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An audience submerged
5 May 2019
It's impossible not to love Mercedes Moran. Familia sumergida carries a topic which has interested dozens of Argentinian directors in the past twenty years, but this time, in my opinion, very well executed. Involved in the cotidianity of life, almost all the movie happens inside a disorganized and greyish apartment of Capital Federal. The loss of her sister desequilibrates Marcela, who is constantly in a game of looking for something. The death of Rina disbalances her feelings, and finds opposition with her son and daughters, whose lives are not affected by the absence of their aunt. The movie also brings about the idea of the loss of the node in a family, waking up the ghosts. How much we should know about our family? Marcela is psychologically chased by the presence of old members of her genealogy. She needs to escape and finds someone, who was also in the middle of some kind of personal grief. They are both temporarily lost. Loved the theatrical elements. Good movie.
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Night Moves (2013)
20 April 2014
Okay...I was expecting more. All the movie is about the plan. A clearly stupid and poor plan. We even don't know why they are doing that. We actually don't know anything about the characters because everything is silent and green. And that leads us to a non transparent story, full of holes and doubts.

Dialogs are nearly abstract, very plain. Eisenberg can't convince us he is kind of a criminal. There's no tension and that makes it more boring.

Then, the characters change, product of a particular situation (which was patently predictable)and we are expecting the characters to be real human beings, but...they are not.

And then the movie ends. There's no much more. And...OK.
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Coherence (2013)
People, houses and comets
20 April 2014
This movie was the product of a great idea. Which was developed with low budget and some clichés to attract the public. In fact, that was the major mistake: trying to abduct the spectator with some Hollywood common resources. You'll know what I'm talking about when you watch it. But the idea is good. I would have liked the characters didn't have to explain things, that the situations just made up and that the public had to figure it out by themselves. But I understand that the coherence idea was too sophisticated.

Okay, It's good to see sci fi evolving and honestly, I like thinking when I'm watching a movie. So...give it a chance.
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Reality as a concept: Kumiko
20 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The movie opens with Kumiko's life. She's a cold, solitary, with a very low self esteem woman on her late twenties. She doesn't like her job, her family. Anyway, the spectators never know what she likes, how she really is. What is revealed is that she can't conceive reality not as an achievement product of growing up, adulthood or whatever, Kumiko can't conceive reality as a concept. And reality becomes like that archetype which follows the story. But there's this crack of magical realism, the most important expression of this fiction crack is the map at the beginning of the movie (where did she get that map from?). That map is indeed, what produces the Fargo circumstance. We could think she is completely mad (actually, we know she won't find the briefcase), but we could think on that unreality crack where we are drag into and just watch how Kumiko encounters sparkles of real life. Maybe I'm being too complicated and this movie is just about a crazy woman. Bleh...why don't you watch it and then we discuss about it?
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Ostende (2011)
Great movie
17 June 2012
I don't understand why Ostende did not have a big release. This movie starts with a drama/mystery and then the mystery grows more and more.

A woman wins a paid holidays to Ostende, and while she awaits alone for her boyfriend she starts paying attention to the people around her. She hears voices,she spies through the windows.

The movie is constructed in a way where not only the script is interesting: camera, sound and photography are part of the puzzle too. I saw this movie long time ago, in a film festival, but I remembered about it today, I don't know why. If you have the chance, watch it. You won't regret.
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Great actors, bad comedy. You are doing it wrong.
1 April 2012
I don't know what people laughed about in "Mi primera boda". The conflict is so weak that you are wondering all the time "why didn't the main character (Hendler) did this or that", because everything he does is completely unrealistic and senseless.

The score is not in its right place. Some scenes have a "musical exaggeration". For example, Hendler is riding a horse and if you hear the music without the images you would think you are watching a Indiana Jones film. I don't know why, but this repeats until the end, and it's not funny.

The characters: I hate them all. Even Hendler and Oreiro, whom I admire very much . The movie introduces a lot of people, but we know very little about them at the end, except for three or four.

Well, You can clearly notice a "Death at the funeral" reference in this movie. But you don't see explanations in "Death at the funeral". What was that? Hendler and Oreiro, explaining the movie for you?, like if you had some kind of understanding problem or something. In one scene, Oreiro suddenly looks at the camera and talks, breaking all the climax. I felt I was watching a bad "The office" episode. I think you can tell this story without all that stuff.

Locations, photography and sound are perfect but the developing of the conflict is too lame. I didn't like it. 3/10
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The One (2011)
Best Argentinian series since "Los Simuladores"
30 June 2011
It started with a lot of questions, and the questions still remain. El Elegido gives all we want: suspense, drama, and the obvious romance injection. With excellent dialogs, very well thought locations and realistic situations, follows the story of Andrés Bilbao, a lawyer who wants to be the associate in the Nevares Sosa firm, has an autistic daughter, Alma and an unstable wife, Verónica. Oscar Nevares Sosa is the evil face of the series. Then comes Mariana and changes it all. She is a open minded lawyer, always defending those whose voices are not being listened. She is a bit silly, but full of ideals. Now Andrés Bilbao is against the world around him. Thriller touches the script and makes you being on the edge of your seat. Murder, masonic societies and corruption. All combined with the marvelous acting of Leticia Brédice. The score is very important and It never fails. You will never get bored with El Elegido. All characters have something interesting to tell. John Grisham and Dan Brown in a black and white Buenos Aires. 10/10.
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The double
7 December 2010
It's a well-known legend: we all have our exact double. He or she could be living in our neighborhood or maybe in China . "Water and Salt" makes focus on this idea: The stories of a lawyer and his double (a fisherman), intersect with a particular result.

