
20 Reviews
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Pushing Tin (1999)
Not Bad at all
11 June 2003
I've been wanting to see Pushing Tin for at least a year and a bit and i was quite pleased when i managed to see it. Each character gave a great performance, Cate is my favourite actress and i'm glad to see her in a different role than usual.
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Snatch (2000)
funny as hell
10 April 2003
i couldn't belive how hilarious this movie was. brad pitt and vinnie jones and basically all the cast were awesome. i think this should have gotten more awards though. at least it was highly recommended. guy ritchie has got a quirky sense of humor-the script was funny! i have GOT to go see this again.
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Shallow Hal (2001)
it's a fat suit, guys
18 January 2003
i think this movies great. i know it has really horrible fat jokes but i like how they finally did a film on inner beauty. and gwynnie's wearing a fat suit, for all who think she actually gained that much weight. good on you gwyn and hal. and the person who wrote the story and actually realised that u don't need thin people to make a good movie. there should definetly be more movies that contain romance for people who wouldn't be considered 'sexy'.
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The Ring (2002)
and my big sister said i wouldn't like it
7 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
________________________WARING!!! SPOILERS!!!___________________

I saw this on the last day of school for the year with my friend. We were underaged but I SURVIVED THIS MOVIE!!!! my big sister said i'd hate it. sure it had a little girl who wanted to kill everyone and that freaky bit in the tape where she pulls her nail off her finger, but i loved it. and the bit where Samara comes out of the tv screen was pretty good although i thought it was slightly far fetched at first. then she kills the lead male and that shouldn't have happened, i persoanlly think. Beware, you MUST PEE first before u rent this out or see it in a cinema or u'll regret it. i give it 8/10. Great movie but takes at least two days of leaving the light on at night and also expecting to see Samara behind you.
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took me, what, 3 nights to watch?
18 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
i liked this film. it's some scary s***!! beware SPOILERS!!!(somewhat)

the scary evil guy kills an old lady (off screen it think, i can't remember cause i saw this 3 or 2 years ago) and also reveals some of the town's secrets. he also has these weird eyes and hisses like a cat. i was squirming at some parts. u might too. there's a "squirming" part where he starts calling to a little boy and telling him to come into the dark and scary room that he just happens to be in.

see this movie, it's scary and FABULOUS 9/10
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12 November 2002
this movie made my friend go to sleep while watching it also, the acting was crap, except for ewan mcgregor. the script was cliched and the only good bit was having little tiny yoda fighting a guy who was five feet bigger than him. and that thing with anakin touching amidala's skin saying how it isn't like sand? what is that??? i was dying to see the phantom menace and loved it, but...this one just sucked. another one of the few good bits was when ewan jumped through the big glass pannel when the alien thing went after amidala. don't see this film. it's not even fit to be called one.
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54 (1998)
3 October 2002
i quite liked this movie. But why did they put neve on the front of the cover ? (sorry neve, you were really good though) i think that breckin meyer diserved to go on the front of the cover cause he was one of the main characters. neve was hardly in this at all. this movie isn't really like boogie night to me. boogie nights was about a teen who became a porno star. this is about a teen who starts to work at studio 54. there are some simularities though. the music was great and mike meyers was excellent as the owner of 54. see this film. but watch out, the trailer shows heaps of the neve-ster but really, she's hardly in this.
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The Closet (2001)
one of the best french films around
29 September 2002
this is a perfect example of how enjoyable french films are. this was almost as good amelie and the dinner game (which i strongly recommend) even though it's in a differnt language, it's hilarious. it's cocky and it's worth the money. THE STORYLINE AND THE ACTING IS GREAT!!!! SEE IT SEE IT SEE IT! otherwise you're missing out. THE CLOSET (aka Le Placard) I SALUTE YOU.
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that was pretty good acting
29 September 2002
i thought this movie was sweet. giovanni and julliet were really good in this movie. i strongly rcommend it

