
222 Reviews
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Where are the predators ?
14 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I give this a two is because of the two breasts that can be seen in the movie. Also for the scenes with the beautiful sea and the exotic fish.

Why is this called horror? Because is not, I don't see blood or something else too make it scary.

On the poster you can see sharks but not in the movie not even a fake one. Was too much effort to let us know who killed those peoples?
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This girl has lost her mind in a hotel?
8 May 2021
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Is this a soft version of 50 Shades of Grey? Because that is what i was thinking when i saw some of the scenes. Also the vibe when she was in the tunnel doesn't remind you of another movie?

It tries to be different from other movies with this kind of message but it doesn't bring something new or spectacular.

The nudity doesn't help the movie neither the story even if the character is asian he could not save the movie from what it is, a letdown.
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Jexi (2019)
Plug me unplug me
29 January 2020
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Imagination is the key for this movie but what makes it good is this idea of an app on the phone can control someone's life. If this would happen in real life the man would go to his girlfriend and says "i cheated you", "with who ?" , "with my phone". It's silly but a wake up call for those who spend too many hours in front of the cell and myself i have witness this, peoples are more concern on what is new on insta, FB etc. instead of paying attention on what's happening in the real world.

It a movie for teens not for old peoples and an eye opener also. So watch it without touching your phone and think what would you do if this happened to you.
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Child's Play (2019)
Modern version of a classic horror
9 October 2019
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Karen works as a seller in a toy shop. When an unhappy customer wants to refund a doll she decides to keep it and make it a present for his son. Soon the doll becomes some kind of a guardian for Andy and wants to kill everyone who thinks might be unwelcome in his house.

I don't remember the original version but this one is really bad because of the upgrades brought to the doll with the terminator eyes the voice and the references on 2pac witch was unnecessary, we were supposed to laugh on the scene or what? Also the cursing the fight between kids, verbal abuse to a child, that gore is in fact not horror but cringe worthy.

My opinion is that this remake is a total failure and it should not be made at all.
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Do not tell anyone
4 February 2019
Zoe is a teacher and she infiltrates in the nightclub where her sister worked who was found dead in order to discover more informations about her sister's death.

Despite the low rating I found the movie decent, actors did the best they could although they didn't win any Oscar prise in their career. Perhaps the last 20 minutes or so are boring but for one hours it kept me hooked.

I think there should make more movies like this so we can see the hard life and work girls do for money.
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Arizona (2018)
Dream city
19 December 2018
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A realtor witnesses the murder of her boss and now she is taken by the killer in order to prevent her telling to the police about what she saw. Now she must escape until she will suffer the same faith.

I wonder if Seth Roger is short on cash or someone questions his acting skills, appearing for only 2 minutes in the entire movie. Overall a decent film with a nice rhythm keeps you on the seat for the entire time. One negative part is the stupidity of the killer, he has the chance to finish his job instead he chooses to play eeny meeny miny moe, for the extension in rest is surprising, a nice surprise for me and for you if you will find and watch it.
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Will leave a mark
8 December 2018
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A father lives in the wild along with her daughter. Soon they are found by the police who says that they are not allowed to spend their lives out in the forest. Will now must find a way to protect her child but there are some obstacles that must be passed in order to do so.

This is not good movie despite it's rating. Real but boring, there is no drama no adventure no chemistry between the characters no nothing.

I've lost my interest for this film very fast and so you will too if you are looking for entertainment witch you wont find. The only thing that you can get is a big yawn.
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Death Wish (2018)
Doctor and a killer
6 December 2018
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This is another revenge type movie but with a wrong choice to play the main character. To see Bruce Willis learn how to shoot with a gun it's absolutely awkward. The pacing is not too boring but there 's not too much action only sequences end up with a horror element because Eli Roth directed many titles of this genre.

I think this will be the movie that you will like it and hate it at the same time because the result could have been better.
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Never watch this
29 August 2018
Rick and Anna are brought to an isolated forest filled with traps and they must survive the two mercenaries while playing a cat and mouse game.

