
66 Reviews
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20 May 2024
I wanted to review this film and then read the first reviewer's comments...they expressed exactly what I was planning to write: This is a thriller that doesn't generate any thrills.

It's also a whodunit that simply isn't that interesting because it's fairly obvious who IS NOT the killer and the film only comes up with one other possible option. I feel like this could have been a 1hr bottom of the bill picture and fared just as well. The acting is good and dialogue is fine, but not much happens in 100 minutes.

I managed to purchase a pristine print with excellent subtitles because I could not find it anywhere else -- not sure if it was woth it.
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Starts out well, but sinks
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of the film is quite compelling, but once the audience knows what's going on (or ever a bit before), it seriously tanks.

Although I've read a bunch of critics' reviews applauding Colbert's performance, I'd disagree and say it's not one of her best. A bit over the top and simply not a performance you want to embrace. I'm not sure how else to put's sometimes annoying.

There are other issues - in both the courtroom and the hospital, Ryan does not seem to show concern for Colbert. He doesn't react like someone who is in love. He doesnt react - just walks away.

The doctor writes off Colbert within 2 seconds - she's crazy. Well, it's 1950....

How Colbert escapes from the hospital is never touched upon....and the ending is just ridiculous.
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Downbeat and flawed
21 February 2024
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The Money Trap could have been made 10+ years prior. One of the last film noirs...before the neo-noir film buffs probably know. Glenn Ford is typically sturdy and Rita Hayworth is quite effective. I'm not sure if she tried to de-glamorize herself, but it definitely works. On the other hand, Elke Sommer is simply not much of an actress. Weirdly, noir veteran Ted DeCorsia, in a small role, doesn't even get credited.

Black & White works well i the film and there are some nice looking scenes. Unfortunately, I had a hard time with the robbery though. Why doesn't Glenn Ford use the combination to the safe?? Instead of blowing it up (maybe I missed something). They just assumed they would walk in and be able to take care of Matthews? The shooting scene - so many shots at close range, but only one person hit? Matthews was on the ground. I figured he was dead, but he pops up soon after looking quite healthy.

Worth seeing if you're a noir fan.
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Cheapness shows, but maybe worth a look
20 February 2024
Directed and scripted by Wolf Rilla, who later came into his own with Village of the Damned. He clearly has not mastered either directing or writing at this point. Scenes are awkward and the script....well, the script. Rilla often has a character repeat the same line or idea multiple times. You never really see this in a film and it came off as amateurish at first. When i thought about it, it actually was quite realistic. That's how folks often speak "in real life". Now, was it planned? Who knows? Regardless, it's interesting.

The acting is questionable as well. Marilyn's maid (who appears to be in love with Marilyn) never raises her voice. It comes off as a bit does Tom's acting. Again, I'm not sure what to make of it.

If you're a big noir fan, it's worth a look. Otherwise, pass.
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The Long Wait (1954)
Worth it for 5 minutes? No....
20 February 2024
An extremely tedious noir that goes on waaaaaay too long for it's own good. Those familiar with Spillane's novels know what to expect. A lot of machismo, women falling at the lead's feet. The only thing missing is an anti Communist rant. There were so many "blondes" in the film, I couldn't keep track. Quinn manhandled and kissed woman after woman - in apartments, department stores, wherever. It got very silly.

To be honest, the film started fairly well. About 20 minutes in though, the tedium set in. Anthony Quinn is quite good, but some of the actors can't pull their weight.

The only saving grace is a wild 5 minute expressionistic scene towards the end of the film. Not enough to recommend the picture though....
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Obscure nugget
13 February 2024
Wonderful sci-fi thriller that managed to slip past me for too many years. An interesting story with interesting little details that keep you locked in...and keep you guessing. Some exciting camerawork as well. Performances are good throughout with "the Major" being a standout. The friendship between the two male leads, Davidson and Lancaster, is a little off. Lancaster is more than a bit of an ass, but maybe I can chalk that up to the time and place the film was made. Sure, the main premise is old fashioned sci-fi nonsense, but if you've stumbled onto this came here knowing what to expect. Recommended.
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Bad Company (1931)
20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Repeating what everyone else has said - R Cortez's (Goldie) performance, dialogue, etc is great. There are some fantastic scenes and interesting camerawork. Unfortunately, there are so many problems with the film:

It's hard to believe that Helen has no idea that she has just married into a crime family - on both sides!! Part of the reason is that Steve and Helen get very little screen time leading up to their marriage - and afterwards when Goldie somehow gets them to live in an apt that he purchases for them. It's all very strange. "I am a gangster" - that scene is just sooo bad.

