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Strays (2023)
9 September 2023
I wasn't expecting anything perfect or to see something I would never forget. But I was at least hoping to have a laugh. I don't have a problem with toilet humor, in fact I think it's difficult to get it wrong, if it's not overdone, but this sorry excuse for a movie couldn't even get the poo jokes funny. Lines are delivered with little emotion or comic timing. Nothing wrong with bad language but bad language alone is not funny. The script is weak and the CGI lip sync on the dogs is poorly done. There are a couple of scenes early in the movie that were slightly amusing which prevents me giving this stinker the minimum 1/10. Not sure about all the positive reviews, maybe it's somehow better if watched in the cinema.
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
To episode four
10 February 2020
Well I thought it unfair to write a review or score a series based on one episode, so I gave it to episode four. The first was unfunny but I was interested and intrigued enough to give it more time. Wasted time probably as I can't see where this is going or not sure if I care anymore. Some of the cast are good but have little in the way of script to work with. Josh Gadd being one exception, he's just terrible whatever he says. Trying to decide if I'll keep watching, at least the episodes are short.
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Atmospheric, well acted
21 February 2019
I didn't know much about this before viewing. I can't say it was a great movie but it did exceed my low expectations. The first half of He's Out There is atmospheric and I wasn't sure whether it was going into supernatural territory or slasher. There isn't a lot of gore, so when it does come it all the more shocking and unpleasant. The story doesn't make any seance and questions are left unanswered but what held my attention was the acting which was above par for this type of movie. The two little girls were fantastic, I see a bright future for both of them. In a nutshell an average horror, held together by some good performances.
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The Conners (2018–2025)
I liked the first episode
21 November 2018
I see a lot of bad reviews giving 1/10 I will leave my rating until I watch it some more. I found the first episode both funny and a little touching. The jokes were similar. The same sarcastic tone. It's sort of strange that an actress can get fired from a popular show for making a comment that very few people Barr (excuse the pun) the media were following anyway, while the President of the United States can get away with just about anything. To sum up, episode one is a fitting tribute to the show's former title character. I'll give episode one 9/10 and save my rating based on the first series, of which I will be following.
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The Meg (2018)
You don't get much for $130 million
5 October 2018
The budget was apparently 130 million. What could they have spent it on? My estimate, Writing $100. 6th grade ESL students could write better lines (They could probably write a better review also, you might say). Acting, well the supporting cast were mostly terrible, whatever they were paid was too much, but I believe the minimum wage for a movie is $10,000. 20 supporting actors or speaking parts = $200,000. Who knows what Jason earns per movie, $5 million? Director $1 million? of course there must have been a large crew working on the movie. Say 100 crew at an average of $50,000 that's another 5 million. Action scenes, there are a couple of short action scenes and a lot of talking. Therefore there must have been loads to spend on special effects, as you would expect from such a movie. Well the effects are also pretty shoddy.

The bare least you would expect is that the special effects be good for the money spent on this movie, unfortunately not. Stupid story and badly written. Mostly terrible supporting actors. A lead actor who doesn't have to do very much, apart from raise his eyebrows now and again. Fake looking CGI. The only reason I am giving this 2 is the joke at the end as the credits begin to role, It would normally say The End! I won't spoil it, If you are watching on DVD it't worth skipping to The End! to find out.
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Horrible. Not entertainment
9 August 2017
Based on the first episode. I am pretty disturbed by what I am watching. I loved the Man vs Wild but this series is a little different. 2 men trying to conquer their biggest fears, water. What I find disturbing is that these people have lost family members in water. One from drowning another in a Tsunami. They speak frankly about their fears and inner demons about the horrific tragedies, particularly the man who lost his son to drowning. I feel a little dirty watching this and the producers should be ashamed for trying and failing to make entertainment from such tragedy. I can't imagine this series will get good. And I see it only lasted one series. I will stop watching this horrible show now after one episode. Avoid it, unless you want to feel like a peeping tom voyeur.
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John Waters inspired trash.
4 January 2017
It's a long time since I saw something this original, strange, good and bad in equal measures, and downright quirky. A difficult movie to pidgin-hole as it is described as a comedy horror. It is neither funny enough to be outright comedy or frighting enough to be considered horror. It is however a throwback to the John Waters underground movies of the 1970s, which made you smile and open mouthed OMG's as to what, and indeed why you are watching this.

