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Noelle (2019)
Just because of Anna Kendrick
14 December 2021
Below average Christmas movie. Just watched it because of Anna Kendrick. Great actress and very funny. Some actors are really bad in this movie. And Bill hader is not given anything to do. What a waste. Story is very standard and offers nothing new to the Christmas movie world. IT Has the Christmas vibe big it alsof feels like a money grab. Everything rests on the talent of Kendrick.
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No tension and stupid
15 February 2021
Altough the plot is simple and old, telling the story in a different structure could have helped a lot. Also by showing the plot instead of telling the plot there could have been more to figure out by the viewer. AND if the lead character should have showed surprise or fear about what was going on, this could have been a nice simple movie. But because all of the above is not there, the movie is dumb and there is no tension at all. Just because Nicholas Cage is there in fluorescent light doesn't mean you dont have to work for a movie, even as simple as this one.
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innocent fun
5 February 2010
Not the hilarious comedy you might expect, but more innocent fun. Don't expect to laugh out loud rolling on the floor. It's a movie for a night on the couch after a hard days work. I had my fun watching the movies, alltough the jokes and awkward situations are very basic. I just enjoyed the message of love and the hot bodies from the leading ladies! Vince Vaugh does what he always does, I just tought the role of the big black man was a little unnecessary. The yoga scene I just thought was funny, sorry... couldn't help myself. I think from watchmen just has a plain face and not enough charisma for big roles. Nice, basic comedy, don't expect much.
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I Am Legend (2007)
Luxe zombie film
1 January 2008
Doesn't matter how the movie is presented in the trailers, I Am Legend is a horror flick A-movie. A deluxe version of a zombie film so to speak.

Although Will Smith is the leading character and there are more psychological elements as usual in this type of film, I Am Legend is not legendary, but not disappointing either. For the people who expected more action en for the people who expected less action maybe yes. But the scary moments as well as the psychological are in balance, and with the acting, scene and timing this is a luxe zombie film. If you see this movie as I describe it above, you will have an entertaining 2 hours.
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Sextet (2007)
Functional Sex with a wink
16 November 2007
Terstall uses every style he knows, but the funny thing is, he knows best himself. What really stuck with me were the funny, poetic and strong dialog, fresh acting and of course the scene where Katja Schuurman was taken by Horace Cohen doggy style.

Strong dialog, funny scenes, Terstall shows life but also doesn't take it too seriously. Sometimes things like the Maroccan neighbors of the lesbian couple are surprising and disturbing because it's not the serious. I must say he knows how to show things about the Dutch society without rubbing our noses in it.I had a wonderful time watching this movie. Everything you can comment on about the film, Terstall does in the movie for you. So just watch and enjoy.
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Nice jokes, nice acting. Great body!
3 October 2007
After Jessica Biel showed off her body, I kinda lost interest. Can't blame me guys, the movie doesn't get any better than that.;-)

This is a comedy, so everything has to be over the top to be funny. Everything that is gay is overdone. It has to be, otherwise it isn't funny. I think Sandler did a great job at this. Maybe for some the jokes are too much, but Sandler also gets the right thing in this movie. By showing how terrible cliché people think about gays, he hits the spot.

I had a great time watching it, the jokes were nicely done by Kevin James and Sandler. Of course after a while the movie goes soft, like almost every feel-good comedy. But Jessica's body makes up for that. Heehaa!
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Hogfather (2006 TV Movie)
too slow and missing the jokes
2 October 2007
Hogfather is 2 times one and a half hour. It would seem that with having needed this much time a lot is going on on screen. But Hogfather plays in such a slow tempo, that it the story could have put in just 2 hours, which would speed up the story. The typical humor in the Discworld Novel's by Terry Pratchett is missing. There are some nice jokes, but way to little to really make the movie funny. What makes you want to want to watch it till the end is the clever story. But this is not to difficult, because Pratchett writes really good stories, see all the Discworld novels.

This movie is an introduction, but please read the books. They are way funnier and better.
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The great American ****shit
6 August 2007
Over the top acting at first, and what is it with the gang members who are fan of a little girl who enters a spelling contest? What's all the fuss about a spelling contest anyway? Couldn't they find a better subject to make people love each other? The characters and story are suitable for a comedy drama, sort of like little miss Sunshine, (this movie got a big resemblance) not a movie which is meant to be a drama. Story is predictable, characters are flat and also predictable. And what is it with that nonsense about finally a movie about good afro-Americans I read in a comment? This is not reality, although that is not a good reason to dislike a movie. This story is good hearted and has absolutely nothing bad about it in a human like way. No curse words, everything rounds up well in the end. It is so goody two shoes, that it almost disgusted me. Luckily I'm very sensitive and have a lot of emotions, so there were some scenes that I liked, ... but only because I'm such a sensitive guy, this movie gets a 5.
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Altered (2006)
Original horror /thriller with reversed alien abduction
13 July 2007
I got my head summary from another blokes comment but it hits the spot.

