
4 Reviews
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Godzilla (2014)
A monstrous pile of turd.
18 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
To all that wish to see this movie and are reading these reviews, please check the back end of them. At the front you'll find paid people giving great reviews and at the end you'll find honest people giving honest reviews.

Spoilers follow

To the movie: I don't think that in recent years I've seen a worse movie. I presume all the budget money was spent on CGI and getting the actors to agree to doing this stupid movie. Cranston, the only actor who seems to be eager to make his role look good is killed off after just 20 minutes. The rest of the cast is just wandering about with one expression on their faces. All characters are completely empty, no emotions and even when some come, they are cheesy and not authentic. There is literally no character development whatsoever. Most of what is happening is happening just for the heck of it. No logic, no sense, no nothing. No plot even. Godzilla herself (or himself) has painfully little screen time. On the other hand, the other creatures are there a lot. Godzilla actually acts here as the protector of all people, but the way it is done is just stupid. And they are boring as hell. They look unimaginative and they act accordingly. Camera-work is empty, music, although not bad is unimpressive, given the fact, that the movie has no atmosphere, no tension whatsoever. In most movies there are moments where you go: "Ah come on, now that's a bit far fetched." or "Come on, that's stupid/illogical/unlikely/borderline stupid" In this movie, These two, and other lines were constantly on mi mind.

End result: 1) If you want to go watch a monster movie just for the sheer fun of monster movies, go ahead. It's dumb, but there are monsters. And nice CGI.

2) If you want to go watch a movie, that's dark, atmospheric, tense and smart, run as far as you can from this, because this movie is as close to those characteristics, as I am to a hot sexy supermodel. Yes - worlds apart. Universes even. The trailer was a great lie. That scene jumping scene, is the only one, that bares any resemblance to atmosphere.

3) If you want to see a lot of army guys doing something, but really not that much, aside from prancing around and being there, go ahead. This is more about the army than it is about any monsters.

Oh and I forgot, the whole story about Godzilla, what it is, what the other monsters are and what they are doing is so utterly stupid, that I actually laughed out loud, when they said it. The only thing that beats it in sheer stupidity are the temporarily mutated neutrinos heating up the earths core in 2012.

The only reason I'm giving it a 1, is because there is no 0, otherwise I would give it. Simply said - if you value intelligence, quality and stuff that makes sense, there is only one thing I can say: Run Forrest, RUN!!!
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Riddick (2013)
What the hell happened?
7 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Before I start I want to say, I'm very big fan of Pitch Black, although I'm not a big fan of Vin Diesel. When I first seen the trailer for the first movie, I didn't expected much. I loved the movie and watched it several times. I didn't like CoR that much, but it was an interesting twist on the whole Riddick story. When I heard that a third movie was coming out I was more than cautious, because I feared what they'd do to this lovely franchise. And my fears got true. This movie was one of the worst and boring movies I saw.

Pitch Black was wonderful for many reasons. Great character development, good acting, generally good script with believable dialogues and plot, plus very good cgi. The new Riddick movie tried to do the same in many ways and failed in every single category. The characters in this movie are very weak, with little to no logic in their behaviour and the dialogues are just stupid. Santana was simply a joke throughout the whole movie. The Luna guy doing nothing apart from spewing his religious nonsense at the weirdest times didn't bring anything to the movie. Dahl was very promising at the beginning and I was hoping for some kind of a stand off / fight with her and Riddick, but unfortunately, she just beat up Santana. The big boss Johns was a complete disappointment too. And Riddick - he said at the beginning he wanted o find the animal side again. Well I didn't see anything like that in him the whole movie. He looked like an empty shell of Riddick - looked like him, sounded like him, maybe even moved like him, but it wasn't Riddick. The rest of the characters, behaved more like robots - no substance, no personality, just came, said/did their thing and went away. They looked exactly like the type of character, that's there just so they can be killed off one by one.

Storytelling was terrible as well - they completely destroyed the suspense of the unknown predator monster, when they showed it right at the beginning. There was no surprise left to get, there was nothing left to see. Everything was completely predictable. The story was exactly identical to Pitch Black. Even with details - They come to a planet, start hunting Riddick, instead he hunts them, them the dark comes, then the monsters come, then they run for power cells, and then they leave.

Simply said, this movie was a cheaper and a lot worse Pitch Black ripoff. I presume the director wanted to continue like the Alien series. Get back to basics. Alien 3 managed to do it right, Riddick 3 didn't. It just took the first movie and made it worse in every aspect. This was a HUGE disappointment and I seriously hope, that the next one will be done with more care and intelligence behind it's script. My rating - 5 out of 10, just because it's about Riddick, otherwise it would be 4.
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The death of exorcism movies
2 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Let me warn all those, that wish to see this "documentary" unspoiled, before I start into the review itself. Read no further as there will be spoilers and I would like you all to see it for what it is and not influenced by my opinions. What I will say though, for those who would like to know my opinion before they watch it is this: I believe this is truly one of the worst pieces of moving picture out there. It's utter stupidity and blatant disregard for the intelligence of the viewers is staggering.

