
13 Reviews
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Borat (2006)
um... so what if it's funny
8 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Um... So what if it's funny. The humor is only based on him being a outlander and it isn't clever (save a couple laughs like **him jerking off outside of Victoria's secret**). However, the plot is nearly nonexistent. The noticeable plot links involve **giving up on marrying Pamela Anderson and being broke in the streets of California for one day (both underdone and cliché).** And as for the fortunately (yet slightly) edited climax it wasn't funny and it creeped me out.....but granted it WAS pretty funny to the point of redemption. The comedy suceeded in keeping from getting old. The narrative was alright and I did keep my expectations high for a thirty minute period (about the middle for when my judgement starts kicking in. Should've seen THE PRESTIGE or FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS and just rented Borat.
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least kiddy and least funny kids movie ever
7 June 2006
There's only one thing I'm going to say about cat in the a KIDS movie and a good comedy movie it sucks...I lost track of how many terrible jokes in the movie that not only sucked but weren't exactly kid appropriate. Oh and by the way the way the cat in the hat talked was for the plot I completely forgot. Who cares it sucked anyway. i'm not sure why Mike Myers joined but I think the writers were trying to make it sound like him in Austin powers without the swinger talk and it overly succeeded- but so what it was annoying. don't see it-it belongs in the bottom 100.............................. the jokes are so unkiddy it's funny
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Sin City (2005)
violence never looked this good
3 June 2006
First off, there's a couple of things this movie perfects ten times better than any other movies ever released. The sometimes poetic yet sometimes tough narrative that runs throughout the whole movie is without a doubt the best I can recall ever hearing in a movie. The stylized violence (And believe me it's worse than Quinten Tarantino's TRUE ROMANCE) is the most brutal and cool looking violence ever. This is heightened by the also stylish black and white and red all over animation. And the best moments that the two things collide is when the violence that really pushes the envelope is censored by a scene when the character and the blood is plain white and the background is100% cell shaded black.

However,the plot is a mixed bag. When the movie begins, the incredible narrative and animation blow you away. fifteen minutes into it and it was the best movie I ever saw. However, thirty minutes later, it still felt like the introduction. The shifting back and forth through characters and the constant murders never slowed down. While the narrative was still incredible, the beginning of the plot would never give way.

Later on however, and I was enjoying myself once again the violence was even better and the unpredictability over who would make it on top this time made me truly enjoy the movie again. The violence was bloody and the gun fights between characters was unpredictable as even ten shots to the chest would not kill even the lesser important characters (meaning only the cops).

And the last link in the plot of the movie was probably the best part (besides the stunning beginning) as the character at the start, Bruce Willis's character (my favorite of the three narrative characters) selflessly saves the lead female character.

