
16 Reviews
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Vital (2004)
Slow, weird, something that needs to be seen more than once.
11 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Vital is a Japanese film about a man who was in a car accident and wakes up with amnesia. He goes home with his parents and slowly begins to get flashes of his life before the accident. He finds a stack of medical books in a storage space in his room and remembers that he was scheduled to go to medical school. He takes the exam and enters medical school. He meets another student and she becomes interested in him. He moves out of his parent's home into a dingy apartment close to the school. As time passes he remembers he had a lover and that he was expected to go into med school but he didn't want to. He remembers she was in the car with him when the accident happened. Soon he begins the dissection part of the anatomy course. He realizes that the body is that of his dead lover and he is tormented by this knowledge. He seeks out his dead lover's parents because he can't see this as just being coincidence. Eventually he comes to terms with everything. It's a weird film in parts. Slow and the lead character hardly speaks but says so much with his eyes. Tadanobu Asano plays the lead character and he is such a chameleon. However, this is a film that needs to be watched more than once because there are several layers to the film. I liked it but didn't get it. I would rate it 6.5-7/10.
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3-Iron (2004)
A man who tries to disappear from life helps another get back hers.
9 November 2004
3-Iron/Bin-Jip was directed by Kim Ki-Duk. In the past his films have been quite violent and misogynistic (e.g. Bad Guy) however, with his last two films he has broken into a more plot driven and less violent films. 3-Iron is about a young man is his 20's who drifts through life. He puts up food flyers on people's doors and later goes around and sees which flyers have not been taken down. He then breaks into the home and checks to see the occupants are gone and not coming back soon. He eats some food and crashes at the place and in return he does laundry or fixes a broken appliance. He lives his life on the outskirts of society and is trying to disappear. One day he breaks into a house which he thinks is empty but a woman is there. She has been battered by her husband and is trying to withdraw from the world. She watches him but does not let him see her. Eventually they meet but nothing is said between them. The husband comes home and the protagonist leaves without being noticed. However, he knows that the husband will beat his wife again. He comes back and using the husband's 3-iron incapacitates the husband by hitting golf balls at him. The protagonist and the wife leave and she joins him on his ritual house entering. Eventually they are caught and he is beaten up. Slowly there is a transformation and role reversal with the wife becoming more outspoken and the guy becoming more withdrawn. The police catch them and the wife is returned to the husband. She asserts herself and begins to re-visit the places her and the guy had been in. The guy is sent to prison where he slowly learns how to lose himself in the surrounding so as not to be noticed. It is a slow film with touches of humor and drama. It is definitely different and the main protagonist never speaks in this film and the wife only speaks a little towards the end. For those used to Asian films I would rate it 7/10 for those not used to Asian films 5/10.
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Hotel Rwanda (2004)
This year's Schindler's List
15 September 2004
I was fortunate to see it at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Hotel Rwanda starred Don Cheadle and was directed by Terry George. It's based on a true event, about Paul Rusesabagina, a Hutu who worked at four star hotel in Kigali. When the war broke out he thought of only saving his immediate family but as he saw what was happening he opened the hotel to Tutsi and Hutus seeking refuge from the killing. He used all the favours he had stored as manager of the hotel and basically saved over a thousand lives. This will be the next Schindler's list. When the film was over, there was a standing ovation. Don Cheadle was excellent as an ordinary man forced to do extra-ordinary things. Paul Rusesabagina and his family attended the screening and he received a five minute standing ovation. Even Michael Moore came to see this movie. I highly recommend it. 9/10.
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Yes (I) (2004)
Mostly for the Art House Crowd or Women in General
15 September 2004
