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My Little Assassin (1999 TV Movie)
Mostly fictional
4 March 2003
Marita Lorenz later years were chaotic, including an abortion she blamed on the CIA. Overall history is a little murky, but it seems written for dark entertainmant rather than history. Consider for one example, the depiction of pictures, posters, signs, etc. of Mantegna/Castro everywhere, including in her hotel room. There are no likenesses of Castro to be seen anywhere in Cuba, no statues, certainly no airport named after him.

That silly crap wherein the alleged Castro line goes, "..the Communists fought with us in the sierras". Horse-pucky! The truth, for which the producers had no regard, is that the Communist Party of Cuba opposed revolution -whether Castro's or anyone elses. Nor was there any "my wife" Castro refers to at one point. Castro's ignoring of the pleas of a woman imploring him about her son, with "I don't even know her" was more crap possibly written by Republicans, as was the depiction of Castro's personality. Such is not why Cuba had a popular revolution from within, lead by the most popular politician in Cuba before Batista's coup d'etat of 1952. Castro sued Batista for illegal succession before turning to revolution... a movement so popular with Cubans that a mere 18 revolutionaries who survived their landing grew so popular that that they overthrew a widely despised government, doing so without Communist support. This movie attempted to distort history.
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Fidel (2002 TV Movie)
Historically quite accurate; a rarity in movies.
9 June 2002
As Hemingway wrote, "A murderous tyranny pervades every village in the island". For the fool who wrote that Castro robbed Cuba of its true freedom, this was written before the popular revolution from within, not imposed from outside, which overthrew a regime so corrupt even the Mafia didn't have to break the law. Some Mafia moved to Miami, none of whom were African or mulatto. As portrayed, Batista's troops were fairly treated, as soldiers who joined because no other work was available and under corrupt officers who would rather be in the cities collecting their kickbacks. No wonder so many troops went over to the rebels! Too bad it lacked the antecedent showing Castro as the most popular politician in Cuba before the revolution -running for their Congress and hailed as a future President. Batista's 1952 coup wherein he seized power, dissolved Congress, and canceled elections rated less than a minute. Castro sued Batista for Illegal Succession! Flee Cuba? Much greater numbers flee Latin America, Mexico, Guatemala (where they have death squads) and even our Most Favored Trade partner China. They do it for economic opportunity. ONLY Cubans are allowed to remain if they make it ashore; sometimes employing people smugglers with no regard for life. U.S. Immigration grants a few hundred visas to Cubans annually, not the 20,000 and more we agreed to; Nonetheless arriving here illegally is OK. Anyone who has flown to Cuba has met Cubans aboard returning home, then seen no military presence there, and maybe noted that some Cuban cops don't even carry guns. Yes, I've been there a number of times. Don't like that? Stuff it, fool! What are fools and liars like Enrique afraid we'll see down there? Hmmm, maybe one is that they have multiple candidates for each office, need not be party members or millionaires to win, that 1/3 of the National Assembly are not party members. Ride in a cab in Cuba; you may well hear a Florida station selected on its radio. Bring T-shirts bearing logos of U.S. products, teams, and stars & stripes, even "U S Army". They make great gifts, are commonly worn, and no, fool, they don't disappear from the streets as they did in Chile.
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Capone (1975)
Almost nothing is accurate in this movie.
9 June 2002
Psychopath? In his last years due to syphilis maybe, but even the movie's final scene showing him in Florida surrounded by gangster friends (allegedly including Frank Nitti, who had died some years earlier) rather than his family was absurd. Why did the film ignore his wife, son, siblings, and brother Ralph, who was the most important brother in the organization? And what's with that broad Iris, with him through out the movie? Pure fiction.

Even the killing of Jim Colosimo at his restaurant was baloney. Frankie Yale did it, though the lone witness recanted. One writer claims Capone hadn't yet arrived in Chicago at that time. Johnny Torrio knew Capone from New York, saw potential, and brought him west, so even the movie's opening scene of Capone's alley fight as a means of meeting Torrio was nonsense. Further,it was the George "Bugs" Malone gang that attacked Torrio in front of his apartment building, not a Capone plan... and you can bet the Torrio's didn't have a sign in front of their house displaying their true name! I could go on and on here about substituting fancy for fact, events omitted, but space is limited. Capone's social skills were far above average amonghis peers and the public. He always bargained first, not shot first, and had great loyalty to his men and kept his end of agreements. Visit a bookstore to get the true story instead of believing this absolutely ridiculous flick. BTW, Capone never exposed himself on the golf course or anywhere else, as far as is known.
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