
19 Reviews
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Dollhouse (2009–2010)
You need to know!!
6 March 2009
As with any new show it takes time to establish the characters and give a reason to get involved with them, you need to know (as with all of Joss Whedon's work) that it does not start out from some cute little box, Buffy, Angel and Firefly were incredible shows and should be the minimum standard by which television show are judged. With that being said Season one of Buffy was in a word difficult; in that it was difficult stay engaged to the characters. Difficult to keep track of the "monsters" as well as the personal trials the every character was subjected to. Needless to say Dollhouse is very much the same, I have truly enjoyed each episode (three so far) and I know there is so much more to come, and if given time (unlike Firefly) if we to stay tuned the Dollhouse will deliver far more that what we have been lucky enough to see thus far.
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Watchmen (2009)
For any purists out there, do me a favor and take a pill, preferably one from Adrian!
6 March 2009
The Watchmen should not leave anyone wanting, for anything from a motion picture, this film made it fun to go to the theatre and experience brilliant direction from an incredible cast who was gifted with easily one of the best screen plays you could find. I am sure that reviews will reference the graphic novel (of which I have been a fan for more than 20 years), that is all well and good however it may lead some folks away from an exceptional movie going experience. Visually this film is breath taking, allowing a flawless representation of a true "superhero" along with a couple of trips to Mars and Antarctica. One significant sentiment within this film is the failure of the entire global system, not just abrasively showing the failings, but driving home the point that as a people we can no longer solve today's problems with today's thinking. Regardless of the topic be it politics, industrial economics, planet wide dependence on fossil fuels or the truth that man has by his how design destined to unravel all he has created barrage of imagery is laid before you in order to clearly illustrate each failing. Without question this is more than just an "action" or "graphic novel" movie, with layer upon layer of complexity that creates a reality so shocking, like a bad accident looking at first half turned away, then finding yourself fully engaged to a tale that will have you questioning what are the true costs of peace, more importantly would you be willing to make that sacrifice. Simply put, this is a film that should be taken seriously, and appreciated within a theatre where you are able to see and hear not only the motion picture but the audience reaction to this most invasive story.
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What a great plan
18 July 2008
The Dark Knight is without a doubt the most exciting motion picture so far this summer, and I would be so bold as to guess this year. It is nothing short of fantastic when a move captures your attention, and when it leaves you riveted for two and half hours, well WOW does not come close. Everyone should take a moment and reflect on the brilliance of Heath Ledger's performance, and share a conflicted sentiment of joy and sorrow. Joy in this was the most incredible culmination of a talented life's work; and sorrow as we will not see it happen again. Is his performance Oscar worthy, well yes in as much as a life time achievement award most certainly. With the homage paid to an incredible lost talent, it is critical to point out that Ledger alone did not make the Dark Knight the best picture so far this year. There was simply not a weak performance delivered by any of the cast, Christian Bale who seems to be born for this role to Gary Oldman who is terrifically diverse and compelling in his role as James Gordon Aaron Eckhart brings the visually stunning Two-Face to life with chilling excellence, he has been able to bring with him great performances all the way back to the movie Thursday, being a dark and twisted character comes strikingly natural. In the hope of being somewhat fair the entire support cast performed admirably and with Maggie Gyllenhaal, Michael Caine, and Morgan Freeman this film has been truly set up for critical and box office success. Finally Christopher Nolan has given us an exceptional screen play and directed an extremely entertaining film with great visual effects and stunning camera work, no other director should be allowed near this franchise as Nolan clearly has this character and world pegged. I thoroughly enjoyed this film and regardless of the pop-culture craze around it and that it lends itself to the darker side of the Batman franchise this film is head and shoulders above any of the previous films, this is certainly one to see in the theatre and perhaps more than one time.
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Have NOT read the books
11 July 2007
OK, so now that is out of the way, this is an excellent movie, and I do not know or care how closely it follows the book, because the film was so entertaining. The focus of this film allowed for significant character development and involvement, which I felt the last two films were lacking, more importantly we get to see a circle of friends truly unite. This film was exciting and full of energy the special effects were certainly entertaining and the dialogue although slow in places was excellent. Radcliffe, Grint, and Watson were a joy to watch each showing a little more of their character's true nature. The show stealers where by far Gary Oldman, and Helena Bonham Carter turning in brilliant performances All in all this is still a film you should see in the theatre this tale continues to grow much larger than life.
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Transformers (2007)
I will count to three
3 July 2007
This is a big screen must see! With a summer loaded, perhaps OVER-Loaded with sequels we get an incredible surprise from Michael Bay in Transformers. Without a doubt, the visuals in this film are the main attraction, and ILM clearly made every effort to impress to create one of the best animation to live action films in the recent or distant memory. The human cast is exceptional Shia Lebaouf is humorous and more impressively believable, Megan Fox nor Josh Duhamel are hard on the eyes, but pull more than just eye candy out of this adventure film. With the supporting cast, holding aces like Jon Voight, John Tuturro and Rachel Taylor the engaging part of this film is it never really allows you to lose interest. This film that will play to an all age's audience and one will be best enjoyed on the big screen.
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Rise of a Franchise
16 June 2007
OK so here is my stance on the "Summer of Sequels" they just keep getting better! S-3 was OK, POTC at Worlds End was amazing, and now Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer is spectacular! Those who thought Fantastic 4 was good will love this movie. Yes, yes, yes Jessica Alba is in this movie and for those of you who remember she was also in "Idle Hands" so NO, NO, NO she does not make the film, she is good, however the entire cast together carries this film. This film really allows all of the characters to evolve and be true to their origin. As the Marvel movie verse continues to grow, the movies continue to get better and for this genre. The visuals are wonderful, the cast plays to the strengths of their characters and the little gems hidden for the fans are . . . well Fantastic.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Round 3
4 May 2007
Summer is finally here, no I do not mean boat races and the fifth of May, I mean MIDNIGHT MOVIES and what an amazing kick-off! Spider-Man 3 is far and away the best feature in the franchise, dare is say thus far? Spidey-fans will love all the subtle nuances, of course Stan Lee, however this film gives to the Sam Raimi fans as well. In addition the support cast is spectacular J.K. Simmons, Bryce Dallas Howard, James Cromwell and even Dylan Baker add to the story telling giving more depth and play-ability to the adventure. A touch on the kind side in places I believe that is one of the changes that breathes life into this film and helps progress, it also gives us true development which was clearly lacking in Spider-Man 2 The visual effects absolutely steal the show, not just the Venom effects that are stunning, but the Sandman visuals are truly inspired. We have seen sand move before, this time we get to see it move with style, grace and economy of motion. The one drawback to this film is that for some reason Spider-Man, Venom, and Sandman all think we want to see their faces – and honestly, I do not. The title of the film is Spider-Man 3 not Tobey Maguire in a Spider-Man costume 3 . Moreover, really who cares that Topher Grace is Venom, let the symbiote take him over and let us think no more of that 70's show So go and enjoy this film just remember that every time you see Toby's face Stan Lee has to be cringing with the rest of us.
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Chance (2002)
Worth every penny . . .
19 January 2007
An Outstanding piece of film making by Amber Benson.