This movie was almost entirely filmed in Mar del Plata, and has a great photography. Nice filming places and sound is OK (Argentinian movies' sound is a problem). Spregelbroud and his silences in some parts of the film say a lot. He can tell us what his feelings are, with no need of explanation.

So, Watch it and then try to answer this question: ¿who is the REAL double?
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12 November 2009
The Pursuer is a entertainment thriller. Starts with a powerful drama which becomes at the end in a action fictional suspense movie.

Thestory is basic. I knew when it finished that Cruz liked Michael Haneke.

It's a bit slow, yes, and there are some parts of the movie where you can see darkness and some parts where you don't hear the characters talking between them. But at the end, it enters your mind very quickly and you cannot move from you seat anymore.

Actors were good, I imagined them different involved in that situation. Just with the first part ofthe movie, you can construct how each of them are going to respond to the Pursuer's actions. I would have changed some reactions, specially for the man, who was particularly quiet every time.

If I start, there will be spoilers. So, I will write what I do every time: Watch it. If you think It was a waste of your time, you can come to my house and punch me in the face.
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Hidden Camera (2007 TV Movie)
Well, I liked it
22 October 2009
Hidden camera is a very well produced action thriller. Actors are good. The idea is complete and you cannot move from your seat. Yeah, I know, all that thing about NorthKorea and the satellites that can show you all the world all the time it's not very well thought. But, at the end, this movie can entertain you for nearly two hours. I was not expecting a Gran Torino.

I do not understand why this film was not released at least, on DVD. It's a huge production: the first persecution...wow...very good...! With trains and all. There's death, blackmail, technology, nudity, everything. Maybe too much. But there's no more to explain. It's not so bad, believe me.
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Ehh....keep trying...
14 September 2009
I love dramas but Las viudas de los jueves is a very BORING film. I mean, you know how it's gonna end since the beginning, completely predictable and bad acted. What happened with the score, Roque? It appeared in the most particular moments and then disappeared, without any sense.

We can give this production a good mark actually, and I must recognize that. Filming places, cameras, light and makeup were perfect.

Another thing you have to know is that this movie is a drama, there is no suspense, you just want the characters to die and finish the story once for all.

I found very disturbing the constantly repeated word "pija" in a drama of this characteristics. I mean, you can add what you want in a movie, but why so many times? Teens were good, but the girl was a bit annoying. What more I dislike was the lack of action, but I am not talking about cars exploding or something like that, I mean, It was too much quietness and slowness and sadness and depression and at the end It becomes foul plus the message that this movie gives you at the final scene. What was that? What were you thinking Claudia when you wrote that ending so predictable?

I give it a 6, just because I liked Ronnie and Mavi's family and the fact that they were normal people (you will know what happens then). Well, one more movie for the Argentinian market. Hope people liked more than me.

Please, do not make more movies about crisis and recession. I really do not want to remember that. Not Menem, please.
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Buen viaje (1991 TV Movie)
OK 1991 Argentinian Psychological Thriller
6 December 2008
I like the idea that this movie wanted to give to the public. It's slow but I think they could connect the events and make a real suspense movie, that later will become in a thriller. I liked the end. I enjoyed it because this movie is not a predictable one: It seems to be, but then you take away that idea from your mind and try to figure it out what's happening. Like all Argentinian movies, it's difficult to go direct to the point: Some dialogs without any sense, some scenes that you would like to cut off and horrible sound. The result of the appearance of two characters only. Very nice filming places. An OK thriller road movie filmed in 1991 (I think the only of its type in that year) that at the end, is forgettable but not predictable.
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Una de dos (2008– )
Love in triangle times... yeah right
6 February 2008
The actors that works in this series are brilliant in every respect. So why are they acting so bad?.They don't fit in a plot like this, especially Luis Luque: he shouts, make silences that interrupt the comedy, is not understood. Some times I think I'm watching a play, not a TV show. Well, the plot is disgusting. Is about a nuclear family. Peña is Luque's wife, she is a dynamic woman, she works on everything: she's a wedding planner, a secretary. Luque is a salesman, a looser maybe. Peña knows another man and falls in love of Vena, and she says he is "spontaneous", "new". However, as she does not know how to choose between her husband and her new boyfriend she decides to live with the two at the same time. Here is when the comedy becomes rancid. Some jokes...perhaps you won't bore finding those funny intervals. The laughs included in the show are totally misplaced. So If you don't have anything to do you can take this options: Turn off the TV or look for a comedy difficult to find. You are not allowed to choose both.
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