
46 Reviews
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Better than the first!
17 January 2023
I would not have gone to see this movie had my son not dragged me. I figured there was so much more that I could be doing with 3 1/2 hours of my day. But I was very pleasantly surprised. The younger generation made this movie so much better than I was expecting. It was much more than spectacular visuals with vilified human aggressors. There was convincing character development and plenty of suspense. There were a few predictable parts, which convinced my son that I must have somehow seen it before. But, that is to be expected. Honestly, the best movie I've seen in a while. I really enjoyed the technology aspect, as well as the amazing sea creatures.
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My boys enthusiastically told me to rate it a 10!
12 June 2022
I'm not sure why this movie is being rated so low. It must be the same people that rated Everything Everywhere All At Once so high 😒. I was solidly entertained and my boys loved it! Well worth the $60 for admission + $20 for popcorn and a drink + $5 for gas. And Thank God our friends brought ear plugs. Yes, the end is nigh for the big screen. But, this was still good fun mindless entertainment.
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Better than I thought it would be.
28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What made this movie worth seeing was actually, believe it or not, the acting. Whoever the actor was that played Goose's son did a particularly good job. There were multiple characters that were entertaining and believable, even if the plot was a bit formulaic. There were multiple times during the action where I found myself tensing up. The plot was a bit predictable, and I had to laugh at the Star Wars: A New Hope trench run followed by the down the hole kill shot. But, hey, if it works.... I'm impressed they got Iceman in there, even if they gave Kelly McGillis the shaft. No mention of her whatsoever. Overall, I was entertained.
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My head!!!!
1 May 2022
I think they were trying to be deep and profound, but what resulted was two hours of head-splitting chaos and confusion. It is a shame, because I had high hopes for this movie. I just don't understand the hype. They tried too hard to be weird. I think at the end they were trying to pull the heartstrings, but I was too confused to know for sure. I'm not even sure what the movie was about. I think it had something to do with familial relations, or perhaps current tax laws? Whatever it was, they should have had an epileptic seizure warning.
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I really needed this movie at this moment.
28 April 2021
I'm no stranger to the law of attraction or The Secret. I've gone from excited believer to cynical sceptic to forgot all about it in the last 15+ years. But, I can say that this movie was a burst of fresh air (with a bit of hope and inspiration) during a very stressful time. You see, I've also explored and practiced religion, and this I WANT TO BELIEVE. Whether it's true or not, this is so much more refreshing and exciting than any religious experience I've had. I thought this movie did an excellent job at encapsulating the belief system that I think does the most good, whether it's True or not. And I actually think it is to some extent.
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Falcon Rising (2014)
So, no one will read this, but...
23 January 2020
I actually rather enjoyed this movie. It was sure better than Rambo: Last Blood. Similar plot, but the acting and action was much better on the whole.
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1917 (2019)
Oscar material, hands down.
11 January 2020
There is no question this movie will win multiple Oscars. The acting was phenomenal, as was the cinematography. There was very little CGI thank goodness. CGI has ruined modern cinema, but this is real acting. So refreshing!
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Watchmen: A God Walks into Abar (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Good but not great.
9 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What this episode did a fantastic job of is tie everything together around Dr. Manhattan in such a way that things start to make sense. That said, the episode was a bit slow (in large part due to Dr. Manhattan's mannerisms, which is forgivable), but there are many loose strings out there that I am having a hard time envisioning as being satisfactorily resolved in the final hour. For instance, Lube Man??? What the heck happened to him? I'm guessing he is Agent Petey, but I sure hope the final episode has a significant part for him. Looking Glass, Adrian Veidt, Agent Blake, Will Reeves...just so many characters to wrap into and wrap up in an hour. It will be interesting to see if they can pull it off.
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Midway (2019)
What they could have done was...
23 November 2019
Add in a totally fictitious romance plot with shallow lovers, a few token people of color in glamorized roles that may or may not have existed, and then amplified the plot to include women in a historically inaccurate but decisive role in winning the war. Thank God they chose to keep the plot as historically accurate as possible without any of the cinematic liberties that only serve to cause confusion and distort history. I loved this movie for representing history in a respectable and accurate way.
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The Message (1976)
If only...
11 November 2019
I am just now seeing this movie in 2019. This is a fantastic cinematic production. And now I know where my Muslim father was getting all his talking points. The only problem is that in 2019 my experience of Islam is VERY inconsistent with how Islam is depicted in this movie. If Islam was as it is depicted in this movie, I might agree with the king of Abyssinia.
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Watchmen (2019– )
Whoa! That was weird!!!
