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12 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! I can't recall exactly the first time I saw this Mini but I finally caught it in time to tape it one day a couple of years ago and I watch it all the time. Jill, Lauren and Leslie hit the nail on the head with their performances as Jackie, Ethel and Joan. Absolutely amazing.

I've got to say, at certain points in the story I had to get up and go outside and walk around, or stop the tape and turn on the news to remind myself that I was in Scottsville and not Washington or Hyannis Port! HA!

(spoiler) The scene when Jack is assassinated kills me. Just breaks my heart in two. In every movie or mini about the Kennedy's that scene always makes me cry. This particular mini made me cry the hardest. (With "A Woman Named Jackie" I just sat and stared. Then when it was all over, I started to cry.) I remember sitting on the edge of my bed one night watching that scene and when she took off her ring and it wouldn't go on, oh I cried and cried. The funeral is so beautiful. Every time I see it I feel like if I move a muscle or do anything that will take me away from the screen or anything like that that I am disrespecting President Kennedy and his legacy.

This is one of the best in my opinion. Lauren Holly surprised me with her acting. Usually when I heard her name I thought "Dumb and Dumber," you know? But now, I see her as a serious actress with A LOT of potential. Leslie was incredible as well. I'd seen her in "The Mirror Has Two Faces" and something else, I can't remember it at the moment, but with this film I was blown away. She got it right. And Jill, oh Jill, Jill, Jill! I am a Crossing Jordan FANATIC! I have it Season Passed on my TiVo so seeing her as Jackie Kennedy! WHOO! Talk about a 180! She was absolutely incredible. She looked GORGEOUS too! (spoiler) There is a line somewhere when they're remodeling the White House when she says "Oh I have terrible handwriting." That line, for some reason, runs through my head at least once a day. Don't ask why.

All in all I'd give "Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot" a 9, simply because I haven't seen a film yet that is a full 10. I'd say the only flaw....hmm....well, not seeing anything about Arabella, the first baby Jack and Jackie had, they acted as though she was never a part of the picture. But she was born, and died, around the time Jack was being elected to Senate, so I can understand it not being in this film. And maybe not seeing more of the assassination, the actual assassination. I did, however,(spoiler) really enjoy watching Leslie as Joan in that sequence. She did an amazing job with the whole panic look. Lauren was incredible. Playing the supportive Etthy. She was so great in that scene.

Great film. Ab Fab! Loved it!
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War Bride (2001)
Incredible movie!
5 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I can't think of one thing wrong with this movie? Oh...(speaking as a total teenage girl here,) NOT ENOUGH ADEN YOUNG! (ok now that that's over with....) I first became interested in this movie when I first become interested in Loren Dean, who plays Joe in this film. I searched for it everywhere on DVD, couldn't find it, and after a year or so gave up. 3 months ago, I watch Space Cowboys, also with Loren Dean, and I wonder to myself "Hmm, what ever happened with The War Bride." So I hop on and lo and behold, there it is. I immediately move it to the top of my queue, and within 2 days I have it.

I rush into my room, slam it into the DVD Player (the one in our living room wasn't working) and began to watch this incredible movie. First off, my teenage girl senses kicked in and I'm drooling over Aden Young in no time flat! Anna Friel, who'd I'd seen in one other film just the night before, was amazing as Lily. I probably would have acted the same way as she did. I don't know. If people talked about me the way they talked about her, I definitely would have worn the red dress! ****SPOILERS*****My favorite scene I think has to be where Charley breaks down after showing Lily his journal. A sucker for men unafraid to show their emotions I cried right along with him. As well as when Sofie comes to the house after learning of Louie's death. I cried with Lily and Sofie and said along with Lily "Why didn't you tell me?" Brenda Fricker has been one of my favorites ever since she was The Bird Lady in "Home Alone 2." I was thrilled to learn she was in this movie. ***SPOILER***I love the part where Lily fixes everyone dinner, and everyone except Joe and Betty (Fricker) are sitting back away from their plate while Joe and Betty are leaning over their plates and loving every bite! My Dad sat on the couch watching it with me a few days later and said, rather loudly, "WELL...MAMA'S ENJOYING IT!" Anna Friel, Brenda Fricker, Aden Young and Loren Dean, as well as everyone else cast in this wonderful movie was perfect for the role they were given. I loved every minute of this wonderful movie. I recommend that if you ever see it anywhere, to rent or to buy, that you rent or buy it immediately! It is one of my favorites!
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Firelight (1997)
Wow.....just plain WOW!
28 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
WOW! I just saw this movie on TV and I have to say it was one of the best movies I have seen in forever. I am a movie fanatic, especially when it comes to period romances, and this was definitely one of those. Stephen Dillane and Sophie Marceau where perfect in this movie. I was supposed to be doing my schoolwork and getting ready to go to the funeral home, but I couldn't leave this movie.

