
24 Reviews
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20 September 2003
First of all, why did I rent this? Because I loved American Idol.. and, well, I have to admit that Justin is hot. Did that guarantee this would be a good movie? Hell no. Let's start off with some of the things that annoyed the living hell out of me.

1. The stereotypical blonde girls accent. It was just STUPID. I mean, what the hell?? Just because she was from Texas meant they had to get her to use that GODAWFUL HICK UNBEARABLE accent? Very annoying character.

2. The setting. I know, I know. It's meant for little 13 year old girls who find the beach, and teen boys idiotic flirting bulls**t to be cute and fun, but come on.. to older girls, meaning 17 and older.. all you can do is gag.. At least that's what I think. All the guys in the film are lame.. NONE of them are cute, especially Justins' friend, when he started singing.. GAHD.. I laughed my ass off!

3. Well, the high point was, Carlos was gorgeous! What was he doing in this movie??

4. Everytime I heard the "Oh it won't hurt me a bit" line in the trailer I cringed... DIDN'T change when I saw the movie.

5. The plot is weak. Anyone could come up with it, and write some dialogue in between just to fill spaces.

6. There should have been a HUGE fight between Kelly and the blonde hick accent girl, and Kelly should have kicked her in the side, ripped her larynx out, and threw her in the pool, then, Justin could go into David Hess' version of "Wait For The Rain", from Last House On The Left, and they could end the movie! Yep... That would have saved it...

In end, i'm only dissing it because i'm 18, i'm a little to mature to enjoy it. But, to the pre-teens who just think that Justin is hot, and that Kelly's cool, or whatever, go for it. gag.
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The best of the 80's horror, SERIOUSLY
5 September 2003
Don't listen to these people that say this movie sucks, you know what, they suck! No true lover of 80's fun horror could not like this.

This, along with "Silent Night, Deadly Night", and "Demons" will always be in my top horror films of all time. This movie just rocks! It has everything, Halloween, the costumes, the big house, demon posession, great 80's cheese music, even creepiness through-out! If you don't like it, YOU are the one missing out! Because this is a TRUE gem! It makes you wish you were there! Aside from the posesion and all, haha, it just represents that era, and how great it was. You will NEVER see a movie like this again, especially now that we're in the 2000's.

I haven't seen some elements in this film equeled yet, in ANY other film! So, if you think you're too good for this movie, forget you!

*The music rocks (A relative of the writer and director I'm assuming) especially 'The Beast Inside'!

*The escape scene at the end is wonderful! SO 80's. Something about the demons pulling all over the girls Alice In Wonderland costume! Brilliant! And, when they try and get over the wall.

*The demons are actually creepy. Unless you're one of those 'big shots' who says "OHH THAT'S STUPID, I'M TO BIG ON THE HORROR GENRE TO THINK THAT'S CREEPY! I'VE SEEN EVERYTHING!" Well, no, it's not scary, but the shots are creepy. Very great

If you love 80's horror, or just a fun movie, then definately get this. GREAT to watch on Halloween.. then again, I think Silent Night Deadly Night is great to watch on Christmas Eve! 10/10 for campness.
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Beast kicks ass!
28 July 2003
Just watched this movie a couple of hours ago! Sure, I loved The Hills Have Eyes, and I had heard how horrible this one was, but I bought it anyway for $3. And it's not THAT bad! Really! If you don't keep saying "Gee, this movie is crap compared to the original", I mean, it's not a great movie, but it's not unwatchable. Some things are pretty annoying and/or stupid... like...

*When the girl finally admits to being the ex-cannibal sister Ruby, and that it was Bobby's family that was in the incident, THEY DON'T CARE! GEE, I was hoping they would at least react! P***ED ME OFF! That ruined some of the movie for me... The characters just don'tttt care.

*The characters, most of them, P*** ME OFF also. All they do is walk around saying "Yeahhh right, there's nothing to worry about, hahaha". The 'there's nothing to worry about' attitude Gets old.