In this film, it is the humans who abduct an alien. 3 guys, and later on a fourth, get an alien from the forest. During the movie U realize they were ones abducted by aliens themselves and this is payback time.

How monsters with such claws are able to build a rocket is a mystery to me and there are some strange things about the story. It is a thriller, but also a horror. It just can't choose, and does not quite get the genres work together all to well. But it is exciting. The aliens don't go slash people. It just four men against one mean alien. It is just exciting to find out what is going on. Later on in the movie there is some gore (what's with the intestines flying around?).

The actors are pretty good, the story has enough tension, but is also kind of strange to give it a real good score. so 7 out of 10 because of the actors and originality.
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Simon Says (2006)
Holy s**t what a bad movie.
13 July 2007
When I read the comments on this film and see the rating on IMDb I get to the conclusion that there are people who like this rubbish. Unbelievable I must say. If you are not a super fan of really bad bloody slasher movies, than don't see this movie.

Slither was a movie that was over the top and kinda stupid, but all with this tongue in cheek kind a way. Simon Say's is to straight forward simple to give me the same feeling. It's all about butchering people with pickaxes. It starts and it never ends. Dogs are being splattered and so on. It is gross, not funny because it is too simple. Killing people with pickaxes is not funny after 6 times. And that Crispin Glover dude. He seems to have a career in these movies, a cult figure so to speak. A guy who refuses a role in Back to the future II and sues Steven Spielberg is an extraordinary guy. But this is an extraordinary bad movie.
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Great Children's story
18 June 2007
I've read the book a long time ago as a kid and I remember loving it. It was exciting, it was adventurous, it had an excellent main character. It had, my favorite subject, time traveling. And it was very good and convincingly written by Thea Beckman. What more do you want?

This film is of course based on the book, thank god. It usually doesn't end up well with movies that try to stick to the story to much. I tried to imagine how this movie would be like to watch when I was twelve. I think I would have loved it! Great leading actor, I mean, which boy doesn't want to be him? Great adventures, and the story is convincing. And look at the beautiful settings it was shot in. I don't understand the 6,6. It deserves a little bit higher from my point of view.
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More fun than sharp satire
15 July 2006
I would give this film a 7 +. It has jokes that are not too easy and it is just a funny movie, not like American Pie, but more subtle.

I think people think this is or a sharp satire or it should be more hilarious. It is not both and maybe that's why this movie only gets a 5.9 on IMDb. I worked for me nonetheless. The beginning is more subtle than the ending. I mean yes everybody knows Bush is not very smart and is funny, maybe funnier, than this movies president. And yes American Idol, more people probably vote for this show than for the American president. To think about it, our whole world is one big satire on how life really should be. So maybe this movie didn't quite work for a lot of people if they see it as a satire, but I thought it was funny and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
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Waiting... (I) (2005)
More than 'just' a comedy.
26 January 2006
I don't think that this is an instant classic, but maybe people will realize that this is more than just a simple comedy, although it isn't entirely original, but what film is? Reynolds is perfectly cast for this movie, sort of Van Wilder roll. Justin Long adds some dept in this movie with his doubts about his future. There is more than just the running gag about penis showing. The Black man, Bishop, who acts like a shrink is very funny. The trainee who just can't speak up because his is continue interrupted, the young hostess who flirts with her boss and has an eye for Reynolds, the witty guy who seems to know all. The two kids who act like there Jay and Silent Bob. The slutty waitress who is the only one who can outwit Reynolds. The lesbian bartender. The boss, who has a big mouth but can't do a thing. The cook (luis Guzman in a very funny roll) who has a beautiful girlfriend who he wants to have sex with all the time and so on and on... Like I said, there is more than just a simple comedy and a running gag about showing each others penis. The scene where the trainee finally has a chance to say something reminds me of a scene in the breakfast club, although this film does not reach this level in dept. Very nice and funny comedy.
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Hostel (2005)
1st half ridiculous, 2nd half alright
18 January 2006
Eli Roth made cabin fever which was not in balance. He did it a little bit better with Hostel, but not much. The movie does not meet up to its expectations, created by the name of Quentin Tarantino.

The first half is ridiculous with all the people in Amsterdam speaking German, taking the train from Amsterdam to Bratislava which according to the movie must be very easy. Then Bratislava looks like a city just bombed by the Nazi's, inhabited by street kids, men who look like they all belong to the mafia and beautiful young women who walk half naked all the time.

