
79 Reviews
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Free Time (2023)
Don't Pay To See It
21 April 2024
The high rating encouraged me to go and take a couple of friends. I felt bad for having done that. The movie is just over an hour long and that was too long. The lead guy was good as he portrayed a guy you want to get away from but all i wanted to do was get away from him.

The worker in the coffee shop looked like Dani Harrison (George's son) so i was eager to look it up after the movie. He's not listed but no one is listed for that role on this site, as far as i can tell.

So, perhaps if the movie shows up on tv and you have nothing else to do, maybe watch it but don't make the same mistake i did by encouraging anyone else to watch it.
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Makes you think
24 December 2023
Kept me interested throughout. Brought me to consider things that I don't think I had before, or at least never put them together before. Found myself thinking that it might be a good idea to buy a gun and get training for said gun.

The story seemed believable most of the time. I liked how they depicted the children as real kids. The ending, though jarring, was perfect even though I would have liked seeing more.

This movie reminded me of that '70's film, Testament. Highly recommended if you've not seen it. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the moviemakers behind this movie were influenced by Testament.

Worth a watch but be prepared to be scared once it's over, kind of like that old Jane Fonda/Michael Douglas movie, The China Syndrome.
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Better than expected
27 November 2023
The reviews have been so bad I almost chose to not see it. One reviewer recommended to see it anyway so I thought I'd give it a chance. I ended up giving it a rating of 7 as I thought it was worth seeing. I think one reason I liked it more than others is because I was not completely taken by the first film. It seemed to me that the first film's audience was geared for young college kids who have not had a chance to think through huge issues. I have had the time to read and process such ideas over the years so the concepts the first film brought up was not mind blowing to me as many of the people who loved that film. Both were interesting diversions, nothing more. A rating of 7 is the first number in ratings here that I will allow myself to spend time watching so I thought that was an appropriate rating.

The ending opens up the story for a sequel. I wouldn't mind seeing that.
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Better than expected, but for the idiot plot points
22 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Because of the good reviews, I thought I'd take a chance on this. It was surprisingly entertaining except it seemed they couldn't find a way to turn the young Snow into a villain without an idiot plot point.

Everything made sense until he was sent into the ring to save his friend. He asked his superior to send in the "peacekeepers" but was told that the cameras were on and the public didn't want to see them in there. Then the young Snow was told that the cameras would be off when he went in to retrieve his friend so there would be no record of his entering the ring. After he went in, he killed one of the contestants out of seeming rage though, at that moment, he had more relief at safely retrieving his friend than anger so powerful that he could kill someone.

Those 2 idiot plot points allowed him to lie to his girlfriend and ultimately lead her to not trust him and leave him. Had he never killed that contestant, he would have not had an opportunity to lie to his girlfriend and they would have escaped to the north, free. There would never have been a grown up mean Snow, thus no future Hunger Games movies featuring Snow.

The other troublesome part was how, when the young lovers stumbled upon a cabin, how was it that the guns made it in there before they got there? And how did she know the guns were in there?

So, there were a few things that, i think had they cleaned them up, would have made for a really great movie. As it was, what they ended up with was a movie that was a better than expected sequel (that is a prequel.). So i gave it a rating of 6.
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Freakonomics (2010)
I Liked It
26 September 2023
Kind of surprising all the negative reviews. I was quite entertained and interested in what they had to say and show. I saw a number of people complain about the sumo wrestlers and found myself wondering if this kind of thing goes on in other sports too. I would bet it does, at the very least, in boxing. The other thing I want to say about the sumo wrestling part is that much of the time, the subtitles were unreadable. The lettering was in white, many times over a white background. I'm generally not bothered by subtitles but in such an instance, I would have preferred a direct verbal/audible translation to having to decipher white text over a white background.

The part about the drop in crime and legalization of abortion was, of course, a cautionary tale in these times of the overturning of roe v wade, leading to all sorts of implications with policing and profit center prisons.

I also enjoyed the part of the 9th graders and how difficult it is to motivate them out of their need for social affirmation. I found myself thinking that this may not have been enough for me when I was in high school, so what would be an answer?

I found the movie quite thought provoking. I have not read the book.
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A Study in Depression
2 September 2023
I had high hopes that this would really be worth seeing. It would be if you are up for a depression fest. I read that this movie was a big hit in China. I'm wondering why. The actors were great. Everything looked good. The overarching theme was sadness. Perhaps I was just not in the mood for that when I saw it.

Wish I could think of something else to say as I have 227 characters I have to fill. Now 196. Not sure why IMDb requires so much text. I know I prefer reading short and concise reviews.

