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11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I'm watching is because of how much I missed Rick and I have always hated that he never saw Judith again or ever had the chance to know he also has a Son...

But, so far... The "Love Story" thing is lame, there never really was on screen chemistry between these 2 and it always felt forced and weird, it still clearly does... She finally finds him and does not tell him he has a Son he has no idea even exists? Wouldn't that make him work even harder?

Also, Michonne is laid up with gas poisoning for over a year and her weird half shaved head never grew in?

He also never asked about the others, like Daryl (basically his brother) Carol etc..? Just odd... It's falling flat and is so far boring.

The whole story of where he is now is too much to absorb, not interesting.

It will never be like it.was, they destroyed what it was the day they killed Glenn.
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Wow... What a waste of time!
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Started off very intriguing, I had never heard of this story, so I was all in. Then they bring in these old, crying, sad women who have nothing going on with their lives other than to fight over the internet about who this guy was.

It became boring, pointless and ultimately there was no real close to the story other than he was found to be "a bad guy, that abused women and had mental illness"... No real conclusion from the autopsy other than, "we think we starved himself"...

Super disappointing to start out intrigued and very curious to then be immediately let down by lackluster reporting, armature sleuthing, catty old ladies and no closure to the mystery.

Do not bother to watch this, just Google it to find out who he was and what little they found out about him, the end!
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Bokeem Woodbine... Just WOW!
26 January 2024
I'm only on season 2, but holy cow I though wow Bokeem shoukd be winning an award for his performance, so I looked it up and BAM! He won it! Rightfully so, glad to see that he did, he earned it.

The whole season was good but HIS performance was so amazing, the calmness, the certainty, the knowledgeable, sociopathic personality, with somehow a twinge of redeeming qualities... Not easy to pull off. He was even funny at times, really enjoyed that character, great casting choice!

Look forward to seeing him in more stuff. Everyone else wa great too! Can't wait to watch the other seasons after this one,.love Ewan, hoping that's good too.
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The Bear (2022– )
Not seeing what all the hype is about...
18 January 2024
It's OK... But nothing fantastic or captivating... I think people are truly hard up for entertainment since the writers strike, this show is ctually very boring. There are hints here and there about everyone's "past" but mostly it's just people cramped in a crappy kitchen, screaming at each other and making the same foods over and over. Not seeing what all the hype is with awards and stellar reviews, it's more like C+ work, nothing great.

Don't believe everything you are reading here or hearing, it's basically boring and the music is all over the place, either poor, oddly timed editing, filled with arguing and mindless banter that takes you nowhere and does not leave you wondering what will happen next.
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A garbage story put together for money
5 January 2024
This entire story makes zero sense, the people are beyond ridiculous, including the lawyers and even the victim. Everyone is over acting, overly dramatic and at times even seemingly reading from a script. The victim pretends to cry and now hides behind a new family that seems just as shady and trashy as any other opportunistic schemer is with adopting butt loads of children for the sake of stae assistance and federal tax breaks, all the while hiding behind "Jesus."

No one is telling the truth, everyone involved are garbage people with ill intent to create a documentary to make money. This is as more drawn out than what really occurred.

Don't waste your time.
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Whiplash (2014)
A good way to get killed...
19 December 2023
JK Simmons would NEVER get away with physically, verbally and mentally assaulting students. Furthermore, the implication that a musician student would not react and stick up for themselves by handing Simmons his ass is a tired story. Everyone has a breaking point, everyone. A man like this would have been killed or seriously mamed by a student, a students loved ones, or the students friends etc. The message that being pushed to the brink is the only way to strive for "perfection" is a tired story and never well ending.

The story itself is good (for a movie) it's disturbing and even unrealistic, but it's good for entertainment.
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For a historical piece... Surprisingly boring.
17 December 2023
Not totally ake away from the dark and true history of the story, this overly long, drawn out story is surprisingly boring. The characters do not draw you in, DiCaprio seems dumb as the day is long, Deniro is (once again) the bad guy with money, in charge on Scorcese's watch. Too many overlapping back stories.