The last 30 minutes are more what I expected from this movie. The dirty horror, tension, trying to escape and a plot(or something like that).

The second half saves the movie, but Eli Roth has to improve his work a lot to score a 6.
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The Descent (2005)
Unexpected good
28 November 2005
I read on IMDb a good comparison about a roller-coaster. The beginning is an introduction, but you constantly feel the tension, like you're going up on the roller-coaster. And then the movie really starts and you go down the roller-coaster real fast. The Descent is a movie which lets you think getting lost in a cave is scary, but becomes real horror. The movie uses some classic tricks and borrows from movies like Alien, Predator and Pitch Black but it works beautifully. It is a very exciting, scary movie, where the animal instincts of the women rise and where everybody thinks about themselves. It has a psychological element that doesn't quite work, but who cares? The movie just keeps on riding the roller-coaster and even when you think the ride is over it is just not quite yet. For a scary claustrophobic night which will give you the creeps, the descent is the perfect movie.
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Lord of War (2005)
Just great storytelling
20 November 2005
Lord of war tells us a story with some moral en ethical issues, without getting into deep. Yes, it will show us the terrible things that happen when bad people get guns, but this is near the end and even this is told very fluently and clear. Lord of War is a film that is very entertaining because of the pace, the humor and the clever dialog. Lord of War is craftsmanship in film-making. How do I entertain a audience? Well, by showing them Lord of War. I have respect for this craftsmanship. Nicolas Cage is not my favorite actor, his sad face and forced acting doesn't do it for me, but he is well cut out for this one and does an excellent job. I really recommend this movie, it will give you a very nice one and a half hour.
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Revolver (2005)
Thief and oldboy look-a-like
20 November 2005
Revolver is a stylish movie concerning the use of color and editing. It reminded me of Oldboy and more as the whole movie is a collection of usual suspects, fight club and kill bill. De movie has a voice over which keeps us reminding of three philosophies, or one liners is you wish. The plot is surprising en the story is not told in a chronological way or is not very clear.

Well,Guy Ritchie thought, all ingredients which will make my movie into a success. Indeed, it could have, but it is so artificial and so stolen that it isn't much fun to watch. Ik do like movies which are a little vague and you have to think about the plot, but it is so familiar and so artificial that I consider it a big disappointment.The Philosophical bullshit which returns every time, even unnecessary anime like Kill Bill and the stylistic scenes, it got irritating after a while. Sure, there will be a deeper meaning behind it all, but I found it annoying.
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Just does what it promises
7 October 2005
Wedding Crashers is a movie that does just that what it promises. It is a film with a lot of laughs, especially with Vince Vaughn, who is sometimes hilarious, and a bit of romance. The chemistry between Wilson and Vaughn is superb. I just have to admit I laughed almost the entire movie. Yes, the ending is romantic and sentimental, but this is perfect for a first date. I think she'll be ready to be kissed before the movie ends. Like I said before, Wedding Crashers just delivers what it promises. Just like Fever Pitch, a movie I saw just earlier. Two movies in a row that do so well what the genre asks, what a lucky bastard am I. Wedding Crashers has not disappointed me, that is why this movie is worth the 8.
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Nice, but sometimes a bit overdone
28 August 2005
I liked the movie because of its simple story. I mean, it is hard finding a movie nowadays which isn't pumped full of FX. The thing I didn't like in the movie were the dialogs between the actors when they were head to head. It looked like the director wanted Travolta and Johansen to act in a memorable way but it was to artificial. Travolta does an excellent job, as does Johansen, but she sticks to long with this Lolita roles. That's her age and she look like a Lolita (too bad she hasn't got a real nice ass) but it becomes a little too routine for her. She has to prove her acting skills now. All in all a nice movie with a nice story, some solid acting and a beautiful setting. It isn't a great film but entertaining enough. A 7 out of 10
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Submission: Part I (2004 TV Short)
Understand and then speak
11 July 2005
A lot of muslims were offended by this movie. But it is not about the Islam in general. Van Gogh was not a Islam hater or a racist. Read his books. He was a provoker and he was an atheist with a sharp tongue and a advocate for freedom of speech but that was it. He was a clown but he sometimes overdid his act so a lot of people were offended. He did offend people, don't get me wrong. But I found a lot of his pieces amusing and I think he wanted people to see the relativity in things.

