
19 Reviews
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Baise-moi (2000)
Thelma and Louise gone wrong!
16 August 2004
This picture depicts the story of a two young women who meet up after going through some very traumatic episodes (rape, murder, beatings etc).

They then go on a robbery and killing spree and have lots of sex in the meantime. This is Thelma and Louise gone wrong. In the end I found that this was quite a watchable film with snappy fast paced dialogue. The two ladies end up becoming quite psychotic as their morals go down the drain as they become addicted to their downward spiral of depravity.

This film asks some important questions of society and how people end up going "insane" due to nasty things happening to them and it does not make you feel sympathy for the characters.

The plot is nothing new but the realism in the way it's shown might be too disturbing for some viewers.

Overall a decent flick but maybe a more eclectic soundtrack would have been better - lots of french punky music every 5 minutes was a bit much. 6/10
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Ronin (1998)
7 January 2004
This movie has a decent plot and great score with stunning locations and the some of the best car chases ever commited to celluloid. You can see the adrenalin in those driver's/actors eyes for real. Not the best film in the world but highly recommended. Easliy one of the best from '98.
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please don't watch this version!
1 January 2004
This "true story" gets the Hollywood treatment which invents a fairy tale for the uneducated audience. If you want to see a more realistic version of the events in this movie, then please watch "The General" directed by John Boorman. This is a much more accurate picture of what really went down!

Also much better was a TVM, the name of which escapes me (it may also be called "The General"). Both of these film are much better than this cheap Hollywood rehash! Don't get me wrong, I love a lot of the output from Hollywood studios - but it is criminal when they produce fiction like Ordinary Decent Criminal which is based on recent true events!
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Dog Soldiers (2002)
Another proper British film.
27 December 2003
Brilliant. This is Horror entertainment at it's best and I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish. This film has a great score, brilliant acting, swift pacing and a stunning location (Highlands, Scotland). Recommended viewing to anyone!!
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Great movie, shame about the title!
27 December 2003
When urban ghost story is mentioned stuff like Candyman etc. spring to mind so I was perplexed when I saw this little gem from Scotland recently.