Amber who wrote, directed and co-produced this film really created a project that allowed her to shine, and shine bright.

This film is spectacular and with any luck Amber will be able to blaze a trail all her own (not unlike Kevin Smith) and I believe she is as equally as talented if not more so.

It is really a wonder to me how this film has not received more recognition, praise or created a more significant presence with in the independent arena.

The entire cast is absolutely fantastic, after watching the film back to back (a couple of times) there are no qualifiers every single performance demonstrates a true talent and appreciation for the craft.

I would be remiss were I to not pay homage to James Marsters, and Andy Hartlett, it is truly a joy to see them portray a more "human" kind of character.

The most significant thought in the forefront of my mind is that I knew or still know all of these characters, making it easy to believe and in some neurotic way relate to them.

If you have an opportunity to watch this film then by all means do so, it is not going to change your life or reveal an inner piece, at the same time this is a film you can really enjoy and perhaps relate to, or simply see what true independent film making is supposed to look like.
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Dark, brilliant and brutal
15 January 2007
The Children of Men, a film I was very excited to see, you have Clive Owen, you have "Rolling Stone" saying "Blade Runner of the 21st Century" and the concept of the film is absolutely enticing.

Reality check, after watching Children of Men, I was compelled to go back and watch Blade Runner just to see what it was that "Rolling Stone" was talking about and I have to say WHAT?!?!? Children of men is terrific, it begins with a brutal hook and then pulls at the snared flesh for just under two hours.

Clive Owen is the extremely reluctant anti-hero who has clearly lost all hope, and for some reason Owens performance gets you to truly care. Not about this simpering drunk, but about the world he lives in and life as it has become.

Chiwetel Ejiofor, creates another amazing performance, leaving no doubt that we can continue to expect great things from this very talented and versatile artist.