*Hardly anyone finds out when someone has been killed. That's part of the fun of horror movies, for the people to find out someones dead, go tell the others, and freak out!

*The ending was ridiculus. So, the guy came up with that ingenius plot? Wow... he must be next in line for the Pulitzer! Brilliant.

But, it is just a movie.... Keep telling yourself that....

That's about it, now, with all that said, there dosent seem to be any good things about it... Annoying... Sometimes stupid, but never really boring... Not the worst choice for a boring day. Plus, there's not as many flashbacks as some people would lead you to believe...

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Virtual Seduction (1995 TV Movie)
If there were pods, how many Jeff Fahey's would there be?
26 July 2003
The Plot: A company has developed a virtual reality pod, and wants volunteers to try it out. Jeff Fahey plays the lead character, who's eloping with the girl he loves. She ends up being killed, and he's heart broken. A couple of years later, he signs up to try the pod, because he feels he dosen't have anything else. First, things go cool, and he has fun with it. But, after someone from the company does something to the pod, it's able to key into Jeff's mind, and it brings back his dead girlfriend, in the virtual reality. She keeps showing up, and at first he dosen't like it, soon, he starts falling in love with her again, and dosen't want to lose her again. Soon, all he wants to do is stay in the pod, and it becomes his whole world. Most of the company wants him to lost himself in it, except for two people, including his dead girlfriend's best friend, who's now seeing Jeff (though he broke up with her for the pod girl) Will he get out alive? Watch it! hahaha.

I really liked the movie! Jeff Fahey's great to look at, as always, though the other characters aren't very 'colorful' in their role. The movie is fun! It's a great concept, I know I would LOVE a pod like that! Entertaining.
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Temptation (I) (1994)
So, it's not brilliant! Still..
22 July 2003
It's not AS BAD as you'd be lead to believe! I admit, the only reason I bought it, is because Jeff Fahey is DAMN FINE, and none of the video stores around here had it to rent... From the beginning, it seems like it's going to be pretty boring, then, it goes on, and gets half interesting. It's not really a great movie, but it's sort of fun, if you're bored! I never said "arghhhh this SUCKS". Some things were strange.. like the Australian guy and the girls relationship.. Towards the end, it gets a little boring again.. all in all though, I'm not sorry I spent $3.00 on it.
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AMAZING movie!
22 July 2003
'Escape' is my favorite of the Apes series. What can I say about it? It's just heartbreaking! These movies.. the endings are incredible! And especially in this one. You NEVER see these kind of endings now! I actually found myself crying! Though, the movie at the beginning, is just FUN! Ricardo Montalban was great in this, as was Roddy and Kim.

What more to say? EXCELLENT WONDERFUL movie!
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Richard O'Brian should be shot.
11 July 2003
This is the most god-awful boring movie I've ever witnessed!!!

I love Rocky Horror, but I went into watching Shock Treatment NOT going to compare it as a sequel. I was going to let it stand alone. And BOY WHAT A CRAPPY MOVIE! The movie is just boring. It felt like it was 3 hours long. The musical scenes were annoying, I fast fowarded through a lot of "Denton", and it still wouldn't end... I admit though, "Lullaby" was a good song. But the songs are NO WHERE as near good as Rocky Horror. Is it also a rule that Patricia Quinn and Richard O'Brian have to be incestious in every movie? Jessica Harper sings like a man... and the story makes no sense what so ever. REALLY hard to sit through.

I feel that this movie would be better suited for a production in a college play, not as an actual movie. So, if you are brain dead, and just like idiotic musical numbers, screetching sounding Little Nell, and a plot (oops, there isn't one) that will make you want to claw your eyes out, rent it.

