
18 Reviews
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Surprisingly Entertaining
21 April 2021
I thought this installment would be substandard. I was pleasantly surprised that it was enjoyable and entertaining. Enough action and Enough humor. Antonio Banderas was a great addition! His character brought the most for comic relief! Well worth watching!
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Not the Greatest but Definitely Worth Seeing
11 February 2017
This is a movie that has heart. The story is not flawless and there are some predictable moments but at the same time, the journey is worth taking.

The biggest challenge for the movie is the number of characters that it has at its core. There are seven characters with significant roles (an argument could be made for eight). Three characters act primarily as catalysts for the action. But still, that's a lot of characters to develop in a short period of time. As a result, the challenges that three of the characters are dealing with are spilled out onto the audience. All the actors are believable in their roles- --I just wish there was more time to develop their individual characters.

I believe 20 more minutes of running screen time would have done wonders for this film. In spite of its shortcomings, I believe that it provides an emotional experience at the end of the film and also some poignant thoughts to ponder.

Not perfect, but definitely worth seeing. It has heart.
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For Hope (1996 TV Movie)
Raising Awareness of Scleroderma and Showing the Battle that it Presents
27 August 2016
This movie tells the story of a woman who is diagnosed with scleroderma---it is based on a true story.

Scleroderma is a rare disease that effects 300,000 people in the United States. There are many different forms of the disease and this story shows one of the most difficult types, systemic scleroderma.

"For Hope" tries to give an idea of how most people deal with scleroderma. Because it's rare, it's often misdiagnosed and a correct diagnosis can sometimes take a while.

It is 20 years since this movie was made. All of what is in the movie remains relevant. There still is no cure. There still is no answer on how people get it. But...there are some treatment options to delay the disease. Scleroderma is the most horrific autoimmune disease out there. This movie shows much of what the disease can do. It is well cast and well acted. It is well worth watching, but be prepared that you might shed some tears.
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Zero Effect (1998)
Extremely enjoyable movie worth watching...
28 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Zero Effect is a movie that when you are done watching it, you will be hard-pressed to come up with a parallel film to compare it to. It truly is unique. Its blend of comedy, crime and drama is outstanding.

For people who like unusual characters, the main character, Daryl Zero, is detached from much of life but is a brilliant private investigator. For those of you who may be curious about what is really going on with him, I would say that he could be diagnosed with Schizoid Personality Disorder (though he also has some Obsessive Compulsive Disorder traits).

There are plenty of twists and turns throughout the film, many of which are totally unexpected. The acting is very well done and the script seems to move the story along at a nice pace.

I believe the opening ten minutes may be one of the best lead-ins to introduce a character.

As I write this, I think the only film that I can come up with that may be similar is "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang." If you enjoyed "Zero Effect" you will likely enjoy "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang" as well.
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Plot-less, Pointless, but not Painless
29 December 2013
My son got a copy of this along with seven other movies on a DVD set. I can honestly say that this is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

I could not make out much of a plot. Nothing made sense. My kids thought it was horrible as well. I noticed that there were three writers listed for it. My hunch is that they were all writing different stories.

Aside from the lack of plot, there were a lot of horses running. If you like to watch horses running and don't mind if there isn't much purpose to it, then this is the movie for you.

Some of the acting was okay, but much of it was over-acted. Probably trying to compensate for the overall poor plot and lack of good dialogue. Characters were two dimensional and flat.

One oddity is that the "killer" is actually chasing the protagonist through most of the film. Their final meeting at the end isn't too rewarding.

I was really looking forward to the end credits---knowing that the movie would be over. However, the music that played during the end credits was horrible.

For those who like Maureen McCormick (better known as Marcia Brady on The Brady Bunch), she isn't on screen that much. In reading some of her history, she developed a serious drug problem in her twenties which ruined the prime of her career. However, she did not ruin this movie as it appeared to be a group effort.
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Warm Bodies (2013)
A Unique Romantic Comedy with a Touch of Shakespeare
28 November 2013
Romantic comedies are particularly difficult to reinvent. They are typically a formula of "boy meets girl, boy looses girl, boy wins girl" with some variations. There is usually another romantic interest. "Warm Bodies" adds a totally unique and fresh twist to the formula. Boy meets girl, but he's a zombie.

This movie is very much based on Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet". Instead of the Montagues and Capulets it's the living and the zombies. There are many more subtleties that reference Romeo and Juliet.

The music in the movie is incredible! It is used very effectively.

There are also several scenes that are far more artistically filmed than one would expect in a romantic comedy.

Before seeing it, my teenage son was very critical of a romantic comedy zombie movie. He found it to be nearly as enjoyable as I did. It is a feel good fun movie. It is well worth seeing.