SPOILER: I was literally on the edge of my seat with Louisa walked over the frozen lake. I held my breath and hoped everything would be alright.

I can't wait to watch this movie again. I have every intention of buying it if I can find it. Amazing. 10 stars. Don't pass this one up.
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Shattered (1991)
14 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have no complaints about "Shattered." None.

My first viewing happened by accident while staying at a hotel in Indiana with my parents. However, we came in half way through the movie so I didn't have a clue as the what was going on. A couple of years later, I became VERY interested in Tom Berenger and just HAD to see everything he'd ever done.

I waited and waited for "Shattered" to come out of DVD so I could get it from Netflix, and then one day, there it was. I immediately got it, and then while I was in Florida, I found it to buy on DVD, needless to say I waisted no time in grabbing it before it was gone.

************Spoliers might be ahead.********************** "Shattered" is the twisted tale of Dan Merrik (Tom Berenger), a handsome, successful business man, with a beautiful wife, Judith (Greta Scacchi).

The story begins as Dan and Judith have a horrifying car crash on New Years Eve. Dan's face is left totally unrecognizable while Judith is left with barely a scratch. "She didn't even sprain her ankle." says a character I'll get to later on. The reconstruction surgery begins and Dan is back to his old self in no time.

One afternoon, Dan discovers a roll of film, hidden in his office. When unrolling it he sees Judith and a man, he presumes for a moment it's him, making love. The pictures have been taken through a window. As Dan unrolls the film further, the man's face slowly comes into view, and guess's not him.

Later that night he and Judith attend dinner at Dan's business partner and his wife's home. Jeb (Corbin Bernson) and Jenny Scott (Joanne Whalley-Kilmer (at that time she was still a Kilmer)). (Jenny said the quote above.) There Dan asks the big question once alone with Jeb. "Was my marriage in trouble?" After getting startling comments out of both Jeb and Jenny, Dan hires a detective, Gus Klein (Bob Hoskins). Dan came across Gus's name when he was going through his old day planner, trying to put the pieces of his life together.

Together they come up with shocking news about Dan, Judith, and a third party, which has mysteriously reappeared.

With twists and turns at every angle, "Shattered" will keep you on your toes. From the opening shot, you know this movie will be a good one. The acting is superb and the story's all around terrific. Be fore warned...when Dan discovers the truth about everything...hang on tight. You might go into a little bit of a shock. I did.

I highly recommend this movie. In fact I watched it this morning, and will probably watch it again tomorrow morning...well, later this morning, it's 12:39 here. OK....PLEASE catch Shattered. Get the popcorn, the coke, grab a blanket, turn the lights down low, put on your's gonna be a bumpy ride, start to finish.


Missy ;)
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The Boys Next Door (1996 TV Movie)
The BEST movie!
26 November 2004
When neighbors and friends asked my parents what I wanted for my birthday, my Mother simply informed them "If it's a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie, she'll love it!" I only received one HHoF movie, and that was "The Boys Next Door." I had never heard of or seen this film anywhere before. After I got home I immediately popped in in my DVD player and I haven't gone a day without seeing it since!

