
23 Reviews
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Won't beat the first 3...
17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was more fun than Kingdom, but still fell a bit short. The opening set in past only makes me wish they'd actually done a 4th back in early-mid 90s. De-aging CGI has come along well even if there's one or two moments. The interplay with Toby Jones' Basil far better than Ray Winstone's 1-dimensional 3-faced creep. The return of Sallah as well was obviously expected from the trailer - only wish he'd actually been in more scenes. Mads Mikkelsen is a cold villain not dissimilar to Toht (Lacey) in Raiders, always close on Indy's trail.

Onto the down-points... Waller-Bridge. I've seen Fleabag, well one episode and I didn't care for her. She also co-wrote No Time To Die and just seems to come off as 'too perfect'. The new 'Short Round' she has recruited also seems to be a bit too good, even their backstory is just him trying to steal from her and getting caught... same as OG Shorty trying to steal from Indy as explained in ToD back in 84. Shorty could drive a car, this one can fly a plane with zero experience - which was Indy's joke in ToD and also Last Crusade.

Redeeming points back for Marion, and an underused Banderas. Mangold has done a good job - just still feels 20 years too long gone.

Time to let the franchise end as per Harrison's wishes.
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Smug cliche!
8 December 2023
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That's all the bad guy DeWald (Timothy Carhart) has going for him in this. Every time he's on screen he's a sneering little worm and the police are totally oblivious to it all - especially his 'friend' who is with LAPD - even Billy should be used to this level of scum after Maitland in BH1 hiding behind a 'good public image' - in fact BH3 is almost a copy of 1 with Foley avenging a death (first his friend Mikey Tandino, and now his boss Todd). I can see why Eddie did want to play Axel more mature but it jars with Landis' style of comedy - which may have worked in 80s but by early 90s it was tiresome. Elizondo's character seems to serve to keep telling Axel he's barking up the wrong tree - like Ashton and Cox in the first (Billy a little more believing and still slightly naive) - just happening to turn up at the right time to stop Foley getting killed.

Watching it now because I like Murphy on plenty of his Paramount stuff on Prime - but it's a pale clone.
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The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961–1966)
Hasn't aged that well
9 September 2023
Dick was good as Petrie, and there were some good moments in the writing room scenes - but at the same time with such programs it's difficult to relate to what 'the writers' (Rob, Sally and Buddy) actually found funny. I know Carl Reiner is considered a comedy genius (and I have seen some really funny stuff such as the 2000 year old man sketch with Mel Brooks) but guess i was just born too late (1979) and not into that culture.

MTM as Laura was really good looking, and did have some good episodes such as where Rob is trying to fool her with a fake voice and she strings him along - or revealing Alan Brady's baldness on live tv - but she was also written as a petty selfish wife too when she couldn't get her own way. More annoying though was the kid who only had one volume level and it was above 11. Glad he wasn't in a lot of episodes - whether it was just the kid couldn't act or they just thought "aaaw cute" rather than actually rein him in a bit.
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I tried
21 June 2023
Maybe 5-6 mins in and it's typical 'showbiz' stuff, telling us what we already know from entertainment 'journalists' and presenters. I'd rather an actual hour with Miley herself talking about stuff as it would be far more interesting.

The amount of repetition early on is a buzzkill and any fan of Miley would be up on what they're telling us as if hot off the press. She has matured a lot over last few years from the Wrecking Ball persona and deserves credit.

It sadly reminds me of so many other celeb programs nowadays, using other celebrities to 'gush' over them, so scripted and overall painful.

Just give us Miley herself.
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So-so 'courtroom' episode.
22 April 2023
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Never been a fan of the sitting around watching playbacks of what did or didn't happen episodes. Saw it in TOS (The Menagerie being a key one) and feels like the influence of Roddenberry was still clear here. (I know DS9 did one with Jadzia being accused of Curzon's alleged crimes - but it did get away from the stock format).