So let's start. This is supposed to be a documentary about an American director trying to uncover the truth about exorcism and evil in the Vatican. Many a movie have been made about this, yet it is still a topic shrouded in mystery. Nobody knows much, everybody is just guessing. OK, I can see why a documentary style movie would be appealing in the light of the modern trend of making "found footage" horror movies. The problem is, that even a movie, that acts like found footage / "actual reality" needs to be thought through and prepared well, so that it can actually look like real. The details often make the reality believable. When watching this movie I got my first laughs and "What the hell?'s" in the first 5 minutes. The acting/non-acting is sterile, the conversations are just artificial, there is no energy flow, no life in them, they feel like a bad try at the first rehearsal in a voluntary theater. They look like bad actors, trying to act like they are not acting. Unfortunately this is seen through the whole movie.

The moment I got really angry was the part where they watch the "black mass". Somehow they got hold of a victim of some sort of a crime. They get info about some sort of Vatican sect doing Black masses on Friday nights. They watch from distance, big bonfire burning bright with flames high, ritualistic atmosphere is present. Suddenly they try to move to get closer, the camera is pointed away from the action and in a few seconds focuses back on the people. Unfortunately enough, although the re-positioning took only a few seconds they appeared at least twice as close as before, with the angle changed significantly. This kind of movement in secret so as to remain unseen and unheard, would take a filming crew a few minutes, not mere seconds, yet the director obviously didn't worry about it. What he didn't worry about either was the fact, that after just a few seconds of moving, the fire suddenly burned a lot less, like a half an hour of shooting passed in between. At one point someone suggests to call the police. You cannot hear anybody dialing, nor calling. Then suddenly the participants notice the filming crew and start chasing them. Here it becomes really stupid. The crew runs away with cameras rolling. During the whole chaos and camera shaking wildly from all the running, for a few seconds, the one holding it, conveniently points it backwards steadily enough for you to notice the chasers :). They run for 35 seconds, before they get to a major road with buildings and lights everywhere, with the police just arriving. Now to get all that in relation to time. Exactly 50 seconds after it was suggested to call the police, they were discovered and started running. They ran about 35 seconds (which could mean about 250 meters, maybe 300?). The police was already arriving at the place they ran to. It took about 1 minute and 25 seconds for the police to arrive. I have yet to see a police force to have this kind of response time. Secondly, if someone is trying to tell me, that a super secret Vatican sect, that worships the devil or whatever, does these black masses out in the open about 200 - 300 meters away from a major road with lights and everything and nobody has yet even confirmed their existence, then they must think very low of my intelligence. And even when no one calls the police, they arrive 85 seconds after it being suggested to call them? It would take that long to get transferred to the right operator in most countries...

Unfortunately this is only one short scene from the movie, quite close to beginning even and it already made me furious. This trend keeps going throughout the whole movie. The last big scene of the movie is something I can only call "the bad contortionist gig". As it goes with exorcisms, every one of them needs a nice case of the devil contorting the body in uncomfortable ways. I have to say that short of putting my leg over my head, I could probably do everything shown. They even used old kid's tricks like the one where you put your palm flat on the ground, arm straight up and you rotate the palm 360 degrees. Search youtube for "360 Degree Arm Twist Technique" and you'll get the idea how low they had to sink, to add some "effects" in the movie (of course adding the nasty "joint snapping sound" to add some nastiness to it).

In the end: I recommend this move as a "How you should NOT make movies or documentaries" learning material. For me, this was truly one of the worst movies ever witnessed and I give it 1/10 points. VERY AWFUL! Don't watch it, if you hate being insulted from the screen...
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Oedipus Rex (1967)
Pasolinis worst movie
11 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I believe this movie, Edipo Re, to be the worst movie Pasolini ever made. I kind of like his other films, but this one is unbelievable. As already said, the characters speak their lines as if they were on a stage, trying to give it too much of a feeling and effect, making the dialogues and Oedipus' monologues especially, very annoying to me. Sometimes the actors tried too hard and sometimes they seemed as if they were just cold machines with no feelings at all. And the fact, that half of the time someone, but mostly Oedipus is screaming as if they would torture him, was extremely disturbing me. Actually the first time I watched it, I had to stop it somewhere in the half of the movie. I finished it only a bit later. The actors' performances were under my opinion weak. It may surprise you all, but I give it just 2 stars meaning "very weak" and that only because it carries the name Pier Paolo Pasolini. If it would be someone else's movie and if it would be possible on this site I'd give it a straight 0, what would mean "totally dreadful".
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