
4 Reviews
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Avoid this film if you can...
6 September 2009
I went out with some friends tonight and everyone wanted to see this movie, and it had been a long time since I saw a horror movie, so I thought it might be fun.

I saw the original "Final Destination" when I was younger and thought it was an interesting idea, and that movie was pretty well done. This movie, however, follows the EXACT same formula, in every way shape and form. No new plot devices are used, making this movie feel exhausted and uninteresting.

All the characters are incredibly cliché for a teen horror flick. The nice, protagonist couple, the bitchy friend and her sex crazed boyfriend, etc. Not to mention the completely unnecessary sex scene in the middle of the movie, which only was shown to make sure male viewers remained moderately interested in this poor excuse for a movie, I imagine? The 'horror'. Ohhh, they loved gore, alright. Too bad that the gore came off as laughable instead of scary. I honestly can say that I was never once grossed out by the excessive amount of blood they showed, no matter how much they tried. Every 'death' that occurred in this movie was so incredibly far-fetched that it was extremely difficult to take seriously.

In conclusion, I do not recommend this movie. If you look at this as a comedy instead of horror, you may enjoy it more. You also might enjoy it more if you get drunk first. However, seeing it sober as I did will be very painful, you have been warned.

*****SPOILERS***** Also, while there are many goofs in this movie I'm sure, I would like to add that this film contains a HUGE plot hole towards the end that made me want to rip my hair out. Water would NOT extinguish a chemical fire, it would only make it worse. I believe that this was taught in... elementary school? wtf.
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How the other half lives.
26 July 2009
I can't for the life of me understand why this movie is rated as highly as it is. Was it the worst movie I've ever seen? No. It was, however far from the best. I think this movie would be interesting to those who work in the film industry, an actor, director, etc. But to everyone else, this movie comes off as extremely pretentious and preachy. I felt like the basic message of the movie was "Hey, we actors lead really difficult lives, and you should feel bad for us." What this film forgets is that everyone has trials and tribulations, that's life. One of my favorite movies is "Lost in Translation", which also is about an actor unhappy with life. However the great thing about LIT is that the main character actually does other things besides moan and groan about how awful his life is. very funny, entertaining movie, unlike AP. Basically, my complaint about this movie is that there was an endless amount of unnecessary drama over problems in the character's lives, and the problems weren't even that bad in comparison to what some people go through. What's more, I found all the characters annoying and completely selfish. If you are able to relate to the characters, you may enjoy this movie, however I found it impossible. Not for me, I'm afraid.

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This movie makes coffee nervous...
2 July 2009
I can't believe that this movie is only rated 6.2! It's so sweet! The dialogue is brilliant, and all of the actors are spot on! Are there ever any moments of side splitting laughter? No. However I guarantee you that you'll have a happy smile on your face the whole time. It's the little things about this movie that make it so wonderful. the music, the descriptions of books, their emails, the New York scenery, the coffee, the dialogue, the sound of dial-up internet :) I could go on and on! I'd like to applaud the director for paying attention to such details.

also, if you're interested in music, this movie has a great soundtrack! wonderful music that helps the movie flow right along! Watch it! I know you'll love it!
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Clueless (1995)
Smarter than you would expect...
20 June 2009
Okay, so this is not exactly Jane Austen's Emma, but it never claims to be. To it's credit, it does maintain the wit and smarts of social satire that I think Jane Austen would smile at.

I actually LOVED this movie. In a world where actresses like Lindsay Lohan and Cameron Diaz are constantly being thrown in our faces, I really wonder how Alicia Silverstone never had a bigger career. She made a brilliant performance as Cher, and it was refreshing to see a movie's heroine actually be innocent and convincingly genuine. I loved how all the characters had redeeming qualities, and the whole message of the movie was surprisingly deep.

and not to mention mmmm the adorable Paul Rudd. 8/10
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