This film delivers on so many levels, not just in the dark reality of this war torn world, but also in the belief that life, new life is not only sacred and beautiful; but that even in the darkest times birth is a shinning beacon of hope. Hope for the future, and hope for ourselves if we could simply learn from all of our extremely relevant history.
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In death there can be life
15 January 2007
Pan's Labyrinth makes fairy tales amazing again, creating a world of fear, joy, and anticipation. Set during World War II, this film embraces the darkest most villainous spirit of man-kind and unleashes it with a cruelty that chills to the bone, and just when the chill pulls at the very fiber of your being the warmth and kindness of unconditional love breath life on the screen with you endearing young girl. As in most Fairy tales, she is innocent, pure and dangerously naive. Surrounded by treacherous, unrelenting viciousness the young child of a widowed, expectant mother who has recently remarried finds her sanctuary within a world filled with Fairies, bright, playful, and most intent on luring her to her destiny. This film is magnificent, and as most fairy tales is far darker than the one most of us grew up to. The performances are all wonderful, however are somewhat lost in the magnificent world created in live action and breathtaking animation. Not for the faint of heart to be sure, non the less a spectacular piece of film making and one that should be celebrated not just for its visuals but for the messages it ever so gently to allows to flitter through the story.
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Get prepared
28 June 2006
This summer's Box Office has been mediocre; with only two or three films that still have legs, until now! From beginning to end this film delivers, spectacular C.G. great dialog, and compelling emotional situations. The visuals were on my mind, however they were lurking somewhere behind the thought of Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor or Brian Singer's talent for getting it done right and then this new kid Brandon Routh. Well to my surprise this film is captivating to watch, the landscape is a character with life all it's own. Spacey is outstanding, which some might think is standard, however he is truly diabolical as Lex Luthor with a maniacal twist of humor. Stepping squarely into the red boots and flowing cape Brandon Routh does so as if he were born to be Superman. Not just the strikingly nostalgic similarity between Christopher Reeve, but his fantastic portrayal of Clark and The Man of Steel, absolutely makes you take notice! Quite simply this is the best film so far this summer; make certain to see this in the theatre!
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Wanted (2005)
No sissies wanted . . .
26 December 2005
If dialog and character development are your thing then this is a program for you. This is a program that stays true to its characters and makes zero excuses for whom they are. For that matter how they got that way. More than anything else, it is great to see a program that will push the envelope; and when you think, it is all-OK the hits just keep on coming. This is a program where no one is safe. Make no mistake this program tears at the hearts of cast and watcher. This is not a program for the faint of heart as it pushes towards primal vengeance at times. The great thing is that it still holds true to core values just hiding in the gray area. This is a program that will hopefully get to go the full 100, and then some; so when you sit down to watch this program turn your P.C. meter way down or off and enjoy a great program.
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Serenity (2005)
See this film in the theater!
2 October 2005
Now I am certain that my comments will echo most of the fans out there at the same time, everyone who worked on this picture did a fantastic job! The cast whom most of us have come to enjoy in several of Joss' small screen, truly explode onto the big screen and present themselves as though it was where they belonged. As with any Joss production there are moments of bliss, deep sadness and intense adulation, and here there is no exception. The time that has passed from the far too early end of the firefly series to our immersion into the now runs flawlessly. Mal is still getting into trouble Zoe is still his right hand, Wash is still madly in love with Zoe and an incredible pilot, Jayne still wants to fight, Kaylee is twiterpated over the Simon and it is anyone's guess what River will do next. I felt progression through this film was spectacular and found myself wanting more, not more from the picture just another story; which to Whedon's credit once again proves he is a master story teller. Obviously in my eyes the motion picture was everything I wanted and more, I do not expect everyone to be as satisfied at the same time if you do not see this film on the big screen, you will have cheated yourself out of a fantastic ride.
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What have you been waiting for . . .
21 May 2005
So if you have been waiting since 1977 to see how it all began for the first time you may have been a little disappointed; if, however you have been waiting since 1999 to see the transformation of a boy to a Lord then this was more than worth the wait. Now we can argue plot vs. book, that as in all cases is your imagination vs. someone else, and that simply does not give this film the chance it has earned. From the moment we begin until the very bitter and angry end Revenge of the Sith does not disappoint. I would strongly recommend this film to any fan new or old not only for its fantastic visuals but also for the complete closure or opening that we could only take into our own minds eye.