I saw it at the Toronto Film Festival but I had not seen any of Sally Potter's previous films prior to this and mainly saw it because of Joan Allen. Yes is a film with Joan Allen and Sam Neill and directed by Sally Potter. It is about a woman who is in a loveless marriage who has an affair with a Lebanese chef who was a surgeon in Beirut. Shirley Henderson plays the cleaner who acts as narrator and sort of Greek chorus to give background and opinion. I didn't like this film but I think women, in general, will. The acting is good especially Joan Allen and Simon Abkarian (apparently this was his first major role in English, I could not tell he was that good) but slow paced with some artistic shots (shots through water or glass or some obstruction because in real life we don't always have the perfect angle and things are not always clear). Most of the dialogue was in iambic pentameter with rhyming couplets. If you've seen Sally Potter's other work and liked it, then I think you'll like this. It is definitely different and Joan Allen was gorgeous but more for the art house crowd who appreciate a Dutch angle or the lens obstacles or the fact the film speed was off. There was deliberate slowing or disjointing of the frame speed in several scenes with her and her lover. As if the film was being shown at 22 or 26 frames per second or time was passing differently (which could have been a case of trying to catch the human perspective where time sometimes seems sped up so an hour goes by in a blink of an eye or a moment can seem to last forever). While most of the audience loved it, I think the average guy would be bored by this film. Having said that, there are several layers to this film and may improve with additional viewings
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Saving Face (2004)
A nice, light comedy worth seeing.
13 September 2004
I was fortunate to see the World premier at the Toronto Film Festival. It was an almost finished product with only some minor changes still needing to be done (mostly tweaking the temporary score and sound) but I didn't notice that it wasn't a finished product. Saving Face is a funny film by written and directed by first time director: Alice Wu. It is about a widow (Joan Chen) who is in her late-40's and has a daughter who is a surgeon. She tries to set up her daughter at these Chinese dances that happen once a week but the daughter is not interested. One day the woman shows up on the daughter's doorstep, kicked out of her home because she has brought shame to the family by becoming pregnant out of wedlock. The mother and daughter have to adjust while the daughter tries to hide her lesbian relationship with her boss's daughter. I liked this film. Joan Chen was very funny in this film. The comedy is good, a nice light touch and on a level everyone can relate too. Although, the fact they are Chinese is not glossed over. The dramatic scenes were weaker in contrast to the comedy but still worked. The three main actresses were good although Joan Chen was the star. If you liked What's Cooking or Mambo Italiano or My Big Fat Greek Wedding, then I think you will like this movie. I am Asian but not Chinese so I do have my biases. Having said that, I think that this film will help break the typical Asian stereotype and will be a mainstream success. Apparently Sony pictures has bought the distribution rights so I expect to see it in theatre some time next year. I give it an 8/10. Definitely worth a look if you want a nice light comedy with a little drama. Note the film is half in Mandarin and half in English but there are English subtitles. I will definitely see it again when it comes out in general release and I will buy the DVD when it comes out.
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Saint Ralph (2004)
Pleasant Canadian Comedy
12 September 2004
was pleasantly surprised by Saint Ralph. It's a Canadian film about a 14 year old boy who goes to Catholic School in 1950's Hamilton. It stars Campbell Scott, Gordon Pinsent, Adam Butcher, Shauna MacDonald and was directed by Michael McGowan. It's about a Ralph Walker who's mother is sick in hospital and who's father died long ago. He is a smooth operator, sort of an Eddie Haskell type with the adults but a complete loser with his peers. When his mother goes into a coma he's told that only a miracle would wake her up. He is forced to join the track team as punishment where the coach, Father Hibbert (Campbell Scott) jokes about there only being 6 months until the Boston Marathon. When Ralph asks if the team is going to run in Boston, Father Hibbert tells him he was only joking and that it would be a miracle if anyone on the team won the Boston Marathon. Thus, Ralph becomes committed to the idea of winning the