
38 Reviews
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Eight Gifts of Hanukkah (2021 TV Movie)
More creepy stalker than romantic admirer
30 November 2023
I found this movie a little creepy. The whole time she is viewing Daniel as a brother or best friend, he is dreaming of getting in her pants. I could understand him wooing her with secret gifts if he was college age, but he's well past that. He should have manned up, and asked her out ten years ago.

It's nice that Hallmark made a Chanukah movie, but I didn't really like this one. And I'm a Jewish optometrist, so that's a little disappointing.

I didn't feel like there was a romantic connection between the two leads so the story line is a little far fetched. I hope Hallmark comes out with some more Chanukah movies.
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The Big Sick (2017)
A good love story
7 January 2023
This isn't a hilarious movie. But it's a good movie about real people. I identified with the characters. 41 years ago I fell in love with a girl in Chicago. We were different religions and our parents were upset when we got engaged. We didn't care, and we're still together 41 years later. Our families got over it as soon as the first grandchild popped out.

Ray Romano and Holly Hunter were very good, and realistic. I grew up in NYC and I am around the same age as Ray so I enjoyed his character.

My wife is a nurse. She was an ICU nurse when we lived in Chicago. The part of the movie when Kumail asked the RN for advice on moving Emily, is clever. RNs know what is going on, and will give you the best recommendation on who the best doctor is.
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7 Days (I) (2021)
Quirky and refreshingly different.
11 October 2022
I liked this movie. It is totally different than your average romantic comedy. The characters are flawed, and in very realistic ways. I think the movie does a good job of showing how paranoid everyone one was when Covid first shutdown our businesses and we had shelter at home orders.

Was the actual disease covered realistically? No. It's a comedy, not a documentary. I'm someone who has been married to a woman for 41 years, that I initially had no intention to marry. We were different religions and our parents opposed the marriage. We fell in love anyway, and she is the best thing that ever happened to me. Now I have great children and beautiful grandchildren. So this movie struck a chord with me. Sometimes opposites do attract. One person learns to be more fun, and one person learns to be more responsible. It's not a smooth process, but it's a productive one.
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Realistic portrayal of marriage.
10 October 2022
I'm 66. I grew up in NYC, surrounded by immigrants chasing the American dream. We were dedicated to marriage and family and a strict moral code, base on Judeo-Christian ethics.

I've been married 41 years. I identified with Andy Garcia's character. He worked hard and played by the rules, and all the rules have suddenly changed, and he is at risk of losing all his loved ones, that he dedicated his life to.

This movie has very little do with Steve Martin's Father of the Bride. I think it's better. And for all you pseudo-sophisticates that are complaining that this was a remake, Steve Martin's version was a remake of the 1960 Spencer Tracy classic.
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The Last Bus (2021)
Touching movie about true love.
10 October 2022
I'm 66 and have been married 41 years. So movies about death and mourning hit a little closer to home. Definitely a tear jerker, but moments of levity also.

I watched the movie on a flight back to America from Britain, so his portrayal of the reserved, proper, yet strong gentleman was very believable.

This is the kind of movie Hollywood should make a lot more of, but they are too busy remaking 40 year old movies. Treat yourself and watch it. Bring tissues.

We used the tube in London a lot. It was a very user friendly system. I can believe taking a bus across Great Britain. I would never do it in the US.
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Marry Me (2022)
Tough crowd
25 September 2022
A lot of negative reviews on here, about how unrealistic this is. Actually I wonder why more celebrities don't marry everyday people. Celebrities usually marry each other and have frequent divorces, suicides, and drug overdoses. Why does it seem far fetched that a girl from the Bronx would yearn for a normal life, away from social media?

I enjoyed this movie. I'm reaping the benefits of a normal, middle class marriage of 41 years. I have 5 beautiful grandchildren and sixth on the way. I wouldn't trade my life with any celebrity. And I started in a Brooklyn housing project. Live the dream. Take a leap.
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The Nut Job (I) (2014)
It's a political metaphor
28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie. Like Zootopia, it's a metaphor about the politics of fear. Our leaders keep us dependent on them and control us with fear of shortages and different cultures. Divide and conquer.