Another good idea with a bad movie. For some unknown actors they did a good job on the screen, also at about 90 minutes runtime you have the feeling that the movie lasts for two hours mainly because of the same scenes with the same actors that are too long and boring.

You will feel from the start that you are about to watch a bad a movie and it might be good for you to quit after 5 minutes.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Perfect title, bad movie
15 June 2018
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Some of the most dangerous criminals are released from prison in order to help peoples from a dangerous entity. And that's all there is to say about the plot but the execution was horrible. The first hour is watchable and kinda entertaining but after boredom sets in. There is only a few action time in over 2 hours, about 15 minutes and it's not great at all.

There are many bad parts but the ones I notice are : batman appears for like 20 seconds and what is his purpose? Seems that he is in the wrong movie at the wrong time and at the wrong moment. Also what's with that parody of the joker? Looks creepy and cheap.

Overall more action less talking and it could have been much better.
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The Babysitter (I) (2017)
silly but funny
3 November 2017
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Let me start by saying that the kid doesn't need a nanny as you've seen in the movie. It's meant to be funny and it is but do not take it serious because this can only happen in a movie.

The plot is simple, Max discovers that his cute nanny is a cold blooded killer and now she and her friends need's his blood for a strange magic cult.

A fun watch if you want a good laugh or you are missing a comedy horror type, this will match for your tastes, but that's it, really there is nothing more to say about this only the part that the babysitter is beautiful and hope to see that actress in the future because here she made a good job.

In the end i'm surprised by the high rating because there are movie much better then this with a low rating and deserves a honest one, so that's not fair, but after all it depends on peoples type and of course the genre of the film you are watching. This one is only funny but not realistic.
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Blood Money (II) (2017)
Little blood no money
13 July 2017
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The movie revolves around a bunch of "thieves" who after a heist gone wrong they end up with a body in the truck of a car and now they must cover their tracks and get rig of the item stolen before the police catches them.

And that resumes all. i must be honest I hated this one. Why? the actors are very weak, with no talent whatsoever, the dialog is very poor, there is no action at all the whole movie takes place in a house. It's boring but luckily it's short so there is a chance that you will not fall asleep. Finally those teens doesn't seem that they can stole a bottle of juice from a supermarket and when you put that one of them is not able to handle a gun, i mean come on please is too unrealistic for me.

The result of a director with no skills and a group of actors with no experience is only one: a sleeping pill. Good night!
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Take it
18 December 2016
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As you can see the synopsis here is written in only one phrase. The movie lasts for almost two hours. For such a small subject the entire flick is too slow and boring. Yes the action is nice but why show the same scenes again and again? In lack of something else you deliver the same repeated action.

Seth Rogen is inappropriate for his role, he looks like a geek who doesn't belong there. The role of the spouse was better acted. Also the part of the lover was again weird, because the guy looks like he is gay. Of course there is some nudity in it but not in a vulgar way so that's good, you don't see this in other movies.

I remain to my point that is too long, it could be made easily in 70 or 80 minutes not 120. Give it a chance and I wish you good luck not too fall asleep.
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Robert (2015)
Robert the man
18 October 2016
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A couple is constrained to quit the services of their maid. She leaves the mansion but she left to their young son a doll called Robert. Soon weird things begin to happen such as writings on pictures or the mirror. Jenny suspects his son to be responsible for this but he tells him that the doll did it. Of course she doesn't believe him because at his age he can have a very rich imagination. But after more paranormal that will happen she starts to believe him. What can they do go get rid of this course that is befalling on them?

OK so first the whole movie is very strange and silly. Acting is very weak and also the dialogue, at some part you can guess what the character is going to say. Then there is the resemblance of the doll with Chucky and lastly like a said is very silly. After all it is just a doll. Two grown people can not face it? Really? Just burn it, dismantling it, bury it or put it in a box and send it oversea with the ship.