Marathon and getting the miracle so his mom will wake up. In the way is Father Fitzpatrick (played by Gordon Pinsent) the head of the school who feels that chasing miracles borders on blasphemy. There is a mix of comedy and drama and the ending is a bit of a heart-tugger but I enjoyed this film. Note, I would not bring children under 12 to see it since there is a scene in the pool where Ralph accidentally sees into the women's change room and at the same time encounters a water jet which causes him to lose control. There is also some smoking and drinking by Ralph and a few swear words. It sort of reminded me of Heaven Help Us but funnier and more poignant. Adam Butcher was quite funny and earnest while Campbell Scott is always solid and Gordon Pinsent is one of Canada's best kept acting secrets. Even if you aren't Canadian it was a nice popcorn film 7.5/10.
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Perfect Pie (2002)
Something was missing and it could have been better.
8 March 2004
This is a film for women. It is a story about the reunion of two once childhood friends who have drifted apart after a terrible incident. Wendy Crewson is wonderful as the friend (Patsy)who didn't leave the small, hometown and became a housewife. Barbara Williams plays the friend (Francesca/Marie) who left and became a world famous opera singer only to return for a benefit concert on behalf of her estranged friend. Neither character was sympathetic and I could not connect with Marie. One of the problems was that the story was told in three different timelines: the present, the past around the time the incident occurred, and the past when the two friends first met. The editing was problematic. As soon as I was getting into the present storyline, the scene would jump into the past. This broke upset the pace and rhythm for me and when they did go to scenes in the past they never stayed long enough to flesh out the story. At least for me. I also found the ending to be anticlimatic and could have ended with the friends reconciling.
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A good black comedy film
3 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
The Green Butchers was a very funny Danish Black Comedy about a pair of losers who decide to set up their own Butcher shop. Their business is failing and they accidently lock an electrician in their freezer where he dies. When their former boss comes by to taunt them and challenges them to provide the meat for a dinner party, the obssessive compulsive one (Svend) snaps and makes filets out of the electrician's thigh and serves it to the dinner party. The other butcher (Bjarne) is shocked but goes along with it thinking it would be a one time thing. Meanwhile, the brother (Eigil) of Bjarne wakes from a seven year coma and wrecks havoc on Bjarne's life. The brothers are twins and are played very well by one actor. The dinner is a success and he next morning there is a line up at the two butcher's place. Svend is enamoured by the fact people actually like him and wants the adoration to continue while Bjarne has troubles with his brother and turns a blind eye to what Svend is doing. Eventually things work out. 8.5/10 If you liked War of the Roses or Dr. Strangelove I think you'd like this film.
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A satirical look at film making in Canada in the 80's
14 September 2003
Hollywood North is a satirical look at the time in Canadian film history when the Canadian government offered huge tax breaks for films made in Canada. Most of the time it was treated as a tax shelter or a cheap way to get American films made. For example, Porky's came out of it. Anyways Matthew Modine plays a novice producer who wants to make an adaptation of a beloved Canadian novel. However, in order to get the money he needs a American name star. He gets a loose cannon and learns he has to compromise to the point where the film no longer resembles the book it was originally based on. It plays well in Canada but may not be understood outside of the Great White North. Americans will think we're satirizing ourselves but will miss the point that we're actually satirizing them. For Canadians 8/10 for the rest of the world 5/10.
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Based on a true story about some murders in rural South Korea.
7 September 2003
Memory of Murder was in Korean with English subtitles. It was a drama with some black comedic moments. It was essentially about some murders in the rural countryside of South Korea. Two local detectives try to find the killer and are not above using torture to get a confession. However, they fail to get the right guy and a detective from Seoul is called in to help.