I found the characters refreshing as there are no pretty or handsome people in this movie, Just 'Normal looking' people with quirky characteristics. The story if you can call it that makes no sense, but I guess it's not meant too.

The 'music' is unlike anything else but works perfectly. It's the kind of movie that many will dismiss as utter garbage and give it 1/10 and many will admire it's boldness and utter uniqueness and give it 10/10 I am leaning towards the latter. It's in my top 10 movies of 2016 purely because there has been nothing quite like this in many years and it's a vile, crazy, greasy change from the norm.

It deserves more than 5.7
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Sausage Party (2016)
Unfunny, Pointless and downright boring.
21 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to seeing this. I figured it would be nice to see an animated movie aimed at adults. It's long overdue. I have nothing against many of the latest movies form Pixar. I liked Ice Age and The Minions they were very funny movies with a clever script.

Sausage Party however is neither funny or clever. Simply having cartoon characters swearing for the sake of it does not make it funny. It is possible to this kind of humour well as shown in Family Guy which has a cleverly written script and if you watch the unrated DVD's the occasional F word.

Sausage Party is simply bad language and nothing more. The story is silly, Although silly movies can still work as entertainment, this movie does not contain anything clever or amusing. I have given it two instead of 1 as I did almost laugh at the food orgy scene.
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31 (2016)
Why do I continue to watch Rob Zombie Movies?
20 September 2016
I guess I was expecting something shocking or unique. What I got, or in this case lost were more then 100 minutes of my life that would have been better served in any number of ways. When the tag-line for the movie is "A Rob Zombie Movie" I should have known better. Even the synopsis which has something to do with surviving a few hours with sadistic clowns had me expecting something awful (and no, I don't even mean that in a good way) After sitting through this I was thankful I didn't pay to see it.

Rob Zombie simply can't write a screenplay. His idea of dialogue is stupid characters shouting expletives, with no real story to speak of. Unlikable characters most of which are bad actors or more likely as the great Malcolm McDowell is in this, Rob Zombie hasn't got the ability as a director to get a decent performance even from McDowell.

A few gory scenes aside this is proof number six that Rob Zombie shouldn't be given anyone's cash to make a movie. I believe if he has the nerve to make another movie he should, or quite probably will have to finance it himself, if this is evidence enough for any financier. A waste of my time but thankfully not a waste of my money.
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Top Gear: Episode #23.1 (2016)
Season 23, Episode 1
30 May 2016
I was looking forward to this "New" show I wanted for it to be good but had my doubts it would work. I was a big fan of the old show and I would not call myself a fan of driving and cars. The other presenters simply did such a great job. as for the new presenters I didn't expect them to be this bad, simply no chemistry between Matt and Chris. Matt did his best but Evans just didn't click. The only good point about episode 1 is the new star in a rally car segment. I will watch again as it surely can't get any worse, It may be unfair to base my review on a pilot episode. But I am more and more looking forward to the new Clarkson and company version on Netflix.
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Sex Tape (2014)
Cameron Diaz Naked
21 January 2015
Cameron Diaz Naked. Did I grab your attention? That should be the tag-line of this sorry excuse for a comedy. It's a recommendation of sorts. But after one view of her Butt the movie becomes tiresome. It tries hard to be raunchy but is just too unfunny to work.

A couple decide to spice up their love life by making a sex tape. Of course the obvious happens and the tape gets circulated to their friends by way of I pads the husband just gives away. (Who just gives new I pads anyway?)

There is a feeble attempt at a family relationship story-line, but it just doesn't hold your attention for long enough and you sort of reach for your I pad or tablet to pass the time until the movie finishes. Kind of ironic really, and a great advertisement for buying an i pad, so you don't have to watch this mess. But i actually laughed once or twice during the end credits. SO my recommendation is if you have this on DVD skip to the last 5 minutes you will have saved yourself an hour and a half of your life and still see Cameron Diaz's Butt and had a laugh as a bonus. 1 hour and 30 minutes i give 1/10. The final 5 minutes 4/10
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Garage (2007)
An Irish Gem. Shortt is fantastic'
29 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
May contain minor spoilers.