I should note that I gave it a "10" rating because it currently is below 7 on IMDb (which it shouldn't be). In my opinion it should be in the upper 7's or low 8's.
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Disappointment - Not in the Same League as the LOTR Trilogy
30 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First, I should point out that I am not a big LOTR fan. I enjoyed the three LOTR movies and found them to be extremely well done---it's just not my favorite fare. I expected something similar from the Hobbit, entertainment and a well done film. I was greatly disappointed.

Now my kids are LOTR fans and have read the books. They enjoyed the film far more than I did but they had some problems with story where it digressed from the book.

First of all, the pacing was at times like a dragon in hibernation. Not much happening and slow, drawn out exposition that could have been covered in half the time. It seemed that battle sequences were inserted to make sure that no one actually fell asleep during the long sluggish scenes.

I find it very difficult to imagine that this is going to be made into three, three-hour films. I believe a sub 300 page book can be done in the length of one movie but alas that may impact revenues.

An example of something that deviated from the book is the pale orc. Well, supposedly they got him out of the appendix. However, in the appendix it mentions that he died after his arm was cut off in battle and then he was beheaded. Hence the surprise at Oakenshield, the lead dwarf's surprise that the pale orc was still alive. Obviously he hadn't read the changed script. The added dialogue of "I'm going to kill you" which is repeated about a dozen times by the pale orc is simply fascinating (sarcasm noted). Tolkien must have been rolling over in his grave over that.

The battle scenes were well done---but dragged on far longer than needed. It almost seemed that the goal was to make the movie three hours long instead of the goal being to tell a part of the story.

I should note, I would give this movie six stars but I gave it "one star" because right now the general IMDb rating is way over-inflated (in my opinion) at 8.4 stars.

Regardless, this does not deserve the hype that it has gotten and does not have nearly the same impact as the LOTR trilogy does.
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Date Night (2010)
Paper Thin Characters
18 October 2012
Date Night has a great premise. Basically a married couple who have settled into their boring life go out on a date and find a series of misadventures with their lives on the line. A similar premise is often used in action movies where an average guy suddenly finds himself up against forces of antagonism because of a mistaken identity. I thought this would be an interesting twist.

I was excited to watch this movie. I believed the premise was promising enough that if it was reasonably well-written it would be extremely enjoyable.

I thought this was going to be a romantic comedy and prepared for laughs. Unfortunately I didn't find it funny.

First of all the characters are paper thin with nothing but stereotypes. I have my doubts that the writer has been married or has had children.

Clearly the writer never spent time trying to understand the characters because it was a rare moment when a line would make sense given the little bit of history we had and the background of the characters. The ending was particularly contrived.

I can't believe I wasted money on this DVD. It was an incredible disappointment.
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One of the Greatest Movies of All TIme
5 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"It Happened One Night" is a nearly timeless classic and probably the greatest romantic comedy of all time.

Claudette Colbert plays Ellen Andrews, the wealthy daughter from a wealthy family. She's recently married and her father is trying to keep her from her "love". She escapes her father and is determined to get to her husband, King Wesley. Clark Gable plays Peter Warne, a down and out newspaper reporter who has the story of his life fall into his lap (literally).

Peter Warne is determined to salvage his newspaper career by getting Andrews back to her husband. Neither he nor Ellen Andrews have any money, so they have to make it across the country on the cheap. As they travel it becomes clear that they are falling in love with each other--- both both Gable and Colbert play their roles perfectly. Falling in love and not wanting to fall in love---because Ellen Andrews is already married---and Peter Warne is only in it for the money that the story will bring him.

In all romantic comedies the end is never really in doubt, however the twists that this story takes make it an adventure. The film is incredibly uplifting and fun---the hallmark of a Frank Capra film.

This film has inspired many other romantic comedies (such as the "The Sure Thing" and "Runaway Bride" to name a couple). However, this is the real deal. It appeals to audiences of all ages and is timeless. If you haven't watched it before you are missing a masterpiece.
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29th Street (1991)
This should be a Christmas classic!
4 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great and unusual Christmas story. It is tied together neatly. The vast majority of the story is told in flashback---but it is done so without moving back and forth between past and present---instead it has bookends.

If it wasn't for the use of profanity, this movie would likely be PG and would have gained a larger audience. It is reminiscent of Moonstruck in its style and overall quality. If anyone has a problem with the movie, it is with the ending---because it seems like it couldn't possibly happen---however, it did as it's based on a true story. No one would have dreamed up an ending like that. Knowing it's a true story makes it more rewarding.