Grayson isn't an unnecessary character. He's the false hero that consultants manufacture while destroying the true heroes who only want freedom.

It's scary to me how obtuse some of these reviews are.

Hollywood is in a new Blacklist era where conservative movies can't be made. They slip in a cartoon now and then, I see.

As a crabby old man, who remembers when this was a free country with freedom of speech I like a character named Surly.
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I enjoyed it.
2 March 2022
I thought this was a cute movie. It shows you how hard it is to work on a relationship, and how your childhood affects your personality.

I think the people giving it one star reviews are looking for love in all the wrong places. Get a hobby and meet someone to love.
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Rescue Me: Ashes (2011)
Season 7, Episode 9
Best scene in this episode
26 February 2022
I love the playground scene here. If you're a baby boomer that is old school it will crack you up.

I never got into Rescue Me when it was broadcast. But now that you can watch it from Season One, and understand the context, you will learn to love this wacky, dysfunctional, brave crew of characters. It helps if you've been through some hard times and lost your self righteous, judgmental perspective.
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Thoroughly enjoyed this movie
21 January 2022
I loved this movie. These characters are real. People with passion for their families, their creative works. People who are sad after divorce. Police work in the real world is like this. It's not usually full of explosions, and martial arts.

I loved a movie with some ethnic humor, like we used to use in NYC when I grew up in the '60s. I laughed many times from little smartass lines in the movie.
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I enjoyed it
30 December 2021
This is not a traditional Christmas movie, if you want snow and carols, and Christmas trees. But if you think Christmas is actually about good and evil, and love and justice, this is more about Christmas than the corny Hallmark movies.

This is a farce, it's not realistic, but it's well written with good actors. If you've ever gone to court thinking truth will prevail, and ran flat into a cluster, you'll enjoy this movie.
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A fun romp, not a religious treatise
28 December 2021
I enjoyed this movie. A lighthearted look at evil and redemption. If you are a tight ass religious fanatic, pass it by. If you get the Golden Rule, enjoy the typical Paul Hogan humor.
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A classic for all ages
12 December 2021
Some reviewers complain that the movie is bizarre and nonsensical. That's the point. Alice wishes for a world like that when she is bored with her tutor. You should be careful what you wish for.

My 4 year old granddaughter loves this movie. I thought it was scary when I was a kid, she doesn't seem fazed by it at all.
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Sad commentary on Today's Hollywood
30 November 2021
What a waste of a cast. Totally unrealistic scenarios, typical ridicule of Catholics, people marrying each other after one of them cheated on the other hours before. That doesn't happen in real life. Or maybe it does in Hollywood, and that's why the average Hollywood marriage lasts 5-10% as long as mine. I've been married 40 years, but I took my vows seriously.

I'm no prude, I can laugh at raunchy sex romps, but they should make some sense. This is just vacuous, and devoid of sentiment.
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Starts great, fizzles out.
29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of all this movie has very little to do with Christmas. Unlike most Christmas movies, it doesn't gloss over the death of a parent to make the widower a potential romantic story. It does a good job of portraying how difficult it is to grieve. And just when the movie starts, achieving the potential to have some romance it ends abruptly. They could have at least given us ten minutes of romantic potential.
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Cute movie
19 November 2021
I thought this movie was very credible. It was cute, and I liked the leads. The ending was rushed and kind of contrived. The people that didn't like this movie have probably never fallen in love, or are just crabby for some other reason.

Several of the reviewers take themselves way too seriously. Thisis acomedy, not a documentary.
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Never really goes anywhere.
8 June 2021
This movie looked interesting. Excellent cast, and an interesting premise. It never fulfills it's promise, and just ends with no solution to all the issues raised. Very disappointing.
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Old fashioned sit com
10 April 2021
Dislaimer: I only watched the first four episodes. If you're tired of being preached at by a Leftist Hollywood, and just want to relax and watch a cheesy sit com like Step by Step, tune in.
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The Unicorn (2019–2021)
Jumped the shark early
25 March 2021
I really enjoyed the first season. A loving, caring Dad that gets along with his daughters and tries to deal with becoming a Widower, ethically.

