
6 Reviews
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The In-Laws (I) (2003)
Lots of fun!
23 September 2003
I think some of the reviews are taking this movie far, far too seriously. It was just what I needed: some great laughs in a light-hearted adventure. Sure, the bullets fly but you just know no one is going to get seriously hurt and everybody will be buds by the end of the movie. Some hilarious, hilarious scenes...nobody flying the plane while Douglas makes omelettes/the blackmail pictures of the FBI Agent/The Ex "I hate you but I've got a room" wife/David Suchet's pyscho mad man...oh man, I laughed...

Michael Douglas (The GAME is still an all time fav. of mine) and Albert Brooks are in top may be no surprise that the FBI can't keep up with Douglas' Steve Tobias character, but that's fun to watch too (especially the elevator scene where in frustration the Feds finally take 90 flights of stairs to catch up with him...).

Ever wonder if Douglas or Brooks log onto to see what people think of their films? I mean, maybe the clock is going on midnight and Mr. Douglas is sitting in his den in his housecoat drinking tea somewhere in Napa and he says to himself "hey, I wonder what people thought of this film...". Well, if you log and see this review - thanks Mr. Douglas (and Mr. Brooks) - I really enjoyed the film!
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Oh please
15 December 2002
I've read the other comments on this website and felt I should add my own.

STAR TREK 10: NEMESIS was pretty good. The space battles were great. Yet

I couldn't help but feel somewhat disappointed.

What happened to the crew? With the exception of Captain Picard and

Counsellor Troi, it's slim fast alert time!! (Isn't Data a machine? Maybe someone should tell him machines don't put on 25 lbs.). Can they really pick up a

positronic signal on a planet light years away when they're not even scanning for it? Can the Enteprise really take that kind of beating and survive? Doesn't the law of physics say that when the Romulan ship "backed up", the Enterprise would have been dragged along with it, and not be separated...?

Okay, the story itself was quite interesting, if not a little dragged out. Why is it always about Picard or Data? How about giving Riker something to do, or

Geordi? I guess I should be pleased it's not the same old Klingon honor

storyline that haunted the series (that is a relief)...

And, if they made Janeway an Admiral ("Nobody breaks the prime directive

around here...unless it suits me"), shouldn't Picard be an Admiral by now??

I was horrified by the ending. Are you going to tell me that B4 is going to be another Data? Are we back to where we were 15 years ago? Oh, please.


(p.s. - Yes, I know it's not officially titled "Star Trek 10", they hide the numbers because "10" would sound ridiculous, wouldn't it? No wonder MAID IN

MANHATTEN was number one on Star Trek NEMESIS' opening weekend).
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The Twilight Zone (1985–1989)
Makes you realize how good it was
1 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
The newest version of the Twilight Zone that premiered in September, 2002, makes me realize just how good the 1985 series was. They were so good, in fact, I still remember some of my favourite episodes: the relative of JFK who went back in time and ends up stopping the assassination, the Viet Nam vet whose afraid to go to sleep, the man who must become 'invisible' for one year....ah, those were the days. I was excited a few years back to see them running in syndication only to realize that the episodes had been chopped down and key scenes removed (to fit into a half hour block instead of an hour). This made me stop watching them. I hope that CBS will release the full original uncut 1985 Twilight Zone on DVD someday, but it's probably going to be a long wait.
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Serving Sara (2002)
could have been better
9 September 2002
After the delightful THE WHOLE NINE YARDS, Matthew Perry's SERVING SARA comes as quite a disappointment. The movie starts interestingly enough, with Matt's character Joe Tyler serving papers on a known mafia boss in an illegal underground gambling den. But it's mostly downhill from there, even with Elizabeth Hurley along for the ride.

One interesting note: at one point in the movie, Matt makes a phone reservation for Sara at the Marriott in Miami. He calls and when the hotel reservations person answers, he says something to the effect of: "I'd like a reservation for Sara Moore for tomorrow morning". The Marriott rep says "fine" and then Joe hangs up. No price or type of room discussion. No credit card or confirmation number. No address given. No way.
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The Glow (2002 TV Movie)
This movie works
6 September 2002
The Glow is quite an interesting made for TV movie. It stars Dean Cain and Portia DeRossi as Matt & Jackie, a young working couple who by chance find the perfect apartment in New York City. By the time it is revealed that chance has little to do with it, they are in way over the heads.

The kindly older couples who run the building just aren't what they seem...and the last tenants who had leased Matt & Jackie's apartment have disappeared without a trace. And when the young couple upstairs also disappear...well, Jackie suspects the worse. She digs deeper..only to discover the impossible.

The movie is well thought out, well paced, very suspenseful. However, there are a couple of problems with it. For instance, after being abducted, how does Jackie set off the fire alarm with the cigarettes she uses (if you see it, you'll ask yourself where they came from - considering she's hardly wearing anything). Or...what is the Glow? It's never really explained. I would have rather have seen more of an explanation at the end, then the ending we did get (although it was fine).

The casting of the older couples in the building was really top rate. Hal Linden is stellar as the kindly 'fatherly' type who takes Matt in as "the son I never had". It would have been great to see his motivation and character further developed. But, hey, as a made for TV movie, it's much better than a lot of the movies we pay $13.50 to go see.

Shot in Toronto, by the way. If you look closely you'll see Union Station, the Royal York Hotel & other sights.
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Best show on television
3 April 2002
Law & Order: Criminal Intent has come as quite a surprise, considering the major disappointment of the other Law & Order series, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

But it seems more thought has been given to Criminal Intent - creative plots, solid writing and far superior acting.

Heading the cast is Vincent D'Onofrio as Detective Robert Goren. Although the cast is rounded out by Kathryn Erbe, Jamey Sheridan and Courtney B. Vance, they are mere window-dressing to the screen time given D'Onofrio every week, as he finds some round-about way to get suspects to incriminate themselves, or to figure out the actual motives or intent of those involved. In fact, each week I am reminded of Columbo: Goren knows almost from the beginning whose responsible, now it's time to flush them out.

Very little takes place in the courtroom, but...that's not what the series is about. Although seeing the actual crime in the first few minutes can be rather gruesome, the cat and mouse game played by Goren and the suspects later in the show make it well worth watching. In fact, for that reason I try to not to miss an episode.

It would be interesting to see some of the personal lives of these characters, but that might be where SVU when wrong.

Congratulations Dick Wolf, keep up the good work!

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