
7 Reviews
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Brilliant! So unbelievable I had to see it twice!
7 August 2003
Was I dreaming? or did this movie take me on an amazing unpredictable mind f--k! It's great.. if you don't think so.. you need to see it twice, then you'll get it! More movies need to be made like this. Superbly, sublimely acted, even if they did have to throw Drew in there to help sell tickets.. it was all worth it.
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All Star Cast in need of a script consultation, but worth a viewing
9 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS: A truly wonderful assemblage of actor/ress talent. Everyone played their part to a "T", small plot, and anything they tried to develop as a conflict/plot, they forgot about...and thus, I too wanted to slap Leigh's character, or wish the fat dude drowned, when I found out all this shocking news, that had little set-up... if that indeed was the plot.. in my opinion. If you like character analysis movies.. which many do.. then you'll love this.. but if you crave story...get stoned and you might still like it. I wasn't mad that I saw it.. and loved the fact that they did it on their own. I look forward to subsequent productions, as I think Leigh is a wonderful encasement of human emotions, and the rest of the cast a word BRILLIANT in their own right.
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Non è giusto (2001)
Summary of current life in Southern Italy
21 November 2002
Divorce is finally in vogue in Italy, or at least interestingly displayed in this intriguing foreign film. Wonderful acting by the children in the film added immensely to the believability. Just like children of alcoholics who don't want to drink, or children of smokers who abhor smoke, you believe these children are idealistic about their "love" future, but most likely will fall in the same traps, in a society where mistresses are commonplace, and wives are regarded as buzz kills.
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Circle of Fear (1972–1973)
Scariest Tv memories ever
25 September 2002
This show came on just after "Night Stalker", and became a test of bravery for my two sisters and I, all aged under 10. Best episodes for me include.. putting people in Mason Jars forever! and bricking someone up in a wall.. I believe Susan Dey was in that episode who I was already in love with from Partridge Family. Wish they would show the re-runs!
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The best movie of the 90's
10 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers! Imaginatively crafted, incredible work! A journey into the mind of two misfit teenage girls, where you somehow understand how they had to kill Paul's mother! I've seen it 5 times, and I NEVER see movies more than once, and it only gets better, noticing nuances within their incredibly tight relationship. Brilliant casting!Direction, and use of claymation figures?! which adds to their make believe world where they believe they were doing the right thing.. who'd a thought.
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Heathers (1988)
Profound, prolific and entertaining
5 September 2002
Bullies, of the jock and bitch variety, get their ultimate come-uppance, in this amazingly crafted film that makes anyone who's ever had their feelings hurt laugh through a few tears. Breakout roles for Winona and Christian, as well as defining a Genre that is THE most difficult to pull off, yet most crowd evolving.
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Signs (2002)
Brutal Clicheique Self loving parade
30 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoilers!!! I was so excited to see a movie done by such a young guy given the reigns,cover of Newsweek! even, and his having done a great job with "Sixth Sense", but WOW!.. this will become a cult film on how many cliches and unoriginal thoughts you can pack in to one movie, and still bore the s..t out of everyone--unless you're 6 or something, and all this stuff would be fresh... and you haven't seen the Wizard of Oz yet.(that's how they get the aliens to sizzle with water, yes I know, brutal,,but it gets better) Also, I'm puzzled! why did he have to appear in the movie?.. answer: He completel y loves himself and believes his hyper-greatness to the point of embarrassment. Sure, everyone has heard of Indian men being misogynistic, but to weave it in to American film is a huge HUGE no no. For example, during a kitchen scene when Mel(bless his heart, as this will be his last blockbuster budget film after this stinker)he has the little kids washing dishes as he comes back all freaked out from seeing this thing in cornfield..what little kids wash dishes without being beaten to do so?.. ok, so anyway, the little girl is splashing water on Rory Culkin, and Rory is sitting there taking it, not knocking her off her little step, like a little bro is supposed to.. why.. because Night sees women as powerless, and especially little girls.. because they will grow up to be women.. and ergo powerless in his society.. so let them have their fun now.. or believe they will have power when they are young.. to hide them from the nasty truth for women in non-American society.. for shame. Keep that for an Indian film.. not an American one. There were so many hilarious cliches.. boarding up the camera to change the scene.. i laughed out loud, or Mel's wife sitting there crushed by a car, and she's sitting there hanging out with him, saying yeah,, this sucks, tell the kids to do their homework..and that I love them, and isn't this a pisser? i think he would be hugging her.. kissing her.. running over to her immediately, not waiting for the highway patrolwoman to calmly explain to him his wife is almost dead. so David Lynchy, but yet not supposed to be!.. or in the beginning when the car starts up! (sound effects) before the patrolwoman is fully in the car.. Ok.. maybe i'm being hyper critical, or reading more into this than I need to.. but BOY this was so bad!! i might have to see it again.. Mel rams the needle in poor rory's leg so hard at the end, he would break the needle off in the poor kid.. "Oh.. Oh,, don't speak.. let's see if he's going to live.. we don't know yet.. he.. he.. didn't breath in the poison because his lungs were closed.."(actual line) At least color the kid's skin blue so we know that he is out of breath for the last 3 minutes if he was going to paint it to the dumbass public so blatantly.. which he did several times throughout the movie.. flat out explaining obvious things to us.. so we could said "oh, yeah, yeah, I thought so". Joaquin Phoenix.. who is an AWESOME actor.. seemed to be rolling his third eye within his head at having to say some of these stale lines, I would love to laugh my ass off with him about the filming of this.. because I bet there was alot of tongue biting. Great tool for film schools to use to avoid cliches and spelling things out so blatantly.. and to remember not to worry if your mother will watch the film.
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