If you're a pre-code fan, I suppose it's worth seeing - but don't expect to be blown away.
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Better than you think
4 January 2024
Maybe it's only a 5/10, but the reviewers that give it a 3/10 don't know what a bad movie is. George Macready's performance is excellent. John Doucette is an absolutely disgusting creep! The rest of the cast is serviceable.

Macready is given (or made up) some interesting dialogue for a low budget feature. His line "what makes a man the way his is" is pretty powerful - he really delivers it. Look, this is a low B could be a lot worse! If you're a fan of of 50s westerns - it is certainly worth your time.

The plot fairly typical, but there are some twists can keep it interesting. Give it a try.....
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Shockingly bad
22 December 2023
I don't really know where to start with Night Without Sleep. I began with thinking I'd give it 5 stars, but worked my way down to three. Maybe it deserves a four, but I was so bored with this film I stood my ground.

On the positive side, it starts out fairly well. And the ending is quite downbeat...qualifying it as a bonafide film noir (although it tries very hard to extricate itself from that description by turning into a melodrama). The cast is impressive and the Roy Baker directed many fine films.

On the flip side: It is a total bore. It's not that the script is amateurish, but it is very uninteresting at best. 77 minutes feels like eternity. Gary Merrill endlessly talks to himself - out loud and in his brain - and to his dog(!). Overall, the acting does nothing to save the film. There is some typical (for the era) psycho-babble and a racist line (delivered by Merrill).

Apparently, this was filmed in 3 weeks. That probably didn't help, but it doesn't feel like a bad B film. It feels worse.
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Not Elliot's best
11 December 2023
The Last Bandit is a pretty standard western that feels a lot longer than its running time. Bill Elliot did better in the 50s in his Allied Artists and Monogram westerns with Thomas Carr and Lewis Collins directing. Some of those westerns were a bit more complex....or had better dialogue...and better direction.

The cast is very good and the acting is certainly not an issue. If you like action, there is enough to keep you satisfied. I just never really cared about the proceedings.

Joe Cane directed soooo many films - and he did them quickly and efficiently - but this one never really goes anywhere interesting.
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Slow and steady
3 December 2023
A dour, offbeat western with some good acting and some not so good acting. A seasoned director and a slightly larger budget might have made this really click. Still, if you like 50s B westerns, it's worth seeing.

A favorite scene of mine goes directly to the low budget of the film and the offbeat quality of the film. When Edgar Buchanan is thrown out of the bar across the the wood platform and onto the dirt street, we hear breaking glass as a sound effect! But then....he continues to grab his arm (the assumption is that is was hurt when he was thrown onto the street). I liked that. Very realistic. Something you almost never see in an old low budget film.
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Actors #2
18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm in agreement with the last reviewer who essentially said that the acting (via the dialogue) is what you are left remembering most in the film.

The story is presented in a somewhat unique way (flashback), but it gets a little tired after a while. I had a hard time believing that Michele Morgan's character, Madeleine, was in love with Daniel - perhaps that's the point? She really didn't love him?? The fact that Gabin's infidelity is essentially glossed over was problematic.

I know it's 1952, but still. I did like the was the Gabin/Morgan relationship was presented. Not at all perfect, but still love...and still salvageable.

Finally, Madeleine's reaction to the Daniel death left me cold. She HAD to be more shocked and upset. #1 because of their closeness and #2 because she would have thought she was the cause of it.
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31 October 2023
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This is the first Hossein directed film I've seen...and I'd say I was disappointed. I'd like to see some of his other films to decide whether I think he is the "auteur" that some claim he is.

When describing this film to someone, I said "it's a bit silly". Calling this a masterpiece, noir, etc is also a bit silly.

First, you have to believe that Pierre cannot see or remember the woman he slept with. The film plays unfair with the audience showing Eva combing her hair like Helene (why??). Eva gives up way too easily...and then just leaves?! And Helene - she goes out and sex with men every so often? Really? Pierre takes over the shop -- why would that happen? It's all just too much to be taken seriously. Hence...a bit silly. It's moderately entertaining and moves along well, but I understand why Hossein was often dissed by critics and filmmakers.
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Problematic central performance
25 October 2023
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I am in agreement with the one review entitled "who cares?". Dany Carrel's performance as the amnesiac was tough to take. The little girl voice and the bewilderment just go on and on and on. On the other hand, her performances as Do and Mi pre-amnesia are fine.