Rarely have i been so captivated by an acting performance. Something can be said for the fact that not a lot happens in the first 35 minutes or so yet I was intrigued as to where this was going.

Pat shortt is nothing short of unbelievable (if the Irish readers will pardon the pun). Shortt plays Josie, a quiet, lonely man with no relatives living locally and no friends to speak of. Everyone either bullies him or treats him like the village idiot, someone you never give a second thought to. He has never traveled far form the village he was born in. Any attempts he makes or has made to become intimate fail.

The only thing in his life is his Job (At a local garage/shop) and his only pastimes are drinking at the local bar, and walking alone in the countryside.

A chance of friendship comes from a 15 year old boy who is hired to help at the garage at weekends. Will this young kid treat him like everyone else or could this be a genuine friendship or possibly be misunderstood as something darker.

It certainly a bleak movie but very well filmed on what was surely a very small budget. The Irish landscape almost feels as bleak as the movie but that only adds to story.

Being from Ireland, I can say that there is at least one Josie in every town. Where you can sometimes be surrounded by people and be lonely. and in rural Ireland where there are less people about the loneliness could be unbearable. In fact the world is full of Jessies that we don't pass a second thought to.

Unless you are from Ireland you may need subtitles for this movie. It's normal speaking and slang and an Irish native will have no problem understanding the phrases. This was a bold move by the makers, It's an Irish movie but the theme is universal "Loneliness" they have made no attempt to Americanize the movie by toning down the language and accents. So many "Orish" movies are ruined by an American cousin or foreign visitor come by just to appeal to an international audience. The people in this movie are Irish, and that's how we talk.

Do yourself a favor and watch this movie yes it's emotional, but brilliant.
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Z Nation (2014–2018)
Poor man's walking dead maybe but give it a chance
20 October 2014
When I saw the Asylum's logo at the beginning of the show I didn't have much hope for it. But I decided to give the show chance and after the so so episode one the show became quite entertaining. sure some of the visual effects are a little bit ridiculous especially the north pole base, but the zombie gore is usually well done, and the show has plenty of funny moments as well as some ultra violent moments, yes the acting can be a little hammy at times and I'm not sure what DJ quails role in the show is, at least up too episode six . his character seems to be a little unnecessary. Still Z nation is not very original but does have something to offer the genre. If you give the show a chance I am sure you will start enjoying it as much as I do. 8/10
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Why such great reviews?
18 February 2013
I'm watching this movie based on the excellent reviews here. Well I have to say what is wrong with you people. A very clever idea so badly made. The acting is laughable Malcolm Mcdowell does his best with the terrible script , but frankly he doesn't know how bad the script is because "HE CANT HANDLE.THE TRUTH" Oh god! The lead actor has as much acting ability as a chair and everyone else just looks embarrassed. Your local amateur drama society would do better. This''could have been good if handled by anyone with a bit of talent. So I felt so strongly I had to give this a negative review as I can't believe I haven't seen one here . ill Give it 3 for a good idea that must have been stolen from somewhere.

"edit" It gets 1 for the terrible cop out ending.
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Avatar (2009)
3D Effects Mind Blowing, don't waste your time watching it in 2D
19 December 2009
I saw this movie in 3D, it was the first movie I saw in 3D so I can't compare it to anything else. But I have to say in spite of the fact that I arrived late to a packed house and got a lousy seat, it was still a neat experience. there is a real effect of depth to the environments, although I wish i could say the same for the story or characters. The story has been done 1000 times before in a different setting. Outsider tries to inveterate enemy, falls in love, sees the error of his ways and becomes part of, and fights for the clan he has tried to destroy. sort of like the story of the American Indians done in many a western.