DiCaprio's constantly downturned mouth, mumbling over slack jawed ramblings, lumped in with murder after murder while everyone in the middle never catches on to who is behind things. BORING! This story should not take almost 4 hours to tell. Once again we slap Scorsese on something, thrown in some big hitting a toss and expect it to be amazing... It isn't.

Dot waste your time, literally 4 hours of your time. At least when Dances with Wolves was 4 hours long it was actually a fantastic film. If you plan to watch this do it when it does not really cost you anything accept maybe the cost of the streaming platform.
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Living alongside the delusional...
8 December 2023
This really hit home for my own reasons, this made me so sad and so angry! This man STILL believes he is free of any wrong doing, that he is this jovial, sweet man that couldn't possibly hurt a fly... He makes me sick! Furious!

I also really have such anger towards his wife and even their daughter who allowed this man to abuse one of her own daughters.

I am not negating or dismissing trauma and the cycle of dysfunction that does essentially brain wash a victims emotional or moral compass, but since the DAWN OF TIME a mother is designed to protect their children, not continously put them in the jaws of the lion. I don't care what year it was or what societal stigmas were in place, nothing should hinder that instinct.

Also. That other weird, overly defensive, overly chatting couple that completely gas light her Mother and immediate began to preach the word of God and make her pray for forgiveness... UNREAL!!! I was floored either of them even entertained that whole thing, that couple was shady and clearly hiding something too...

This guy is a monster, stone cold and has lived his whole live raping little girls with no repercussions, this is exponentially terrible and shameful.

This took so much courage from her and especially all of the victims, very well done.
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Reptile (2023)
So... THAT was it?...
18 October 2023
Every one talks about it being a "slow burn" but to be patient for the twists and suspenseful turns at the end.... Nothing about this film was shocking, or implausible to the extent that it wasn't predictable. The end..? Omg... THAT was the ending?... OK!

Talk about rushed and over simplified. Plus we never see what happens to a character that played a role in uncovering things, it was just left to speculation.

I love Del Toro, but this one was lame and predictable. They do not make cinema the way they once did everything is so rushed.

Not worth the watch, unless you are stuck on a plane or something...
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Man... I really held out hope for this one...
13 October 2023
I was really hoping Flannagan would make something again that was as decent of a caliber as Doctor Sleep or The Haunting of Hill House... Even Midnight Mass (although that was far too filled with scripture and run on rantings) but still had it's moments... But... Once again... This was a hot mess!

I cannot believe he took a work of Poe and turned it into this borderline tacky American Horror Story, woke, ill casted mess. The story is all.over the place, the cast of actors is too far stretched and written to be absolutely obnoxious. It is all too easy to lose interest very early on.

Disappointing to wait so long or something new from Flanagan and all the while hoping it is crap like Bly Manor or even worse The Midnight Club, but nope... Instead we get more garbage.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Love it, but...
15 September 2023
Flanagan please get actresses that can a tually shed tears when pretending to cry for a scene. Nothing takes your audience out of a believeable moment more than parroting the voice and squint face of crying, with not a single tear to match it.

Other than that and perhaps at bit too much scripture... The rest of the story was good. Keep Hammish in your back pocket for more to come, he fits right in with your line up.

Looking forward to Fall of the House Usher, hoping it is far better than the Midnight Club, huge snooze fest.

So far, Doctor Sleep, Haunting of Hill House and Midnight Mass are my favorites.
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Mayfair Witches (2023– )
Terrible acting...
13 July 2023
I'm only on episode 1 and do far the acting is really terrible. How does Daddrio keep getting role? She cannot act!

Same dumb expression in any role she is in, no depth, no convincing the audience she is a certain character... She cannot chameleon into looking different either, she looks the same.

The story line in episode one is also very boring. Bad graphics, bad fake crying sequences, too slow. At least interview with a vampire pulls you right in, no boring storyline, no bad acting.

