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Was expecting more for the type of casting
4 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After reading some of the words about the director in the reviews and considering what I am going to say I will preface my comments by saying that it is easy to be a critic. I can see a lot of effort has been put into the film, but I have to be honest as a viewer. It seemed too complicated a plot and story. I feel that for a movie to appeal I have to get hooked through one or more of the characters to be pulled in and feel connected. I could not have that connection - the story movement was very awkwardly paced and the back and forth of flashbacks were not obvious, but like some reviews pointed out, you get into it but only after a good portion of the film - you start thinking who was and who is, the transitions are hardly able to be linked. The romance is just not strong enough. Maybe I am too used to the strong performances by all the three actresses, who by themselves are strong, but I just did not feel the depth. I can see that each of the actors tried to do justice to their parts. I know flashback storytelling is hard, but why make it harder by not providing some way of audiences to perceive the separation. It took me quite a while into the whole movie to be able to tell. The evolution of the character of Marianna / Sylvia was not quite there for me. Keep in mind as you read this that I like to watch movies about which I have not read too much, so that I have no idea how it is going to turn out - that is the way I enjoy the movie most. And looking at the box office numbers I think it is not as popular as it could have been.
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Force 2 (2016)
Fairly good movie
27 January 2023
I rarely watch Hindi/Hinglish action movies as I am not keen on the formula themes, but I watched this and found it to be fairly good. It has a good story, a good theme, and enough to keep engaged. The theme is upbeat, and that is something that stays with you. There are still elements of sentimentalism of the formula movies that are distracting at times. If you set those aside it is good. Acting is not great, but good. It could have been even better. There are plot holes for the critically minded. These type of Hindi/Hinglish movies need to mature more, by avoiding over dramatizations - acting should be casual enough to make them feel realistic rather than put on. The story is original enough for Indian audience and the action is decent enough with semblance of Bourne, Equalizer genre. But hey- just giving the effort a break....
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Tie the Knot (2016)
I did not like the movie
7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what the movie was trying to convey. The movie seemed to have some typical elements of an Indian immigrant experience. But rather than use those aspects to construct an interesting story it went in all different ways. Some aspects made me really cringe and it just got worse and worse. In trying to capture elements of American life and Indian life experiences and combine then in some interesting ways it just made a mess of both. I don't know if it was the bad acting or that I disliked the portrayal of the character - I just kept getting more and more irritated with the protagonist. There were a lot of similarities of the characters with my life situation and would have been enjoyable if only it had come out better.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Parallels (1993)
Season 7, Episode 11
Liked the Episode story, but lot of plot inconsistencies
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I generally like Sci Fi stories that have time and space themes. I have watched this episode several times. The first time I found it interesting for the theme and the story twists. As I watched it again and again I found so may inconsistencies that they started becoming more glaring: such as, Worf in the alternate realities share the same memory as the actual one but not the memory of each reality? What happens to the real Worf in each of the alternate realities? Deanna seems to say that he would miss the real Worf in one of the scenes, but is there not a Worf in that reality? When Worf finally takes the shuttle to close the anomaly where is the Worf in that reality? One would think that it would have been possible and not too difficult to plug these inconsistencies.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Good Movie - Better than I expected
25 April 2021
I was not keen about the movie on seeing the Title and knowing it was related to Space,and the movie itself acknowledges it! If you get past that then it is as plausible as a movie about Space exploration can be, and makes you think about ethical dilemmas of humans. It is well made, though there are plot points that are left hanging. But the main theme comes through well. The title and the premise could have been done differently to achieve a more plausible effect. I liked it - Anna Kendrick does a great job!
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Snowden (2016)
Wow! If movies could change minds, this one did!
11 April 2021
The only thing I knew about Snowden before this movie was from casual knowledge from the news and here and there about people who supported him. I thought of him to be a hacker contractor - someone who took advantage of his position on a regular job. Maybe he was right, but it looked more like he was a vigilante gone wild. But this movie changed it all for me. I now look at him with more respect than before. Granted that there is a lot of dramatization and movie thing in all of this, but the explosive and the mind blowing thing were in just a few sentences in the movie about the loss of privacy of the average person and the extent of it that is happening right at this very moment. Unfortunately, I do not think the leaders of this country have realized or are even capable of realizing the dangers. So, the worst of what Snowden feared may already be happening and it may already be too late.

Ed Snowden - if you are reading this, my mind has changed about you after watching this move, but the only thing I would fault you for is this: knowing all that you did, maybe you could have just tried to have some hope,risen up the ranks and tried to make the changes that you felt were necessary from the inside. It may have taken time, but it would have had a chance of success. Maybe that is too much burden to place on you, one guy, but that is a Snowden I would have liked to see and would have been a super hero for me.
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Nick of Time (1995)
Worst Movie I have ever seen
21 March 2021
I gave it a rating of 1 because that is the least on this scale. What a bad movie! The story is bad, the acting is bad, the direction is bad, the whole thing is so bad. It is like someone wanted an excuse for giving away money to all those involved. Ugh.
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Jarring at times, poor direction - mixed objectives, eerie story
17 January 2021
Eerie to watch this in 2021 - was the director prescient, or was it coincidence?

Overall, this movie could have been made better (of course), if the objective was to make a good movie - could have had a better grip on the narrative, better direction, better closeout etc. But through the movie it is not clear whether the director was making a movie or trying to make a futuristic docudrama, or a political statement. Maybe in 2016 this was just another poorly shot movie, but in 2021 this seems eerie.
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Meteor (1979)
A decently well made movie, realistic for the times
12 July 2020
I realize that there could be a lot one could criticize about the movie, but I think it was good. It was well made and addressed the essential aspects of the situation. Before watching it I thought it would be another disaster movie. I was quite surprised that it was a serious movie that tried to capture the nuances of the situation and the realistic considerations that would ensure, should this actually be a possibility. Of course, nuclear missiles in space seems far fetched now, but who knows? This is a good clean movie and something that captures the essentials - while there are aspects about the meteor itself, how we deal with it has more to do with us as people and nations. I have watched Fail Safe also with Henry Fonda and that also turned out to be pretty good.
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Independence Daysaster (2013 TV Movie)
Pretty good movie for its modest presentation
6 July 2020
This turned out to be quite a good movie. Though not in the blockbuster category, although it could have developed into one. I saw this movie in the comedy section and chose to see it thinking it was a spoof of its similar sounding name sake. The visual effects and the sound are quite good. Its story line could have been better and the explanations could have been better. It was quite a serious movie with all the elements of the I-Day movie. Independence Day had 75M in budget and this was made at a fraction of that cost. Pretty good.
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