Anyway, if you are in the mood to be sad, this would be a good one to go to. The last scenes broke my heart given how much time the lead character toiled over his new house.
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Unraveled (III) (2011)
Very interesting history lesson
17 August 2023
I'm not a lawyer but an observer of our political system. This is required viewing. This documentary gives a bird's eye view of how the rich keep getting away with huge financial crimes while only a handful get caught. Many more keep doing what they are doing because of the opportunity and lack of measures in place that keep them in check. All the while, they keep raking in huge profits on the backs of the rest of us. This documentary should be required viewing in every college level ethics class and in every high school social studies class. Very well done. I was kept on the edge of my seat throughout.
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For hallmark channel viewers
7 April 2023
This movie is as much a fantasy as Alien vs Predator. What it left me with was this is a movie for fans of harlequin romance but without the steamy sex. The movie was so unrealistic in every way as to be completely separated from any reality. The simpleton storyline has vast appeal as evidenced by the high ratings here and by the numbers of people who love the hallmark channel's smarmy movies.

I really wish IMDb did not require so much content for a review. I know I am happy to read a super brief review. But fill I must for 66 more characters.

So, if you love smarmy romantic fantasy, this is your movie.
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I had to apologize to my friend for dragging her to this
23 March 2023
I think I would have liked it more if it had made sense. So much of the film left me scratching my head and saying, huh? This is for people who enjoy indie films that make no sense. I used to go to them but no more.

All the actors were great and the film had a good look but none of that matters if the movie makes no sense. One example, the lead character is accompanied by someone who appears to be her boyfriend (though that is never explained) to a likely stressful dinner with her dad. She expressed gratitude for his support in coming with her early on. And though he was perfectly fine and supportive of her, on the cab ride home she looks him straight in the eyes and tells him something to the effect that she could drop him like a hot potato...twice! Too much of this sort of thing happens throughout.

I think movie reviewers liked this because it was "different" as they must be bored out of their minds with 99% of the movies they must endure. If you are not a professional movie reviewer, I bet you won't love it.
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Not sure how to rate it
9 March 2023
This movie is billed as a documentary and the movie is about a man going undercover as a spy at a nursing home. I would have thought that there would have had to be a hidden camera because the entire enterprise was to be a secret. I could not get that out of my mind as i was watching. How could he be a spy and the entire thing be a secret if there are cameras following him around? And how did they get permission to film all the nursing home residents? That had to be illegal. This has me so puzzled I can't give it a rating. I went to the wikipedia page hoping to get some insight, perhaps the film itself was not really a documentary but was instead a film based on the spy set up that may have occurred but that was never stated. So confused.
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Saint Frances (2019)
19 January 2023
I think the reason some folks did not like this was perhaps because the title might have led them to think the movie was going to be something that it was not, namely a traditionally religious one. I could see how a right wing pov would find this movie hard to take. That said, I was shocked by just how excellent it was, with few exceptions. I was sorry when it ended.

All of the actors were new to me and they all did a great job, especially the lead actress and little girl. The story was beautifully and truthfully told. Typically i don't watch films with lesbian themes so I would encourage people who do that also to take a chance on this one. This is an exceptionally good film. Highly recommend.
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Kind of worth watching
29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Bogs down in the middle but picks up when she meets the man she married. Certainly not a typical Hollywood story of a family, which is good. I began thinking this was really good until the very end. The last 5 minutes make no sense. Why does she decide to leave her lovely home and all of her supports and an important job to move into something that looks like it might have been a crack house?