It's also the prosecutor and somehow also arresting officer who expects leniency from Picard to do whatever he wants but unwilling to return the sentiment. It was probably set as a filler (with the big budget season finale to cover), but it was difficult to feel anything for the supposed victim or Riker's supposed motivation.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Natural selection
6 December 2022
Growing up with Ricci as the prospective serial killer child, more recent attempts to reboot the franchise have fallen flat. Moretz was good in the animated films but it still missed Ricci's little nuances.

This doesn't feel like a reboot but a proper follow-up to Addams Family Values - a few years later with the adolescent spooky kooky Wednesday being bundled off to a 'Hogwarts for Xaviers' and trying NOT to mingle but still attracting friends (and enemies) while uncovering a mystery.

Only just starting last episode now (8 episodes making it easy to binge) and hope there will be more.

Ortega takes on Ricci's Wednesday and expands on it further, and with Ricci taking on a substantial supporting role as a teacher works much better than it could have.
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Used to be funny and smart
27 September 2022
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Now it's just sniping with half-hearted presentation from guest hosts. Some are better than others but still down to the teleprompter.

I was a big fan through the 90s into early 00s but the guests often have no idea of what is going on, or just there to try being funny.

Time to let it end. Much as I like Paul Merton, even he looks embarrassed to be there. Hislop has always been a spiteful little sod and while he may occasionally come out with a zinger, it's soon overshadowed.

I watched the most recent one hosted by Richard Ayoade who is better suited to sitcoms (IT Crowd) and lighter fare (Travel Man / Gadget Man). Most of it was poking at Mick Lynch the Union Leader with the same jokes over and over, he probably will be having words with his agent.
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Love this film for Robin and Harvey
31 July 2022
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Seeing so many reviews missing so many points about this film, claiming transphobia and going into depth on mental health. Trying to judge a 1993 film by todays standards doesn't make sense.

Good points. Daniel (Robin) realises he went to far in order to celebrate his son's birthday. Gets a responsible job and even creates a safe place for his children, wanting them to be happy. Good relationship with his brother (Harvey Fierstein is great in this as well as Independence Day injecting enough humour to keep what could be a tough scene going)

Bad points. Miranda - from the start she seems distant from her children but blames Daniel rather than her career. While it is good to see a woman in a good job to provide for the family, it's clearly her priority. She's straight into getting a nanny so we never see her spend time with them at all, other than when parading her new man (who is also an old flame - who is said to not have anything to do with mothers but not said whether he sticks around after). Pierce's character could have been written better, but he's just there to 'steal' Miranda and is never mentioned again after the restaurant. There's no 'rivalry' with Daniel either.

Misunderstood points. When the son discovers Daniel in bathroom, he rushes to tell his sister not because of transphobia but because the 'housekeeper' has concealed their real identity and could be dangerous. Once the two older children discover the truth, they are willing to cover for him but have to hide it from the youngest as she'd be too young to comprehend.
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
Glad it wasn't Young Leonard
2 May 2022
At the original TBBT went on, I found Leonard went from slightly neurotic and whiny to full-on irritating and snagging Penny was one of those sitcom relationships I never got.

Sheldon however grew even if he still had moments of trying to parade his genius. He could develop friendships and relationships without totally alienating them at the same time - so it was better material to base a prequel series.

The young Sheldon is already smart and can see his family are not equipped to deal with it, but it doesn't totally dominate as the other characters are still given room to move and develop as well - and the relationship with Missy backs up her BBT appearances. Georgie could have become another Chuck Cunningham from Happy Days - pushed aside for his smarter young brother - but glad to say that didn't happen as he almost acts like a surrogate parent sometimes, able to rally the twins when necessary (especially when a family crisis)

Top marks for getting Annie Potts for Mee-maw - she reminds me of 1984 version of Janine Melnitz with her sharp observations and low tolerance for BS from anybody.

Into season 5 and it still feels fresh, probably because the young actors are growing into the roles whereas BBT was already tiring at S4 for me, the plotlines becoming contrived and the necessity to give them all relationships. To quote Barry. "We're all sad and cweepy and can't get girls!" - that was the magic of it.
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Mann's Best Friends (1985– )
Good cast but totally wasted
24 February 2022
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Clarke loves his ensemble comedies, but this is weak. Good comedy actors wasted in a setting that just serves for them to hang out but with nothing at all in common.

