
77 Reviews
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Road House (2024)
Entertaining, but ...
22 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the original Road house. It was one of my favourite movies growing up. Of course a sensitive thing to reboot a classic like that, but honestly, I just liked that they tried. Especially because Gyllenhaal is in It, which I thought was a very good cast.

And, to my surprise, they actually did a really good job. They modernised It a bit to make It stand on Its own more and not "just" a 1:1 retelling. They also took a different approach. It's really more the "yeah, I knock you down" kind of vibe, where the original was just as much about the people. I didn't mind that more simplified approach. It was done well. And Gyllenhaal really delivered in this role. I liked the build-up of his character, the mystery of his history. Which makes you think he doesn't like violence and then learn he's just afraid of himself because he loves violence so much.

But, I have one big issue with It. If the bad guy only wanted the land and get them out of the bar, what stopped them from just burning It down in the first place? I feel that's a huge plot hole in the writing that brought the rating down.

Also the cast of McGregor Is sort of funny I guess, but men, he really couldn't carry this role. I didn't like what he brought.
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Lacks immersion
4 May 2024
Dune 1 felt a lot like an intro. Beautiful made and created, with a great soundtrack to support that "mood". But, without any changes of pace to support that build-up of epicness and suspense into something memorable and climactic.

The abstraction and dialogues also prevented me from really being immersed in the movie. I kept in the role of a distant observer, watching some piece of art. Quite relaxing, but not very exhilarating. Something I do expect from an epic telling of Dune.

And I can't say that changed much in part 2. Yes, the story continues and becomes a bit more interesting, because we start to move more towards the climax of the story. But the style is still the same. I don't get immersed, I'm just an observer. Again a beautiful and a sort of peaceful experience, where even the battle scenes pass by in an muted dream state.

It was only up to +- a half hour before the end there was finally some emotion coming out with a bit more pace. That's also when I knew, he does this not enough. It needs to dance more with different pacings to really make It memorable.

So I appreciate the artfulness of the movies. He's created a beautiful and interesting world, but everything inside of It, the people, the life, the story feels muted and dead, like a painting.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Mixed bag, but overall entertaining
12 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first 6 episode season was near perfect. The world they create Is epic and offered a plethora of opportunities to explore in this zombie post-apocalyptic world.

So, super excited for season 2 of course. You have all these opportunities to pursue and what do we get? A son gets shot in a hunting accident and staying at a farm. Right, ok. That's the best you can do?

The worst part of season 2 is the character development and the writing. It's more like a tea-party soap with a zombie theme. It just doesn't create that same sense of realism.

Also I'm just not very interested in the main characters. Often all I feel Is, sure, die. If that's how you think. There's no realism you'd even survive If you behave like that. They do so many silly things.

I.e. They send 2 people to get stuff, Lori panics right after for no apparent reason and she decides to go there too, alone. Of course reading a map while driving, hitting a zombie, crashing and o o o, what a suspense.

Or silently entering buildings knowing the zombies respond to noise, so It's just easier to knock before you go In. It is full with all these silly things you wouldn't do.

I have no sympathies for the main characters with only a few exceptions (I.e. Daryll, Dale). But 1 is even a bigger jerk than the other.

So, yes, disappoint with S2 comparing It to S1. At times so annoyed by the writing and timing of things I almost decided to just stop watching. But of course, the need to know what will happen next trumps that. Hershel enters the stage, a nice positive Also because the make-up department and production level is just top-notch. So 3 thumbs up for their work!

Season 3 started out quite decent actually, only to fall in those same traps again in the second half. Dumb decisions, weird plot developments, stretched out storylines and no sympathies for most of the characters. Michonne enters the stage, that's a nice surprise. So It wasn't all bad.

Somewhere, just before the end of season 3 I gave up though. It just wasn't like the first season anymore and I was getting quite sure now It wouldn't get better. Too many annoyances to still enjoy It.

But, now, many years later, I'm binge watching It again with my wife. She loves It, although she's also experiencing the same things. She's just a bit more forgiving than me I guess.

