
7 Reviews
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Caravaggio (1986)
Absolutely exquisite art film with Sean Bean stealing it
12 August 2004
This beautiful visionary art film based on the director's take of the life of Caravaggio was worth the almost 7 years it took to make it. Derek Jarman had the brilliant sense to use Nigel Terry and Sean Bean as the lovers in this meditation on sexuality, criminality and art. This film is more of a fictionalization on Caravaggio using the artist's works as a way to pursue the story of the artist. It is beautiful, as are the actors and actresses, and Sean Bean is a revelation in this very early role, as he plays Ranucio, the love interest of Caravaggio. When he is on screen he steals the movie, as his animal magnetism, sexual energy, and wild persona grip the film and propel the story forward. This is an adult film with homosexual themes and might not be for everyone, but if one is adult and has a sense of taste, and loves art movies, this is a 10 out of 10.
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Windprints (1989)
Delicate film about a strong subject with a brilliant actor
10 August 2004
Instead of hitting one over the head with this film, this movie allows you to feel a period in South Africa through the actor and the actual country. It is a careful and slow paced film about the problems of South Africa during a specific period of time. Fortunately, some of those problems have been resolved, but the power of this film is that it was filmed in the country of origin. You can be moved by the atmosphere, the surroundings, and the plot which does keep one guessing for quite a while. Sean Bean is stunning both physically, and as ALWAYS perfection acting-wise, as the central character in this film. His stillness and emotional range at the same time will transfix you to stay on board throughout the film. You keep wondering if he will make, or if the other central character will make it, but this film does not charge at you and beat you over the head with the message. The message is the film, and it is delivered by a seamless craftsman, Sean Bean, and an elder statesman of film, John Hurt. Not to be missed.
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My Kingdom for a Horse (1991 TV Movie)
A touching Brit TV drama and Sean Bean plays a perfect geek
9 August 2004
Is there anything this man cannot play? After making as vast a collection of his work as possible, the answer is a resounding, "NO!" Sean Bean, plays a school teacher with glasses and boring clothes (well, there had to be something to cover up his good looks) who has a chubby mate, and they together take part in historical re-enactments on the weekends. Sound boring? NOPE, and it isn't as Bean morphs even physically in his walk and posture to become a school teacher who still lives at home, cannot make life decisions, but is NOT so geeky that he doesn't fancy a girl, can put up a fight, and proves that indeed there is a real man in there. It is that fine line that Bean takes and gives this character real life and breath. He makes the teacher live, makes him incredibly real, and yet does not make him pathetic. The teacher is a man, and not a complete loser, as no one is, but darn few actors could pull off such a balance with this delicate material, but he does. He always makes you care and get involved. From lover to villain, to hero, to geek, Sean Bean can do absolutely anything and everything on a screen. Simply the best actor around.
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Screen Two: Small Zones (1990)
Season 6, Episode 8
Another UK TV Treasure with Sean Bean -- truly their best kept secret!
8 August 2004
How Sean Bean has managed to escape the 20 million-dollar-a-movie pay stubs is beyond me? This brilliant shape-shifting actor can absolutely do no wrong on film, be it for the small screen or large. Watching his older TV dramas is a treat for it shows the wide range of what he can do, and it never fails to amaze me how many layers Bean can take any character to, and even in the role of an abusive husband he just tears the heart out of you. As Vic, he is not a nice guy, granted, but as Bean portrays him, that is not all there is about Vic. He was once a catch, once a husband to make his wife swoon, and he does even later on as he drinks and becomes more abusive and depressed due to unemployment. Vic is an everyman with enormous problems as Sean Bean plays him, and you manage to care about him, probably more than you do the abused wife in this TV drama, which is a miracle in itself. Sean Bean continually proves, he is the UK's secret acting weapon, but his time is way overdue for the glory and honor on the large screen, even though he redeems (as much as he can) some of the movies he is in despite other lesser actors, and bad scripts. He just makes every moment on screen worthwhile to watch.
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Stormy Monday (1988)
Sean Bean is the reason to see this movie -- he steals it outright.
8 August 2004
Sean Bean continually proves he is the best thing in any movie he is in, period. As "Brendan," and the most unknown actor in this flick, he turns in the only "real" performance in the film. You believe ever nuance of his character, a jazz buff, who is just trying to establish himself in Newcastle, England. He is the love interest of Melanie Griffith, and her partner in this story of a corrupt businessman, Tommy Lee Jones, and a tough nightclub owner, Sting. BEAN IS THE ONLY ONE WORTH WATCHING. Oddly enough, he is the newcomer in this film, but when he is on screen you are there, every second. Griffith, had the good sense to request him to play opposite her in the film, but the story is odd at best, but the young and perfectly stunning Sean Bean make this film worth the viewing. If memory serves me correctly, there was an actor's strike in America, and that is why this film has two big name U.S. stars. But they do not shine at all in comparison to the scene stealer in it, Sean Bean. Sean takes the movie completely away from the major stars in it, not by overacting, but merely by acting brilliantly and subtly. The man can break your heart and does, and his stillness on screen speaks volumes louder than all the "characterizations," of the other actors.
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Screen One: Tell Me That You Love Me (1991)
Season 3, Episode 2
Sean Bean is simply the best actor around!
18 June 2004
Sean Bean owns this movie, as he does anything else he can actually star in, and when he doesn't star in them he steals them outright. He is the most brilliant, and most underused actor alive in my opinion, but thankfully people have become more and more aware of him.

Bean stars as a possessive, angst-ridden lover of a woman, who cannot make up her mind about love. Bean jumps off the screen and rivets you to the story, and is the only actor I could even imagine making you feel for this character, who is suppose to be this obsessive ,dangerous type of lover, but he makes this character the only one you care for. JUST AMAZING. He breathes life into this man, and you believe everything about him, and care for him more than anyone else in this piece of solid British TV drama. Bean proves himself even at this younger age, as being the most believable actor on the planet. His stillness of presence when he is going through an emotional crisis is BRILLIANT. Simply brilliant, and no one does it better, and can totally make you believe without any hesitation that he is that character, as he inhabits this the role completely. If you can find this, see it, Bean will not disappoint you and is worth the time spent as you watch something miraculous unfolding. Just a brilliant actor, and the sex scenes are some of the sexiest I have ever seen on the tube, for those women who love Sean, as I do.
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This is what Television is for!!!
28 June 2002
This is a tremendous series! Just brilliant, and thank the heavens above for no melodramatic tendencies of other horrific series like ER, etc. If I want a soap opera I will watch one thanks. This series is as close to perfection as a TV series can get. The mood, the dialogue, the acting is SUPERB, and even Time Magazine called this one of the best on TV. Why this show isn't on everyone's list, or promoted to pieces by CBS is beyond me? I wait for it every week, and just cannot get enough of this fast paced, exciting show that has my family and I talking as if we were involved in the program as to what this means and what that means, and how to solve the crime. There is enough humanity in the characters to keep it touching, but not too much. A fine balance is walked in each show. Petersen is brilliant and perfect in this role. I am in love with his presence on TV. Just an imposing presence as well as a great supporting cast. I can finally say, I find no fault with a TV show. I never thought that would happen. The direction, casting, dialogue just rocks. I am thankful TV is finally good for something besides the History, Discovery, Biography and the Learning channels. This show is amazing. I am an addicted forever. Will definitely watch the spin-off in Miami, David Caruso is perfect for it. Finally, something to watch that doesn't make me ill. AAAA+++
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