The second season has lost all it's charm. One whole show was about a group colonoscopy. His relationships become superficial and helter skelter. Tonight he's quoting Jack Kerouac, counterculture icon, not a hero of mine. There is very little real father daughter interaction, the daughters are more of a prop for his dating and interactions with his friends.

It's not really any different from any other single Dad show anymore. He's not a Unicorn any more.
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No apologies
28 February 2021
Almost every review apologizes for the quality of the movie , but says they enjoyed it. I couldn't care less if critics, or Hollywood elites like this type of movie. It's entertainment. It's enjoyable, it's funny, it has a beautiful female agent, Kevin James is funny, and lots of cartoonish action. There is some gratuitous violence, so I wouldn't let anyone under 13 watch it.

And it has more truth about what the CIA does in South America, than a lot of serious dramas.
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Wild Honey (2017)
Entertaining farce
6 January 2021
It might sound strange to say that this movie has realistic characters, when the situation is unrealistic.. Don't stop working out Melissa. But this movie is about flawed people, sensitive people wounded by their childhoods and adolescence, who haven't adapted well. It's funny, the acting is excellent and as an older man I can understand how someone who is down, would grab on to someone he normally wouldn't be attracted to.

I gave it an 8, because I didn't like the ending and I would have liked a little better character development.
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Lazy, entitled vanity project for aging Pretty Boy.
3 January 2021
I never liked George Clooney, so maybe I just don't get it. This movie has no plot, no character development, no articulation about important events. I did miss several parts because I actually dozed off at points. Mercifully. I could go on a rant, but that would reveal many spoilers.

I wonder how many sycophants were involved in this production? No one had the guts to tell Clooney it was a total fail?
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Mad About You (1992–2019)
Finally, a show for baby boomers
3 January 2021
I enjoyed the original show, but I cherish the remake. When the original was on, there way many other shows, aimed at the boomer demographic. Now it's aimed at young people, old people get no respect. I really appreciate the jokes aimed at aging, but with a sense of concern, not ridicule. I'm the same age as Paul, and grew up in NYC, and my sisters still live there, so that makes the humor even better.

I don't enjoy the daughter, Mabel. She is spoiled and entitled, but it makes me appreciate my children. They are in their 30s, and benefited from parents with a tight budget. I do wonder how the Buchman's afford to live in a condo that costs millions. Maybe they have been there since it was rent controlled.

The reviews that are mad it's not on a network, don't get it. Networks want the young demographic, and to change society. Its a miracle the show was made, thank you Spectrum. It's now available on Amazon Prime. I actually have a Spectrum account at a second apartment, but I can't get the mobile App to work, that would be a good plot line, if the show wasn't on Spectrum.
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Trees Lounge (1996)
Poor portrait of Valley Stream
7 September 2020
I moved to Valley Stream in 1968, when I was 12. I left the projects in Brooklyn, and loved Valley Stream. I graduated Central one year ahead of Steve. We had a lot of mutual friends, were teammates on Soccer teams, and I'm very happy he has had a great career, with many entertaining films. I was very disappointed in this movie though. I watched it with great anticipation when it came out, because my sister told me it had scenes at Sal and Vin's, an iconic barber shop on Rockaway Avenue. Sadly they must be on the director's floor, because I sat through the whole boring movie, and never saw it. I watched it on Amazon Prime the other day to see if maybe I wasn't giving it a fair chance, and I only made it halfway through before giving up on it. So maybe I'm dense, but I did not enjoy this movie. Valley Stream was a great town to grow up in, and it's still a gateway to upward mobility.
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Renegade (1992–1997)
A very enjoyable show.
26 May 2020
When this was on TV I never paid attention to it. It looked stupid, with bad acting. A few months ago I cancelled cable and streamed this on Amazon Prime.

Amazing how this show improves in comparison to today's shows. At least it has a plot, and some funny parts, and lots of great car crashes, and nice scenery. And the star of the show, Reno's Harley. And not one ounce of snide political comments.
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