All the actors are great. I just wish there had been some discussion regarding her decision to move to a new town where she did not know anyone. And her ex-husband, poor thing, seemed very remorseful yet she would not give an inch. Given her history, it seems she might have.
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Hit the Road (2021)
Omg So Boring!
19 August 2022
The only notable piece in the movie was the little boy. He was amazing if indeed he was following a script, but he was annoying af. I kept waiting for it to get better, to make some kind of sense. Finally I came to IMDb and read some reviews and saw that it just wasn't ever going to. I gave up about halfway through. Just way too boring.
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Shadow World (2016)
I surely would love to see a part two
23 June 2022
This is an eye opening documentary showing how far ranging and deep corruption has a stranglehold on our world at large. As it was made in 2016 and I saw it in 2022, I could not help but think what such a film would look like in 2022. And I wondered why it had not been nominated for an Oscar. I just happened upon it. I bet many people had never had an opportunity to even know of its existence. This kind of film needs to be promoted and supported. Highly recommended, if you can find it. Even though some of the players have changed, the game remains the same and I suspect has become far more significant. Catch it if you can.
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The Ending?
6 May 2022
The movie was ok, watchable, good stars but the ending? Seemed to ruin the whole thing. I wish someone would explain that to me and why they never tied up any loose ends. Had I to do it again, I would not have watched it, regardless of the actors, beautiful sets, etc. Disappointing.
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I wish I understood what was going on
26 April 2022
This show is so "good" that I am unable to follow what is going on, I was afraid of that as I had a similar experience with the wire. I figured that was because of some of the unfamiliar slang. I'm hanging in though as I did with the wire, hoping at some point I will have enough comprehension of what is going on that I can appreciate the good writing. I just wish it were not so darn hard to follow.
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Father Stu (2022)
Good thing the movie was based on a real person
14 April 2022
Truth is stranger than fiction. I enjoyed the film but wish there had been subtitles. Sometimes some of the characters mumbled so much that even though there were extreme close ups with no distractions, many times I was unable to understand what was being said. I began to wonder if there was something wrong with my ability to follow the movie until afterward when I went in the restroom, I heard everyone in there saying the same thing. Probably some of the problem might have had to do with unfamiliar slang but most of it was the way the words were enunciated. Don't let that stop you from seeing it though. It is still worth seeing.
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Jerrod Carmichael: Rothaniel (2022 TV Special)
His Best Standup
3 April 2022
I have watched all of his specials and was never impressed by any of them. It seemed to me his POV always had a mean streak in them, one that was unpleasant to watch. I decided to watch this one because of all the hype and was glad I did. His usual mean persona.was gone, replaced by an exposed and vulnerable person who was also funny and smart. I think all that meanness was the result of him hiding who he was. I'm glad he took the plunge and decided to finally tell the truth about himself. That is where his true funny will emerge. I expect great things from him now.
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Just Ok
24 March 2022
It was ok, nothing special. It did give a realistic sense of what winter in the far north looks and feels like. Might be a nice relief to watch in the dead of summer. Also gives an idea of the kinds of things young and adventurous people in their 20's do that can lead to a fatal outcome or new horizons. Everything looked good, realistic, and the actors were great, casting perfect. All that said, there is no reason to rush to the theater to see it. Watch it at home when it becomes available, or not.
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The Outfit (2022)
Fun and good until the last 10 minutes
23 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw it today and thoroughly enjoyed it, until the last 10 minutes. I came here hoping someone would explain the ending to me. Spoilers now: when the cutter gave mable the tape and told her to give it to her Fbi friend, telling her that it would explain everything that went on and who did what, this should have cleared him. And since all the bad guys were gone, he had no fear of retribution so why did he feel the need to burn down his shop and run away? My friend and I just looked at each other at the end, a good film ruined. No review I have read about this film addressed this.
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Flee (2021)
One of the best films i have seen in a long time!
30 January 2022
Generally not an animation fan but the use of animation here makes a lot of sense. Helps reduce the horror these people went through trying to stay alive. The story never faltered, i was on the edge of my seat the entire time.

Though the film is not political, I wish every maga person who is against immigration would see this. Seems to me it would warm even the hardest heart.

Excellent film. Hope it wins the Oscat.
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Limbo (VI) (2020)
Don't Go Thinking This Is In Any Way a Comedy
9 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The reviews I read before seeing this called this film charming and comedic. Short from the first scenes when a teacher is dancing, this film is grim, sad and has an unexplained death. The death scene did not even make sense except to add to the grimness and sense of hopelessness. All this with nothing going on for the duration.

Within the first 20 minutes I sensed I made a mistake going to see this. About 4 times during the movie I thought to leave, feeling it was not going to get any better. I should have followed my instincts.

I gave it 3 stars because the movie was technically ok.

If you are wanting to find yourself in an unremittingly grim situation for 2 hours, this is the film to see.
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Ammonite (2020)
The Ending?!
27 March 2021
I wish someone could explain the ending to me. Mary's outrage and coldness seemed to come from out of the blue. And at the very end, it was left with no resolution.

And i agree there was not much happening between the two until Ronan kissed her. That was unexpected as well. My only explanation for that was that Ronan's character's husband was so dismissive of his wife that anything would have been preferable, even stone faced Mary.

Mary's relationship with her mother was nonexistent. They lived in such close proximity it did not make sense that they had no connection.

I enjoyed the film nonetheless but the ending did put me off. I would have liked it a lot more, even with the aforementioned shortcomings, had they explored the ending in more detail.
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Like watching a train wreck in action
7 March 2021
Recently I was watching Andy Samberg's 2016 movie, Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping and it almost seemed predictive to this "supervillain." I kept thinking this guy needs to be on medication as he must surely be manic.

And in the last hour, showing his music sales decreasing, I found myself wondering how he will fare, even in the near future. Another hour should be made to continue the story, probably in about 5 or 10 years. I suspect he may end up in jail if he is not medicated. He may not even live that long.
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Started out Great, then...
28 January 2021
The ending made this film an "art house" film, unable to crossover to multiplexes, like other, more successful foreign films. It all made sense until the very end which perhaps if they had spent more time developing, might have worked. As it was, the ending just seemed to abruptly change course in an unexpected and violent way.

I would not recommend this film because of the undeveloped, in my opinion, ending.
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