In all, this feature has what the new fan and the old fan are looking for, action, drama, comedy and LIGHT SABERS! – oh yeah and Wookies! As with any Lucas film or for that matter franchise picture there will be the naysayer and there will praise that Lucas is a god, for me this culminated 28 years of adventure and made me want to start it all over again.
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Enjoy, I did . . .
13 August 2004
From an audience who has been waiting years to see this battle waged on the big screen AVP does not disappoint. The action is PG-13 brutal for 'slime' and gore, in spite of that fact there are many pieces for the Alien fans to enjoy. For the Predator aficionados all the toys are back with a vengeance.

In short, this film takes all the hits from both franchisees and combines them, well. The FX in this film are amazing the camouflage and wiping tales are almost perfect. The human touch in AVP is done nicely especially Lance Henricksen who pulls this adventure together in a matter of 20 minutes. Then the eggs unfold and we get almost 80 minutes of acid / florescent green blood roller coaster ride. All things being equal this film pulls the two beasts together with the fans in mind and does not let them down for a moment.
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So now this generation has, it's own Airplane.
1 August 2004
One thing can be certain; people who did not enjoy this film either are to `PC' or have not embraced the concept of mindless humor. This is with out a doubt the new Airplane of the new millennium where racial comedy and the `you can't say that attitude' are left by the way side so we can watch two friends in a campy adventure. John Cho and Kal Penn have excellent screen presence and their ability to play off of one another is what gave them staying power through all three pie moves. One of the best parts about this film is the cameo appearances and tie-ins to motion pictures of the age and cult following. Leaving no gender, race, or stereo-type out the film rages with reckless abandon on the audience and with in moments you find your self laughing through your hand covered mouth and by the end of the second real you can't help but laugh aloud. Danny Leiner is great at telling this story with honesty to the characters and not letting even their own epiphanies stand in the way. Not to mention Neil Patrick Harris' performance epitomizing the child actor gone bye, bye. This is an honestly funny film with very little to think about, pushing the social limit on the `PC' attitude.
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The Village (2004)
Worth the wait, as always a fun journey!
30 July 2004
The Village trailers gave me two sets of expectations, first be ready to have some scary fun, second see some excellent performances. It hit on both, at the same time did not slam-dunk either. The performance of new arrival Bryce Howard was a very pleasant surprise, with a strong hold on her character and few slips. William Hurt delivers yet again another great performance along with Joaquin Phoenix, Sigourney Weaver and a very exciting surprise performance by Adrien Brody. Giving Credit where it is due, the story that Shyamalan spins is exciting and very alluring. The scar factor of this film is OK with some screams throughout the theatre and people jumping. Unfortunately, for the veteran movie viewer, The Village is somewhat predictable and towards the middle of the film, I caught myself anticipating the next turn. Overall, the film delivers for the most part on it advertising but is clearly the next step for Shyamalan.
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One of the few franchises that gets it right!
23 July 2004
Fantastic tie in with all of the sub characters who survived the Borne Identity, this film puts you on the move fast with little time for rest. The cinematography done by Oliver Wood is astounding; keeping mostly to hand-held moving with the actor's holding the tempo of the film especially high. Matt Damon brings Jason Bourne back to life with a seamless transition from Identity to Supremacy. Unlike some films where the actors fail to hold their character, together Damon stays true. Stiles Cox and Allen put in fantastic performances, keeping their interactions tight with the same accuracy, proof of great direction from Paul Greengrass. The dialog delivered by the entire cast is very well timed with meticulous detail again staying true to Identity. Karl Urban is somewhat under used as a nemesis who could have given much more energy to his character if given the time to develop. Supremacy ran with a colder feel keeping the film a touch darker with a certain bitterness that underlies the entire film. Overall, this film is well done and for a sequel, this one matches very well to the first. Assuming they can stick to a working formula this franchise could run for quite some time.
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I, Robot (2004)
Fun ride, with OK visuals, Will Smith's Summer??
16 July 2004
From ID4 to I-Robot one thing stays the same, Will Smith's comic timing, the quips in robot make it almost memorable, with a laughable plot line and under whelming character development the robots seem to feel more for this film than the actors. The political sub-plot and messiah theme ran short in the first 40 minutes with nowhere else to go but traditional action finale I-Robot finishes flat on its very mechanical back. The performances on the CG side came up short as well with all the best scenes taken to trailers where producers hoped to suck in the unknowing this film overall leaves so much to be desired it is a wonder that Smith still tries for the July Blockbuster. Let us not forget he brought us Wild Wild West and M.I.B. 2, and I-Robot is no better. The bad news is movie fans always have next summer.
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