The acting is average, The story and script well below average. So all you are left with is some eye candy in 3D, and that keeps you entertained when the story gets dull and slow. but it is worth the price of admission, but only in 3D. Brilliant technology but not much substance
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Alien Raiders (2008)
Pretty Good
10 April 2009
Terrible Title for a movie, but surprisingly it turns out to be a very effective B-Horror. I have to say the first half hour of this movie had me on the edge of my seat, very taut and well written, and acted, In fact, had this movie had a different title I would have given it a 9. It begins with a late opening supermarket about to close, and an armed gang breaking in, and taking everyone hostage. What are they doing there? What are there Motives? Very effective first third of the movie. I'm not saying the rest is bad, or anyhing like that, in fact its good, only the budget of the movie seems to catch up with it in the final half.

Kudos to the Director, as he has done very well, with the money he had to spend, and he dissevers a bigger budget. Whoever came up with the title for this, Hang your head in shame!!

I hope to see more like this. As B-movie horrors go, this is pretty good.
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17 December 2007
I have to disagree with most people here; I think the acting was very good, particularly by the too young leads, a great Script and Amazing Directing by Gregory Wilson, who is surely a name too watch out for. The movie is low budget, as something containing this subject matter could never get the big budget glossy treatment, but cast and crew have done a great job. So technically despite the low budget everything is top notch, which makes what goes on even more disturbing. And the fact that it is TRUE. I haven't red the book but I did see the dissimilar at the end of the movie that states. Any similarity to actual persons is purely Coincidental…. So I was hoping the events that just unfolded on the screen were entirely made up. But too my horror, on the DVD extras, Director and novelist state this is what happened

Be Warned! This is a very difficult watch. Not because it's a bad movie, because it's a good one. It's not anyone's idea of entertainment but I do think movies like this should be made, if not done in an exploitive way, which is what I think the filmmakers have managed to avoid, although I did find the nudity unnecessary. Hard film to rate, but for acting and Directing 9/10
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The Mummy Theme Park (2000 Video)
Worst movie ever!!
31 May 2007
I can't believe I sat through this, nothing what so ever to recommend. You would be better off watching an Ed Wood marathon of movies, which would be far better made. The visuals and effects are terrible. The plot, from what I can remember (I have tried to forget, but details still haunt me) is simple and has something to do with the opening of a mummy theme park You know, like Jurassic park but with mummies. it's beyond a bad movie, as bad movies can be fun, even a laugh. No laughs to be had here. Thankfully I can't remember an awful lot so I can at least spare you any more details; in fact even reading a review of this movie is time wasted, go watch paint dry it's more exciting. I mean it, if you think this review is bad then go watch Mummy Theme Park!
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7 March 2004
Now I am against censorship, but not at all costs. I like gore movies and sick and perverted stuff in movies. Although a lot of what is in Faces of Death is faked, but there are real autopsy footage and animal slaughter, footage of the aftermath of a plane crash, and a scene of a suicide which I believe is real, which has no place in the movies.

I have seen a lot of horror movies, sick stuff from all over the world and that's fine, it's the movies (make believe). But why anyone would watch this to be entertained is beyond belief.

Why did I watch it you ask? Well I have an obsession with finding and watching banned MOVIES (Make believe) and since this was banned by the BBFC who also banned everything from The Beyond to Zombie flesh eaters. Naturally I was Curious.

Movies should Entertain or teach or enlighten, not satisfy some sick perverted lust to see dead people being cut open. Or body parts lying around after a plane crash, Yes things like this do happen, but this movie has no artistic redeeming quality whatsoever.

If you are a fan of horror movies or extreme cinema, then don't watch this, you might find mildly entraining the faked stuff like the executions and the bear attack. But the real stuff will just repulse.