Anything that Daddrio is casted in is a bad idea, is always a flop. She even said herself she has never even read anything Rice....? What a waste.
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Cruel Summer (2021–2023)
Season 1 ending and season 2..
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The season 1 ending was 100% ridiculous, made zero sense but we were to swallow it because we had no choice. Was invested for most of it but then BAM! Super lame ending per usual.

Season 2, omg the acting is SO terrible, specifically from the 2 lead actresses. This is designed for high school kids. Already not interested or invested in these boring girls. Hard pass, don't waste you time unless you love crappy drama class acting and a story that takes you at a snails pace.

Why not at least TRY to make something worthwhile? Something not churned out over and over again, it's boring and predictable.
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15 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Tom Holland is a terrific actor, very talented and even a very gifted dancer too. This movie is super boring. Sorry Tom, this one is a snooze fest, none of which is the fault of the actors.

They are given a story and work hard on character development, all of which I can see. The storyline just very boring, we can also tell what is going on in terms of the multiple personalities etc.

A great Tom Holland film is The Impossible... My gosh, what a fantastic true story that is and he did amazing in his very complex role as a young kid.

Tom chose stuff that suits your talents, this one wasted them.
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Tom Hanks... Please just stop, take a break.
16 May 2023
Why is Tom Hanks making rapid fire terrible movies like he is Nicholas Cage with a huge IRS debt? The quality of his work is so low now from what it once was. He has plenty of money to never work again (if he wanted) so why is he chosing one dud after another? Big thumbs down, very slow, incredibly predictable (I did not read the book) None of it pulls you in, it's like a boring made for TV Hallmark movie.

The nepotism Hanks coasts on for his kid in this also ruins it. Wish we could go back the days Punchline, Appollo 13, Saving Private Ryan, Catch me if you Can roles... I would even go as far back as Nothing in Common (an oldie but a good dramatic role for him)

Now we are just stuck with this worn out version of him, phoning in every role. His appeal started to go down after The Terminal... Yikes what another boring waste of time that was too.
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Super staged...
10 May 2023
The is super staged... Around every turn they get perfect footage captured, the timing of "running into" possible key people at just the right time, or right when possible evidence goes "missing".... Ridiculous! The Son... Just trying to get past the way he speaks is a full time job in itself. Sometimes you can hear the scripted part of these detectives talking to one another, bad acting.

This is not worth watching. Even worse than Making a Murderer, just garbage, don't bother...

Just stick to real crime documentaries or shows that are truly dedicated to solving crimes, this is not that show.
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Milas best work,but...
6 February 2023
Great story. The only missing part would be where Mila learns to generate real tears while she is simulating crying. Takes me right out of a moment when an actor is parroting all the sounds and expressions of crying, yet there is not a single tear to be seen. Chiara was very good, she at least could muster up real tears. Mila did well but she needs to work on her depth in acting with real emotional delivery.

That mother was just terrible... For every parent out there that treats their daughter as if they were asking to be raped... There is a definitely a special place in hell just for you... Protect your children.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Started out ok... Getting more and more boring...
6 February 2023
Started off pretty good, spot on to the details of the game, as we as some interesting back story etc. However the last 2 episodes 3 and 4 are boring... Nothing happens, at least nothing worth watching, it's typical content already been done in TWD or any other zombie show. Just a lot of talking and a whole lot of nothing going on... He has been in the apocalypse for 20 years and he does not know better not to drive his very well maintained, fully loaded truck into an apocalypse ridden town? That whole thing was super stupid! Oh wow now we have no car or way out of here and a whole town full of armed, paranoid people that want us dead.... Again nothing happens. BORING!
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Had potential, poorly acted
15 January 2023
Watching this again almost 20 years later... Yeah... Super crappy acting. Could have been amazing but the acting ruins it. Looking at it now its almost painfully bad..