Robert Sean Leonard, Michael Jeter, Courtney B. Vance, and Nathan Lane are the "The Boys Next Door." 4 mentally challenged men who, together, make you laugh, cry, scratch your head, feel every emotion with these guys around. Lucian P. Singer, aka Courtney B. Vance, and Norman Bulanski, aka Nathan Lane, are developmentally challenged. Norman has an obsession with Donuts and keys. Look out! He also has a big crush on developmentally challenged Sheila, portrayed beautifully by Mare Winningham. Arnold Wiggins, aka Michael Jeter, is manic depressive and has recently purchased 9 boxes of Wheaties, 7 heads of lettuce and a bag of Charcol Biqquets, which come in and out of the story the whole length of the film. And then there's Barry. Barry Klempur is schizophrenic (however you spell it!) and has himself convinced he's a golf pro. He has had a rough relationship with him family and when he learns his father is coming to visit him for the first time in ages, it sends him into a tailspin. Tony Goldywn is Jack, their social worker and best friend. He is their solid rock, their lighthouse in the storm, get the point. Without Jack, their world would fall to pieces.

And he knows it too. Jack is feeling guilty about leaving his wife out of his life, which is made up of these 4 guys, and is strongly considering taking a different job, car leasing. It all begins to go down hill when Jack springs the news on his boys. They don't think of themselves as his "job." Who wants to be thought of as a "JOB?" "You tell the good news, you announce the bad stuff," as Barry tells Lucian, moments before Jack's "big announcement." Shortly after Jack's telling them, Barry's father arrives, which, in turn, puts Barry on the 6th floor.

The remaining "Boys Next Door," throw Jack a big surprise party. Jack swings by the hospital and picks up a still shaken Barry and takes him to the house. Arnold has decorated the house with ANYTHING he could find, and bought animal puppets so you are "now 3 guests at a party instead of one!" Everything goes well until Jack tries to explain he's not going to be around anymore. Barry blurts it out "He's leaving you forever! He's leaving me and not coming back!" The guys start crying and Barry walks out. Arnold rounds the boys up and tells them that they're taking the train to Russia! Jack can't stand for this....I've said too much. You'll just have to watch to find out the rest.

I adore "The Boys Next Door." I recommend this movie to anyone and everyone! WATCH IT! 5 stars all the way!
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Avalon (1990)
"I came to America in 1914....." That's all you gotta say!
12 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
How can I explain how much I loved this movie? I can't. I just can't. I love it so so much, I can't explain it.

I came across this movie by somewhat of an accident last year sometime. I did a Netflix search for "The Mists of Avalon." No "Mists of Avalon," but instead an Aiden Quinn movie called simply "Avalon." I pushed it aside and didn't give it a second thought.

5 months or so ago I was just browsing the same sight, once again, "Avalon" popped up. I watched the trailer, thought it looked good and put it on my queue list. It sat forever and ever, so I deleted it. Once again never giving it a second thought.

Then 2 months ago I became very interested in the actor Tom Wood (Noah Newman from The Fugitive and U.S. Marshals and the adult Michael from this film.) I, of course, went to Netflix and did a search for him. "Avalon," however did not show up on the list. I returned my attention to a list I had written with all of the movies he's made listed. I typed "Avalon" in the search box and sure enough, it was the same "Avalon." I immediately put it in the queue and bumped it up to the top spot.

A day or so later we received "Avalon" in the mail and I waisted no time in watching it. I was immediately in love with the characters and the way the family bonded together. My family is a lot like that, OK, we're not immigrants (oh somewhere down the line I'm sure we are, but that's not the point), we're not Jewish (we're in fact Missionary Baptists) and we don't live in a clump (ok, most of us do, but a few cousins and me and my parents live apart from the clump.). We have those conversations at the dinner table, we have those conversations at Thanksgiving, and Christmas and things like that.

I was so touched by the simplicity but emotional impact of the simple line "I came to America in 1914....." I couldn't help but burst into tears.