DO NOT RENT THIS BECAUSE YOU LIKE ROCKY HORROR. It's a lame attempt at an (even non) follow-up.
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Running time: 7 hrs. 49 mins?
6 July 2003
Or at least that's what it felt like. I won't waste a foot writing some long review that no one wants to read anyway. I read such good reviews for this movie, and the plot sounded nice. I tried, but I couldn't enjoy it. I felt the story, about Mrs. Watts wanting to see the place she grew up in before she died, but it was all like a long, drawn out sentence. I felt sad for her because of the way she lived.. and all.. I mean, I understand that it was trying to be a sad movie. I HATED the character of Jessie Mae. I mean I HATED HER. And when I hate a character as much as I HATE Jessie Mae, then it does something to the movie. I was waiting for Heard to slap her, or something!! Geraldine Page annoyed me at times. Like a little kid. On the other hand, John Heard looked mighty good in it. Not for me though.
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C.H.U.D. (1984)
Shoot me now. Please.
6 July 2003
This was and WILL ALWAYS BE the most boring movie I've ever had the misfortune of sitting through. Hey, it has John Heard, how can I go wrong? WRONG. I swear.. there's what seems like HOURS of dialogue, especially between Daniel Stern and the police people, and WHO CARES?? Those scenes are SO BORING. Nobody wants fifteen hours of talking, especially in a movie that sucks anyway. Daniel Stern annoys me too. I know the monster was meant to look and be stupid, so I won't comment on that.. I LOVE bad movies.. but this one is just BAD BAD BAD. I actually dozed off at the end, so I'm not real sure what happens. All I know, is that this movie sucks. I can't believe it spawned a sequel...
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Cat People (1982)
Perversion + Heard = Buy me.
6 July 2003
Yes, this movie relies on an underlying perversion it seems like. Do I like it? Hell yeah! Is it the best movie out there? No. The movie starts out a little slow, then gets good! Especially when John Heard shows up. I won't say much more, everyone else has already been over the plot. Of course, Bowie's song is WONDERFUL. And the end is great, the characters are great. I don't think it's going to be good for repetitive viewings though.
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6 July 2003
I couldn't find this anywhere to rent, so I bought it. I wasn't going to MAKE myself like it, just because of John Heard, but I actually turned out to love it. It took another watching to really like it though. It's not that exciting, it's laid back. The plot isn't really unique, but Heard does GREAT with the role. I think it's his best to date. The movie is cute, but serious at the same time. I'm now convinced, that if he was young today, he'd be as popular (should be more) than people like Tom Cruise. He had it all! Mary Beth Hurt was good in the other role, too. Well, good movie, it's not for everyone though. 8/10.
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First Love (1977)
6 July 2003
I guess I bought this because of William Katt, and because I liked him in other things. The plot sounded great too. Now, put William Katt (who I found beautiful in Carrie) along with the plot of him finding 'love' for the first time, it's a winner! Or not. I didn't not like the movie, I actually did like it! But some things I didn't. The music score was great! The 'theme' song by Cat Stevens, and the song by Paul Williams was great! Sometimes I found Katt annoying though, and sometimes you just don't believe his acting. (i.e. the scene on the bridge when him and Susan are fixing to break up again) Other times he's good. This is just a movie about him growing as a person, and learning. John Heard has a little role in the movie, he doesn't show off his acting skills in this though. Overall, it's a nice movie. 6.5/10.
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Violated (1984)
Is this supposed to be a joke?
3 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Well, stupid me, tracked this movie down because of John Heard. Little did I know, I was in for the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. Sit through this movie. I really hope you publish my review IMDB! Maybe it will help some people.


First of all, well, there's so many things wrong with this 'movie'.

1. In the 'rape scenes', the men have their pants on, and in no part do they unzip them.

2. NO ONE in the movie can act. No one. Maybe the little boy. But the girls are just so stupid.. you can tell they are reading their lines (which are just sadly poorly written) off the cards

3. The dialogue is just embarrassing. In one scene, the girl is naked in her room, and her brother comes in, and I won't say anymore, it's just an awkward scene. And so stupid.

