
8 Reviews
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9 October 2004
I'm a big fan of Fred Astaire and loved the Fred Astaire musical pix. However, this movie I found a bit creepy because of the age difference between Astaire and Caron (he was 55, she was 24 in 1955). A fine romance? Or is this a musical version of "Lolita?" Yes, I know that there are lots of movies with older guy/younger woman, but because it was actually an issue discussed in the film's early scenes (with the Ambassador), it makes the relationship seem more odd. It seemed to me that the Astaire character was more of a wolf on the prowl, as opposed to a man in search of love. This movie would be great fodder for Women's Studies courses.

Other than that, the musical and dance numbers were great.
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SAFETY FIRST ! (spoilers)
8 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Hmmmmm. what did I get out of this movie? A lot of safety tips: beware of poorly insulated wiring; beware of steep hillsides; pay attention when you're driving...all these incidentals which got in the way of the characters' goals.

The most publicized aspect of this movie has been Lana Turner's looks. OK, but the real scene-stealer in this movie is the performance of Hume Cronyn as the defence attorney. If they had to make a sequel, he should be the lead character.

A superior noir film is Double Indemnity. Postman is so convoluted in the relationship between Turner and Garfield that it really lacks suspense. The ending of the movie was a big let-down, and predictable: so many movies of this era couldn't/wouldn't let the characters get away with their evil deeds. When watching movies, I am always dismayed at characters that look at each other in conversation while one them drives (a car). I'm always thinking, who does that in real life without getting into an accident. This movie answers that question.
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not good enough...(spoiler)
25 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was pretty good until the conclusion, which I thought was pretty lame. (It makes the Bobby's Dream from TV's Dallas sound so much more rational.) OK, it's only a movie and one must "suspend my disbelief", and this is a screwball comedy with a lot of zany antics from the start, but twins !? Did Preston Sturges write this?

There is a strong supporting cast which includes Rudy Vallee playing your atypical millionaire. My favorite performer was Mary Astor, whose character is totally different from her appearance in the "Maltese Falcon".

Worth watching, but let your imagination run wild by coming up with your own more plausible ending.
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Love Affair (1994)
wrong guy?
8 February 2004
I am a big fan of An Affair to Remember, so one couldn't help but make comparisons. I liked Love Affair, but think it could have been better if Pierce Brosnan had played the lead role instead of Warren Beatty. Otherwise, this is a pretty good remake.
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Martha Hyer is the reason I sat through this...
27 July 2003
Martha Hyer is the reason I sat through this movie. Her relationship with David Niven is much more interesting than that of June Allyson-David Niven. Ms. Hyer's acting was also very unstated, and convincing, unlike the Allyson character, which required a lot of over-acting.

As far as remakes go, this movie isn't bad.
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Excellent remake...
16 December 2002
Most remakes should not have been attempted. However, this movie has an excellent cast, and significant story-line differences from the classic 1947 version. This 1994 version is not better than the 1947 version, but just as good. This is a movie for today, with video-cams, cell-phones... If you want nostalgia, to see old New York, see the 1947 version.
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A Christmas Carol (1984 TV Movie)
The best film of Dicken's classic...
13 December 2002
This is the best film version of Dicken's classic tale. I've seen it over and over on VHS, and recently acquired the DVD version, which is formatted for TV (not wide-screen). What I find interesting about this teleplay is the cast of English actors who are now recognizable since many have appeared in other films/shows in North America since 1984. My biggest surprise is Edward Woodward, "the Equalizer", as the Ghost of Christmas Present.
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WWII Spaghetti-Western
10 November 2002
If you have absolutely nothing to do, or you need to critique a film as an academic exercise, try this one. I saw the USA version, with English dubbed in, out of sync with the lip-movements.

One can't help but notice the style of cinematography, music, editing and direction so much like the Clint Eastwood "spaghetti-westerns", or Hercules movies of the 1950's.

If you want to see a movie about the Battle of Britain, there are others that are better (e.g. "The Battle of Britain").
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