In this movie is not show how bad the Islam is, but how men can use the Islam as an excuse for their deeds. That is what Ali en Van Gogh were fighting for and don't give me that crap about the somalic background of Ali. It still surprises me how many people just don't see this and still think they wanted to offend a complete religion. It is just like how Ali said herself. She said something like that no matter how you formulate, when it comes to Islam (or any religion) they will always find it offensive.
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Amazones (2004)
Not a clear direction for the Amazones.
11 June 2005
The movie starts as a social drama with humor. But then the director does not seem to know which direction to go. Sometimes it is a drama, sometimes a comedy and at one point it is an action flick. Usually this causes confusion with the audience and the movie will not get any better. There is some humor, but not very good. Near the end I didn't really had a good idea which way the movie was going to. The plot is also way too cliché (the song Nobody's Wife by Anouk contributes to this). Not a bad effort, but next time the director has to make up her mind. Just a nice TV-movie.

The acting is nice by the way. I sometimes had some trouble with the accent (from the province Noord-Brabant).
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Dogville (2003)
Dogville surprised me
1 June 2005
"I like this movie." I had to say this a couple of times during the movie to convince myself.

I don't like theatre and I expected to see a play. That was because the setting is very sober and theatre like. But except for this, this is a movie and not a play. Von Trier shows a story that is so true that it hurts. People are ugly and Von Trier show us this. He even let's the movie end bad. That's life, I can hear Von Trier say.

Yes the movie lacks special effects, lacks even a dog! But the story is so strong, the characters are so good, that I forgot about it. I was intrigued by the things that happened in this ugly little town. Poor Grace, poor Paul. This film is not for everybody, but for people who want to put effort in the film, they will love it.
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House of Wax (2005)
Throw away movie
23 May 2005
House of wax follows the rules of these kind of horror movies so close that nothing that happens is a surprise. And this is the biggest mistake of the makers, with putting Paris Hilton in the movie on second place despite her spectacular death. Which she did make fun of, which gives her some credit.

The rules for these movies seem to be like this: A bunch of young kids go on a road trip to see a football game or something like that. But they get off the main road and end up in a disturbing place like a strange cabin (evil dead, wrong turn) or a strange family (1000 corpses, Texas chainsaw massacre remake). House of Wax does nothing to surprise its audience or to really make an effort of making it even a little bit better or as good as these movies. The weird killers in this movie aren't even given any background despite of the intro which explains nothing at all. The ending is clearly trying to be ironic that it is just plain bad. I am not a hater of this genre, but House of wax tries so little to make an effort that this movie should go right to the video stores on the top shelf.
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It (1990– )
The movie that made a whole generation afraid of clowns
10 May 2005
It is an adaptation of the book It written by Stephen King. The book is far superior. Read the book! It is the best novel ever written by King because it contains almost every theme King has written about.

Now the movie. The makers have succeeded to put the magic of the children in the film. The actors are just wonderful and very well casted (with late Jonathan Brandis at his best). The sphere that is in the book is also captured nicely by the soundtrack. And the village Derry is just like I pictured while reading the book. The clown Pennywise played by Tim Curry is just great! Curry is just scary as Pennywise. A brilliant role there.

But the main setback in this movie is the second part. While in the book present en past are weaved together, because of the grown ups slowly remembering what happened then, this doesn't come out as great in the movie. The adult actors are just not as good as the children. And the children's story is just way more interesting. The movie is long and still there just isn't always time to show the complex characters en situations as well as the influence It has on Derry and its history. The climax is totally different from the book. In the books the 'ritual of Chut' plays a mayor role. A very interesting duel between the demonic and human mind. This is of course not doable in a movie. Although the second part of the movie is not so good this movie is still a nice adaptation of the book and a reason why a whole generation will not like clowns.
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Primer (2004)
A movie should be understand by the audience
3 May 2005
Shane Carruth has made a nice impression with his first movie, but has also made a bad impression.

The movie is kept so vague and unexplained that there is no fun for the viewer. Yes, you can think about it all you want, discuss about it. But trying to understand it just takes too much time. A movie can be hard to explain or to comprehend. But Primer has overdone it. I think it just keeps the audience disappointed. On the forum of the Primer website is a nice explanation of what happened. But this can't be figured out after just viewing the movie once. And there is still a lot of guessing to do with it. I understand the movie much more after reading the forum, but a movie which takes so much time to understand is not a good movie. I did like the style of filming and the idea, but this is not for the average viewer and not even for the somewhat experienced viewer which I count myself to. It is just too vague and too little explanation. Some movies leave something to guess for the audience, but Primer suggests that there is a explanation for what we see and that is the problem. But the movie was something different and I wonder what Shane Carruth comes up with next. I just hope he doesn't look at the prize he got at the Sundance festival too much.
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