So, finally, I've made It to season 4 :-) And what do you know? It's the best season since S1 because they now finally start to behave like humans in a zombie world. They now knock before entering buildings to name 1 of many things they finally start to utilise. It took them 3 seasons to figure that out. Hershel dies and adds to the drama and seriousness of the world, since they approach everything so serious without much humour, you have to make It gritty like that.

Their more logical human nature and consequence of their actions now starts to create more character immersion. The way they die is still a bit odd at times though.

Season 5 is surprisingly even better than S4. The conflict on what's right or wrong, the things they do, the chaos, the psyche, the doubt and after Hershel's dead in S4 there's more good people dying. Not that I like that, but that's exactly the point. It makes you feel It's more "real" and nobody is safe. You get more immersed.

Season 6 continues in this form. More of the same, but mostly good stuff. A bit repetitive by now though. And the ending is quite weak.

Leading into S7 though, wow! Now we're talking. That first episode, even though It's very stretched out, Is like Game of Thrones red wedding style. Now we're talking. This is tense, dark and sickening, but men, It's so immersive and intriguing. It's not pleasant, they are on the other side of things now and you can just feel the pain.

The build-up to the revolution is of course what we all hope for, but they can't deliver. The season finale is a bit of a mess, especially with that built up anger. And It's a sign, because Season 8 is just terrible. What were they thinking? The writing is so bad! And the logistics don't make sense. The whole weapons and ammunition thing was always a mess to be honest, but now It's about numbers (people). A big theme now apparently, which party has the numbers to win. And the numbers go all over the place like It doesn't matter. They just write without thinking with parties and roles that don't need to be there, actions that are simply retarded and therefor just a drag to watch.

Luckily It picks up again in S9 with a decent level. A bit of a reset, some refreshment in the story helps a lot. It feels like the next stage in their life with some new dynamics. Halfway now. It's good, but as always, the second half Is always a bit of a letdown. So fingers crossed.

It's all hits and misses with this show. Entertaining, sure, most of the time and with certainly good peaks, but men, also such lows.
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FUBAR (2023– )
Such an odd one, Sly wins, but still entertaining
23 December 2023
I was kind of set on being dissapointed seeing all the negative reviews. I'm an Arnie fan, but normally that was because he played the cool role and acting was otherwise mostly just that: look cool, short lines. You can see he's struggling, aging didn't help either, with the longer lines and complexities of his role. But somehow, It doesn't seem to matter how crappy his acting is, he still has that unique charm.

That said, I almost stopped during the first episode. It's so cliche, some wokeness here and there, but most of all, so badly made, written and acted. It was just a mess. Jokes were cheap and weak, characters were very whatever. And yet, somewhere during ep 2 or 3 I guess It started to grow on me. Some more life in the characters, the jokes became a bit more casually funny and you shouldn't take anything they do serious, because most If It doesn't make much sense.

So, yeah, oddball. I can see It's mostly amateurish to the level of "The A-team" almost, but It still has a charm that makes me enjoy watching.

It's like True lies, but with his daughter instead this time, that same attempt on lightheartedness, just not as well written and made, but still enjoyable.

But, If It's a competition between Arnie & Sly, then Sly won this round as the TV-show Tulsa King is the clear winner!
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Great, you've killed all the character
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, what made Justified so cool? The backwoods characters, great acting, a fierce but just Raylan with some anger management issues charming the wrong (and hot) women. It was just a superb show. Sad It ended, so happy to hear of this continuation.

Yet, what do we get? A domesticated sweet Raylan that fights characterless bad guys in a new environment of woke focused baloney.

His (real) daughter is not convincing at all! She's just annoying. It's that 101 bad "family" writing "24" and "Breaking bad" also managed to do and Is far from how their characters would behave in a real-world situation. So, the whole reason Raylan wants to change is already unbelievable.

Then we get a love story that has zero chemistry at all and contradicts everything Raylan has shown so far as a character. It's all about wokism again instead of making a real impact by creating something believable and realistic. It's the whole character combo that doesn't make sense at all. My colored wife agrees. So, It's not about that. It's just highly annoying If an agenda gets pushed instead of telling a proper story.

There's also no context at all that Raylan may be tired and has therefor changed. It just happens.