Fulton Mackay could have stepped straight out of Slade Prison, and that's not a bad thing - he is the high point of this show. His bemusement is relatable to what is going on.

Barry Stanton tries but his role as an animal-rescue obsessed scatterbrain is difficult to pull off when the animals he protects never appear - combined with the conversations he has with his recently deceased mother - one would think he should be taking some medicine.

Bernard Bresslaw's character reminds me of Bernie in Carry On At Your Convenience or Camping. Kind hearted but dim, it just seems a lazy facsimile and probably one of his last roles.

Patricia Brake - the lovely Ingrid from Porridge, appears to be a lady of low repute who entertains numerous men in her rented room - she's allowed to stay as she's the most reliable with paying on time which arouses Ordway's (Mackay) suspicions.

Liz Smith is much more than the usual absent-minded eccentric from Vicar of Dibley but again her role is not that clear other than to keep her daughter away from this odd bunch.

Just don't know what Clarke or ITV were thinking but there's nothing to recommend here.
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Saturday Night Live (1975– )
Saturday Night Life-Support
21 February 2022
I own the first season set I bought in US - luckily I have a region-free player. Yea some of the material misses the mark - especially Chevy's cold opens with the tumbles that come out of nowhere just to shout out it's Saturday Night (he's better with the Weekend Update).

The guests a bit hit/miss - found the Paul Simon episode slow and self-indulgent - could've just put on a whole concert that week and forget SNL altogether.

The films by Albert Brooks and the 'Muppets' really didn't add anything - in fact they took away and the shows were aimless (or at least it felt that way)... over time it did get better (The Desi Arnaz and Richard Pryor ones for example) and when Murray came on there was a bit more energy in his interactions with his co-stars, something Chevy never really grasped as much as I love him in Lampoons

This is when it was good. Eddie Murphy kept it rolling a bit longer when Murray, Belushi, Aykroyd, Radner, Morris, Newman and Curtin moved on - Mister Robinson, Buckwheat and Gumby were superb -but he also went early-mid 80s when the film roles came up. Another spell with Carvey, Myers, Farley etc again gave it a vitamin-shot.

Now, I just can't watch anymore. The 'stars' always look uncomfortable and look like they should be doing something else. Okay there's always been a sense of that even in 80s but the energy is gone.
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Interpretation is all over shop
18 February 2022
Used to watch a lot at the beginning, even if I found the judges pompous and arrogant most of time. The food could be pretentious but still you knew what to expect.

As years go on, they pick these themed banquets and the chefs seem to have some story that doesn't reflect their cooking. As a previous reviewer said re the childrens literature theme, some of it was just too off-topic.

Don't know why we need a 'host' and a mentor - the mentors have usually been there themselves or have enough presence to get their ideas across to the contestants and the judges. Too much distraction and chefs being late to the pass.
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9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's following the trend of so many tv 'quiz' shows now - lot of waffle/'banter' instead of getting on with the subject.

I watch University Challenge on BBC, and while I know I'll likely never get most of the answers, at least they keep on track with a short intro for the contestants then a good 20-22 minutes of questions.

This spent 10 minutes setting up, a load of backstory for each contestant and unnecessary explanations of everything. The points system as well was ridiculous as if the selected person didn't know, as long as their 'house' audience knew, they'd still get the points. Defeats object of selecting 3 to begin with.

Didn't bother with any further episodes after the first. The 'guests' asking questions... well okay they got Neville who is well known and came across very well, and then someone who appears maybe for a fly-by now and then.
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Hawkeye (2021)
About time we had some fun again
27 December 2021
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Having my hopes dashed by the dark murky Loki series, Hawkeye was a welcome change and we breezed through all 6 last night. Barton has always been pushed into background in the large ensemble stories so it was good to see he could actually co-star (because Bishop's story is just as big if not more so) and his interactions were believable - including his annoyance in having to participate at the LARP event to get his old outfit back.

Hailee's Bishop is also friendly and engaging, and even when being impulsive and rebellious, she still carries it off with some humor - she's developed amazingly as an actress since True Grit.

