
8 Reviews
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The Bodyguard (1992)
I didn't like it that much the first time around...
7 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
but oh! it was magic to see it again after all these years. Probably the most awkward time to do so, alone, in the middle of the night, when most IMDb reviews suggested to watch it with your "sweetheart", i rebelled, thinking I can handle the oozing cheese coming out of the film from all sides.

Honestly though, for a Hollywood flick, it's a classic. I know there's a love/hate thing going on with The Bodyguard, but it should be all love, if not for anything else, the two leading stars Kevin Costner (at the prime of his career) & Whitney Houston (at the prime and beauty of hers). You don't see a lot of chemistry these days like the one these two had, they must of known they were meant for their parts because they were played so well under the circumstances. It's *hard* to make a decent movie when it's partly a musical. You have action + suspense + romance + and epic soundtrack rolled into one, you think people would be happy? But no. It's either Whitney's acting is horrid, or Kevin is too short. Well maybe he is, but I still enjoyed their performances nonetheless.

What I also liked about this movie was its heart. There were the lovable other body guards, the cute kid, the envious sister, and intimacy like you've never seen! Call me immature, but by the end I was gushing (not crying) simply gushing over their last passionate kiss goodbye. This film was made to be remembered, a sort of time warp back to the 1990s, when there weren't cell phones, but soundtracks about real love, and a lot of spandex (as you will see in numerous outfits throughout the movie.) In a nutshell, I loved it. Fully recommend it, because we all get those late night cravings for ultimate cheese, and this wasn't so much as cheese as it was heart-warming, butterflies in your stomach, at least that's the feeling I got. Open up your mind & heart (corny, yes) to The Bodyguard... and no I will not stoop down to add to the pre-crack Whitney jokes. Goodnight folks.
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Orphan (2009)
I honestly believe this tops The Exorcist.
2 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
As I'm typing this, I'm just finishing up Orphan (2009), a beyond horrific tale of a seemingly young & talented 9 year old Russian girl, who gets adopted by a young couple who's suffered a miscarriage among other rifts in their marriage. Their decision to adopt Esther (the girl's name) seems like a blessing in the skies, until problems with the kids at school and even her new brother make Esther show her true colours gradually more and more.

I'm going to be honest with you, creeped out would be an understatement for how I feel right now. Esther's demeanour, her actions, everything about her just sickened me to my core, I never knew a fictional character could ever possibly be this evil. Evil! And I don't say that word lightly. Not only is this a horror film, it's a psychological thriller, at best. Plus it doesn't help how Esther is tormenting and manipulating the very family that took her in throughout the movie.

I was amused with The Exorcist (1973) for the most part. What seemed appalling and barbaric back then seems like child's play nowadays, and I can safely say Orphan is this century's Exorcist, hands down.
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Forest Whitaker has a sexy radio talk show voice...
27 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
But that's besides the point. I loved, loved, loved this movie! I am appalled IMDb, that this film has only received a 3.7/10 rating! Honestly, I was just making a review today about how the film industry needs a fresh take on things, something different, and this movie is it. It's been taken too harshly. Most movies are guilty of a few clichés here and there, but I felt this movie was so warm-hearted and genuine, and had a lovely message come across. You gotta admit, it took real cojones to make a movie about relationships we see everyday, but hardly talk about, out loud: Interacial couples. It had to be done... it's the 21st century, and I can barely list on my 10 fingers how many good films have been made about this topic. Guess Who (2005) comes to mind... but really, that's just sad that there aren't more interracial couples incorporated into movies, especially the big-budget ones. Pieces of April (2003) is another one, one that isn't listed as a comedy, but is in its own sense. Movies like these are dying to be made. There are so many cultures in the world, I would love to learn more about them. I actually learned from this movie too. I know traditions were always important when it came to weddings, but I didn't know it went as far as sacrificing a goat (don't worry, they don't actually do it). But I was cheering on Lucia (America Ferrera, love that girl) and Marcus (Lance Gross) the whole time.