4. STARING JOHN HEARD???? If staring means he's in it for TWO MINUTES towards the end, with a cap on, so you can't even really see him that much? Whatever. They just tried to sell the movie to (saps like I was) saying he starred in it because they knew they wouldn't have a movie otherwise.

5. The relationship between the woman and the cop is just creepy. That goes back to poorly written characters though. When we first meet him, he tosses a baseball up and down ANNOYINGLY.. and they develop a relationship (?) When she's supposed to be 18, and he's really unattractive and in his 40's?

6. The characters.. The cops saying "Give it up" and etc, when the girls say they were raped, that's annoying.

That's just starting off to say what's wrong with it! Don't be like me. Don't rent or buy this because you like John Heard. OR, if you want a sleazy/rape movie (If that's YOUR thing). It's not for either, it's just stupid. 1/10.
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Leviathan (1989)
19 June 2003
First of all.. what's his name, Peter Weller.. CANNOT ACT. HAHAHHA. GOD.. if he can, his role in thie movie was PATHETIC. Those HORRIBLE lines he got, I don't remember exactly, but something like, "Six pack, if you don't behave, I'll pop your tops, all six of them". HAHAHA. And the way the camera focused on his eyes, sure, they're blue, does that mean we want to look at them all the time? hahaha. Now then.

This movie was okay.. Not really bad.. Worth watching if you'r bored. DeJesus was kind of good. I guess they threw him in to keep people interested. The ending was gay, sure, when 'someone' got punched out, but all in all, it's... fine.
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Geez. Yeah, you HEARD me
19 June 2003
Well, I can say, that this is one of the most boring movies I've seen. What can you expect from PBS though, right? Yes, the story is interesting, but gahd, there was so much talking.. nothing interesting happens for an hour or so.. Here's what I found wrong with the movie

*Like others have said, the baby crying is REALLY REALLY annoying. Then, when the kid gets older, she constantly laughs, which makes me wonder why the mother dosen't just KILL IT. That kid is ANNOYING. ARGHH!

*The only reason worth watching is for John Heard, or Meg Foster. BUT, most of the time, Heard overacts.. We see him screaming in points, then the rest of the movie he just walks around with dark circles under his eyes. Some points, the overacting is good I suppose.. He's still pretty sexy in it though.

*WHO cares about the 'making of' things they add in on the two tapes.. Who cares about seeing where they filmed? How about some interviews with the main stars DAMNIT!

*It looked like something filmed with my camera...It had a homeade feeling to it. If the movie was any good, I wouldn't complain about that though.

Now, with all that, the end is okay... after about the first three hours it gets decent. I wouldn't watch it again unless I was at gun point.
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Blood Feast (1963)
Who cares
19 June 2003
Some movies just make you say "who cares", you know? Sure, it was the first gore movie, but like others have said, no that dosen't make it a good movie. It's actually one of the most boring things I've ever seen. I tried to have an open mind, but it kept boring me over and over and over..... This movie was not made to be good we know.. it was just made for the director to get rich.. and over this I hope he didn't.. We can't owe gore movies to this.. Someone else would have come along and made one if he didn't.. and it probably would have been better. So, once again, who cares, don't rent it just because it 'started it all'.
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The Kingdom (1994–2022)
1 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
* Spoilers *

When I first started watching the first Kingdom, I was like "Ok, what's the big deal!?" It actually took me a few days to get to a point where I started liking it... then, it was just weird, it was addicting. So, I tracked down part 2, and man....

That's one of the best movies I've ever seen!!!!

Udo Kier is...... I can't even put it into words!!!! Little Brother!!!! He's had some bizarre roles, but this is just WHEWWWWW lol. I actually found myself crying when he was on... it was just so sad... especially when she cut him from his frame... That was just... heartbreaking! Awww.... It was nice to see him as Aage too.... He looked REALLY good in this one... really really good, especially when he was chasing her around the halls...

