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Grey's Anatomy: I Walk the Line (2019)
Season 15, Episode 13
How long is a human pregnancy, anyway?
16 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When Owen went to see Teddy in Germany, it was snowing. The show aired in March, 2018. Here we are in February of 2019, and she is still pregnant. This is supposed to be a medical show, and yet no one seems to find this to be even remarkable. Poor writing. She should have had that baby by New Year's Day. They stretched Meredith's last pregnancy out - well before Easter to January something, making it somewhat unbelievable. But this is going much further in the lack of believability department.
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Grey's Anatomy: Shelter From the Storm (2019)
Season 15, Episode 9
Maggie unbelievable as chief of anything
15 November 2020
Maggie is supposed to be a medical doctor who can't keep other people's secrets. Most unbelievable characterization of the whole series. Doctors are trained to keep secrets and are usually very good at it. Maggie has never been able to. Always makes it about her, anyway, no matter who is involved. It is hard to believe anyone like that would be chosen to be chief of any kind of surgery. Too emotionally immature.
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Grey's Anatomy: Blowin' in the Wind (2018)
Season 15, Episode 8
worst relationship of whole series!
15 November 2020
Nico and Glasses are the worst relationship of the whole series. It is impossible to care for either of them. Glasses is just too much of a non-romantic nerd, (besides being a surgeon who gets upset by the sight of blood being totally unbelievable) and Nico is simply an awful person. Hard to like. Also a terrible actor. Then there's Maggie - totally self-absorbed. Unable to empathize with anyone who sees things differently than she does. Incredibly immature and unlikable. Just because she's smart and talented as a surgeon, it is hard to believe anyone would name someone as immature as she is as chief of anything. Has been since she started on the show. Just the fact that she blurted out to anyone who would listen who her birth mom was in totally inappropriate circumstances was unbelievable. Then was mad at Richard for not telling her on the spot that he was her father. Poor guy wasn't even allowed a chance to process the news. Then her reaction to her mother when mother got ill. Couldn't even listen to problem, just judged without knowing what was going on. Typical Maggie. Always judging others for what she perceives to be their failings. Needs to look in the mirror.
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Grey's Anatomy: Only Mama Knows (2014)
Season 11, Episode 4
Beginning of the downhill spiral
12 October 2020
The introduction of Maggie Pierce to the cast was the beginning of the downhill spiral of this show. Maggie as head of any department is so patently absurd, as she is not only very young, she is remarkably immature socially, unable to keep her emotions to herself and reacts in inappropriate ways in innapropriate situations in front of patients and colleagues whom she hardly knows. Her inability to feel that her existence could be a shock to a man who had no idea she existed is also absurd. She is selfish and self-absorbed. And this is still going on in season 16.
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5 December 2018
I decided to give this a look because of the other reviews. So I decided to do my own - someone has to tell the truth here. This is absolutely unwatchable! The acting is poor, the story has been told often and so much better than this, etc. I had to turn it off after 20 minutes. Not cute, not cheesy, not sweet and romantic, just plain bad and boring. Save your time and watch "It's a wonderful Life" of "The Bishop's Wife" again. Or for really enjoyable cheesy, there's always "It happened on Fifth Avenue".
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Great acting without a script.
7 February 2018
This is a thoroughly boring and meaningless story. Great acting from all 3 main characters. But they are remarkably selfish and unlikable characters, each in their own way. The dressmaking is boring, there is almost no story line to speak of. At the end, one asks why - why did anyone bother to make such a beautiful movie with absolutely nothing worth watching except nice sets and some great actors doing nothing but being boring and unpleasant, albeit it very well. If you are interested in dressmaking and fashion, watch a movie about Coco Chanel, or even "The Devil wears Prada". At least you will be entertained. If you want to see interesting fashions from the 50s, watch "The Crown". This movie is a waste of good acing and time. I give it 4 stars because of the cast, but otherwise it's not worth more than a 2 for beautiful sets.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
At a loss for words!
28 January 2017
Can't be any spoilers here, I couldn't watch it long enough to tell anyone what happens. I am at a loss here. I read the reviews and it is remarkable to see that people either hated this film and referred to it as a snooze-fest, or praised all the nuances from Amy Adams' acting to the musical score, to the message for humanity. Reminds me of the hype (I was a teenager at the time) for 2001 A Space Odyssey. I saw that and would have left after 20 minutes, but the friend I was with kept saying, no, let's wait, something has to happen soon. What a waste of time! I have never been so bored sitting through a movie. These days I don't have to - I can watch a lot on the internet and turn it off, or try again if I want to. This movie compares to 2001 - at least the first 45 minutes. I couldn't get past that, although I did try. Listening to Amy Adams hyperventilate in a dark tunnel for 10 minutes (at least it seemed that long) was like watching the spaceship from all angles just floating in space for what seemed like an eternity in 2001. I am not a fan of action movies, but total lack of anything is the opposite extreme, and just as bad. People loved to say I just didn't understand it. But who cares? It's like watching a mediocre golf match. It may be a pleasure to play and enjoy the weather, but not to watch unless you are in love with one of the players. Same here. Not a pleasure. A waste of film, time, actors, and anything else used to make the film. But then, that seems to be in these days. Don't get me started on LaLaLand . . . 'How do these movies get nominated for best picture?
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Wild Oats (2016)
great start fizzles out
5 October 2016
I was so happy to see a movie with such a fantastic cast of old people - I especially love Shirley MacLain and Billy Connolly, and the rest of the cast was also good. However, the script went from mediocre to really bad, the plot was worse, and the whole thing nose-dived in the second half. Which is a shame, it had such potential. No wonder it never opened in the theaters. I wish they would redo it, write a decent plot with an improved script, and re-release it next year. They would only have to do the second half. The movie starts out with MacLain and Lange at the funeral of MacLain's husband. It goes on to show the widow receive a falsely made out check from his life insurance. One of the best scenes in the whole movie is her calling the insurance company to try to straighten out the mistake. Then the story already starts to go downhill. Why doesn't she just deposit the check without worrying about being arrested? Or just send it back and ask for a correct one with a payment of $50,000 instead of 5 million? Everything is overdone with no reason behind it. And it just gets steadily worse with very little good stuff in between. It is not even worth watching for the actors, as the script is abominable.
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Best acting imaginable
1 September 2016
It is always a pleasure to watch, and in this case especially, to listen to Meryl Streep. And, as much as I enjoy Hugh Grant, I never realized before what a talent he has when he is not being type-cast as the same character as always. Simon Helberg, as all have said, is able to keep up with both of them - not an easy feat. Streep's ability to sing as comically as she does and with so much power is phenomenal. It is hard to imagine another actress being able to achieve what she has done here. Hugh Grant is eloquent and moving in portraying Bayfield's love for this clearly amazing lady. And Simon Helberg's piano playing keeps up with Streep's remarkable singing every second. It is probably the best ensemble acting of any film I have ever seen.