The details of the investigation and the hunt for the suspect are laid open. The two local detectives provide the comic relief in a dark way sort of like the humour in War of the Roses. As the killings continue the calm Seoul detective begins to get frustrated and acts more like the local detectives. The ending is ambiguous and leaves things unresolved but that's more a reflection of life where loose threads are not always tied up.

There is a dark mood that permeates the film through the use of dark colour schemes and a lot of night time shots. The music can be a little heavy at times. Pounding into us what we're supposed to feel rather than gently tugging on our emotions.

Overall, I give this film an 8 out of 10. However, I'm a little biased since my heritage is Korean. Although, I don't understand the language, I know when it's being spoken and there was a familiarity with it. I could identify with the characters since we're both Korean.
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The Legend (1993)
Get the original if possible.
28 October 2002
Joel Silver has said the Jet Li doesn't need special effects because Jet Li is a special effect. Fong Sai Yuk is one of his better films. It's typical of Hong Kong films by having some romance, drama, comedy, and action. Basically it's an Indian movie without the singing and martial arts substituted for dancing. The fight scenes are well choreographed with a moderate amount of wirework. If possible get a Hong Kong version that has subtitles rather than dubbing. The American version "The Legend" is about four minutes shorter than the original and there's a subtle joke that's missed in the American version: Sai Yuk is questioned by the authorities for fighting and afterwards tells his friends that he gave an alias. He starts out by saying the alias he gave was Wong, at this point he does a stance and the Wong Fei Hung music starts to play suggesting that he used the name Wong Fei Hung (another character he's played in films) when he completes the name Wong Jing. Now Wong Jing is a famous Hong Kong director who has directed Jet Li in a number of films. He is also called the "Madman of Hong Kong" for the outrageousness/strangeness of some of his movies. It's a little inside joke if you know Hong Kong martial arts films. Another scene they cut from the American version is Sai Yuk praying in the morning to protest to his future father-in-law his captivity. The American DVD has a better transfer than most Hong Kong DVDs and the translation is pretty good but if you want the whole film then go to Chinatown and get an original.
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Average film, nothing special
17 October 2002
It's an average movie with nothing special about it. Jane, Bobo, and Gigi are three single roommates looking for love. Gigi is a bit-part actress and Bobo does dubbing for films. Bobo is in love with Hung, a minor writer for films, who in turn is in love with Gigi. Jane is out of work and goes for a job interview where she meets with a bitchy interviewer. Unfortunately, the interviewer and her boyfriend live across from the girls and Jane decides to steal the boyfriend, Mike, away. Popping into the mix is Fei Fei, a rich girlfriend of the girls. Her job in the movie is to introduce Gigi to her brother, Roger. There was no real chemistry between the pairs and the humour is mediocre at best. Trying to juggle three story lines didn't leave time to examine any one closely enough. Although the English title "Why Wild Girls " would suggest a Category III film, it wasn't so anyone looking for that will be disappointed. I give it a four.
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Volcano High (2001)
A great tongue in cheek martial arts film. Warning some spoilers
16 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Whasango or Volcano High at the Toronto Film festival. It was in the category of Midnight Madness films. The Films that are action packed but not to everyones' taste. I saw the 99 minute version and was quite impressed. Spoilers:

The opening of the film tells you that this is going to be one of those funny, action packed, tongue-in-cheek films sort of like "Big Trouble in Little China". We begin with a high school teacher writing on the chalk board, turning to yell at our protagonist about, "no sleeping in class". He hurls a piece of chalk which stops in front of Kim Kyeong-su's head (like the bullets in the Matrix) and then is sent back to teacher, causing Kyeong-su (in Korea it's family name first) to be once again expelled from another school. He's sent to Volcano High where there is a power struggle going on between the various athletic clubs, teachers, and administrators for domination of the school and possesion of a secret manuscript.

The Volcano High characters are introduced with voice-overs and are often quite funny. Kyeong-su tries to keep a low profile as he has promised his father no more fighting.

The Principal is poisoned and Song Hak-lim, a teacher and the school's best fighter, is blamed and sent to prison. Because of the power void Jang Ryang, captain of the weightlifting team, begins a coup with the guidance of the Vice-Principal. He defeats Shimma, leader of the Rugby team, the leaders of the Judo and Field hockey team and issues a challenge to the rest of the school. However, he pledges his love to Yu Cha-i (Icy Jade), leader of the Kendo team. Her second So Yo-seon, who is in love with Hak-lim, tries to enlist Kyeong-su as well as all the other athletic clubs in the fight against Jang Ryang. However, Kyeong-su tries his best to keep his promise not to fight and is severely beaten by Jang Ryang when they both vie for Chae-i.