All the characters are very well developed and enjoyable. Simply put, the movie is fun! It is one of my favorite Christmas movies---(along with "It's a Wonderful Life," "The Bishop's Wife," and "We're No Angels"---the original versions of each---not the remakes). If you're Italian or from the east coast, you absolutely must watch this movie. Enjoy! Miracles can happen!
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Excellent Film with Unique Twists but...
11 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Million Dollar Baby" was excellent in many ways. The plot starts out as being rather conventional, and you think you're watching a female version of "Rocky" but then it twists in a way that no one could possibly predict...except the writer. One twist and the standard convention is turned on its head.

For a short while there is still the desire to believe that there is still one more miracle in this million dollar baby, perhaps she can recover and fight again---but that is just the writer playing with the standard convention. It is brilliantly done.

If you like depressing, but well done movies---this will be one of your favorites.

Having worked in brain injury rehabilitation, I was aware of the problems that paralysis could present for attempting suicide. I was still surprised that the writer figured out a way of attempting it. For me, this was another surprising twist.

Lastly, the movie leaves some questions unanswered, and I assume that all those unanswered questions were designed for contemplation. Often in life we don't know why people act the way they do---we just speculate. Perhaps the movie would have lost something if we were given an answer. Perhaps if we were given an answer it still would have left more questions.

Overall this is a great film with great writing, acting, directing and editing.
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Ghost Town (I) (2008)
An excellent and unusual romantic comedy!
24 October 2011
I found myself wondering why this film was given a low rating (currently 6.9). I began reading reviews---most of them enjoyed it but some noted that that the plot was predictable. This is a romantic comedy. Typically, most romantic comedies have relatively predictable endings, the fun is actually in the ride and how you get to the ending.

Ghost Town has plenty of twists and turns along the way. Much of the movie will make you chuckle and you may actually laugh out loud (I did). It also may bring you to tears because at times it is sentimental---but in a good way. That combination makes it well worth seeing. It's not a high budget film and it doesn't have any real special effects. The movie stands up tall because of its story.

The character arc of Dr. Pincus (played brilliantly by Ricky Gervais) is significant. He goes from possibly being the most annoying person in New York City to being human, to being caring. The story is somewhat reminiscent of "As Good As It Gets" and yet it is nothing like it. It is just another romantic comedy that takes a different route to achieve the boy meets girl, boy wins girl formula.

With a romantic comedy it is always the journey that makes it interesting. This film's journey is well worth taking.
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Not funny and no real conflict
31 December 2010
It had been a long time since I had watched European Vacation and I had decided it was time to give it another try. I had remembered a funny scene with Eric Idle reprising a similar scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. What I didn't remember is that was the only funny scene in the movie.

The characters were flat compared to the other "vacation" movies. The plot was thin at best. For what is less than a 90 minute film (if you consider the time for the credits) it has several montages to music that are neither needed nor funny.

The characters were not believable. Yes, it's comedy and the characters and their situations may be unrealistic but you should be able to generate a willing suspension of disbelief. Both kids found relationships that did not fit their characters at all.

Many situations were repeated in different cities with diminishing returns.

Also, this movie probably should have been rated R for the nudity. As it was an early PG-13 I believe they were still trying to figure out the rating system at that time. See the IMDb Parental Advisory for more details.

I will likely use this DVD as a coaster or attempt to sell it at a garage sale (which is where I got it). It is not worth wasting the 90 minutes to watch it. If you want to see a funny scene with Eric Idle, watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail---it is much funnier. If you want to watch a funny Chevy Chase movie---pick a different Vacation movie or watch the Fletch movies.
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Ladyhawke (1985)
Excellent entertainment for everyone!
22 August 2010
This film reminds me in subtle ways of the "Princess Bride." Both are about true love and both were under-rated when they came out in theaters. Both are carried by their story and action.

The only thing I didn't like about this film was the music (particularly the intro credits---bear with it because it's worth it. The music feels dated at parts but is well done---particularly at the climax of the film, which is when it really counts. If it was redone with a little more classical music soundtrack I would rate the movie a 10. That said, it doesn't significantly detract from the movie.

Aside from some gore scenes this is a movie that is great for people of all ages. There's action and adventure. There's romance that transcends the ages.

Rutger Hauer is perfect in his role as was Michelle Pfieffer. The entire cast is solid. Matthew Brodderick adds a comical dimension to the film that helps ease the tension at times. Again, the blend of elements in the story is nearly perfect.