Do not watch it because you are more smarter then this film.
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Boost (2017)
11 June 2016
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I liked Danny Trejo performance in Planet Terror and Machete but after seeing Cyborg X and this one, I don't understand why he chooses to star in bad movies. Here Jimmy, a car thief must struggle to stay alive after a job went wrong and he was forced to kill an important mobster.

The story is simple but the way is portrayed in the movie make it incomprehensible. Is like the director could not manage to keep a nice flow and stumble on the way. Also there is the acting who wasn't so convincing, is like the actors we're bored on the set.

Conclusion, this is the result from an inexperienced director and some unknown actors, a big mess. If you watch this and you don't turn it off after 40 minutes, then you are a very patience man. Good luck!
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Blind Dating (2006)
Love is blind
27 May 2016
The movie focuses on a blind man called Danny who tries to find a soul mate via his brother Larry. The few dates that he have proves to be unsuccessful because he has the bad luck to met only easy women but he is in search for the real love. Will he find her having in mind his flaw? Will a girl be able to accept him as he is?

I fancy this film only because on Chris Pine. He shows his acting skills by playing a blind guy and that's not an easy job. Here he demonstrates to all that he is a talented actor. Although I'm mad of the director for the scene where he tries a bunch on condoms and says they not fit. Are we really supposed to expect that he doesn't know that a condom must be put on a fully erect penis? Even a 16 years old knows that. He maybe be blind but not that silly. Why ruin the character for such a thing? In rest it was all OK.
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Simon Pegg little piece of art
16 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A man lives isolated in his house because he has many phobias that prevent his from leaving his apartment. But he is now forced to conquer his fear and go to a launderette to wash his dirty clothes and by mistake he is confused with a killer and a maniac cop takes him and a girl prisoner in a basement. Now he must use his talent as a writer to get away with life from the hands of a madman.

When you see a movie with Simon Pegg in the main role you normally expect for a comedy but I merely smile a couple of time during the film and only for the small black humor in it.

It has a weird vibe in it also the character situations are strange, also his messy look, in fact the whole thing is just creepy and unique.

For his performance SP deserves a price for showing his talent not only as a comedy actor and he proves that he is able to play a more challenging part; and he truly did a good job.
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Heatstroke (2013)
Can you feel the heat?
16 May 2016
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Paul takes his young daughter and mistress to a wild adventure in the desert to see the surroundings and observe different animal behavior. For some reason they must separate from Tally in order to reunite again later but Paul falls as a prey to a sort of hunters who he sees them taking the fangs from a rhinoceros. Fortunately Josie escapes unharmed and she is found by Tally but now the two must run from those who hunt them.

Well, it was a good way to spend an hour and a half although the story is quite sad. I still like it and having in mind that it doesn't contain violence to the animals, is bearable. The action is little is more like a cat and mouse type we see more running then action scenes, maybe this is the reason for the low rating, oh, and yes the little girl is annoying but hey, she is just a teen in our days so she didn't make a mistake. So for an sad adventure tale or for the melancholic type of audience this one is just fine.
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Girl in search of popularity
12 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A young and cute teen girl wants to become a woman and will do anything to achieve it even betray her best friend who is unattractive. She wants to stay with the cool girl in her high-school but this does not come for free and she must provide alcohol for them and the party or give them hall-passes. in the mean time her mother struggles at her workplace and face the stress that she has every day being a waitress at a restaurant with impatient and demanding customers. She also has a secret adventure with the man for witch she works as a maid.

An medium drama I would say, the film is quite frustrating at one time and becomes modest but I manage to see it without interruptions. It is good for a drama but for the story is just ordinary, I have seen this kind mother-daughter relationship in other movies. So view it if you want to fill your time in one afternoon specially if it rains outside, then the movie becomes more bearable.
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hope that will be another Mimzy
12 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Two small kids begin to have supernatural powers such as telekinesis, understand and communicate with insects, after discover a strange item on the beach. Soon they will discover other toys but their safety and those around them it is disturbed because somebody from another world has something to say through a plush toy.