The "bad guy" actors play well, but the writing of their behaviour and the complete randomness of things just doesn't give much purpose or drive to the whole storytelling. It's just bad writing.

Everything what made Justified different and special has been replaced by a run-of-the-mill B-level cop show from the 90's.

The real story they are telling: the world is changing to an inclusion society. Not based on merit, just on a superficial ideal that achievement doesn't matter, but It's all about appearance. You see, even Raylan, a white man of power, can change to the complete opposite and now likes women that are totally different. That's life, right? We are all a blank template and have the ability to become something totally different If we want to? Character doesn't exist, just looks?

Well, thanks for that exhilarating message. I'm a different man now. All you achieve with this BS is the opposite actually. Just pure annoyance. At least tell a proper story with meaningful characters to make your "change". It's so forced upon It's just sickening.

And I love everybody, gay, fat, black etc, I honestly don't care how you "look", It's all about content, are you a nice person or not? That's what It should be about. And yes, that includes equal opportunity, but still based on skill and merit. Maybe we're some way of to achieve that, but crap like this is not the way you make a change. It's only what makes you look weak and purely suggestive instead of making a meaningful point.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Science fiction in history
30 June 2023
It's an odd concept. "What if?". First I wasn't that convinced to watch this series, but I gave It a shot now, about 4 years later. And I'm not disappointed.

First I got a bit annoyed with again! That wokism, having to push for women's rights and inclusion. I'm not going into opinions or politics of the subject, but they could have done with a bit more subtle approach to offer more realism and still make their point, because they otherwise try so hard to make It feel as realistic as possible.

So the fiction isn't only in the alternative space race storytelling, but also In retelling a different cultural past. And, having the "alternative" concept In place, there's room to do that I guess. It just gets tiring with so many shows now overcompensating for It. It loses a point for this.

Anyway, that said, It's otherwise an entertaining and interesting show that quickly moves away from any form of alternative retelling of the past and quickly moves towards real futuristic science fiction, which takes place in the 60's/70's (season 1 at least). An interesting combo to watch.

Acting is good, storytelling interesting, production solid and good pacing. Over the years I've become quite a fan of Joel Kinnaman and he caries this role with ease again, even losing his iconic accent ;-)

It's been 1 season so far, so I'm looking forward to the rest. Will update the review once there's something to add.

Sidenote: My wife didn't know much about the space race, and I had to make clear what really happened vs what happens in this show. So It's also kind of tricky that people start to get confused with what really happened. Just like to many people in the UK for instance believe King Arthur was real and the Holocaust was fake. How hilarious and sad. I hope those are not the people that now scream for change and instead read a book or two.

A good documentary is "Apollo 11" (2019) and even a better series than this one: "From the earth to the moon" (1998).
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"Yeaaahh" ... right.
14 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for this one after all the raving reviews & ratings. The beginning is very one-liner driven, to set that "cool vibe", but I had a hard time getting into It. It was pasted on a bit too thick. Maybe It was also because "one-liner" is too much credit and It's more "one-word" driven, mostly "Yeaaah" in a slow fashion.

Sure, sort of cool, in a way only Keanu can do It, but It didn't grasp me in the way It should. It was all a bit too empty and simplistic in dialog and storytelling. It lacked something catchy.

And then the action started. Initially sort of cool, but nothing we haven't seen before in earlier Wick's. Too be honest, I thought the first fighting scenes were a bit lacklustre and had some technical quirks I noticed in flow and continuity.

Then past half way of nothingness suddenly stuff started to happen that tickled my interest. The action scenes became more creative and definitely including some next-level stuff. Man, some scenes, like the top down scene and the car dancing on the roundabout was kind of epic in visuals. What let It down was the amount of falls, crashes and hits Wick endured and was still dancing around. I mean, sure, you can exaggerate somewhat in a movie like this, but this was insane. It takes away all credibility of Wick and the franchise to be honest. Especially because all the bad guys endured much less to be knocked down.

That reached and epic level on the stairs when he endured even more bad stuff. Sure, sort of creative and entertaining but also getting tedious and annoying at this point. It was that constant push and pull of silliness and cool stuff that made my mind go in all directions to finally settle on a 6. It was sort of entertaining, but It also is another excellent example that without proper storytelling and suspense any great action scene just feels empty.

