
7 Reviews
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2 January 2013
I cannot believe that only 2 viewers have commented (3 incl, me) on this incredible film. The acting is superb, the story is phenomenal and the sheer relentlessness of this film is a sight to behold. Stellan Skarsgård is so incredible an actor. He portrays Mr. Wallenberg excellently. The Eichmann character is only seen for seconds yet his presence is felt throughout the entire film. This I found to be very convincing. It is for shame that it hasn't had more acclaim, critical or otherwise. See it! Up there with any film relating to the Holocaust. It is unfortunately very hard to download from free sites and unless you speak Swedish you'll have a hard time understanding it unless it is seen with subtitles. You will not be disappointed.
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A Must See
28 September 2012
I have just written 25 emails telling all of my closest friends to see this movie. It is the greatest documentary I have ever seen. I am in a state of shock at how moving this film is. Enough cannot be said to anyone connected with this film. I bow to all of you. This man Kurt Gerron should be praised and honored in no way that has been done before. Although he might be looked at as collaborating with the Nazi's as one narrator has stated, anyone else in his position would have done the same in his shoes and whoever says they wouldn't is a liar! What it must have been like to be in that place I can only guess but whoever had to live through that period (if they did survive) I personally owe a debt of gratitude to for bringing to life this documentary. PLEASE SEE THIS FILM!
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Annie Hall (1977)
review #329
6 February 2011
I have never seen a movie reviewed more than this one. That fact alone should say it all but it doesn't. This is not a review as such but just some commentary. The first is that I haven't thought about the fact that there are reviews here from people who were not even born when this movie was made. Never thought about that. Hmmm, I was a grown up 21 when it came out. Since I was born and raised in Brooklyn and NYC and lived here my whole life, I had always felt that this was "my" movie. Woody was considered, in my era and age group, an alien being in the land of Hollywood. He WAS one of us. I felt threatened that he made a real "movie" when AH was released. I had always considered him an underground NY guy, so, no one was gonna take him away from us. This is the reason I felt threatened. My only consolation was that now the rest of the world would finally "see" what an amazingly gifted artist we had here. OK, enough. You get the point. Now on to other goodies. First and foremost, Tony Roberts. I love this guy. That they (Woody & Tony) called each other Max thruout the movie was to me, an inside joke because best friends usually did this. In my case, my best friend Frank and me (rob) called each other Dukey. Always! Still do 55 years later. TR is such a natural, gifted actor that it was not acting he did, it was living! His oneness with his characters were incredible. Never for one minute did I see any of the actors here acting! That is how great Woody Allen is. He brings it out of his actors. Their characters are living human beings! Diane Keaton nailed it. Not only her beauty, for which she is one of the prettiest, sexiest and most gorgeous creatures ever seen on screen, look at her today, hasn't lost a drop! This trio - WA, DK and TR, who worked together in Play It Again Sam, could have been a rock group they are so great!! The last point I'd like to make is that Woody's genius is that he can make inanimate, animate! Unreal - real, funny-sad and so on. What a gift to be living in the same era as these three. Nuf said.
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Nowhere Boy (2009)
2 February 2011
Everyone has and IS entitled to their own opinion. Mine is that this movie is AWESOME. Yes, there is some "hollywood" added here but all in all it is exceptional. The acting especially. Sure Lennon is the pretty boy here and Macca is a little dough boy but I can overlook these slight inaccuracies, after all, it is a movie, right? Why it is exceptional to me is that, A) it kept me in an upright position the entire time, and B) I was emotionally spent halfway thru (by credit time I was a wreck)and C) the acting by both women was amazing, although I give the edge to the Julia character because I absolutely fell in love with her! God, she is gorgeous! I am not a journalist, writer (obvious), editor, or in the arts so forgive my Brooklyneese street review, not to mention grammar. Just see this movie if you have any heart whatsoever.
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Awesome as usual
9 January 2011
My love for Woody Allen's genius as seen through his movies just keeps getting deeper and deeper. First off, the casting here is phenomenal, it just couldn't be better. I couldn't stand at least two of these actors before seeing them in this Woody film but now they rate, (in my book anyway), that being Ms. Pinto and Mr. Benedaras. The two elder British actresses here blew me away as did Naomi Watts as usual. Her beauty, capacity, and craft are just amazing. Not to mention Anthony Hopkins who is flawless thru-out. Also, I cannot help noticing how each new movie Woody Allen releases carries with it something from a previous one, be it a song, a concept or some colour, sort of like a musical concept album that all ties in somehow. It is so deep in fact, that I am starting to feel the effects of some kind of spiritual occult power that Woody Allen possesses. He is THAT good! At its base though is always an incredible innocent humor, the one quality that makes all the harsh ugly realities of life enjoyable and worth living. This film isn't anything new or unique but it is another piece of the jigsaw in one of the most beloved Director's valuable creative archive. Thank you Woody for giving us a reprieve in this abyss of suffering!!
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Totally Captivating!
20 December 2010
While I doubt anyone will read this, as I am the 154th reviewer, I am writing out of respect for this great film. I truly love this film and feel it is one of my favorites as is half of Woody's entire catalog. No one gives me greater joy than Woody Allen (as far as actors and directors go). This film is so awesome in every way, the soundtrack, the actors (helen hunt and dan abroad especially), the jokes, well, everything basically. I have watched this well over 50 times and I am not lying! That Woody was miscast is an absolute crime to even say. No one could have done it better. Every facial expression, muffed line and jokes that he says are to perfection. His boyish charm is so natural as is his acting. It is non acting actually because it transcends acting - it is him, his essence. Woody is the real thing my friends that is why he is so popular and so loved. I have even come to love his films that do not star himself because I finally realized that all the actors have become him in his films. He is the Beatles of comedy movies. Helen Hunt and he are excellent together! In this day and age there is no loyalty towards teams like in the 60s or 70s (just like sports nowadays). Tony Roberts and Woody were in my opinion one of the best teams and it is a shame that Helen Hunt couldn't team up more with Woody. It is so hard for me to watch Mia Farrow in his past movies now. I tend to just pass up all his Mia movies these days. She bores me to tears! If Woody would ever do a sequel this is the movie to have a part 2! Do not miss this one!
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the dentist
4 April 2009
The Noose Hangs High contains what I consider one of the funniest scenes ever in a A&C movie. Very early on Lou's toothache brings him to Dr.Richards the "painless dentist". The minute they walk into the office the patient from the next room lets out a scream and Lou is up and leaving. Abbot pulls him back and a woman exits the office with a bandage wrapped around her face. Lou gets up again and Abbott pulls him back again. Then the crazy doctor appears signaling for Lou. The next 5 minutes inside the office are amazing. The timing, sound effects, EVERYTHING is just incredible. These 5 minutes alone are worth the price of admission. Whenever I watch this scene time stops for me. This is what makes Lou Costello so enjoyable. Pure humor! The rest of the movie is classic A&C at their best. Trust me!!
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