This is in no way a comedy, just as it is not a musical! The story as a whole has some remarkably funny parts - it is hard not to laugh at her singing and performing the way she does, and this is well presented during the Carnegie Hall performance. But the story in itself is more sad than funny, and the superb acting of the 3 principles lets us feel their emotions. You understand why FFJ was loved by the men in her life, as ridiculous as she was.

The costumes and scenery enhance the film, as do the supporting actors, and there is nothing not worth seeing and hearing in the whole film.

For me, the big problem with the film is the historical inaccuracy of the story which was totally unnecessary. It would have been better, I believe, to show the development of the relationship with McMoon, rather than making up a silly audition scene, for example, especially as he played such an important role in her life.

I give the acting a 10 out of 10, but the script detracts from the whole, making it 9/10. Absolutely worth the watch.
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Elvis & Nixon (2016)
snooze fest
31 July 2016
It would be hard to write any spoilers for this film, it was spoiled in the making. There is no plot to give away.

If you have been suffering from insomnia, this is a film to help you cure it. Kevin Spacey as Nixon is really fun to watch, but we only see a little of that. It makes one wish that someone would make a movie about Nixon during the Watergate period - sort of like "All the President's Men" but showing some of it from Nixon's point of view, with Spacey playing Nixon. That would be fantastic. But he is wasted in this film.

It is hard to believe that Elvis was really so boring in real life as he appears in this film. Not a minute of anything even remotely interesting in this characterization of him. No singing, no performing, just monotone lunacy and phenomenal self-absorption.

Colin Hanks is entertaining in his role, reminds one more and more of his father. Maybe he could get some better roles in a better movie to show some of his talent.

