
2 Reviews
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Cube 2 is ridiculous!
22 June 2003
I've seen both Cubes, and while Cube 1 had a somewhat logical progression from beginning to end this Cube 2 was just a jumbled mess, where it seemed the entire movie took place in only a handfull of rooms. What Cube 1 didn't do though, was offer any sort of explanation... and guess what, it's even less clear in Cube 2, made even more ridiculous with the addition of a time travel and transporting quotients that toss any hope of reality out the window.

Though despite all this, I'd love to see a Cube 3, though the only way that would work is if an explanation was given right up front, then the Cube-tastrophe of a movie could begin.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
A movie I didn't expect to like, but wound up loving.
25 June 2002
This movie transcends the way movies are made, Baz deserved the best director nod by a landslide over that Beautiful Mind director. But whatever, what's done is done I guess(highway robbery).

The movie's musical numbers fill you with so much joy and that sense of 'wow, that was pretty cool' feeling. It's really an amazing movie. The choice of songs somehow fit(save for a couple of songs, ie. that 'diamonds are a girls best friend' tune that gets sung over and over again throughout the movie I coulda done without) The storyline itself is of course, very 'Broadway' and thus, I don't mind at all that it didn't win Best Picture, but I still stand by my Best Director choice.

I can sense a bunch of movies will come out soon attempting to copy Moulin Rouge, and frankly, I can't wait, here's hoping they don't ruin this newly realized genre'.
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