21 October 2019
It was just so weird that it was refreshing. I was more mesmerized than interested, but I enjoyed the first episode and look forward to more. I was expecting something akin to the movie. Whoa, was I mistaken.
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Could have been so much more
21 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First, why was this movie so short?? It had all the violence but no drama-just formulaic revenge. They didn't even explain how Rambo got a "niece" to begin with. I really wanted to see the cartel guys scared, but they were just defiant to the end. Not once did they say, "who is this guy?!" or "who the _______ are you?!" Not once did Rambo say anything that really struck fear into the hearts of the bad guys. It was just unceremonious killing. Nothing original.
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How had I never heard of this mini-series?!
4 September 2019
I had to watch all three episodes in one sitting. As a World War II history buff, I thought the cinematography was fantastic-especially on a smaller budget. The character development and acting was brilliant and refreshing. I understand some of the criticisms about historical accuracy...anything that portrays those fighting for Nazi Germany as anything but evil faces the paradox of undermining prevailing narratives essential to sustaining sociopolitical worldviews while also reflecting the undeniable truths illustrated through postmodernism. Nonetheless, everything in the film is believable and in my view, does not downplay the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany. Much like the movie, the Reader, it is refreshing to see the human side of Germans unfortunate enough to have been born into life in Nazi Germany.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
This is how they could have made it better
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Best finale ever!!! Just kidding. Here is what might have saved it. Daenerys stabs Jon in the kiss. Arya kills Dany artfully in revenge, Tyrion becomes King; Arya becomes the Hand. Brienne is pregnant with Jamie's baby. Alternatively, Drogon tries to roast Jon, but turns out Jon is the Father of Dragons and can't be burned. Or, Tormund Giantsbane chosen for the throne!!! That would have been better!
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Chernobyl (2019)
Great cinematography but dialogue was unimaginative
7 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Chernobyl disaster happened when I was a kid. I've really been looking forward to this mini-series, and I will surely keep watching. Yet, I was a little disappointed. The cinematography seemed to capture the time and place very accurately, but the characters were lacking. Hopefully, this will improve as the series moves forward, but it seemed that most of the characters I did like were dead by the end of the first episode. What really bothered me was that the pig-headed ignorance, callous disregard for others lives, and denial by those in positions of power (a requisite of the plot structure, but also a Western stereotype of the Soviet Union) was so blatant that it seemed contrived if not absurd. This aspect of the script and character development detracted from the realism of the event and aftermath. Nevertheless, I was drawn in by the cinematography and historical significance of the disaster. I look forward to seeing the rest of the series.
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More sad than scary...but still excellent
25 October 2018
While this series has its share of starts and creepiness, each episode leaves me with a lingering sense of sadness for the characters. That said, the viewer cannot help but become invested in the characters and their individual journeys, and I find myself thinking about each episode after it has finished. There are a few aspects of the story I don't like because they seem to be a subtle attempt to reinforce a social narrative that I don't agree with or support. But I don't think it detracts from the overall quality of the series.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Bland and Disappointing
24 July 2017
I came away disappointed as I had been looking forward to this film for a while. I will try to avoid spoilers, but will say that there was not a single swastika, no reference to Nazis (or even Germany for that matter), and virtually no close up view of "the enemy." Is this the new form of whitewashing history, and pandering to the ever growing sensitivities of an overly politically correct entertainment industry? At any rate, aside from this same annoying trend that ruined Captain America and Wonder Woman, there was no emotional depth to the movie whatsoever, both in terms of the characters or action. Worst of all, there was an artificial feigned sense of selflessness among the main characters on several occasions. Movie on the whole just fell flat.
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Blatant Character Assassination of a Great Man
16 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was simply another subversive attempt by the dominant power structure in Hollywood to smear the image of great men. This time they are smearing the image of renowned psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung, who has done so much to bring light into our understanding of ourselves and give meaning to our lives. He is portrayed as an unfaithful husband, living off the money of his rich wife, neglecting his wife and family because she has not delivered him a son, and breaking all professional boundaries by engaging in chronic affair(s) with a sadomasochistic neurotic patient. Some elements of the story are loosely based on accounts in Jung's autobiography, but the more denigrating aspects of the story are based on a diary that supposedly turned up 35 years after the patient's death. One more thing- Freud didn't die of cancer as the movie states.
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Agora (2009)
What are backwards world???
30 December 2010
This was a horrible misrepresentation of history. I don't even want to get into the historical inaccuracies and contrivances, it was so bad. On top of this it was a boring movie and I honestly fell asleep. I had to mock the movie continuously just to get through it. All I can say is if you would like to know what really happened, do some research. Otherwise, before you know it, we will be no more enlightened about our pasts than those nations and peoples that live entirely under fabricated premises and corrupt totalitarian doctrines of falsehood. I really found myself wondering if people that make movies like this should be held accountable for crimes against history.