Get the feeling Hawkeye's story is done but hopefully Bishop will be back - though would miss their interaction.
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The Cockfields (2019–2021)
Chuckle... that's as far as I can go
23 December 2021
There are some funny moments... more from the extras than anything. Got through about 8 episodes but most of it is samey.

Apart from the girlfriend (which changes between Series 1 and 2) I could spend time with any of them and that includes Joe who it seems we're supposed to side with against his stepfather (admittedly played well by Bobby Ball and then Gregor Fisher), his socially awkward stepbrother and then the downtrodden mother who is forever guilt tripping him (whether she knows or not). Problem is he just doesn't do anything funny for a comedy, and most of the jokes are in the "...okay, that's different" mould.

The stepbrother though is most annoying, really feel like pushing him off the cliffs either when he says something, especially when being talked down to by his father and coming out with more drivel.

Most 'comedy' produced on UK Gold seems to be the same now. Make the characters quirky but with no real redeeming features. Bring back Fletcher, Arkwright and co.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Sad to see it over so quick
13 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's one of those shows - like James May In Japan - that you can just zip through without realising. Seeing so much going on and then it's over.

Hoping there's a second season and Kaleb learns to obey the satnav if he should ever venture into London again.

This is what reality tv should be - not showcasing the pampered lives of people who are so far removed from reality.
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Friends: The Reunion (2021 TV Special)
The one with the muddled premise
29 May 2021
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The moments where it's just the 6 of them was great, just being friends and remembering stuff as they toured the set. Also the bloopers. But why did we need a host and the 'Q+A' bit was ONE question and then a memory from Elliot and Christina (was nice they were there + Maggie Wheeler and James Michael Tyler (albeit a very brief moment on Zoom). Considering Gunther was a regular supporting role to just give him 2 minutes was a bit insulting. Also Maggie disappeared with no real focus on her relationship with Chandler.

Then the guests, Reese made sense being on it as she was Rachel's sister but the rest had no connection. No Paul Rudd (shocking), only brief moments with Tom Selleck and Larry Hankin (who I forgot was still with us) then the awkward Smelly Cat duet with Lady Gaga who I didn't recognise as I'd briefly stepped out the room.

They could have held it together on their own - but these reunions always seem to be taken over by a 'fanboy' or 'fangirl' who seems to ask the obvious questions. So much more could have been done with behind the scenes stories if the cast had been allowed to run the show.

I'm not a fan of Cordon or his presenting style - and as someone else said the fans reflecting on what it meant to them seemed crowbarred in.

I'd love to see the 6 of them again but not quite like this.
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Coach Carter (2005)
It's not all about the basketball
8 May 2021
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Watching on a Saturday morning and enjoying Samuel's performance.

It's about integrity and respect, for self and others. There's some cliche and stereotyping for sure, seen it lots of other films throughout 90s including Sister Act 2.

Bunch of kids with zero prospects and parents who clearly don't have the time to understand/guide them end up under a teacher/coach who recognises potential and tries to help unlock it - while getting pushback from those who have already failed the kids and blame him for their own failure/fears. Not willing to hear truth and fact, just accepting status quo.

You know like all sports movies they're going to come good - or least fail while still trying - which is what happens in life. At least by trying to better themselves, they can be more.
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Doctor Who: Arachnids in the UK (2018)
Season 11, Episode 4
Never go back
21 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this again first time since original airing. Why??

The instantly unlikeable 'bad guy', having his lackey pull a gun on two unarmed women (even if one is an off-duty cop) and no plausibility in his actions. EG. sacking Yaz's mother without any grounds and no explanation either of why didn't want anyone at the hotel. The establishing shots even make it look like a knock-off Overlook Hotel.

There's also the continued focus on companions home life - ongoing from the reboot's premiere Rose. The family just remind me of Martha's - the mother who doesn't trust Doctor and the father who is in his own world, plus the smart-alec siblings - only not as defined.

I don't remember much else other than Robinson being a total jackass to everybody and with no comeuppance - added insult that they brought him back for the 2021 New Years Day special - and he was totally unmemorable then as well.

Up to Capaldi, I could stick with an episode to the end even if it was a weak one just because of Peter's on-screen presence and interaction with his companions. I just phase out half-way through and then I'm suddenly aware of the credit roll.