so with perhaps the best presentation value and an unpredictable plot, this movie is definitely worth seeing.
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King Kong (2005)
They gave this movie a plot1
15 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, this movie absolutely kicks ass and is one of the best movies I've ever seen, but I have one flaw to expose before I get into how great this movie is: a few of the scenes were drawn out too long (which seems to be something of a signature directing preference of Peter Jackson). But with that small flaw aside, lets get to the beginning. The beginning *(which shows New York in the 1930's)* was very well done and even now in the 2000's looks fantastic and new. Moving on, when a greedy filmmaker sneaks a crew on a ship headed south, they prepare for journey of the unexpected. When they arrive on a seemingly uninhabited island, they soon get ambushed and the girl (played by Naomi Watts from the Ring) is sacrificed to King Kong. The action revolving around escape from one extremely intense situation to another is thrilling and is probably the best action I've seen since Peter Jackson's last movies, the Lord of the Rings trilogy. But when they take King Kong back to their homeland, that is when you start feeling sorry for the gigantic ape. I give this movie a 10 out of 10 and lit's on my top 10. And yes, the ape takes the girl on the Chrysler building, big deal, it's not just about the ape, because Peter Jackson actually gave the movie a plot, it's way different.
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Magnolia (1999)
jokercard88's favorite movie (& soundtrack)
4 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie doesn't have one plot, it has 10 plots! My favorite plot is the plot that stars Tom Cruise. This seemingly shallow person (who actually has very shaky family roots) is a well-known part in the porno business. But when he starts having questions thrown at him, he gets so nervous, he quietly mutters to himself. Earl Partridge, his father, and the cause to his interview dilemma, lies bedridden with bone cancer and only a male nurse to talk to starts wanting nothing but to see his son badly. Occasionally popping in, is his daughter Linda Partridge who goes to get pills for her dad and then ***ends up getting pills for herself*** This circle connects end on end, and sometimes criss-crosses back and forth like a game of pong. The climax of the movie (and no there isn't 10) has all of the characters singing a song from the best soundtrack ever called "WISE UP."*** ****/****
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Finding Nemo (2003)
It was a pretty good story, but the jokes were LAME
10 June 2003
I was prepared to love this movie like Monsters Inc, but all things considered, FN really let me down. The story and pixar graphics make this a great rental, but barely worth the price of admission. Some of the characters were likable, the angelfish, Dory, who suffered from short term memory loss was easily the best character, and Nemo was ok but the broken fin thing was retarted. The word 'retarted' also speaks for just about all of the jokes. "Lookie, it's a turtle speedway, but turtles are slow"...ha ha ha-no, not funny. If you want a decent kids movie, check it out, cuz it's a movie you won't fall asleep over,m and your kids will enjoy it. 6/10
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Nonestop fun until...
19 February 2003
The last 15-20 minutes that Bonnie and Clyde was probably best known for. The story of Bonnie and Clyde is a true story fashioned up by Hollywood about a girl in a small town who is bored out of her mind until a bank robbers comes trying to steal her mom's car. She rushes over to stop him and ends up walking to work with him. And, you guessed it, she asks him what his job is. Then you get the whole no way thing. To sum it up, that's how they met up. Now, I loved Faye Dunaway in Chinatown, and was eager to see her in another good movie. Well, Bonnie and Clyde is it. It turns out that Bonnie and Clyde is miles ahead of Chinatown as far as Faye Dunaway's looks AND performance goes. Faye and Warren Beatty are great as a duo, and the plot makes their screenplay even more entertaining. Just think, for a date, they'd rob a bank. Of coarse, they didn't alone form a bank robbing gang. They met up with a tire changer or whatever named CW. Moss, and Clyde's friend, Buck Barrow (and Buck Barrow's wife), and that was the gang. Bonnie and Clyde is an ideal Summer movie (until the end) where the fun doesn't let up. Faye Dunaway's quite the hottie (not as of 2003, but in this movie), CW plays a funny guy. It feels like they're the unstoppable bankrobbers who're the good guys, while the cops and the sheriff are the bad guys who always screw up. But this can be discouraging: in the true event, they died, and this movie is based on a true story, after all. Those rooting for Bonnie and Clyde will drop their jaws near the end when the movie makes a 180o turnaround. The sheriff they embarrassed earlier, ambushed CW and Clyde's friends' wife, and, well…let's just say the movie takes a twisted turn right there. Bonnie and Clyde is a fun movie I recommend to any1, whether cassual movie watcher, or movie 'hobbyist'. 100%
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in a word...simple
29 January 2003
In a word...simple. All the plot is about is a wife whose husband got kicked in the d*** by some chief or governor (I didn't pay attention to> their ranks). Despite this, the movie is still great, Gong Li isn't as beautiful as usual (that jacket makes her look like a marshmellow), but she gives her usual beautiful performance. 9/10.
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Not quite as good as the first/Merry and Pippen's story was the best
5 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
There are a few flaws this movie suffers from, and let me clear them away first, then I'll say why Fellowship is better (and it is). For one, Merry and Pippen's story wasn't nearly as long as the Aragorn/Legolas/Gimli story or the Froddo/Samwise/Gollumn story. This is a shame as Merry and Pippen's story was the best. Pippen transforms into a much more leader quality person. He's the only character in Two Towers that show signs of character development. His disision (!POSSIBLE SPOILERS IN THIS NEXT SENTENCE!) -to convince the tree-men to attack Isengard- (.END OF SPOILER.)was brilliant and probably my favorate part in the movie.

Second, the part where (!YET ANOTHER SPOILER!) -Aragorn falls off the cliff, then later arrives (late) at the fortress of Helm's Deep- (.END OF SPOILER.) was very forced and affected the next few scenes in the Aragorn/Legolas/Gimli story.

Taking those flaws into account, the movie still might've been better than the first in the trilogy, but there's more that makes it not as good as the first. This isn't a flaw though, it's just a different style, and one that I don't like as much (or just aren't used to). While the first movie was straightford with all the characters in the same spot, the second has three seperate stories. The one with the most screen time is my least favorate, the shortest story is my favorate. The switching between stories is well done, but let's hope at some point everyone will get together (or just the four hobbits, that's also fine) in the third movie, and I also hope the hobbits get as much screen time as the other three.

