
6 Reviews
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WALL·E (2008)
Story Much Deeper Than Expected, Ingeniously Executed - Wall·e Raises The Bar
8 July 2008
Wall·e fools with its tailer, tells a way greater story than expected: Going to watch this movie I was expecting not much more than another cute Pixar animated film like Ratatouille or Cars. Those expectations were overshot after about 15 minutes in when the story started to develop and sending a deep message; a hint to open peoples eyes to reality (I don't know how to describe/paraphrase it, since I don't want to give anything away).

The animation and the cgi execution is just gorgeous, I mean we all know Pixar creates worlds best computer animated films yet again they surpassed themselves by far this time.

My message here is: Just go watch this movie - definitely one of the best 2008 has to offer! (Oh and don't hold back brining your entire family - this film is applicable to all ages.)
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Street Kings (2008)
Captivating, bleak thriller - Is that the same Keanu Reeves?
23 April 2008
Reading the title and watching the trailer I could not really imagine what I should expect from Street Kings. It could either be one of those "all-the-best-scenes-are-in-the-trailer" kind of movies or one that keeps you interested and tense from the first to the last minute. Street Kings was latter: The viewer is pushed right into the action with a sublime shooting scene after soberly been introduced to the life of Tom Ludlow, played by Keanu Reeves. Soon afterward, intrigues develop around Tom and the action begins.

The story is great, dense and doesn't reveal any possible endings or details to the audience: Moments of surprise guaranteed!

Keanu Reeves delivers an outstanding performance playing the cop Tom Ludlow - never saw him delivering substantive acting like in Street Kings since Matrix.

Everyone who likes cop movies has probably already seen Street Kings but to the others: This movie is really good. Even if you are not a fan, you will be astounded how you will like this one. So was I.
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Gripping, educating and impressing! A masterpiece.
23 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Great Debaters, taking place 1935 in Texas, is about a young debate team of Wiley College, a school which became famous as it won many debates against schools of any background in the 30's. Denzel Washington, playing professor Melvin Tolson, coaches this team to finally debate against Harvard University. Tolsen selects four young people who he trains in debating and who he strengthens in their resolve to fight for the civil rights. Melvin Tolsen also organizes the Southern Tenant Farmers Union, which contributes to him coming into constant conflict with the town's sheriff. The Great Debaters allows you to gain a great insight view of the lives of these four debaters (not to mention Tolson's life) and their family circumstances: For instance Hamilton Burgess (played by J. Williams) quits the team because his parents are too worried about the radical actions of Tolson and possible consequences of those.

The actors were perfect. Especially Denzel Whitaker (as James Farmer Jr.) who catches your attention when debating about the cruel conditions to be faced by blacks, delivers an outstanding performance. J. Smollett (as Samantha Booke) is chosen the first woman to ever debate and N. Parker (as Henry Lowe) is sort of the leader of the debaters yet plays a surprisingly small role in the showdown in Harvard.

Overall this movie is a masterpiece of the drama genre and definitely a milestone of Denzel Washington as Director. Hence, I am looking forward to more movies to come with him directing.
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Appealing movie with a suggestion of irony on a serious topic - simply great
22 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about Edward Cole (J. Nicholson) and Carter Chambers (M. Freeman) who - both at the age of 45 - are facing the same faith: death due to cancer. The doctors gave them not more than 6 months to live. Owing to this estimation, they write a bucket list featuring everything they were wishing & planning on doing in their lives. So, these two strangers and a bit contrary persons leave hospital and cross out things of their bucket list point by point. This is the beginning of a strong friendship and a journey thru the most beautiful and impressing places on earth.

The Bucket List is a very inspiring story showing you one meaning of life (which in this case is "not only to dream" but to actually live your dreams in time!) and how faith can bring two strangers together. It points out what immense effect a forecast of having only 6 months left to live can have on you and your life. Once you know how much time you have left everything changes - your attitude and your perception (this applies especially to Edward Cole). The Bucket List really manages to bring this atmosphere to the big screen which is rare to find in a movie these days.

Another thing that contributes to the quality and value of this movie is the acting which is completely over the top - thanks to this awesome cast. Nicholson and Freeman proved once again how good and experienced they are.
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P2 (2007)
Just a mediocre thriller
11 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Sure thing this movie was pulled off with a low budget which you can tell by its only set the action took place: a parking garage. After half an hour watching you will find yourself asking what so far happened. Answering feels surprisingly easy - nothing has happened (we are talking about a thriller!). After more than 40 minutes of P2, the first bloody elements kick in, and an older workmate of Angela (Rachel Nichols) gets killed by the psychopath Thomas (Wes Bentley). Reason is sort of a payback since the workmate groped Angela in the elevator hours before. Finally the spell is broken, Thom's haunt begins. Unfortunately most of the movies' content is far-fetched and scenes like "two police officers drop by after an emergency call and do not spot a white cellphone on anthracite-colored tar.." or "an elevator is flood by approximately 2 cubic meters of water and it does nothing to its functionality" give P2 this bad flavor of a $1 script-to-movie production.

I gave P2 five stars because besides the just mentioned, the actors tried hard to compensate the weak storyline yet good acting is not enough to win me over if the story is not feeling real.
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Shocking yet great!
26 October 2007
It's been a while since I saw a movie that good - at least in that column of genres. I want to let you know that all these rumors like "just another mediocre movie" are too subjectively driven.

The trailer was cut to together very professional, I grant, so you'll watch American Gangster having high expectations to it. So did I. Still, I have not been disappointed. My expectations have even been overshot. The atmosphere catches you beginning with the first minutes and keeps you in your seat tight until the end (for those who after around 150 minutes runtime still cant get enough, wait until the credits played through - you will be rewarded with a few extra frames). Historically, it is kept close to the happenings; just extended by some scenes / additional content for the big screen which is totally legitimate to me.

American Gangster gives you an insight view of the personal life of the gangster Frank Lucas, the way he dealt with his family and his relationship with Eva - Denzel, a real gentleman. During the movie he develops a very nice and human character which is yet to be unsettled big from time to time. Hence, the movie was done the right way. Actors fit perfectly to the person they embody: Denzel was simply great, Crowe, of course, too. I had some trouble accepting Crowe as a cop (after watching 3:10 to Juma recently), which however abated after a time. The way the setting of the 1970's was reproduced is incredible: Details everywhere - just mind-blowing. If there was the possibility to sense this movie more intense I wouldn't hesitate to do so. Additionally, I want to point at the sound: it was awesome! I am sort of a person only able to enjoy movies entirely when they are set to music on a high standard which is necessary to really develop a comprehensive atmosphere.

Since there is nothing left to say (from my end at least), I hope this comment was helpful to those who are not sure about which title to choose the next time going to the movies. If you feel addressed, I recommend to watch American Gangster which truly allows you to immerse into the 70's of Harlem.
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