Visually it's solid (some interesting camera work) and the story itself is not totally derivative, but that is not enough to overcome the problematic central performance, the overall dialogue and general tedium. It's not a complex film, but I actually starting getting confused with the twists. Maybe that's my lack of attention, but I can only recommend this film to the uber film buff.
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Fox Mystery Theater: In Possession (1984)
Season 1, Episode 6
PLODDING...maybe a 4 1/2.
17 September 2023
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This is the first Fox Mystery Theater (Hammer...) episode I've watched. The fact that is it the second highest rated episode does not bode well for the rest of the series. I really can't understand how reviewers could call this a "minor masterpiece" or "classic". It is extremely plodding with a very average script and very average performances. There is a 5 minute slow motion scene of the couple running up and down the stairs that is 100% filler. It feels like it never ends and serves no purpose. Scene after scene of the the older man "speaking" to the couple is simply not engaging.

I can let the usual "husband not telling the wife everything" (and vice versa) pass, but there are things that just don't make sense. Towards the end, Frank tries to convince Sylvia that it was all dream (dreamt together). He completely forgets that he saw the elderly couple in the park 2 years it can't be a dream. And -- I cannot believe that Frank would not even TRY to stop the woman from getting drowned in the bathtub (or yelled at, etc). I mean, it's a helpless old lady! Maybe it isn't real, but I think most people would at least try to stop it. She's treated so badly, I think human nature would force you to step in. I found that very frustrating.

The ending is fine, but you have to get through 70 minutes. Not recommended.
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Out of the Unknown: This Body Is Mine (1971)
Season 4, Episode 3
Surprisingly Realistic
15 September 2023
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The plot of This Body is Mine may have been done before, but the way it was handled was quite interesting.

When scientist Allen is in Jack Gregory's body, the episode spends a good deal of time showing how difficult it would be to pull off this switch without having the other person's memory. From getting used to the new body (which ,of course, may or may not be true - we will probably never know!) to dealing with people who knew you. The latter is key. I've seen so many sci-fi stories that focus on either the twist or special effects, but make no attempt to make the story realistic. This one does...and does it is dramatically engaging.

The acting is excellent on all counts and the ending/denouement is not Hollywood in the least. Recommended!
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Out of the Unknown: The Last Lonely Man (1969)
Season 3, Episode 3
More than implausible
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with reviewer poolandrews that the episode leaves a bit to be desired. It's hard to fathom that the government would have allowed something like this, but let's say it did. It would have become obvious fairly quickly that it was a mistake.

Another point - and this goes to the premise of the story: Why does EVERYONE wants a contact?! I wouldn't want to live on in someone else's head. Why would I? For what reason? I might want to take on my wife and vice-versa, but that's about it. But wait, even that - why would I want ALL of my wife's memories. Think about it. It's pretty obvious....

And yes (poolandrews), I didn't understand the scene in the movie theater either.
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Out of the Unknown: The Dead Past (1965)
Season 1, Episode 4
6 September 2023
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Based on interesting story by Isaac Asimov -- I haven't read his short story but it appears the episode doesn't change it much. I found the main issue to be the acting. Foster's uncle is quite good, but they are all very unlikeable and quite humorless. In addition, the execution is a bit ridiculous. I don't know how Asimov handled it, but the fact that Foster is in Pottery's house without Potterley or his wife every going done there is absurd. And...when Potterley finally makes his way doen he doesn't explain who juts visited him AND the chronoscope is completed!

I'm also not so sure why everyone seems so surprised when Araman explains the "evil" of the chronoscope when Foster and Potterley essentially discussed that in the previous scene. They didn't go as far as discussing the privacy issue...but almost.

It's dated. There's no way around it. And...why doesn't the family have video/film of their daughter?

Still, the story is very good and the ending is interesting - unfortunately it's not all that fun getting there.
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Man-Trap (1961)
half hour
24 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I only got through 30 minutes of Man-Trap and I had to turn it off. I've watched so many noirs, crime-dramas in my life - from high to miniscule budget, all over the globe, etc.

Every so often, I have to bail out. I thought - "well, maybe when I first started watching older films I would have gotten through this". Not sure if that's true though - because 30+ years ago I started with the best - Murder My Sweet, Kiss Me Deadly, etc.