****SPOILERS**** My favorite scene had to be the scene where they had the family circle meeting at Gabriel's house and Eva kept saying it was "like a furnace in here!" And then without warning "An elephant just walked by the window." So funny the first time you see it.

And of course I had to love the last scene when Michael and his son Sam went to see Grandpa Sam. I was especially touched by this scene because that is the same shape my grandfather got into shortly before he passed away last year. I did cry and remembered all the times my parents dragged me to the nursing homes and hospitals to see him, and I began to miss him again.

So I guess the reason I loved this movie so much is because after seeing it the first time, Sam sort of brought my Grandpa back to me for a little while. The way he acted, the way he would take control of a situation, the way he told stories....Thank you Barry Levinson for that, even if no one else cares. You did a good thing for me.

The final moments of the film made me think of what I'd tell my kids when I'm older....Michael and Little Sam walking out of the nursing home and Michael beginning Sam's story and passing it down...."He came to America in 1914......"

Definitely watch this movie. Don't let it pass you by. It's amazing. Take my word for it.
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Jane Eyre (1996)
22 October 2004
I was home alone, not feeling too well, when I came across this movie on the IFC Channel (Independent Film Channel). It grabbed a hold of me and would not let me go. I had seen it years before and all I could remember was he was getting married, but was already married to someone else, and the someone else set the house on fire.....I've been searching ever since. Thank God for IFC. I was supposed to be doing my schoolwork (I'm a homeschooled High School Sophomore), taking a shower, getting ready to go to church that night, but I couldn't leave this movie. William Hurt was amazing. I've never been a big fan of his but him as Edward Rochester was fabulous. I had never seen Charlotte Gainsbourg before, but she completely embodied the role of Jane. Joan Plowright is one of my favorite actresses and I adored her in this role. I was shocked to no end from seeing Gereldine Chaplin as the mean teacher at the beginning. I love Gereldine Chaplin!

I am a writer, soon-to-be published, and this movie gave me enough inspiration to start a novel. Now I need to read the book.

Jane Eyre, 5 Stars. 2 thumbs up!
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Cold Mountain (2003)
17 September 2004
Number 1: I ADORE Cold Mountain! It is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Ruby is BY FAR my favorite character in the movie, Ruby and Reverend Veasey. Even my Dad, who will sleep through the best of movies, loved this movie.

Number 2: The music in this movie was fantastic! The scene with the Siege of Petersberg, that song makes the scene! It adds such an emotional impact. I found myself crying when Oakley got stabbed, the song already had me in tears. Plus the 2 Allison Krauss songs really set the mood.

Number 3: Words don't do Cold Mountain justice, to me anyway. There are so many well known people in this movie, Jude Law, Nicole Kidman, Renee Zellweger, Jack White (The White Stripes), Ethan Suplee (Louie Lastik, Remember the Titans), Lucas Black (the kid from Sling Blade), Phillip Seymour Hoffman (Dusty from Twister), Natalie Portman (Novalee from Where the Heart Is), Giovanni Ribisi (Phoebe's brother from Friends) and the list goes on and on and on!

Number 4: We rented it from Netflix and I AM NOT sending it back until I buy it and it's soundtrack. I LOVE THIS MOVIE!

Renee Zellweger definitely deserved her Oscar for Ruby. (Way to go Renee!)

So, I guess if Ruby was telling you to watch this movie she'd say, Number 1: RENT THIS MOVIE! Number 2: BUY THIS MOVIE! Number 3: YOU AIN'T GONNA REGRET IT! ~Missy~ ;-)
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Memphis Belle (1990)
A Fabulous Movie
4 September 2004
I first came across this masterpiece when I did a search for Eric Stoltz on the Netflix website. Much to my surprise I discoverd this film had an all star cast, and I adored them all! Tate Donovan, Matthew Modine, Eric Stoltz, Billy Zane, Harry Connick Jr., D.B. Sweeney, Reed Diamond, Courntey Gains, Neil Giuntoli and John Lithgow all give amazing performances in this true story.