To me the first Wick was still the revolution and the rest just went downwards with every sequel. Although this 4th one was better than the 3rd at least, in my book. The first one introduced that cool new way of closed pistol fighting mixed with martial arts. The 4th continued on that and delivered some cool scenes, but the rest just fell flat sadly.
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Parks and Recreation (2009–2015)
The Office: part 3
9 June 2023
I can't deny the feeling of strong resemblance to The Office. It's pretty much setup the same way with very similar characters and type of comedy. (mockumentry)

Maybe It's because I'm tired of the genre after seeing The Office UK & US. Both were excellent in their own way. But I keep comparing this to that and I find the characters not as interesting and the writing not nearly as good.

Sure, It's entertaining, with a laugh here and there, but It somehow can't bring It up to the same level. Especially season 1 was quite terrible to be honest. It's the reason I gave up twice before this 3rd time getting through It and seeing the development in the second season into something entertaining. You can't say I didn't give them I fair shot. It's just somewhat uninspiring and "by the numbers" a copy of The Office. They should have tried to make It more their own with a different template of characters to make It really shine. You can't beat The Office at their own game.

Nick Offerman is the star for me. He's the most funny of them all. He has a strong resemblance to Garfield in this show :-) Chris Pratt is fun and I like the quirky Aubrey Plaza. They bring something different.

I always considered Amy Poehler one of the most funny women in Hollywood, but I don't think she's that funny in this series. She still has that good sense of timing, she just rarely does something funny like Steve Carrell or Ricky Gervais were able to deliver. And that goes for most characters in the show.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Well made, but lacks a bit in character development
9 April 2023
What made the game such a great experience was the relationship between Joel and Ellie. After having watched the first episode I thought the relationship between Joel and Sarah was gripping. And It's that exact chemistry I didn't experience with his relationship with Ellie. Ellie has a more tough character, just like in the game, but lacked to display the more emotional side of her character.

To me that's the main issue this show couldn't lift It to a higher rating, because other than that I though the storytelling and time jumps were quite original. Not just a repeating moment of flashbacks like most series do, but a more intertwined, logical order of telling the stories.

Also, the production of the show, especially the post-apocalyptic world they've created Is off the charts. They also don't rush the storytelling and thought the pace was interesting and almost calming. Which is interesting, considering the theme. It's really more about the people than to scare you.

It's really a solid show that honors the game, just too bad the relationship between Joel and Ellie stays somewhat flat. I think that's the missing ingredient to make It epic. Even the relationship between Bill and Frank, within just one episode, was more immersive.

Looking forward to next season though ;-) It's surely entertaining.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Original & well made
20 November 2022
The first 2 seasons were very memorable. Hard to follow at times, especially If you took a break from watching. The ambient sound and the dark & gritty vibe added to the suspense and the acting is generally very good. The storytelling is a bit one-dimensional, which Is kind of funny considering the subject, but It's also necessary to keep track on what's going on.

So, all epic and great, until season 3 happened. To me that's where I lost interest. It didn't make much sense anymore and had a hard time following It and whether their assumptions were still solid or not. It became a bit far-fetched only to kind of make the same point season 2 already made.
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Halo (2022– )
Surprised me
14 November 2022
Sure, I wasn't expecting much. The game itself had hardly any story, so what can you expect from a TV show? It's called a story in the "Halo universe", not so much a retelling of the games, so I'm fine they took the freedom to tell their own story. Otherwise, why bother producing It.

The setting, action and production Is overall just very good. It can feel a bit small scale here and there, but that's no different than any other Star Wars, Star Trek or other Sci-fi series.

I'm entertained, but somewhat annoyed with the Kwan character. It's not that I don't get the purpose of the character and seeing potential in her storyline, It's mostly, why did you choose her? But then again, Makee Is also not that convincing. The Master Chief is a good cast though.

So, no, It's not perfect, but surely better than the rating reflects in my book.
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Surprised me!
5 November 2022
Apparently the crowd considers this series even worse than "The Wheel of Time". Another recent fantasy epic coming from Amazon's Prime.

