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unbridled fun
13 November 2010
I went into this movie thinking, oh it has Zach Galfinikas in it, it's got to be hilarious. Given that I have a twisted sense of humour I enjoyed this film immensely but I understand the 5/10 rating that it has on here. The film concerns a clandesdine American government organisation that has a very dangerous history and with the incoming Obama adminstration this organisation is to be hidden.

The violence is brutal; blood, gore, many blunt implements, so if you are squeamish about violence don't watch this movie. This film is not intended to be a Godfather or an Oscar winning masterpiece, it is an attempt at a subtle political message portrayed through violence. Very similar to Shoot 'em Up but not as well done. Overall I loved it, well worth 82 minutes.
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Frankenhooker (1990)
Contender for Worst Movie Ever
3 September 2008
Let's not beat around the bush ... this is the worst film I have ever seen. The "acting" is abominable as is the "plot". In fact, everything about this so-called movie is disgraceful. From the opening scene of an electrician fiddling around with a brain, it went from terrible to atrocious to stick-your-head-into-rotting-roadkill-to-avoid-seeing-the-video bad.

I watched this movie because my room-mate was looking for a fun film and when a guy at the video store highly recommended Frankenhooker my room-mate's mind was made. The only things I'm grateful for are that I didn't pay for this film and that I got to catch up with friends while watching. If this movie were food, it would be scarab beetle soup made with elephant pee and donkey vomit and garnished with toenail clipping from a long dead soldier from the WW1.
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Avida (2006)
weird, weirder and simply bizarre
3 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Let me say at the outset that I'm not a very artistic person and that I don't "get" new art. That being said, this film is absolutely crazy, and in my opinion not crazy in a good way. Filmed entirely in black and white with a series of very loosely connected stories, Avida is a film for those who can look at modern art and say "wow, I feel the energy and passion of this painting." The only reason I give this film a 3 out of 10 is because I actually did manage to laugh at some parts, though mainly laughing at the sheer insanity of the film. Two of the characters throwing chairs on a lawn, as to do what these characters were doing, I have no idea. I wouldn't recommend this film to anybody.
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Astounding music and car chases
9 July 2008
The only way this film can not be awe inspiring is if you watch it on a 10" black and white TV with a 4 watt sound system. Maybe that's a bit extreme, but I watched this on a 70" projection screen and 7.2 pristine and precise surround sound. I have seen this film at least 20 times and get the same pleasure from it each time. Aretha Franklin's voice and the musical abilities of almost the entire cast would carry any film, but this one doesn't need it. The story might not be completely developed (euphemism) but the Russian mobsters and GI Joes scenes are gutbustingly funny. Also, for anyone who has ever listened to "modern" music and wondered where the world was going to, Dan Akroyd's motivational speech is something to behold. Although I never expected to say this, because I'm a non-religious person, the gospel choir's rendition of "John the Revelator" sends shivers down your spine. I love this film, and would recommend it to anyone who likes good music.
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In Bruges (2008)
I found myself laughing when I shouldn't have been.
27 June 2008
To put it succinctly, In Bruges was the best film that I saw in 2007. I loved every minute of it, from the expletives in the opening scene to the shockingly crazy ending. Colin Farrell plays a hit-man recruited by Brendan Gleeson to work for Ralph Fiennes. When Farrell botches his first job, Fiennes sends both him and Gleeson to Bruges, Belgium, to get them away from London.

Colin Farrell was disastrous in Alexander, largely because the film was a catastrophe, so watching him in In Bruges was a real surprise, he is excellent. He fits the character so well, the mannerisms, emotions, everything. His interactions with Gleeson during their escapades throughout the medieval town of Bruges are examples of perfect cinematography, excellent scripts, and superb sounds. The score complements the film in every way, fitting both the scenery and the film.

However, if you are easily offended or unable to deal with violent scenes you probably do not want to watch this film. Violence, coarse language, and other "antisocial" tendencies are pervasive throughout the film as they form the core of the movie. I know of only two people that would not like this film, in fact I plan to show this to my mum, and I'm sure she'll love it.
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Fawlty Towers (1975–1979)
Probably the best comedy TV show ever
23 June 2008
Where does one even start review Fawlty Towers. It's a British comedy written by arguably the best comedian ever, John Cleese. Together with Connie Booth, Cleese managed to create 12 situations where audiences can do nothing but laugh, uproariously, at the characters and the situations.

Undoubtedly when people are reminded of Fawlty Towers most people recognise "The Germans" but there is more, a whole lot more, to Fawlty Towers than this one episode. "Hotel Inspectors," "Communication Problems", "The Builders," "The Psychiatrist," "The Germans," "A touch of class," "Gourmet Night" and "The kipper and the corpse" are my favourites. Each one has numerous scenes of deadly humour that make me chuckle even as I write this review. John Cleese's idea for Basil Fawlty was inspired by an actual hotel he visited in Torque, and one really has to imagine how long such a place could remain open.

You simply must watch this series, and should ideally own it because this is a show whose episodes you will want to watch again and again and again.
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Aliens, unreturned love, playboy bunnies .... orange blood ?????
16 June 2008
Okay, don't expect much from a low budget film that features numerous Playboy bunnies and you're in for a night of modest entertainment. Some of the scenes, alien transmission in particular, are so bad they are simply hilarious. My uncle almost died trying to watch this because he couldn't stand how stupid it was, however, with a group of friends getting through this film is very easy. The R-rating could only have been given for the partial nudity in the movie (breasts and bottoms) and not for the "violence". The "scary" scenes in here are only scary because of the cinematography, the blood is orange ... I mean ... come on, orange blood.
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