There's enough suspense to keep you guessing, enough twists along the way. My entire family loved it, which says something because we have such diverse movie interests. Definitely worth renting (or better yet, buying).
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Avatar (2009)
Incredibly Disappointing
24 April 2010
First, the obvious---this is a special effects driven movie. If you remove the special effects and had the story take place with even slightly lower budget special effects, the movie would have never seen the light of day. When characters died in the movie, whether good or bad, I felt nothing because we didn't get to know the characters. Who are they? Why are they behaving the way they're behaving? These were never answered and I doubt that there would be any good answer because the characters were too thin. They are paper thin---either all bad or all good. There is no depth to any of the characters.

Many pieces of the film do not have any explanation. Unobtanium: what is it? Why do people want it so badly? There are no answers because the name says all that is important---it's unobtainable---so people must want it and the characters (and the entire movie) is driven by something we know nothing about and do not care about.

The ending of any movie should leave you with a sense of awe, disbelief or a tear. Unfortunately, Avatar did none of these for me. The only thing I could see is that it was left open for a sequel. What is worse is that as I am editing this review I had written a year ago, I am disappointed to find out that it is going to be a trilogy. Three feature length films for what current amounts to the depth of a typical 30 minute cartoon (other than Bugs Bunny---which has more depth than this).

I had high expectations for Avatar. Avatar was nominated for Best Picture and I was expecting shock and awe but I was only impressed by the special effects. This should not have been nominated for best picture. In reality I would have given this film a 5 or a 6 of 10. However, as it is currently rated at an 8.2 I believe it warrants a 1 to balance out the other reviews that are awed by the special effects. The film will be forgotten quickly---but the coming sequels will keep it in people's minds. Watch it again, you'll be disappointed.

Was the movie entertaining? Yes, but not overly entertaining. Was it visually stunning? Yes. But the story was weak and had far too many holes in it.

I hope and pray that this isn't the future of the film industry.
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Different but not great....
15 July 2009
The Weather Man is a dark movie about a handful of dysfunctional characters lead by David Spritz (played by Nicolas Cage). David Spritz has a narcissistic personality disorder...though that is not explained in the movie, that is what he has. He is always focused on himself to the exclusion of his family as well as strangers.

One of the main problems I saw in this movie is that David Spritz is not a particularly sympathetic character. He undergoes a change in the movie but it is not too significant. His father, Robert (played by Michael Caine) also undergoes a minor change in the movie. The children undergo the greatest change.

The acting is excellent as well as the camera work. In spite of that, it left me feeling empty because the ending didn't achieve what one would have hoped---whether it is positive or negative---the goal is to be moved. I was not moved.

The movie is rather crass at times...sometimes is mildly humorous.

My feeling is that The Weather Man tried very hard to be American Beauty and it failed. I personally think that American Beauty is one of the greatest films ever created.

If you are a student of film, rent it and watch it. Then watch American Beauty again. You will know what I mean...
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Fireproof (2008)
Excellent Movie
11 February 2009
"Fireproof" was different than I expected. I had read reviews and thought it would be overly Christian in its nature. It was not. The story is about marriage and the struggles that all (or at least most) married couples have during the course of marriage.

What makes "Fireproof" unique is that it is about very real struggles and yet the movie takes those struggles to a higher level. The story is very engaging and isn't predictable---even when you know what the premise is, the journey is unique.

The movie is not a big budget movie. In spite of that, it is very well done. The cast does a great job in making it very believable. There are a couple of minor supporting characters that may make you remember that it's a low budget movie---but even the minor supporting roles are well done, just not to the polished level of a professional character actor.

If you've ever been in a relationship and been in love, the movie will bring tears to your eyes, but it's a good feeling.

As far as how "faith" is handled in the movie, it is done well. It is not done with an in-your-face attitude but is woven into the story and it makes the character changes believable. Though the movie is labeled as a Christian movie, it has mainstream appeal. I highly recommend it....if your marriage is in trouble, it would be a required assignment.
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A wonderful comedy Christmas story for the whole family!
29 November 2008
It wasn't until a few years ago that my family purchased the DVD and sat down and watched this. Since the first viewing this has become a family favorite for Christmas (as well as other times during the year). First of all, it has wonderful acting throughout. Humphrey Bogart is fantastic and shows off his versatility as a comedic actor. Peter Ustinov is superb as is Aldo Ray. The three seem to play off each other so well that it's easy to get lost in the story.

Though the movie starts a little slow it picks up the pace fairly quickly and doesn't let up. As the three convicts come undergo significant character change teaming up against a Basil Rathbone (who plays a great villain).

I must say that this movie has what I feel is one of the funniest scenes I have seen in any movie ever (a laugh-so-hard-it-hurts scene). Though the movie almost has the feel of a play because of the limited locations, it makes up for it with the humorous story and the fantastic acting. You will never look at Bogart the same again!
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