David Jansen's is great in The Fugitive, but his performance here does not age well. Stella Stevens and her drunk bit would be funny in a pre-code, but it's ridiculous in 1961. The party scene was just about the last straw. Show that to a teenager who is trying to get interested in b/w films and forget it! The scene where Jansen starts showing the film to Hunter: it's as if Hunter was expecting to see it! It makes no sense. He has not seen him in 10 years! The scene with all three of them - with Stevens coming onto Jansen - is just as bad.
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Waco (1952)
A low 8
3 July 2023
I couldn't help giving this an 8/10 - it's much better than it should be - just like a bunch of Wild Bill Elliott's westerns. Folks talk about 50's "adult" westerns w/ Jimmy Stewart, Randolph Scott, Fred MacMurray, etc - Waco has some interesting characterizations and plot turns. In addition, the relationship Matt (Elliott) and Curly is somewhat moving. And...the dialogue follows suit.

It's a fast moving film. Nothing is wasted and the viewer is engaged throughout.

Elliott's acting is...well...Elliott's acting. Sanford Jolley as Curly is good, the townspeople are adequate. Pamela Blake as Kathy is fairly dismal. It was her last film - after 63 appearances on the big and small screens. Honestly, not sure how she got that many roles....
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The Spies (1957)
A low 7
30 June 2023
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A confusing film that resolves itself by the end, although I wasn't sure what "side" all the characters were on (or even if they were all spies). It starts out strong, but the (black) comedy angle bugged me. I was simultaneously annoyed and confused in the middle of the film. The acting and direction is great, but I wouldn't NOT want to see it again.

An issue that I haven't seen brought up by other reviewers is the doctor's questionable methods. I guess it's done for comedic value, but it's not a real it's hard to view as funny. He's a bad doctor! I actually thought in the end he might not even be a real doctor.
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Breakdown (1952)
28 May 2023
No, not a lost classic...but much better than I expected. And, considering it was directed by an electronics engineer (his only film) and written by a guy who only has a few credits to his name, it's even more of a surprise.

The low budget comes through at times and the direction can be amateurish, but the last fight scenes seem like the real thing. The script is the real gem. Good dialogue and complex characters. It's not "The Set Up" and not really a noir, but it's definitely worth checking out. It was Ann Richards last film with her husband, Edmund Angelo, directing. Maybe they should have done more?!!
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14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A fairly fast moving film with decent dialogue and (not surprisingly) good direction from Budd Boetticher. The other reviewers pretty much summed it up. I throw a few spoilers in there -

It's never explained how Dan (Gene Raymond), who is NOT a doctor, managed to pull off his removal of the bullet. I thought they were going to say he was a medic during the war or something like that. I guess it's not major surgery, but I thought it would at least be brugh up in the film at some point.

Does the gang even know that the money is hidden under the bed? If so, would they leave Dan and Bonnie in there alone?

It's a shame that Joey (who is deaf) had to die due to Production Code requirements. Frankie was going to die anyway and Joe essentially saved the day.
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7 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In some ways I agree with reviewer RickeyMooney who wrote that the last 1/3 rd of the film lapses into a pro-religious theme and if you're not a'll be annoyed/disappointed. I'm not religious and I accept this kid of thing in older films...but Warner Baxter's "conversion" IS a little hard to stomach. Partly because of the way the plays it. His all-knowing persona is a little silly (and he's not GOD for heaven's' sake!). Also - and this is just as important - the idea that he would push Miriam Baxter to John Boles is ridiculous. She doesn't love him. That's not a selfless act - it's a dumb act.

It's a good film otherwise. Well shot with a good script. Miriam Baxter is the standout for me.
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The stars sink it
10 March 2023
During the film the stars joke about romantic comedies and how cliched the plots and music can be....and then this film just follows suit. One of the main problems are the two stars.

Their chemistry is fine, but their dialogue stinks. Awkward and unfunny way too often. It's interesting, because the best parts of the film are when the co-stars like Timberlake's co-worker (Woody Harrelson) and Kunis' mom are on-screen. In fact, Harrelson is by far the best thing about Friends with Benefits. There are other things that grate - Kunis' "knowledge" of the city, Justin breaking into song every so often and the idea that Timberlake would not be upfront about his father's Alzheimers (that juts doesn't seem believable). All of that is excusable though. If only the stars had better banter.
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