This film reminded me of The Whispers, seeing a little girl talking to some kind of alien form, my thoughts went to that show. Here the story is good maybe it expands to slow but still the movie is not boring.

I liked the great acting from the two unknown small children, I could say that they made a much better job then the adults. Still it has some mystery that may not make any sense for the kids with the same age as those portrayed in the film. So watch it yourself but do not show it to you kid because it is too hard for him to understand what is going on.
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Paper Man (2009)
it will not deliver paper
3 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A writer with no inspiration and no friends starts a friendly relationship with a local girl. He asks her if she could come to his house and be a babysitter but it seems there is no baby to look out for. Although her charges are expensive the writer is willing to pay her for the provided services. Once in a while her wife passes by and misunderstands her relation with the young girl and soon the two begins to argue.

So the movie is humble, the type that doesn't reach anywhere. Lack of variety in locations, characters or the story witch don't develop make it a little boring at a time. Also the mains character imaginary superhero friend removes the film seriousness, I mean this can happen only if you are a child but seeing him on his kid bike and spending so much time among teens does not fall far from the truth.

Final words it's watchable for those who don't mind to watch the same scenario all over again and they do not have any new expectations from it.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
Nothing under the skin
3 May 2016
I found out about this movie after watching a few clips on YT and I said to give it a try. What a big mistake! I don't know what's the whole fuss about this film. It is so boring that after seeing 40 minutes I fall asleep. It was also half past ten in the night when I begin to watch so it was a bad choice to make.

Starts from a good idea but the way it is made make it painful to watch, with slow and long sequences that will irritate those without patience.

Perhaps it could be more suitable for the fans of weird SF such as X- Files but for me it was just boring. Sorry.
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A Thousand Words (I) (2012)
Tree of life
28 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Eddie Murphy plays the role of a man who one day discovers that a tree has appear in his front yard and with each word he says, a leaf will fall down from the tree and if all falls he will die. Now he must find a way to stop this process in order to save his life and marriage but this could be a problem because he has to explain this bizarre event without speaking and it is hard to do it using words and be understood, so how to do this like a mute and not be considered a crazy man?

For me this was an enjoyable film because it came with something different then other comedy movies although this wasn't really a funny one, I don't remember me laugh till I can't stop, but more like a drama about love and self-knowledge. Dialog was not cheesy, idea is smart and the movie is nice, it can light up your after-noon like it did to me.
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21 April 2016
For a comedy the story is proper but the problem is that the movie is too long and too boring, it could have been made half an hour shorter and you still didn't miss a thing. With only this main idea to stretch the picture for almost twp hours is too much.

Then there is the acting. Adam Sandler with all his talent seemed to be dim in this role, I guess he was not 100% satisfied with the part that he had to act. Plus there is this orientation that will be mixed for the main characters and can be confused for some viewers so clearly is not for anyone. Too bad for the silly idea portrayed and the long runtime, with a different concept it could have been something much more watchable specially with that good cast.
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What If (I) (2013)
Maybe the L word
18 April 2016
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The story of two teens who meets and become lovers after many dates in witch they found out more things about each other. Even though the girl has a boyfriend this will not stop them to end up together.

The movie was OK though is foreseeable even from the first 15 minutes. There are many romance film just like this one but unfortunately it's doesn't came with something new to this genre, the content is just filled and the best part is the ending or when the main characters kiss for the first time.

Zoe Kazan is cute and a good choice to play the girl who you will end up falling in love. Daniel Radcliffe is adequate but still with an American actor would have help in the compatibility between the two, although we all used to him being the little wizard now he is more mature and manage to make a role of an adult.

So the film is watchable, like I said nothing new here but for the fans of the romance and of the actors will be just fine.
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