If the director is to believed, he received death treats, and I am not surprised. I wonder what he would think about showing his wife or mother's autopsy in faces of death 7
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What a Bore!
29 September 2003
I have the uncut version of this mess. I should have known better then to seek out this. Because I have a couple of Franco Movies, namely, Devil Hunter, Which is even worse. and Jack the Ripper. What a weird and confusing movie this is. And I don't mean that in a good way. The only reason for watching this crap is the nudity on offer by some top totty. I don't mind spoiling this for anyone by telling you that (from what I could understand) the girl is dead all along. There I have just saved you the price of a rental, and spared 90 min of your life. You have been warned AVOID 1/10 for the Nudity
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Brain Damage (1988)
Turd on the rampage!
10 August 2002
A Movie that is so mind bogglingly bad it's actually good. Get this, a small slug like creature witch resembles a purple turd, I kid you not, controls a young man by secreting a blue juice into him. This has the effects of almost every drug, euphoria hallucinations and downright dependency. Aylmer (The turds name) then accompanies the man on his walkabouts while under the influence, and uses him to eat people's brains. This movie is almost on a par with any of Ed Woods's masterpieces of rubbish. Brain Damage suffers from very poor visuals, naff script and bad acting (wait till you get a load of the German guy). The version I saw was cut, so that didn't help. But you cant help liking this movie for its sheer badness, its actually a lot of fun, and does have a moral, The Drugs don't work.
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Junk (2000)
I don't want to hype this up too much, but it's brilliant
1 August 2002
I thought Dawn of the Dead would never be toppled from the Best Zombie Movie perch.

Junk, What a Movie! If you are a fan of Zombie movies, this is definitely for you. Four people go to an old abandoned factory to meat a group of yakusuna, to make a deal for jewellery they have just robed in a heist from a jewellery store. Little do they know that this factory was the scene of experiments carried out by the US military on brining the dead back to life.

Of course these dead didn't come back as normal folk, they came back as blood thirsty Zombies. I don't think I will be giving any thing away when I say that when the Yukusna turn up, al hell brakes loose. Boosting some great Splatter effects, and fine gore, (if you like that kind of thing).

I watch a lot of movies, and I often find myself looking at the time, wondering when is this movie over. Junk however I just didn't want to end, I hope they make a sequel; I for one will definitely be tracking it down if they do.

This movie is what Resident Evil should have been. I can see a lot of similar points in the game and Junk.

Some minor complaints are that the English spoken segments are not as well acted; maybe they used a different director. Also one of the Japanese who can speak English is not very good, it is very hard to understand him. They should have used subtitles for him. Also the film is too short, less then 80min.

I think that is a good complaint, that the film is too short. It leaves you wanting more. Find this film you will not be disappointed it kicks ass. Move over Dawn of the Dead, your time at the top was long, but there is a new Champion. 10/10
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Wanderly Wagon (1968–1982)
For me. A trip down memory lane
19 June 2002
Long running Irish kids show. I have not seen this in years but it was always a must see for any Irish child in the seventies (did not have much choice only one TV channel). FOLLOW the adventures of Euguene, Mr.Crow, Judge and CO. in there horse drawn wagon, HIDE behind the sofa as the witch appears on her broomstick, GASP at the shear garbage that it was.

OK its easy to see now how crap it was, but back then it had to be seen. I would like to see this again, just to bring back old memories, unless you are 30 something and Irish you will know nothing of this. RTE(state TV broadcaster) SOME RE RUNS IF YOU PLEASE.
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Is It Real?
2 June 2002
I thought I had seen it all, CANNIBAL HOLOCOUST, SALO, MEN BEHIEND THE SUN. Then I foolishly watched this. Why anyone could possably find this entertaining is beyond me. a girl is torchered and killed, end of story. you can clearly make a case for most of the special fx. except the one where she is killed, a large pointed ojbect is stuck trough the girls head and comes out through her eye. If anyone knows how this was done PLEASE let me know, by e-mailing me and put my mind at rest. it has disturbd me since I watched it. I am praying I have not realy watched a snuff movie.

Yours Faithfully DISTURBED.
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Is It Real?
2 June 2002
I thought I had seen it all, CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, SALO, MEN BEHIND THE SUN. Then I foolishly watched this. Why anyone could find this entertaining is beyond me. a girl is torcherad and killed, end of story. every one says this is faked you can clearly make a case for most of the special fx. except the one where she is killed that is , how do you explain it? a large pointed object is stuck trough the girls head and comes out through her eye. IF it is a effect it truly looks real If anyone knows how this was done PLEASE let me know, by e-mailing me on, and put my mind at rest. it has disturbed me since I watched it. Yours Faithfully DISTURBED.
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