Even my Dad, who sleeps through every movie we watch, no matter how enthralling, stayed awake and watched this. (Allbeit the second time I popped this in the DVD player, but nevertheless hello.)

I would give this movie 20 stars if I could. It was one of the best war movies I'd seen in a long time. Plus, being a teenage girl, I loved seeing all the boys in Uniform. Oh my God, don't get me started.

When my mom asked me if I was ready to send it back to Netflix, I said no and kept it a pretty good long while. But when we finally did send it back, I cried, yes I cried, because I had fallen in love with this movie. I'd watch it everyday if I could. I have yet to buy it yet, but trust me, I'll find a way.

If you have had family that was in WWII, my grandfather was, then this movie will have an impact on you. It did on me. I found my self thinking that my grandpa was young like that right around that time. This film was set in 1942 and that means that my grandfather had yet to marry my grandmother, but he was in his prime. My mom and I both thought that.

But you don't have to like war movies to love Memphis Belle. Because it's not really like a war movie. It's about the close relationship of these ten soldiers and how they work together to stay alive in the worst of a situation. (I mean they're not having to eat rats to stay alive, which my grandfather had to do in occupied France, or anything.)

The first time you see Memphis Belle anywhere, to rent or to buy, grab it and take it home with you. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! Take my word on that.

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Cadence (1990)
What a Movie!
7 August 2004
My Mom wanted me to see this. She said I'd love it. She was right.

We got it from Netflix last year sometime. And let me tell you, I was nuts about that movie from the start. I'm a musical person in the first place, so the entire idea of prisoners in a stockade singing "Chain Gang" while they marched from point a to point b, tickled me.

I love Charlie Sheen and Martin Sheen and while watching this movie discovered someone else that I love, James Marshall. He did such a great job in this movie. Everyone did. (Here's a tidbit, Charlie Sheen, Ramon Estevez (Charlie's brother, who played one of the guards) and James Marshall, Rob and Chad Lowe, Dean Cain, and a few other Hollywood Hotties all went to Santa Monica High together and graduated the same year!)

I loved the way it was directed. I didn't see a single scene that looked like it didn't belong. Correct me if I'm wrong but, didn't Martin Sheen direct this?

Anyway, if you haven't seen Cadence, do not hesitate to pick it up ANYWHERE you see it. Pick up 2 and send one to me! I haven't seen it in any video stores, but I'm looking for a good deal on the net.

Enjoy Cadence and let me know what you think. You won't be disappointed!

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Absolutely Amazing!
30 January 2004
I came across this movie by chance last night while I was flipping through the channels. I landed on Lifetime Movie Network and punched the info button on my remote. I read the story line and became instantly interested. I will watch anything that has to do with Indians. Unfortunately I came in about 45 minutes into the movie. But what I saw mezmerized me! I loved it. Whoever said that Janine Turner and Michael Greyeyes were perfect together, I AGREE! They were fantastic! One of the thing that held my attentions was Michael's eyes! They are amazing! I kept watching to find out what happened. Although I watch the Golden Girls on regular Lifetime every night without fail, I substituted the Girls for Janine and Michael. I loved the movie! Unfortunatley I can't find it to buy anywhere! I meant to tape it the next time it came on, and unbeknownst to me it came on this morning at 6:30! I kicked my self profusley when I discovered I missed it! The next time this movie is on TV, watch it! I hope you love it half as much as I did. P.S. It has a happy ending! A MAJOR plus!
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An all around GREAT western.
17 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I got this movie off of Netflix for one reason. I wanted to see Eric Schweig as legendary Buffalo Hump. But, about a minute into the movie, I started loving everything about it. As soon as the movie started off and we saw the old woman saying "beware of the dark woman on the white mule," it grabbed my attention and I knew it would be great. My whole family watched this movie together. My Dad, my Brother, my Mom, my niece and my brothers girlfriend sat there laughing, crying, just enjoying it, the whole way round. I'd have to say my favorite part is at the very end when the English Woman with Leporasy rode through the desert singing Opera and scaring the living daylights out of Eric. Another favorite moment was when Eric scalpped Zeke never slowing down his horse. Eric played the role to perfection. There were some snappy one-liners that my Dad and me still quote to this day. (Like that one about them green pastures!) I was surprised to see Jennifer Garner in the film and I was glad her and David Arquette's character, Gus McCray, got together in the end. I'd have to say my favorite character was Maddie. She hung in there. She reminds me a lot of myself.