The end, really really just left me stunned. Because I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENES!!!!!!!!!! But like others have said, some of the main cast members are dead!!! And they are just so original.. I know it would be so hard to replace them. THIS SUCKS! I can't believe this happened....

And the dishwashers are engaged! awwwwww lol Damn.........

The original characters can never be replaced... certainly not Helmer, but he should try and get some lookalikes... I have to know what happens!!!


For Little Brother!
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Are you people plain stupid??
12 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I just got back from this....... and I mean come on, I am a big big horror fan, a fan of GOOD MOVIES.. not some stupid lame ass teen sequel. Yeah, I'm 17, I'm a girl, but I do have taste, and this movie was just plain stupid. Is it just me, or are 98% of horror movies since the 80's all the same and stupid?


At the beginning, I thought it was going to be good... it started out decent... But... when she went up on the roof... and Michael got caught in the leg thing it turned stupid. Boy she had that planned, didn't she? And did she not think he'd grab her when she went to take off his mask? And in H20... ummm... the guy was crushed in between the van and a tree... would he have lived and been ok for her to cut off his head? No.

But all that aside....

The whole Deckard at the party thing got really old...

AND THE ENDING.. was BY FAR... the STUPIDEST MOST STUPID STUPID STUPID, lol, thing I've seen in a long time!!!!!!!! The absolute end, when he opened his eyes... ARE WE SUPPOSED TO SCREAM, OR GIVE A S**T!??! OH BOY ANOTHER SEQUELS ON THE WAY. WHY CAN'T THEY JUST FREAKIN CALL HIM!!!!!!!! They killed Laurie, they burned down the house, they killed the series.. why not finally kill Michael instead of having him open his eyes like the end of some stupid TV movie.

The movie went on forever and ever.... And it was just plain not good. Well, I can say ONE thing.. It wasen't as bad as Jason X!

If you have taste, and thought the series sucked after 5 was made, then forget this s**t.
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12 July 2002
The only reason I tracked down this movie is because of Udo Kier... And I have to say, he's done some really really bizarre roles... Including this one...

All the women in the movie look like men, or sound like them... So it's pretty funny. But the movies not funny, not really. Except the guy who wants Mistress to use him 'as a toilet' hahaha.

The movie is bizarre.. it's haunting. The colors are.. I don't know, it just adds to the weirdness. The ending sort of left you hanging, but I did watch it again before I commented here, and I guess it ended at a nice place.

Udo Kier. Any movie with Udo, I can't leave a bad comment... lol. He talks German all through the movie, which I like... he has the BEST voice in the world... He's mistreated in the movie by, Wanda, the Mistress who owns the 'GALLERY', and it's sad! He did good in his role, I guess, he never gave any expression, or anything...

It's not the type of movie I'd watch at a party or anything, but it's definately not the worst I've ever seen...
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Camp Blood (2000 Video)
16 June 2002
Where oh where can I start?!?!

First off... I won't even attempt talking about the plot... as others have...

This is the WORST movie I've ever seen!! BUT IT'S SO GOOD!!! It's so bad... and cheezy... and cheap, that's it's the best movie I've seen in forever!!!

The director must have known the actors like as friends, because... who would pick those people?!?! I mean, REALLY! The lead girl.. is NOTHING like stars look now... She's.. just.. not a star looking person.. LOL. And you know how movies are now, and her boyfriend looks like a model.. perfect body.. it's just weird!!

And JAY.... Played by Tim Young.. is... ADORABLE! But so stupid!!! He really is cute... I won't say anymore.. lol

And, err... how exactly did lead girl know that that girl was Harris's girlfriend!?!? No one told her...

But really... I have no idea what happened at the end. It MADE NO SENCE. IT MADE NO SENCE. It confused me, bad... First, like let's say Mulholland Dr. has done, had characters being different people, because someone dreamed or imagined it all.. that's what I thought at first!! But... then... I mean I don't know.. was it the same people, just playing different roles, because the budget was SO CHEAP!? Couldn't they have got a few people who didn't care about money to do that minute of filming?? Oh well...