Any Smart always pretending to cry with no actual tears, the catatonic friend which was way over acted. Eric Stoltz as a child raping, violent father... So many very unbelievable characters, with even more over the top story lines... Wasted opportunity for what could have been a decent story.

She handed him a granola bar when he has no hands or arms... Really?..lol wow...

Terrible, terrible acting from the Mom too............
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Now THIS is a good show...
8 January 2023
This blows Tulsa King out of the water, which in my opinion is a very vanilla, watered down attempt at being gritty. This delivers.

My only hope is that it can continue after Renners very close call with his accident, thank goodness he is still alive, but it may mean that the shoe cannot continue. I recognize alot of faces in this show from another movie Renner did call "Wind River"- Also, good actors. Look forward to how far this story can take us.

Most of the Marvel cast has not had luck with finding worthwhile roles since, however Renner nailed this one. Love this show! Hoping he has a speedy recovery.
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Tulsa King (2022– )
A wannabe Sopranos -Vanilla SOA ripoff
1 January 2023
Tge writing is barely C+ , storyline is predictable and SO SLOW! When something does happen it is just the typical "Sopranos/ Sons of Anarchy" violent, already been done, predictable writing. Does not suck you in even though it desperately tries over and over. This is background noise at best, very boring.

Just watch Sopranos or SOA, those are at least worthwhile. We wanted to give Sly a shot but we just could not continue watching it. Could care less about the characters and what happens. Once again everyone raves about something that is just all hype and no delivery, this is no where near as great as everyone claims it is.
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1923 (2022–2023)
The Africa storyline is offputting...
1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Other than that, when they stick to the western storyline of the Dutton family it's OK, the overly mellow dramatic storyline in Africa with the dumb, rich lady and Spencer is not good... Watching these 2 claw t eachtoher while murdering beautiful animals in their own terrain is a hard pass. Stick to the formula.

At least the mellow drama with Elsas storyline was more interesting in terms of it being in America and the historical background of the Native people on the land. There is no chemistry between Spencer and this whiney, rich, entitled woman that threw herself at him and insisted she tag along. Every time they are on screen it's cringe worthy. She is so full of herself, non stop talking... Obnoxious!
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Vastly unbelievable, even comical...
26 December 2022
This is a huge pile of crap. Not even closwe to the other 411 docs. It is far from being even remotely believable, full of rambling stories straight out of the mouths of people who clearly watch too many XFiles reruns. There is no evidence, there is only people sitting around claiming these wild, detailed science fiction BS tales they want us all to believe. Absolute garbage.

What is with the furious blinking from the interviewees? That is usually a sign of lying. This was not just one person with this issue either (watch for it)

Again, zero evidence to support any it, the claims are so unbelievable it is comical!
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Outstanding Lestat!
14 November 2022
Although in the beginning I was put off a bit about a more modern day story that was only loosely based on Anne's novel... I have now come LOVE Sam's version of Lestat... His stature, his voice, his walk, his ruthlessness,his delivery... OUTSTANDING! He blows me away, absolutely love.

I have come to also embrace the new story, I do think Anne would have enjoyed this, especially Lestat.

Claudia and Louis of course are also amazing, I look forward to where this story will take us. I can certainly understand why so many people are not into this version as it is not exactly what she wrote, but if you look long enough, listen closely you will see her there. Again, I think she would have been over the moon with Sam's rendition.
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28 Days Haunted (2022– )
So fake, forced drama, clearly scripted...
21 October 2022
Although the back stories seem eerie and haunting, the acting from these "mediums" aka hired actors is so clearly forved and scripted.

So obvious they deliberately force the cast into "squabbles" simply for entertainment value and ratings.

It is shows like this that take away from and set the bar lower for the real and professional paranormal investigation teams put there.

Very predictable story writing, very little to no proof in findings at all, just a "OMG I saw a shadow!" ...That is about it, any of the "EVP's" are also very unbelievable... "OMG the cupboards are suddenly opened!" ... As if the camera crew could not have opened them, ridiculous.
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