I loved it and recommend it to anyone and everyone who likes westerns. Even if you don't like westerns I suggest you see this movie. I give it 9 out of 10. (A point is deducted for the fact that Woodrow walked away from Maggie in the end. I hated that.)
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29 September 2003
I had been meaning to see this movie forever. But every time, I passed it up. Well, finally, last night (9-28-03) it was on Turner Classic Movies. My mom talked me into watching it. By the end of the movie, I had cried, laughed, gotten scared, and I didn't blink for 3 hours. This movie had me sitting mesmerized for the entire film. I was in a trance watching Marlon Brando and Viven Leigh battle it out. I'd say the only thing I didn't like, was Kim Hunter's hair. Other than that it was PERFECT! The moment Viven Leigh asked "I'm supposed to take a streetcar. A streetcar named Desire," I knew I was hooked. And when Marlon Brando cried "HEY STELLA!" It was official.

I always knew that A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE was supposed to be a great movie, but I didn't know it was that amazing. A Streetcar Named Desire is now my favorite movie. I recommend it to anyone and everyone.
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I absolutly LOVED this movie.
20 September 2003
I came across this movie when I looked up Ryan Hurst, who played Tinker. I waited and waited for it to come out. Finally it did. I rented it.

This is by far the funniest movie I've seen in years. I think what makes it so funny to me, is the fact that the characters are like a lot of people I know. Even my Dad liked this movie. He fell off the couch laughing a couple of times. I was extremly surprised at the accents of the characters in this movie. In most movies that take place in the south the accents are overflushed and stressed, but not in Lone Star. The accents are perfect. Junior is definatly the funniest character in the movie, following close behind him is Tinker, and then Jimbo, and then Earl, and then Wayne, Baby's Dad. Baby at times was a little sappy, but comedy stamped out the sap and Baby's sappiness was eliminated, if you know what I mean. It was a funny movie and I suggest you see it right away. Oh, and here's a piece of advice, don't eat while your watching this movie.
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A Killer Among Friends (1992 TV Movie)
Good Movie. Cast question.
12 May 2003
A Killer Among Friends. The very title creeps me out. I personally enjoyed this movie. But, I agree, Ellen was very twisted. Jenny hadn't done anything wrong. She didn't deserve to die. Ellen should have hanged. I have a question for anybody who's seen it. There was a character by the name of Susan.......where do we see Susan?
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Thumbelina (1994)
23 November 2002
I LOVE Thumbelina! My Mom taped it for me when I was little and I would watch it every day. Now my niece does the same thing. I guess it runs in the family! A great movie for the family to sit down and watch together or kids to watch on their own. If you haven't seen it, SEE IT! YOU'LL LOVE IT!
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23 November 2002
I'm a huge fan of Doris Day and Cary Grant and when my Mom mentioned this movie to me I thought "well YEAH! I'll see it." I loved it. My favorite part is when Kathy and Philip go to the Yankee game. I LOVE THE YANKEES and my favorite players just happened to be the players in the film, The Great Roger Maris (9), The Great Mickey Mantle (7), and The Great Yogi Berra (8). So that only added enjoyment. The funniest part was when Philip goes back to Bermuda and Kathy is there drunk. SO FUNNY! I laughed and laughed and laughed! Some people might not think it's so funny, but I DID! I LOVE THIS MOVIE and suggest YOU SEE IT!
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