Knowing the background of this LOTR show I really don't think they did such a bad job. The scenes are epic and the wide landscapes shots are beautiful. I feel the world they create Is much closer to what I get when reading the books as the movies did to be honest. A bit more fantastical.

The cast Is a bit hit and miss and the story they want to tell Isn't as epic. But consider how dry and boring the Silmarillion books were I really admire what they managed to put on the screen. It really gives a nice backbone of the history leading up to the LOTR story.

I want to say, look at the budget and you can explain why It's not as good as LOTR, but I can't say that as the budget is pretty much the same, although considering inflation they did have a smaller budget.

I am one of the LOTR book fans that appreciated the movies, but was never a huge fan. I mostly liked how they managed to play with long depth of field to use that with a moving camera, the landscape, characters and settings. That was all beautifully done. But the storytelling always felt a bit secondary to me. It all felt a bit programmed with those crying scenes that were so pasted on.

The series are more jovial in style, where the movies had that more dark raw look. This has that more colourful & light approach, together with lighthearted dialogues and acting. I kind of like that actually. To me the LOTR & Hobbit books never felt so dark, especially not compared with many other Fantasy series like the WoT or LotS. That unpretentious approach I found enjoyable.

That said, I'm annoyed a bit with the acting work. Mostly the key character Galadriel fell a bit flat. It's also where I wonder, why not a bit more budget for the casting? This is where It really didn't deliver to bring It to the next level.

It's still very enjoyable though and not nearly as ruined as The Wheel of Time. I'm not sure how much of a feat It is for this series, but I found It easy and enjoyable to watch. I liked It more than House of the Dragon to be honest.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
27 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first few episodes were quite promising. I thought the initial cast was interesting. Especially Paddy Considine (the king) surprised me on how well he could carry the role. Milly Alcock was intriguing as well as Rhaenyra, the princess.

And then episode 6 happened. A 10 year jump with randomly some "older" cast, mixed with the same actors, nearly not aged at all.

From that point on I lost interest. Emma D'Arcy couldn't deliver as the older Rhaenyra and some of the other new cast also felt like a downgrade.

Not just that, It's also the moment that, considering such a long timespan the story takes place, you start to notice how one-dimensional the show Is. It becomes a bit soapy. GoT had a surplus in races, traits and storylines going on, all in a somewhat chaotic but inspiring cocktail to build up suspense and intrigue.

This still has the look and feel, but not the content.

It had a few highlights after that which made me somewhat come back to It, but I'm not super impressed. I hoped on a bit more, maybe not to the epic level as GoT, but a bit closer to It. I don't know what to think of It actually. The keyword that seems to come up is mostly "whatever". I guess, that's how I feel after watching this: a whatever show.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Gets stale fast
14 September 2022
The first season was very promising. Great in the art department, good production, acting, building up suspense and creating a unique dark vibe.

The second season follows but halfway you start to wonder what you're watching. Nothing of note really happens. It's like epic stretched scenes and not much content or story. It becomes boring, leaning heavily on that same atmosphere the first season delivered. Which is interesting, It just needs more interesting content.

I finished season 2 and that's where I gave up. Reading the reviews this only got worse in the further seasons so I guess It was the right moment to let It for what It was, a good first season.
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Black Bird (2022)
Paul Walter Hauser is the star
30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A well produced show that struggles a bit offering meaningful storytelling or developing plots, but gets saved by Paul Walter Hauser who's definitely the star of this show. Also Ray Liotta shines (RIP) in his role. Too bad that the relationship between him and Jimmy stayed a bit trivial and therefor flat.

This is the issue with the whole show. The FBI agents just wonder around, being stuck. There's not much context about the risk he's taking with the deal. Apparently he's stuck there once in with almost no help. Sure, It is what It is, but a bit more contextual information would have increased the tension then. Same with the whole deal with the guard and the mob he has relations too. In one scene he's about to die, the next It's all good and he still has time. It just felt a bit off in the storytelling here.

I also didn't find Taron Egerton that appealing and convincing as Jimmy connecting to Larry. I found his acting the weakest link.