It doesn't make sence, but still, I liked the movie! But really, the only reason I liked it is because Tim Young is cute, probably...

Well, I give it a 7/10 for fun value!!
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Hellgate (1989)
I really mean it!
17 May 2002
Ohhhhhhhhhh lord...... where can I start with this movie? HAHAHAHAHAHA

Ok, that's a good start. Yeah, with most movies, you can tell if it's trying to be a comedy, or really trying to be scary, but with this one.... I just don't know :( About 10 minutes into it, I was like, ok, this is gonna be pretty alright! I liked the way it started.... but as it went on..... ohhhh no.

Some of the most *memorable lines in film history*

Person 1- "He just wants to be Don Johnson". Person 2 - "Fat Chance!"

And of course, the great...

"You'r an a**hole... "You really are"... "I really mean it"

Which is repeated several times through this great movie. I mean, how can this not be one of the best films of all time??

And I LOVEEE how the short haired woman, after seeing about 200 zombies, and being chased in a little room, says so camly "I think I sprained my ankle, it really hurts"! Ohh yeah, that's great. Worry about you'r ankle at a time like that! And, how that other girl annoys the hell outta me!! At a time when they think they're going to be killed by dead people, she still has the atitude DONT MESS WITH MY BOYFRIEND, HE'S MINE! He was kinda cute too! Esp. at the end when he was on the bed...

Well, I suppose there's not too much more to say about this one... except it's damn stupid, but not boring! Don't listen to these people!!! They don't know a quality movie ;) HAHAHA!!
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Cube (1997)
Whoa - Worth! I wish I woulda been in that Cube
21 April 2002
Not really. But wow, this is a GREAT movie. I saw this for the first time last night, and I was expecting just some stupid movie, I mean, how could people stuck in a cube be entertaining? *** But I was wrong. It was great, one of the best movies I've seen lately. It keeps you wondering, who's gonna die?? I found myself actually wanting to hit the TV cuz I thought *someone* was fixing to die! lol. The characters are real. And the movie is just really entertaining. And David Hewlett is cute, if anyone cares.. :)

If you have time to spend just watching movies, get this one!
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
The best series ever made
21 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This coming from a 16 year olds view. I saw the movie "Fire Walk With Me" in the video store, so I picked it up. After watching it, I was really confused. So, I wanted to see the series, luckily my video store had all six volumes. I just have to say, that it's pure brilliance. The first few episodes aren't that great, but as it goes on, it gets addictive. There's no other way to put it, I think it's a must see for anyone who loves movies or wants a way to get lost. You fall in love with the characters, and really care what happens to them. I LOVE that midget *The Arm* LOL. He's precious. *WITH THIS RING, I THEE WED". hahaha. Yes, I know that was from FWWM.

If you are a true follower of the series all the way through, the end will dissapoint you though, it did me.

My fave characters-

*SPOILERS (sort of)*

Leland - I LOVE when he start the dancing and singing.. and then bursts into tears! haha

Leo - Esp. when he becomes *retarded*, I kepttt wishing that he'd come *alive* again! haha

Nadene - Now that's just funny as hell...

And of course Cooper, I wonder if he dies his hair? Oh well..

******Just see the series, It's great!******
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Side Show (1981 TV Movie)
*Not for everyone*
21 April 2002
I became strangely attracted to this movie for a while. The plot outline is already here, a boy joins the circus, blah... But the characters are so funny, even if it's just to laugh at them! And the idea is fun, how much fun it'd be to be in a place like that with people around me like that. It's like a weird dream. Connie Stevens is, kind of sick, as the annoying voice pedophile, hahaha, but really entertaining. Lance Kerwin is so adorable, and seems like such a good little actor. You seem him go through life really, grow up. It's not a horror movie, and I have a feeling that many wouldn't like it. It's really slow, not hardly any action.

If you do see it, rent it with an open mind, it also gets better with more viewings.
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