There go all my complaints. Otherwise, Two Towers is everything I wanted and more. The battle at Helm's Deep is an epic battle in every sense of the word (Legolas sliding down a staircase on a sheild is classic). The camerawork is spectacular and a milestone in movie history. Love the ending!
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(I have yet to see Two Towers but...) this is the best of 2002 so far!
23 December 2002
Outdoing 'The Road To Perdition,' GoNY is a massive time machine that TAKES YOU BACK TO INDUSTRIALIZED, NORTHERN AMERICA (circa 1840's or so). You feel like you are actually witnessing the rivalry between the natives and the dead rabbits. THIS FILM IS ONE HELL OF A MAGIC CARPET RIDE THROUGH TIME! The costumes, locations, everything extremly convinces you that this IS industrialized America you are witnessing. But you feel that you aren't just witnessing life in industrialized America, you feel that you're witnessing a guy, more or less like you (provided your a male of coarse) who is devastated at the loss of his father (which causes him to be less like just about any of you). You feel like you're witnessing this man constantly pondering whether or not to avenge his father's death. As if there's a telepathic bond between you and him, you're telling him:"kill that son of a b!tc#. The acting is superb. Cameron Diaz transitions excellently from fairy tale Princess (Shrek), to street wise hooker/theif/"turtle dove" (that's...what kind of role she plays after all) and is entirely convincing. Leonardo DeCaprio is good for some parts of the film and is perfect for annoying love scenes, HOWEVER, DECAPRIO ISN'T CUT OUT TO BE A HISTORIC BARBARIAN, HE DEFINATLY NOT AS STREET WISE AS EMINEM IN 8 MILE. DANILLE DAY-LEWIS (as Bill the Butcher), HOWEVER, TURNS IN ONE OF THE BEST PERFORMANCES IN A LONG TIME (since Fellowship of the Ring perhaps). He's the perfect villan, he maintains eye contact with who he's speaking to, he speaks his line like he means them, he acts his part enthusiastically, he's simply brilliant! The violence is startlingly high. MARTIN SCORSESE IS TRUELY A MASTER AT DEPICTING VIOLENCE (see Taxi Driver and you'll know what I mean). The first fight scene between the natives and the original dead rabbits is brutal and well choreographed (excellent camera shots). The later fight scene between the revived dead rabbits and the natives is even bloodier, yet confusing. There are too many things going on at once and the shroud of smoke makes it even more confusing.

Overall, the only thing keeping this film from perfection is the confusion the last battle scene causes and the scene with all the nude hookers (we would have gotten the idea that they were hookers even if they were dressed). The ending is simply excellent.10/10, best film of the year so far (w/out seeing Catch me if you can, Adaptation, or Two Towers).
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Happy Times (2000)
One of Zhang Yimou's best!
20 December 2002
This film will either get to you like a death in the family, or leave no lasting impression on you whatsoever. I'm among those who fit in with the first part. Maybe family death is exaggerating but that doesn't matter, this is still A VERY POWERFUL FILM. This film proves that ZHANG YIMOU IS THE BEST DIRECTOR ALIVE (as Alferd Hitchcock and Akira Kurosawa are dead). The best actor in this film is actually the blind girl (sure, she's no River Pheonix, but who is?) who always gives you the impression that she's blind (unlike some American actors in American films). Yet she happens to know more than you think in the end (no spoilers on that). To see this film on the big screen was too much, 10 out of 10. Oh, and watch out for Hero, from the same director of this.
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Burial of the Rats (1995 TV Movie)
My #1 dirty pleasure
13 October 2002
I was flipping through channels on night at 9:00(not the best time of day for BotR but it fit in my schedual well). And I came upon this scene in a film where some hot women are torturing this Englishman. I am semi-glad that I stopped for it. The gore effects (like the hand being cut off and the rats getting fat off of what was a priest (so unholy!). Then there's the nudity, The hot black haired girl in the changing room, ect. But the plot is non-existant ofcoarse, and when the women were swordfighting, it looked like the swords weighed 100 pounds, they moan audibly loud each time they make a swing. A mixed bag with major pros and major cons. Good luck seeing it though...I saw it on sho-time oddly enough.
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I never knew a movie could be this sad
21 September 2002
Oh my god, I cannot believe this movie. I mean, I never knew a movie could be THIS sad. Schindler's List, Forrest Gump, what not...Can't even compare. This is one depressing movie even in the middle of the film I was crying. Enough of that though. Let's talk about why this movie was so sad. First off, you have your average four city citizens. Your average mom, very nice and challenged with raising her son without a father and when some show calls and says she's won the right to be on TV, she takes pills to help her diet. her son who has a beutiful girlfriend he loves very much. His girlfriend who, in order to get money, has to dress up, with makeup and clothes ect., and er, hem persuade them (what happens in her story near the end is insanely sad in fact, it's the saddest part of the film). Then his friend who is black. His friend, Tyrone, gets deep in the drug selling market. He's getting deeper and deeper into it to the point where the only way out is to go to jail. Show this to your kids, and they're free to skip health class all they want because this movie is more persuasive than any crap educational documentary. It's just so sad watching four people you care about getting tortured by drugs.
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