate change and I was very convinced. I've watched several documents on the climate change and after that seeing this movie it sort of throws the whole cruel fact to your face that if we refuse to do anything about it, sh*t will hit the fan and it will hit it hard. Although the way it hits the fan in this movie is quite absurd it still gets the point trough.

I wasn't sure about the movie until the end. The ending was good and that serious part of the movie was good but the story of the people was a joke and I genuinely laughed when I saw it. Anyways, the ending had b*lls and make up for the bad story about the people.
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