I give the film 3 points: 2 for Spacey's excellent portrayal of Nixon and 1 for Colin Hanks. But the rest of the movie is so bad that it is not worth watching just to catch the few minutes of Spacey's Nixon, as the rest is so bad that it ruins anything worth watching.
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Parkland (2013)
Well-acted, poorly put together
30 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was pretty good - as much as any one actor had a chance to do so. But I am amazed that not one review points out how incredibly one-sided this movie is. The clearest evidence that Oswald could not have been the lone-shooter as claimed was the Zapruder film, which is an important part of this movie. But it is never shown in the movie. Also, that Oswald was already publicly announced as Kennedy's assassin within one hour of the shooting was, and still is, outrageous. Yet how anyone came to this conclusion is not even touched upon in the film. Not one single scene from the search at the TSBD, nothing until Oswald was already in custody. And how and who decided to remove the body from the hospital before an autopsy is not even touched upon, just the short heated exchange between the coroner and the Secret Service. If the film simply showed what happened in the hospital, that would be one aspect of the story. But here many other aspects are shown, and an incredible amount of detail remains not shown or even touched upon. The film has some interesting aspects, a side not shown before. But the story telling is just plain poor, leaving too many questions unanswered. They showed Oswald being shot, but nothing about what happened after, except the ER scene. OK, but then why all the stuff about the FBI and the burning of the file? Again, very selective in what is shown and not shown. I give the film 5/10 because I like the style of it and the acting. But the story itself is really poorly portrayed.
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San Andreas (2015)
terrible waste of time!
26 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you want to see a good disaster movie, watch The Towering Inferno. Great acting and suspense and special effects, even though it's over 40 years old. "San Andreas" pales in comparison. The acting is mostly terrible, a cheap TV quality, with the one strong exception of Paul Giamatti and Archie Panjabi. The science and geology were interesting, would have been nice to see more of that (and Giamatti) and less of the incredibly unrealistic collapse of San Francisco and rescue. Then there were the hinted at effects of the quake on the rest of the world, but nothing more was shown. And what exactly happened in LA? The only story here was that of one family, and it was so uninteresting and too simply explained and solved. What a waste of effort!
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don't waste your time or money!
16 January 2015
I have tried twice, but just can't get through this movie. I am not a prude, and occasionally use the "f" word, but when f*** is used several times in a sentence as the same adjective for all the nouns, then I find it boring and offensive - it offends my love of beautiful language. I also have trouble believing that a whole Broadway theater audience wouldn't object to all those "G-Damns". Really? And we are supposed to take the actor seriously because he is doing something other than a Birdman movie?

This movie is full of great actors doing a good job at performing a terrible, boring, and offensive script. It is hard to identify what a spoiler could be for this movie, as it is already spoiled in the first half hour. I love "artsy" movies, enjoy drama, romance, some comedy, biography, almost anything but horror films and cartoons if they are well done. This movie is well-acted, but even the acting could not hold me till the end of this irritating drivel.
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Christmas Under Wraps (2014 TV Movie)
poor entertainment
12 December 2014
Well, it is harmless, sort of. I haven't even watched it to the end yet, but can't seem to get interested. First of all, the mistakes are so glaring that it hurts. There's snow everywhere, and people talk about it being cold - it is Alaska after all, and December. But it is always sunny, even at 6:30 in the morning, when the rest of the northern hemisphere is still dark, and they talk a lot about the need for warm clothes, but people walk around with their jackets open and no hats on their heads. There is nothing realistic here. Even the daddy doctor trying to arrange for his daughter's fellowship. There are so many good applicants for those things, daddy pulling strings just doesn't do it these days. And let's not forget the "hospital fellowship" that she thinks she's getting. in order for a fantasy to seem possible, the basics need to be believable in order for the rest to seem fantastic. Here, the lack of realism in the daily details is just so blatant, that it takes the fun out if it.
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One of the most boring films of all time!
21 September 2014
When I first saw this film in the theater in the season it came out, I couldn't believe how boring it was nor understand why it was such a hit. My opinion has not changed. I kept saying to the friend I was with "Let's go!" She just kept answering that something had to happen soon. After 25 minutes of watching apes jump around, it didn't matter what happened next. Not to mention the 10 minutes of space ship inspection, and that was just the outside. The movie had a message, which I do understand, but it didn't make up for the incredible monotony of the film. When something did happen, it was so minimal in comparison to the whole film that I couldn't even get interested. This is a film without any character to get interested in or like, no followable storyline, just a ho-hum message. Some good music, but I could hear better on the radio on NPR most Sunday mornings. If you want to be mind-numbed, go for it.
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Julie & Julia (2009)
Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci - fantastic chemistry
7 September 2014
First let me clarify my rating: the Julia Child parts of this movie are a 9.5 out of 10. The Julie parts are maybe a 3 out of 10. Meryl Streep is better as Julia Child than Julia Child herself. As always, she is a pleasure to watch. So is Stanley Tucci. They are magnificent together, I can't get enough of them - sort of like the food made from Julia's recipes. Unfortunately, the story that inspired the film, that of Julie, is uninspiring and boring. Amy Adams is not my favorite actress, but she has been a lot better than this. This is definitely not one of Nora Ephron's better efforts. But maybe that is because she is trying too hard to make an uninteresting story (Julie's) into something it is not. The movie is worth watching just to see Meryl Streep being brilliant, as always. It is best on DVD, where you can choose the chapters and skip the modern scenes.
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A waste of talent all around
19 February 2013
I was very much looking forward to seeing this movie because of the stars and supporting roles, as well. I was heartily disappointed. I like Gerard Butler, and enjoyed him in the movie, but the movie was incredibly slow even for me, someone who is not into action movies. But there was too little here. Too many talented women making fools of themselves, and Dennis Quaid was thoroughly wasted as a philandering husband jealous of his wife. Outside of the main characters, all of the roles were flat and without much personality. Butler isn't the only actor who made a mistake to accept this script. Butler and Biel were the only ones with anything to work with, and they did their best, but the script was simply a failure. This was not even good enough for TV, let alone a motion picture. Save your time and money and watch something else! This is one case in which the critics were right. No wonder this was a box office flop.
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