Just do it, watch this movie! It contains something soooo many movies are seriously lacking these days: CHEMISTRY! They actually seem like a real family. Don't worry, Carlos Mencia's acting isn't as bad as everybody says it is, Forest & Regina are just... bliss, I wish they really were a couple, and everyone else was just phenomenal. I did notice the lady who plays America's grandmother (Lupe Ontiveros) also played her mother in Real Women Have Curves (2002)... which only adds to the amazing chemistry! Ciao for now.
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Film is dying...
27 January 2011
...for a refreshing movie like 10 things I hate about you. Let's be honest, maybe back in the day when this movie first came out people thought it was only so-so... but having just watched it again after all these years, well I bloody well loved it. There was just something about the 90s. There was less technology to hide behind, feelings were more true, movies were more original and actually funny. And who would of thought the underdogs like Joseph Gordon-Levitt would of turned out as handsome as he has today? What I'm basically trying to say is give this film another chance because it definitely deserves more than 6.9/10 rating! It has everything: real visions of high school, crazy cliques, teenage angst, HEATH LEDGER IN GLITTERY TIGHT PANTS, real chemistry & etc. It was just a really cute, cute movie I don't know how else to put it. Instead of just everyone sleeping with each other throughout (ahem, seems to be a popular storyboard these days) 10 things had the works: Pretty boys aiming for the fresh meat, caring but somewhat psychotic parents (can relate), misconstrued images of one another, I mean the last one in particular DEFINED high school for me. No one was who you thought they were, in fact they were better.

So in conclusion, I demand thee to give this another go, it doesn't take much effort (I watched it on Youtube :) and please, this message goes out to all IMDb members and movie watchers alike: stop being so darn critical! Especially about the 90s, leave them alone. They will forever remain pure nostalgia for me and I'm sure many others.
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Effing *tragic* & *brilliant*!
27 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I never would of thought in a million years that Eckhart and Bonham-Carter could pull off a film like this... I mean I had a lot of faith in her, but I was a little weirded out about the two of them together. Let me just say I was already a fan of Zevin's novels (particularly Elsewhere.. yeah I know it's a teen novel but hey, it's a great spin on the afterlife) I just had no idea how great this film was going to be. It was unconventional in the greatest sense... the duo, the plot, the emphasis on how imperfect life is && how you really don't know the next bend in the road or what you have until it's gone...

The Carla Bruni soundtrack only adds to the greatness.

This film really spoke to me, it really makes me question my life. Am I happy? Or could I be if I had a man by the balls the way Helena's character mastered Aarons'? Oooh but how I wished things could work out! Why does life have to turn into circumstances, that block you from getting what you want? Ah.... I digress. When the movie does end, I'm left choking back tears, but somehow optimistic. I don't know, it just does that to me, and no, it's not because of the upbeat Carla B. song... since this film was so real, you can almost predict what could happen. Definitely a good bittersweet open ending and all I can say is Bravo Conversations with Other Women 10/10.
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Spice World (1997)
Cool off the spice girls...
23 May 2010
Okay, like all you fellow IMDb members, I'm a lover of a movies. But once in a while, a film like this should be making people laugh, not moan about the million things wrong with it.

I haven't watched this flick in ages, but yesterday I was in a "take-a-look-at-stuff-from-the-past" mood, found the tape whilst doing my spring cleaning, and so I popped the tape in.

I was a little biased the last time I watched it, being an 8 year old Spice Girls fanatic, but this time I took the film into serious consideration. Don't you get it? It's a satire about film making... And with the fabulous cameos (Elvis Costello, Elton John, MEATLOAF!! just to name a few..)how could you not love it? Just a teensy bit?

Trust me, the British know film, and they know what they're doing with this one. Instead of showing one "real" side of the spice girls, they've shoved 50 years of stereotypical rubbish into one movie. You've got people trying to make a movie, a documentary, and the tabloids trying to break the girls apart, along with aliens, hot Italian models and random deja vus. All in one. So, cool off IMDb... if you don't take yourself too seriously and want to step back into the 90s for a good laugh, watch this.
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This Is It (2009)
Just "wow"
29 October 2009
Just finished watching "This Is It" over a half hour ago. I was just completely blown away. This movie got me emotional over how passionate MJ was about his work. The irony too, GEEZ. It really was it. I'm telling you now, if you don't see this film, and if you don't AT LEAST give it a 10/10 rating... you should be ashamed of yourself.

I won't give away the magic of the movie, but each song feels like it's own movie, and they're light years beyond your expectation yet have that original feel. Even though I *loved* every song that was sung, I'll choose Smooth Criminal as my favourite because I'm a sucker for old films (woops did I just say that?) That's all I'm going to say. SEE IT, SEE IT!! 2 weeks is more than enough time to drag your butts to the theatre to witness the most epic performance you'll EVER see in your lifetime. Peace out.
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10 Oscars for ripping off Romeo+Juliet?
26 November 2008
Why, why? I don't know...

I was all pumped up when I saw this movie was coming up in a few minutes. Then I saw it. So disappointed. Sure the time & setting is different, but it's basically all R+J. I can understand that the gang members would be a little preppy for a "gang member" of the 50s, but this was a bit much. And it was retarted how Maria & Tony fell in love.. just like that? I don't see the chemistry anyways.

Okay, this pretty much concludes my rant. Don't get offended y'all, then again.. most of you probably like the High School Musical series if you like this film. I like Rita Moreno's performance though. -Fin.
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