But then the biggest let-down is how the hell did he catch Larry in the end? Because he knew he folded the clothes? The same confession Larry already made but gets dismissed as a confession under duress, now becomes valid because an undercover criminal heard him say It. Hearsay?

I'm sure there must be a valid legal reason that qualifies, but, again, I'd liked to have a bit more context here in "what" caught him. All we got was "you got him Jimmy" because he knew about the clothes. Maybe I missed something here ...

Anyway, good and entertaining show, but with some issues here and there. But Paul Walter Hauser truly made this show memorable.
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The Old Man (2022– )
Almost ...
24 August 2022
It starts out well. Builds up the story in an interesting way that peaks somewhere halfway. After that It doesn't become horrible, but just becomes a bit generic. The dialogues Is what mostly bothers me. The somewhat pretentious references and "sayings" that don't really reach the mark. Acting is good across the board. Production is good as well. Story is quite original and interesting in general, but they just couldn't tie It together with true suspense.
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Prey (I) (2022)
24 August 2022
It's probably the first decent reboot of the original Predator. It's entertaining, but nothing more. It's nowhere near as good as the original. It's well made, but didn't really immersed me into the story. Just fun to watch but also easily forgotten.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Homeland meets Jason Bourne meets Rambo
12 July 2022
A dark gloomy story about conspiracy and unapologetic revenge. That's how I would summarize this show.

Chris Pratt is superb and so is the rest of the cast. The story is told well and very entertaining. Production is great, but I did have some issues with the colour filters and darkness of some scenes. I generally liked It, It also fits his mood and the general gloomy vibe of the show, but they could have been a bit more creative with It. Even a sunny beach scene had a strong muted filter over It to the extend that It felt a bit too much.

The storytelling is quite straightforward and lacks a bit of suspense. It's definitely more on the entertaining "yeah! Get them!" side of things and less of "Wow! Was (s)he behind It?". Also they went a bit too far at times with what the main character could do/endure, which gave me that "rambo" feel. Doesn't take away from the entertainment factor though.

Just a very well made and entertaining show. Curious to see If there's going to be a second season and how they are going to continue as It felt like a solid ending to leave It at that.
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Great balls of fire
10 July 2022
I was a bit skeptical when I heard about this sequel. I mean, how are you going to top "Top Gun"?

Yes, It's predictable as hell, following a lot of the same template as the first one. We still don't know who they are fighting and why, but that's just like the first one. They really managed to capture that "Top Gun" vibe again.

It delivered everything you would expect from this sequel with excellent sound an fighter scenes. On one way you also realize how good the first one was considering Its time, on the other hand also a clear improvement.

Definitely a movie worth to see in the cinema. I do however really suggest you'd watch the first one first though. I think It really helps If you know the history of Maverick, Goose and Ace to get the full experience.
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The Bear (2022– )
9 July 2022
I usually like these kind of productions where you feel It's more about the daily live of people. Telling a story, but without following the general flow of movie-making. It's a bit like a mockumentary.

I really liked Lip in Shameless, so I'm happy to see him back in a good show. And yes, I can see It's a well made show, production wise, in acting and in art-production. It really sets the vibe well.

But somehow I just have a hard time to get into this story or characters. It's all brought overly nervous and a bit hyper, especially the first few episodes. I'm somewhat conflicted on how the people respond to Carmy's presence. Sure, there's some bad blood with his cousin and It needs time to adapt to his different perspective of running a kitchen, I got that. But at the same time he's like one of the best chefs of the world and there's no respect for him at all. That takes away from the dynamic of hating the change, but respecting the man, which makes It feel a bit one-dimensional to me. It's all very focused on the conflicts and overly dramatised which doesn't rhyme with the "realistic" approach.

Also, nothing really interesting happens. It's mostly just a thing that breaks in the kitchen. A hole in the wall, a machine that broke, toilet that leaked etc etc It's not very interesting writing. It's all about the packaging that tries to make It original.

It's sort of entertaining, but I wouldn't call this a comedy. And that's fine, but I just wonder what part of It is supposed to be funny.

I guess It's just a group of people I have a hard time to relate to, The way they do and talk, what they say, It's all a bit whatever. Which is key for a show that's mostly about the characters. Storytelling is all over the place, so you just pick the information randomly along the way.