it even has it's funny sides, without pointing at how mentally retarded people are. i think this is a good movie to rent out and enjoy. watch it, guys. you'll love it
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29 September 2002
again, another great film perfected by the french! what's so great about this film is that it's got all sorts of twists and turns and it all adds up in the end. it's like a seinfeld episode, actually... I gaurantee that you won't be disappointed by this film. the only thing BAD about the dinner game (aka. Le Diner de cons) is that it's too short.then again, all the best films out there are too short. anyway, prepare to laugh
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Airheads (1994)
29 September 2002
this movie is great! i nearly forgot how funny brendan fraser is. i actually watched it last night for the second time in, let's say, 6 years? and that six years i spent hoping to see it again. 10/10 HILARIOUS!!!!!! you have got to see this film! don't listen to the people who say it sux cause it doesn't!
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The Exorcist (1973)
oh my god!!!!!
29 September 2002
this is soooooooooo scary. but i like it. whatever you do, don't watch this at night time. i didn't, i watched it at 10 in the morning, but it scared the hell outta me! sometimes, i have a feeling that a ragen look alike is gonna come down the stairs at me. still, i like it. in scary movie 2, there is a take off of the exorsist in the beginning AND IT'S SO FUNNY!!!!! even though this was made quite some time ago, it's still the freakiest film around. if you see it, BEWARE. it'll make you waste electricity when you feel the need to leave the lights on after watching it. i didn't leave my lights on, i can't remember what i did...
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Sorority Boys (2002)
see it if you're feelin' silly
28 September 2002
this movie when i saw it was a scream. the idea was pretty original but some bits were very predictable. Some bits were kinda gross too! still, see it if you're in for a laugh and if you want to see how men get in touch with their feminine sides!
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Blow (2001)
great music, great dvd, great actors
28 September 2002
i wanted to see this movie for awhile and it wasn't as good as i hoped it to be, but i still enjoyed it. Johnny Depp and Paul Ruebens were screen stealers for me as they were damn good. Penelope Cruz did well as Mirtha Jung that i hated the character! I still don't know if that's a good thing or not... i'm giving it 8 out of 10. See it if you like drug movies.
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The Cell (2000)
go jen!
28 September 2002
this is one of the best movies i've seen. There's only two scenes i can't watch without cringing or covering my eyes, but i really can't believe how good it was. It was very colourful and theres plenty of blood. it's fabolous (i'm sorry, i can't spell right now) on dvd. if only they do more films like this!
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too predictable
28 September 2002
even though i think jennifer lopez is a great actress, this was one movie that got too predictable. also a bit cliched in some parts, like HALF THE MOVIE. i'm sorry jen, but try and avoid these kinds of movies. folks, all in all it's a great chick flick and a pretty typical romantic comedy, but i'm giving it 5/10.
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Wonder Boys (2000)
great movie
28 September 2002
this is a great movie. I think it's one of Tobey and Katie's best films. Frances McDormand gives another great performance and Robert downey jnr. is very funny. if you like movies about writers or anything like this, then go for it. SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!
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Go (1999)
my no. 2 film
28 September 2002
this movie's slick, fast and cool. One of the best black comedies around. the acting was great and please everyone, stop comparing it to pulp fiction.

If the two great movies are so alike, then it's a good thing. Pulp fiction is a classic, so it's great to see more films like it coming out so we can all enjoy them. SO IF YOU LIKE BLACK COMEDIES or anything like pulp fiction, THEN SEE GO!
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the acting was really good!
28 September 2002
wow. this film has got to be one of my favourites. I loved it. The actors were so cool. I'm giving it 9/10. An excellent piece of work.I hope Michael Clarke Duncan was nominated for his role, cause it was a winner! This movie's got it all: horror, comedy, romance, you name it. So if you like Stephen King SEE IT!!! And if you don't SEE IT ANYWAY!!
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Dogma (1999)
one of the best movies around
28 September 2002
Dogma makes you think. Really think. It takes a great big look at religion unlike any other film that i know of. It's really funny, too. Salma Hayek, Matt Damon, Alan Rickman, EVERYONE was so great in this film. Why did Salma get nominated for a Razzie? She was hilarious! I think this movie shoulda gone to the golden globes and get nominated for best asembled cast. You have got to watch this film, it's one of the best ones around!
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