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Centurion (2010)
Solid period-piece action movie!!
27 November 2010
The romance didn't start until the last third of the movie. But, it was much better than I had expected given the IMDb rating. The costumes and atmosphere had a very authentic feel - at least as far as the 21st century rendition goes. Much of the movie setting felt like the beginning of Gladiator in Germania. Although I think the bad-a$$ femme fatal role is an overrated character part, our feminist-indoctrinated society seems to love it. Olga Kurylenko plays the baggage-laden she-wolf pretty well anyway - and at least she doesn't talk. The romantic interest, in my view, did a much better job at developing a feminine role that real men could appreciate, even so late in the movie. I honestly wasn't expecting that, but I was glad she did finally come to the rescue, because she saved the movie from being a straight action no plot flop. On the whole, it turned out to be a pretty good movie.
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Inception (2010)
Not sure why everyone ran to the bathroom afterward...
17 July 2010
but it was good. It wasn't quite as good as I had hoped, but good. Surprisingly it was pretty easy to follow as well, considering everything that was going on. I think the best part of this movie was the shear amount of imagination that went into both the plot and the cinematography/special effects. The diversity of the cast added to the multi-dimensional nature of the movie, and everyone played their part well. That said, there really wasn't a lot of emotional involvement in the story though I think they did try. It just wasn't that kind of movie. Lots of action, great cgi and special effects, explosions, car chases, shoot outs, impregnable fortresses guarded by henchmen, basically everything (well most everything) a guy wants in a movie.
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Spartacus (2010–2013)
This show just keeps getting better and better!!!
10 April 2010
Imagine everything that (most) women would find deep and intimate and meaningful in a movie/TV series. Now, take all that crap and throw it out the window! Now take everything that a man would find intensely gratifying in a movie, and turn up the volume! Then you have an idea of what Spartacus: Blood and Sand is. It doesn't get any better than this when it comes to intrigue, CGI effects and downright depravity. Stuff to make the Romans proud and the parents of children in a decadent society shutter. The character development is so calculated and thorough that when final outcomes are reached, it never fails to leave the audience in shock. The sheer diabolical nature of just about everyone in this series is sure to bring many cheers during the season finale! As an intellectual, I can appreciate the darkness as much as the Light. No show on television presents it more vividly!
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This ain't no Doc Hollywood!
5 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. And to think that I thought I was walking into a romantic comedy! The best part of this movie was, of course, the versatility of Edward Norton as an actor. But though this was an enjoyable movie, it was not very funny at all. Prepare yourself for lots of drugs, lots of violence and lots of cursing. There were attempts to be funny, but somehow that was lost in the big picture. The romance as well seemed contrived and without any real emotion. I do think the main angle of the movie was to take it in a direction you aren't expecting at all. So, sorry if I spoil it for you, but you were warned. It just seems like they could really have made this a movie for the whole family if they had just put a different spin on it.
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What the heck happened to turning the other cheek???
19 January 2010
Let's see...devoutly religious, and will brutally and unmercifully kill anyone who offends 'the Book?' Hmmm...does sound like one religious demographic I can think of. Oh! I know! Denzel only had the OLD testament! That's what it was! Well, in that case, it was a great Mad Max-style post-apocalyptic action movie. How I do love those? One of the amazing things about this Book Eli carries around is that it can be used selectively to serve just about any purpose (just read Uncle Tom's Cabin). The movie does make this point well I think, but clearly, it strays from what might be considered the message of the Gospels. I'm just saying! Nevertheless, it was definitely a step up from Waterworld...though a step down from 'The Road.' Denzel does love to play those detached, withdrawn, yet stoically purposeful roles, and always does a great job. I never thought of him as a martial arts expert though, but he seems to pull it off. But, remember Denzel, "Beware of the man of one book!"
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2 January 2010
Talk about a b-movie for has beens! It was so bad, I actually think it could have been a great male party movie for cracking jokes. Teens boys might like it on those movie and pizza marathon sleep overs. The acting was bad - Jean Claude Van Damme just gets worse and worse with age. Not even sure what the point of Dolph Lungren's part was - though he might make a good Nazi if the role could be part of a decent movie. I could pick apart the movie piece by piece, but it really isn't worth it. Rather, I might just ask some pointless rhetorical questions, like "what was the point of the rehabilitation bonding that went no where?" Or, "who the heck was the guy that got beat up in the diner?" I really could see this as a movie I might have enjoyed at around age 14 though. It is almost the perfect 80's action b-movie. So, maybe its not a complete waste.
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