I'm not going to blame the actors... completely. They must know the scripts are bad, but they don't seem to make any effort to put in a performance to elevate it. Maybe that's be design and they're supposed to be as wooden as the TARDIS shell. Get rid of Chibnall and bring in someone who can write both sci-fi and interesting drama without cheap lazy cliches. Yea you're going to get cliches anyway in sci-fi but at least make it enjoyable.

To quote Neil Page in Planes, Trains and Automobiles. "Have a point. It makes it so much more interesting for the listener."
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Kitchen Nightmares (2007–2023)
Can't cook a chicken right? Give them Prime Rib
9 February 2021
These restaurants have one major thing in common. They can't handle the basics. Steaks either like boot leather or one electric-shock from mooing again. Rotten food in the walk-in fridge. Dysfunctional family members and OTT 'help' who storm out at the slightest criticism.

You don't fix these things in one week, and expecting them to pull of a showpiece each time to turn it around is laughable.

Repeat ad nauseum.
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I came here for Nic Cage....
9 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If it had just been him in his 'study' going over the history - and maybe some stats (as he did in the first few mins of part 1) - then I'd give it a much higher rating.

But no... bring in the agenda 'comedians' - the type where you need the word under their name to define them as comedians.otherwise I'd never know. This happens on so many celebrations of talented celebrities and comedians who have left us - leaving the dregs behind. They are so bland and lacking any entertainment or educational value - or just playing the angry self-entitled card.

If Bill Hicks or George Carlin were still with us, they'd have genuine thoughts on it and be insightful. (only gotta see Carlin's bashing of how shellshock was 'downgraded' to lose all real meaning).

Give me 30 minutes of Nic going over it all - with perhaps some linguistic experts - and scratch the rest of it.
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Chewin' the Fat (1999–2005)
Living off the 'fat'
8 May 2020
I've read reviews to say it's not for non-Scots due to the culture etc. I'm Welsh and I've loved every minute, so much more than the 'valley' culture that infests our shows. I'm a city boy so I cannot identify with the Welsh sitcoms/sketch shows (fact I don't speak Welsh is a factor too)

Roland Villiers, The lighthouse men, the crazy shop lady, the camp banter boys - it's brilliant.

Some say to avoid this and watch Little Britain instead. For me that ran out after 2 series but they kept going and was much more crude - only Tom Baker's linking bits were worth it.

Half way through this (finished S2), two more to go and it's great to see the origin of Jack and Victor from Still Game - plus regular guest roles from Paul and Mark who played Winston and Tam.
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Still worth a watch to kill an hour and a half
11 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Rewatching this - Reassessed and Re-scored

Ted, Tom and Steve still on good form. Robin isn't annoying as the little 'lady' they helped to bring up, compared to kids in other films and tv shows.

The problem as in the first part is the mother. Whether it's the writing, the acting choice or a combination but once again it's her own selfishness that rips the guys hearts. Taking up with her theatre director boyfriend who seems to have zero personality or charisma, just a huge pile of cash and huge house to go with it - can see where her motives really are.

In the first, she just left the baby with zero explanation. Comes back and within hours she's ready to take off again, this time with the baby and likely dump her on other relatives. She claims she can't do it after and the men allow her to stay. A few years on they've got a happy kid, but back to Sylvia, taking Mary to England when she doesn't know anything of that life. The now-fiancee obviously has no time for Mary and sees her as an obstacle, ready to ship off to some old fashioned boarding school. Not one happy kid amongst them - plus he lies to Sylvia but she falls for it. A lot of slapping and verbal putdowns of Peter who has been there for Mary from the start. No real thought for Jack either, the biological father who has learned some responsibility... and Michael who i see more as the cool 'uncle' but still loves her as his own.

It all comes together a bit too easily when the posh prig shows his true colours during the ceremony, but even with Peter knocking him on his ass for treating Mary so coldly, Sylvia is once again outraged at Peter yet he continues to profess his love. I wouldn't

Previously an 8, now a 6 just because of Sylvia. The scenes without her are great.
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