Soon there is chaos at the school with all the in-fighting, so 5 special teachers are called in to bring order to the school. Eventually it's a show down between the 5 teachers and the students.

The fight scenes are a combination of wire work and CGI but they are really impressive. You get caught up in them and just sit back and enjoy. It's a film that you're going to get or not but if you like Hong Kong films then you're more likely to get the style. I was lucky enough to find a DVD copy in Toronto's Chinatown. The DVD copy was 119 minutes and included a scene where Shimma's twin sister Yo-mi comes to school (she belongs to another school) and uses bee pheremone perfume to entrance Kyeong-su into agreeing to join the Rugby team. If you see this scene, then you'll recognize her as the new transfer student at the end of the film.

Although I hope there is a sequel, there probably won't be as the director said that it got mixed reactions in Korea and didn't start making a profit until it hit the foreign markets.
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Ginostra (2002)
Sounded good on paper but disappointed in the theatre
16 October 2002
I saw it at the Toronto Film Festival. It sounded good on paper: Harvey Keitel plays a F.B.I. agent protecting the son of a murdered informant in Italy and Andie McDowell is his wife. I like Harvey Keitel but it felt like he was sleep walking through this film. There was no chemistry between him and Andie McDowell and she seemed more like window dressing than a solid female character. The film was slow and didn't lead to anywhere. You couldn't get into the characters and didn't care about them either way. Some of the Italian scenery was interesting but couldn't compensate for the weak script and poor editing.
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Heaven (I) (2002)
Great first half, mediocre second half minor spoilers
16 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I saw it at the Toronto Film Festival and liked the first half but didn't like the second half.

Cate Blanchette plays an English school teacher living in Italy. She plants a bomb in a drug dealer's office but a cleaning lady accidently picks it up causing the bomb to kill the cleaning lady and three other people. Cate Blanchette is brought in for police questioning where Giovanni Ribisi interprets for her and falls in love with her. Eventually they escape.

The first half where we see her plant the bomb and then the interrogations and the love story was rivetting. Cate Blanchette gave a strong performance and Giovanni Ribisi plays a smart, competent, young police officer very convincingly. The interaction between the two and the tension with the other actors is quite enjoyable.

Then, they escape and the film becomes a chase film. The scenery was beautiful and filmed to show off Italy's lovely landscape. However, the pace becomes erratic and the ending is typical of those wanna be art films that leaves the viewer scratching their head and saying, What the hell?" The characters really don't progress much after the escape and are given very little to do other than chew the scenery. Although, Cate Blanchette was surprisingly attractive with her head neatly shaved.

I gave this film a 6 because of Cate Blanchette and Giovanni Ribisi's acting as well as the breath taking scenery but I would rent it if I were to see it again.
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A wonderful film that goes for substance over style.
19 September 2002
I was fortunate enough to see this film at the Toronto Film Festival and talk briefly with the Director afterwards.

"The Heart of Me" is a period piece set in London during the 1930s and 40s. It is a European-style film that takes the time to give exposition and background to the characters. It builds slowly and chooses substance over style. The mood is somber and much of the lighting and colour scheme reflects this in a similar manner to the Crow.

It is a drama with a few moments of levity. The three main leads are excellent. Helena Bonham Carter and Olivia Williams play sisters. Helena's character begins to fall in love with her brother-in-law played by Paul Bettany and they have an affair.

I was pleasantly surprised by Paul's acting. I've only seen him before in "A Knight's Tale" and "A Beautiful Mind" where he has played light-hearted best friend characters. His performance here was understated, subdued, and a change of pace from what I had previously seen. I didn't think he was capable of going head to head with Helena but he was.

If you like Merchant and Ivory films, then I think you would like this. It has the same feel as "Howard's End" and "Remains of the Day".
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