The content and atmosphere of the film does not adhere to the title whatsoever. You would be expecting Snoop Dog and Dr Dre driving around in cadillacs killing vampires. But no, instead a gritty Ken Loach style drama set in lovely Glasgow! I was very impressed overall by this effort, although the spiritualist and paranormal team from the university seemed a bit over the top with the more realistic view elsewhere. Otherwise it was neatly paced with a few creepy moments and a very moving score. I would recommend this film to any film watcher and not just paranormal junkies!
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Sleepstalker (1995 Video)
11 February 2003
At first glance this looks like a complete rip off of the far superior "Dust Devil" (check out the opening credits). The characters are laughably wafer thin - especially the Hispanic gang banger. But fair play the guy who plays the evil priest hams it up to superb effect (the funniest thing about this movie). I can't believe I actually sat through this and I can honestly say as a long time horror movie fan, there is nothing to report here. Zero suspense and about as scary as a big fluffy bunny!
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The Seven-Ups (1973)
the thumbs down!
11 February 2003
This come out shortly after the French Connection and although the acting is good in parts there is something missing. Anyone who has seen this will know what I mean. For instance there seems to be loads of quiet "spaces" during the dialogue - possibly down to bad editing or direction. This is not a bad movie but sadly it is just not in the same league as the similar but more effective French Connection.
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My Little Eye (2002)
Entertaining little horror movie
11 November 2002
I saw this movie at the cinema recently and found it good enough to keep me watching for the duration of the film without thinking "this is crap!" or "I've seen this before a million times!". The actors and actress' fare quite well and there are a few genuinely chilling moments. The atmosphere is cranked up with the score which is mostly white noise with surreal overtones. I would recommend this movie to anyone who is into horror films as it is well made and moves along at a nice pace bringing the slasher/stalker genre up to date for the 21st century. Good Stuff! 6/10
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Ringu (1998)
superior japenese horror
11 November 2002
I have not seen the recent Hollywood remake(2002), but there is no need as the original Japanese version is a very good film. What's great about this film is the tense atmosphere created by a very simple story about a mysterious videotape which has a supernatural power to destroy anyone who has viewed it. Nice to see a Japanese flick which shows real landscapes instead of all the computer generated imagery that we are use to seeing. I would recommend this to any self respecting horror fan. Especially the subtitled version because it keeps the original dialogue in place etc. Worth watching! 6/10
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Bit of mob humor
11 November 2002
Someone else mentioned that this movie doesn't know whether to be slapstick or serious. To me it's comedy the whole way through. If the subject matter was taken seriously it would be more like Goodfellas? Anyway this is a lighthearted movie with Grant as an Art dealer who marries into the mob and gets into trouble because of the charms of his wife's(Triplehorn) father : mob leader James Caan who put's on a terrific comic performance. Well made film with a nice score which all moves along at a nice pace and is worth watching if you're up for a bit of mob humor. Particularly the scenes where Grant is trying to put on a Mafia accent to rope him out of a tricky situation. 5/10
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84C MoPic (1989)
Surprisingly good Vietnam picture
23 August 2002
Vietnam war film shot in 1st person POV. It really works and you feel that you are right there with the platoon who are on a recon mission in the jungle bush of Vietnam. This effort is surprisingly good and is more gritty and realistic than most war movies out there (not mentioning a few big budget titles). The acting is top notch and the original way it was filmed (over 10 years before Blair Witch) makes this one a gem to own in your vhs/dvd collection. I liked this film a lot and highly recommend it to any fan of 'Nam titles.
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gritty thriller in the projects
23 August 2002
New York has never looked so good! This is a gritty thriller set in a tower block, where an unfortunate insurance salesman finds himself trapped on the top floor in a building controlled by the local gang called the Vampires. The Vampires are out for blood after the salesman unwittingly insults one of the gangs younger members on his way to sign a deal which should earn him a nice commission. Luckily he gets some help along the way by none other than Ray Parker Junior, and together with some friendlier residents of the block, they try to escape certain death. Quite a tense movie with a cool soundtrack and a nice score. But the best thing is Tony Todd (pre - Candyman) as the demented evil leader of the Vampires and his sidekick - Psycho! I own a copy of this on VHS Pal and think it,s well worth watching if this sort of thing is your cup of tea.
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gore galore with a wicked score!
23 August 2002
Sorry but this is my favorite from the "dead" trilogy. Day of the Dead has all the classic ingredients of a good horror movie. Great score, tense atmosphere (very blue), and great hammy acting especially in the scenes where the sergeant confronts nutty scientist Frankenstein. The splatter effects are great and any gorehound will be well satisfied after viewing this. Romero triumphs again in this superb claustrophobic thriller. He throws the military, scientists and a couple of chilled out lay-abouts into an aircraft bunker surrounded by certain death in the shape of millions of flesh hungry zombies - great!
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23 August 2002
Brilliant, one of my favorite films. The locations are stunning and Walter Hill picks up the amazing beauty of the swamps with great clarity and depth of vision. The story's not bad either! A group of slacker soldiers get more than they bargained for when they antagonise some of the local Cajun's who hunt the hapless troops down for sport. Great soundtrack by Ry Cooder add to the atmosphere of this fantastic thriller which draws to a dramatic and terrifying conclusion.
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tense, funny and scary!
23 August 2002
Only 2 movies have ever scared me and this was one of them. I first saw this when I was around 9 or 10 years old and I can remember having nightmares about the scene where the unfortunate star Naughton is running through the forset in the nip hunting wild deer. Great edgy movie, better than The Howling which is the only werewolf movie which comes close to this masterpiece. The atmospheres and settings are superb and between the horror there is some hilarious black humour. If you like horror movies and haven't seen this I would strongly recommend it. Best moment - where the 2 backpackers walk into the local inn and get warned about the peril of hiking through the area during the full moon! - shudder. This is an all time classic.
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Eraserhead (1977)
23 August 2002
Why anyone would want to sit through this is beyond me. This has got to be the grimmest film I've ever seen. I see enough crap in real life and like to watch movies to escape or forget about the real world. Fair play Lynch probably achieves just what he wants with this, but I,m afraid I,d rather watch paint dry in real life than this.
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Psycho Cop (1989)
What a turkey!
21 August 2002
What a turkey! But thats why i like it. I've seen this several times and happen to own a copy on VHS. It's your standard slash and stalk movie cheaply made, but director Wallace Potts manages to somehow string together a cliche ridden story and make it quite entertaining. The location is actually quite lush(forestry a la Friday 13th or Blair Witch) and the scenes are nicely lit. But best of all has got be Psychocop's cheesy one-liners as he disposes of the hapless teenagers - which are almost on a par with Arnie in Commando. Well worth watching if you're into this sort of thing!
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small time hustler
21 August 2002
I own a UK copy of this title on VHS, so I've seen it several times many moons ago. A cheaply made small - time gangster/hustler movie which charts the rise of a young street kid into the underworld. This movie is actually quite easy on the eye and some scenes in New York and L.A. are well filmed showing a different aspect of both cities. The plot is pretty thin and the dialogue is corny. But it just about moves along at a satisfying pace. I'd give it 4 out of 10 (which s good for me!)
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atmospheric and chilling!
21 August 2002
I haven't seen this film for years but it has left lasting images and atmospheres in my mind. I seem to recall the score being really interesting aswell. The camera and cinematography from what i can remember was amazing.- Showing gondalas sailing through the fog in Venice, a stunning location to say the least. It also boasts one of the prettiest actress's ever, in the shape of De Rossi. All this together with Kinski creeping around as Nosferatu makes for essential viewing.
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