
3 Reviews
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Lucas should have not directed the movie
25 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Overall pretty disappointing - the movie lacks soul for a lack of another word. Hayden Christensens performance was abysmal, wooden and flat, he was not a credible Anakin. The whole movie was based around him and his journey but his journey was quick and easy with not much inner torment - a real actor was needed to bring out Anakin and Darth Vader, Christianson failed and that ultimately causes the movie to stutter along. Natalie Portman was mediocre in her role, not helped by the poor chemistry between her and Christensen. Grievous was underused, a mere accidental bystander swept into the movie, who was he?. Christopher Lee got virtually no screen time. Chewbacca made a token appearance what for? for the rabid old school fans? it was pointless to the direction of the movie A lot of pointless visual extravaganza like the opening sequence that didn't help the overall plot and direction of the movie, just self serving ostentatiousness. Yes George we know you and you little team at ILM can create some phenomenal graphics but associate it, connect it with the overall direction and spirit of the movie. Movies are about good acting and logical flow and good plots with "chemistry" between the lead actors. This movie has too much chopping and changing, snippets of scenes that barely set up the movie abound, it felt the whole movie was going through the motions, the tension build up was missing in action and the final transformation into the suited Vader was hollow and anti-climatic. Movies were the supporting actors Ian McDiarmid and Ewan McGregor completely outshine and dominate the supposed lead are unsatisfying. The former two are the only two actors in the whole movie the gave a decent performance. Samuel L Jackson is not a jedi, he has been terribly miscast in all three films. Things change, in the 70's and 80's Michael Jackson used to make good music and George Lucas used to make good movies. Things change... George is one from four, a mere 25% in directing StarWars movies 1,2,3, were weak only 4 was great and and seems in retrospect a directing fluke. 5 and 6 the best two in my book were directed by other people. Perhaps he should have taken a back seat and let a real director handle things
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a mixed review
9 July 2004
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a "fan film". By this I mean the makers have made the assumption the majority of viewers, the core audience - are fans of the Potter series. As a stand alone film would leave a viewer confused by a fast moving plot devoid of a lot of detail contained in the original book which the film quite closely follows. To fully appreciate the movie, prior knowledge through reading the book would be most beneficial, it would allow you to fill in the many blanks.

Concepts, background, and explanations are skipped in the movie, which gives it a rushed, incomplete feeling, even for a Potter fan. Users have commented the movie is darker, this is somewhat true, it definitely has a different feel from the first two films, much of this can be attributed to the new director. He has changed the sets considerably, to the point where they barely resemble the first tmo films. The fine cast of adult stars is under utilized throughout the film. Maggie Smiths role could be considered a cameo for the limited screen time she got.

Overall the rest of the film is acceptable. If I didn't previously know the plot I would rate this film lower than I did. Though this IS Harry Potter and he still has the midas touch.
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forget about it
25 October 2002
This movie attempts many things but never really accomplishes anything, the plot time travels, meanders and weaves along without really satisfying. It left a hollow , "is that all" feeling at the end. Unless its free to air and there is nothing else on, forget about it.
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