I want to like It, but I don't really so far.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Back to the future
6 July 2022
It's funny. This show has clearly that 80's Spielberg vibe with a bit of a Stephen King (SK) story mixed In. Biggest difference Is that where SK's endings are mostly horrible, ST manages to actually build up towards good and entertaining endings.

The first 2 seasons were very good. The 3rd I started to feel It would be over for this show. It felt a bit pasted on and writing by the numbers.

Surprisingly, season 4 manages to really up the level again with a plot that ties much better into the main story and characters.

Sound, production, acting, SFX etc is still excellent. It's just like the good Spielberg movies like E. T., but updated It to match today's standards. For a TV-series this is truly an epic and excellent show that still cares about telling a proper story and developing characters with SFX as support, and not the other way around like so many movies do nowadays, sadly.
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Only getting worse
30 June 2022
The first season was ok. Mostly entertaining, at times annoying. Those flashes to her inner thoughts are some of the annoying parts. And what do you know, they amped up everything that was wrong in the first season and doubled down on It. Add an even worse script in the mix and horrible cheap writing and you get this mess.

I like Kaley, she's fun, but this is just too much. It's so over-acted and overdone. It's a hyper-train all the way. No pacing, only full gas.

I watch this mostly because my wife likes It, so I'm not the target-group. This is definitely targeted at the women audience. Which makes me wonder. Isn't this is also a very sexist approach following the latest woke-guidelines?

Anyhow, luckily, my wife started to get really annoyed during the second season as well. It's just an in-cohesive hyper-train that works on your nerves.
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Tokyo Vice (2022– )
Great vibe, "ok" story
28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The film-noir-ish Tokyo setting adds flair to this show. It gives It that unique vibe. Cast & acting is excellent. Especially knowing that many of them had to learn Japanese.

I find the characters and relationships interesting and I'm generally engaged in the story. It moves somewhat slow and the storyline is nothing special under that layer of flair though, but It's intriguing.

That changed mostly in the last episode, which really felt rushed suddenly with Samantha just deciding to trade all her cash reserves based on intel of a guy that she knew was really unreliable. Having been told a story of how careful, methodical and smart she Is that felt like a big let-down.

Then you see "why" they just wrote that in, just to tie story markers together with losing the character's credibility as a result.

Very disappointed ending of the first season. I hope they can manage better storytelling in the second season, because It has so many interesting ingredients.
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19 June 2022
In a time where often it starts to feel there are no more good movies being made, or even worse the world feels upside down, this movie gives hope in a very imaginative way. It's like Charlie Kauffman meets kick-ass.

Its artful, warm, cosy, funny and profound. And yes, the message is super cliche: "love, not hate" but packaged so well, in an action flick even, it feels new and fresh.

Not that the movie is completely perfect, it's not, but it doesn't matter, it's about taking something away from it that made it impactful for me and of course the beautiful arty approach.

The biggest thing I got from it is: it doesn't matter. People that make big or small things so important, are pursuing power and wealth etc. What does It all matter If you get sick, die or hurt good people along the way? All the rules people tell you to follow or feelings to feel are just not important. Just love each other for who they are. White, black, gay, it, them etc it doesn't matter if you don't hurt one another. We're all different and the same at once.

And yes, I also look at the woke community and the cancel culture they're building. Stop doing that! It's an unfriendly and inhuman approach. People are not out there to get you. One person doing a bad thing doesn't mean they're all bad. We are all victims of bad people. Talk about it, try to change it, but do it right. Don't become "them" that you hate so much.

I feel this movie targets everybody. Look in the mirror, try to be nicer. Why do so many people think there's more important things than that?

Thanks for this trippy and revealing experience. It's probably a movie I'll only watch once, but what an original experience it was.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Just boring
31 May 2022
I normally like the vague suspenseful approach , but I'm totally not intrigued. It feels very "by the numbers" in how It's produced. A mediocre Yellowstone meets a poor Stranger Things.

I'm now 3 episodes in and then I read everybody say "It started out well until ... " which makes me wonder whether I should continue watching this.

Maybe I'll give It a few more episodes and update my rating.
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